Author name: Rosemary Mosco

mn580 fnp II Constipation and encopresis

mn580 fnp II Constipation and encopresis

Constipation and encopresis

Focusing on the pediatric patient, discuss the current evidence-based recommendations by leading pediatric experts and professional organizations. Focus your discussion on guidelines for pediatric healthcare providers prescribing medications to the young pediatric patient.

You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items:


Physical exam findings

Differential diagnoses and rationale

Management plan to focus on pharmacotherapy agents based upon evidence-based practice guidelines

About one page. At least 3 references, not older than 5 years old. APA style

mn580 fnp II Constipation and encopresis Read More »

Week Three Annotated Bibliography

Week Three Annotated Bibliography

Research Project: Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions


After choosing a topic, you will complete the Research Project: Annotated Bibliography Assignment using the Research Project: Annotated Bibliography Template provided. This assignment will be used as a springboard for your research. It may also be used to begin to explore ideas or concepts you find interesting within the realm of the topics covered in this class.


You must use the Jerry Falwell Library Research Portal and identify a minimum of 10 scholarly journal articles from peer-reviewed journals addressing your topic. All references must be less than 10 years old. Ensure that the document follows current APA format. When using the provided template, delete the placeholder material and replace it with your own material. Refer to the Grading Rubric for additional project insights.


You are required to read all instructor feedback and implement it on future assignments.


The template will provide the layout of the assignment.  Once you have researched and selected your references, the following should be included in the Annotated Bibliography:

  • A brief statement regarding the author and his/her credentials as an authority.
  • A crisp statement regarding the relevance of this article for your topic.
  • A salient or meaningful quote from the article that you would likely cite if you were to write an essay on this topic.


(Do not include the above criterion prompts in your final document—it is provided here only for instructional purposes. Your paper will have the above title and start with the below section.)


The Research Project: Annotated Bibliography Template provides examples on how the assignment to look.  Ensure that you take heed to how the references and the Research Project: Annotated Bibliography is structured.

Requirements: 100 words each bibliography

Research Project – General Instructions and List of Topics

You will author a final research paper focused on a selected specific topic from the board topic areas below. This paper must be reflective of a graduate-level academic research paper.

The Research Project will be assembled throughout the course by producing several deliverables:

  • Module/Week 1: Topic selection (Broad and specific)
  • Module/Week 3: Annotated Bibliography
  • Module/Week 4: Outline
  • Module/Week 5: Draft
  • Module/Week 7: Final Document

Your paper topic must be approved by the instructor before beginning to work on researching the topic. The following is a description of the overall topics along with several options for each group to choose from:

Healthcare organizations in the 21st century, and the management thereof, face numerous obstacles in relation to providing products and services that are cost-effective, of superior quality, and accessible to those that seek them. As a result, healthcare managers (in all functional areas) draw on a wide range of theories, best practices, and experience to guide their decisions.

Choose 1 of the following 10 broad areas as the main topic of your Research Project and then decide on a specific topic, focusing on the 21st-century healthcare environment (a current issue or current/future challenge) based upon knowledge of current literature and industry best practices.

Below are board topics to consider:

  1. Healthcare Marketing
  2. Quality Improvement in Healthcare
  3. Advances in Healthcare Information Technology
  4. Financing Healthcare
  5. Physician and/or Nurse Labor Shortages
  6. Addressing Health Disparities
  7. Managed health care
  8. Health reform
  9. Healthcare Access
  10. Healthcare Cost containment

This is the instructions of the overall and on picking the topic and the rubric for the bibliography and the instructions for the bibliography assignment.

Week Three Annotated Bibliography Read More »

Social Psychology

Social Psychology

Psychology competence in social setting

In consideration of the professional setting in which you work or plan to work, what issues relevant to HIV/ AIDs marginalization, stereotyping, stigmatization and other sociocultural factors might you encounter?

