Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Discussions: Theoretical Approaches to Migration

Discussions: Theoretical Approaches to Migration

You have learned a lot about different approaches to studying migration in this lesson and the readings. Compare and contrast two of the models that you learned about this week. Which of the approaches did you find most compelling or useful, and why?

Students will a) respond to the discussion prompt with one original response (250-350 words) and b) also respond to at least one original post from another student in a substantive manner (100-150 words- To be sent later). By substantive, I mean more than “I agree” or “that’s interesting.” I want you to elaborate: what do you agree with, and why? What specifically is interesting, and why do you think that?

Out of the 25 points possible for each Discussion, the original post is worth a total of 15 points, and the response is worth a total of 10 points.

Discussions: Theoretical Approaches to Migration Read More »

Discussion: Prejudice, Assimilation, and Discrimination in a Global Context

Discussion: Prejudice, Assimilation, and Discrimination in a Global Context

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Marger, M. N. (2015). Race and ethnic relations: American and global perspectives (10th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Shah, A. (2010). Racism. Global Issues: Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All. Retrieved from…
Search through the website for examples of racism throughout the world.

Pew Research Center. (2016a). Global attitudes and trends. Retrieved from
Search the various resources and articles to learn about trends related to immigration, race, and ethnicity.
Use scholarly resources from the Walden Library when researching racial and ethnic experiences in various countries.

Required Media

Ted Conferences (Producer). (2011). Maajid Nawaz: A global culture to fight extremism [Video file]. Retrieved from…
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 22 minutes.
“Why do transnational extremist organizations succeed where democratic movements have a harder time taking hold? Maajid Nawaz, a former Islamist extremist, asks for new grassroots stories and global social activism to spread democracy in the face of nationalism and xenophobia.”

Discussion: Prejudice, Assimilation, and Discrimination in a Global Context

The interaction of diverse racial and ethnic groups throughout the world is often associated with a history of prejudice and conflict. Many factors have contributed to the nature of this interaction such as colonialism, modernization, economic competition, labor demands, language, religion, ideology, and national policies. South Africa and Brazil provide contrasting cases studies. Understanding their recent history can be instructive in informing how race and ethnic challenges are addressed in other parts of the world.

In this week’s Discussion, you will analyze the historical background and treatment of racial and ethnic groups within South Africa, Brazil, or a country of your choosing, other than the country where you currently reside.

Note: In Week 3 and Week 4 Discussions, you are required to choose different racial or ethnic groups to analyze (a United States group in Week 3 and a Non-United States group in Week 4). For your Course Project you must use one of the groups you chose in either Week 3 or 4 to be the focus of your analysis.

To prepare:

  • Choose South Africa, Brazil, or an alternative choice (excluding Canada).
  • Review this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Consider the issues related to the group you chose with regard to their experience of prejudice, discrimination, and assimilation.

By Day 3

Post an analysis of the country you chose by addressing the following:

  • Identify the country’s major racial or ethnic groups.
  • Analyze the historical background and treatment of that country’s racial or ethnic groups, highlighting 2–3 important economic, social, and political forces that have shaped their experiences and/or pivotal events that were key turning points.
  • Provide 2–3 examples of discrimination or other social challenges that help shed light on the historical realities of race and ethnic interactions.
  • Compare the participation rates, employment levels, and income levels of the major racial or ethnic groups in that country.
  • Analyze 1–2 key policies that seek to address racial and ethnic issues.
  • Analyze foreseeable challenges this country might face as a result of emerging trends in racial and ethnic interactions.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial post.


Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:
Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 7

To participate in this Discussion:
Week 4 Discussion

Discussion: Prejudice, Assimilation, and Discrimination in a Global Context Read More »

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Briefly answer the following questions. Use facts and examples to support your position. Use APA style for any references.

When you deliver risk ratings for your organization, you must use the organization’s risk preferences instead of your own risk preferences. This is because risk assessment is for finding the organization’s risk tolerance and not your personal risk tolerance.

  1. What is the risk posture for each individual system as it contributes to the overall riskposture of the organization?
  2. How does each attack surface add up to a system’s particular risk posture? These include capabilities, methods and goals of any protections, particularly in the presence of an active threat agent.
  3. In addition, how do all the systems’ risk sum up to an organization’s computer security risk posture?

Risk Assessment Read More »

Course: ERM, please see the requirements with details

Course: ERM, please see the requirements with details

Research Paper:

The reading this week discusses strategy and how ERM can be integrated with an organization’s overall strategy. Prepare a research paper on some of the various issues, protocols, methods, frameworks you found and discuss how – if possible – organizations can use ERM as strategy. It is perfectly acceptable if you deem ERM cannot be used as strategy, just back up your claim with scholarly research and justifications.Your paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

Course: ERM, please see the requirements with details Read More »

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