250 words

All posts must be written in graduate level English, and include all in-text citations and references, according to 7th edition APA formatting

Activity Outcomes


Demonstrate competence in social psychology


Regarding social psychology 250 words only essay. thank you

Social Psychology Read More »

discussion question

discussion question

In your initial discussion post this week present an argument that proposes one change to our electoral system. (Please note, it will not be acceptable to say you do not think any change should be made.)

Several possible changes to could be:

  • Eliminating the Electoral College
  • Instituting required Voter ID
  • Allowing felons to vote.
  • Mandatory voting.
  • Instituting an Election Day Holiday in which all Americans do not have to vote.
  • You may also get creative and come up with your own original change!

Just be sure to go beyond just stating what change you want to make, but present an argument for why we should make that change and how that change would improve our electoral system.

In your argument, do not use words like “fair” or “good” or “better” or “equal” – how do you measure what is or is not “fair”? What if you and I have different definitions of what is or is not fair (these are not universal terms)?

discussion question Read More »

Medications and Disorders (2)

Medications and Disorders (2)

2.Your work will be evaluated on the following criteria. (3 points/6%)

For writing assistance (APA, formatting, or grammar) visit the Writing Center.

Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.

Requirements: Complete the PDF documents attached and completed a 300 word analysis based on what is discussed about the disorder and the medication.

Medications and Disorders (2) Read More »

Benchmark – Social Media Resources Benchmark GCU MHW 649

Benchmark – Social Media Resources Benchmark GCU MHW 649

In 750-1,000 words, describe the common standards and policies that both impact and are impacted by using social media resources. Consider the following in your response:

Must include intro and thesis paragraph which should flow into the paper and include the following questions below and a conclusion that ties the paper together

  1. Why would a health professional want to use social media as a means to connect clients with community resources?
  2. What are the benefits and risks when referring clients to a natural support/community resources?
  3. What risk factors are involved in your decision making as it relates to community resource referral?

Use at least three reliable resources to support your arguments.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Benchmark – Social Media Resources Benchmark GCU MHW 649 Read More »

Business Question

Business Question

Please answer the following question in essay format. Please start by copying and pasting the question at the top of your answer:

There is no word limit. I need you to write enough for me to understand that you have mastered the subject matter. What you consider adequate in this regard is up to your discretion. You must create and write your own answer, make citations where you are quoting other’s work. Please write to me in at the same standard as if you were writing to the President or Board of Directors of your company. Please make sure that you have addressed at least 10 separate points for each question asked. Please do not provide me a mere list of points. Your answers need to be substantiated and arguments supported. Please answer in complete sentences.

Your answers should include, but by no means be limited to, discussion regarding the following: geopolitical factors; (ie. identify predominant political systems; identify relevant political events that could impact selection such as corruption; provide examples of locations, natural or infrastructure created resources etc.; identify relationships in the global community); socioeconomic factors (ie. identify salient cultural, religious, language issues and identifiers; identify key economic indicators; identify key health, workforce, and social indicators; identify logistical issues; identify key economic development issues such as IT infrastructure or other necessary infrastructure for your business. Provide analysis of the above in your answers.

Exam 1: Deciding to embark on expansion into international markets is a big, important, and potentially both risky and lucrative opportunity for a USA based business. What are the major barriers to entry and considerations in making such a decision? Discuss and justify your decisions.

Requirements: 2-3 pages

Business Question Read More »

How Amazon Does It: Decision Making Inside The World’s Most Daring Digital Company.

How Amazon Does It: Decision Making Inside The World’s Most Daring Digital Company.

How Amazon Does It: Decision Making Inside The World’s Most Daring Digital Company

Author: Ram Charan. Publication: Chief Executive

How Amazon Does It: Decision Making Inside The World’s Most Daring Digital Company (Links to an external site.)

Answer the following questions in the discussion thread:

1) What are some of themes discussed in the article that are mentioned in Chapter 1 of the book – Using MIS? Please describe in your responses.

2) Describe some of the behaviors at Amazon that Kroenke/Boyle consider ‘Critical Skills for Nonroutine Cognition’?

3) What are some of the culture themes you like that were described in the article?

4) Any themes you disliked, or were concerning?


4-5 points. Effort greater than expected; shows deep insight and analysis; thoughts are expressed clearly. Replies connect with original post and add to further discussion

2-3 points. Posts are simple; but shows some insight and analysis. Personal opinion lacks elaboration and detail

0-1 points. Effort is less than expected. Posts lacks any insight or analysis; rehashes or summarizes others’ posts.

How Amazon Does It: Decision Making Inside The World’s Most Daring Digital Company. Read More »

Nursing Question

Nursing Question

BEGIN HERE to use these headings to write your Community Assessment paper, use each heading as a heading for your paper and STOP where it says Learning Materials. You can use any of the links on this page as tools to complete your paper: MY COMMUNITY IS

Livingston County Michigan


Defining the Community

Your community can be any geographically defined county, city, or town. Clearly delineate the following dimensions before starting the process of community assessment:

  • Describe the population that is being assessed?
  • What is/are the race(s) of this population within the community?
  • Are there boundaries of this group? If so, what are they?
  • Does this community exist within a certain city or county?
  • Are there general characteristics that separate this group from others?
  • Education levels, birth/death rates, age of deaths, insured/uninsured?
  • Where is this group located geographically…? Urban/rural?
  • Why is a community assessment being performed? What purpose will it serve?
  • How will information for the community assessment be collected?


After the community has been defined, the next phase is assessment. The following items describe several resources and methods that can be used to gather and generate data. These items serve as a starting point for data collection. This is not an all-inclusive list of resources and methods that may be used when a community assessment is conducted.

The time frame for completion of the assessment may influence which methods are used. Nonetheless, these items should be reviewed to determine what information will be useful to collect about the community that is being assessed. It is not necessary to use all of these resources and methods; however, use of a variety of methods is helpful when one is exploring the needs of a community.

Data Gathering (collecting information that already exists)

Demographics of the Community

  • When demographic data are collected, it is useful to collect data from a variety of levels so comparisons can be made.
  • If the population that is being assessed is located within a specific setting, it may be best to contact that agency to retrieve specific information about that population.
  • The following resources provide a broad overview of the demographics of a city, county, or state:
  • State and County Quick Facts—Easy access to facts about population, housing, economics, geographic data, business, based on U.S. Census data
  • Obtain information about a specific city or county on these useful websites and

Information from Government Agencies

  • Healthy People 2020—this resource is published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It identifies health improvement goals and objectives for the country to be reached by the year 2020
  • National Center for Health Statistics—this agency is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; this website provides statistical information about the health of Americans
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—The CDC website contains a large amount of information related to the health of the American population. The search engine within this website can be used to find relevant information
  • Federal agencies with statistical programs
  • Every state in the United States has its own specific health improvement plan and goals that are based on the Healthy People 2020 document. This information may be available on the state health department website.
  • State and local health departments provide information related to vital statistics for the community.

Other Data Sources

  • America’s Health Rankings—this website provides information about various health indicators for each state:
  • Other relevant data sources may be found by conducting an Internet search related to the topic that is being examined through the community assessment.

After data are collected from various sources, it is important to review the information and to identify assets and areas for improvement in the community by comparing local data (if available) versus state and national data. This will facilitate organization of the information that has already been obtained and will provide direction for the next step of the process.

Data Generation (data are developed that do not already exist):

Windshield Surveys

With the use of public transportation or by driving a vehicle around the community, one can observe common characteristics of the community.

Examples of key observations to make when one is assessing the community through a windshield survey include the following:

Participant Observation

Spend time observing the population that is being assessed. Through observation of interactions among group members, much can be learned about the community, including the following:

  • Developmental level of the population
  • Effectiveness of peer-to-peer interactions
  • Respect for peers and others
  • Safety in the environment
  • Economic status

Informant Interviews

Informants could be people who are familiar with and interact with the population on a regular basis.

Examples of questions that may be asked of key informants include the following:

Focus Groups

Focus groups (usually small groups of 6-12 people) can be helpful when one is gathering information about specific areas of concern within the population. Use of a focus group involves open dialogue about the population, whereas an interview or survey yields only individual responses.

  • Focus groups may be effective for assessing the following:
  • Satisfaction with services provided
  • Community resources used
  • Transportation issues within the community
  • Safety within the community
  • General concerns of members of the population


Surveys may be used to collect data from the community. Selecting a sample of the target population may prove helpful in the collection of data that are easier to analyze. It is important to ensure that the sample is representative of the target population.

A survey should be developed that takes into consideration the developmental level of the group that is being assessed. Questions should be written at the appropriate developmental level, so they are answered in a way that makes the data useful. Surveys might include closed-ended (yes/no), multiple choice (several responses to choose from), Likert scale (Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree), or open-ended (“why”/“how”) questions.

Topics that may be addressed in a survey include the following:

  • Demographic information
  • Status of employment
  • Safety within community
  • Safety in environment
  • Personal safety (seatbelts, helmets, etc.)
  • Stressors/stress management patterns
  • Risky behaviors
  • Support systems
  • Volunteer/community activities
  • Rest patterns
  • Nutrition
  • Dental hygiene
  • Health promotion activities
  • Defining the CommunityYour community can be any geographically defined county, city, or town. Clearly delineate the following dimensions before starting the process of community assessment:
    • Describe the population that is being assessed?
    • What is/are the race(s) of this population within the community?
    • Are there boundaries of this group? If so, what are they?
    • Does this community exist within a certain city or county?
    • Are there general characteristics that separate this group from others?
    • Education levels, birth/death rates, age of deaths, insured/uninsured?
    • Where is this group located geographically…? Urban/rural?
    • Why is a community assessment being performed? What purpose will it serve?
    • How will information for the community assessment be collected?

    AssessmentAfter the community has been defined, the next phase is assessment. The following items describe several resources and methods that can be used to gather and generate data. These items serve as a starting point for data collection. This is not an all-inclusive list of resources and methods that may be used when a community assessment is conducted.The time frame for completion of the assessment may influence which methods are used. Nonetheless, these items should be reviewed to determine what information will be useful to collect about the community that is being assessed. It is not necessary to use all of these resources and methods; however, use of a variety of methods is helpful when one is exploring the needs of a community.Data Gathering (collecting information that already exists)Demographics of the Community

      • When demographic data are collected, it is useful to collect data from a variety of levels so comparisons can be made.
      • If the population that is being assessed is located within a specific setting, it may be best to contact that agency to retrieve specific information about that population.
      • The following resources provide a broad overview of the demographics of a city, county, or state:
    • State and County Quick Facts—Easy access to facts about people, business, and geography, based on U.S. Census data:
    • Obtain information about a specific city or county on these useful websites: and

    Information from Government Agencies

    • Healthy People 2020—this resource is published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It identifies health improvement goals and objectives for the country to be reached by the year 2020:
    • National Center for Health Statistics—this agency is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; this website provides statistical information about the health of Americans:
    • National Vital Statistics System:
    • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—The CDC website contains a large amount of information related to the health of the American population. The search engine within this website can be used to find relevant information:
    • Federal agencies with statistical programs:
    • Every state in the United States has its own specific health improvement plan and goals that are based on the Healthy People 2020 document. This information may be available on the state health department website.
    • State and local health departments provide information related to vital statistics for the community.

    Other Data Sources

    • America’s Health Rankings—this website provides information about various health indicators for each state:
    • Other relevant data sources may be found by conducting an Internet search related to the topic that is being examined through the community assessment.

    After data are collected from various sources, it is important to review the information and to identify assets and areas for improvement in the community by comparing local data (if available) versus state and national data. This will facilitate organization of the information that has already been obtained and will provide direction for the next step of the process.Data Generation (data are developed that do not already exist):Windshield SurveysWith the use of public transportation or by driving a vehicle around the community, one can observe common characteristics of the community.Examples of key observations to make when one is assessing the community through a windshield survey include the following:

    • Age of the homes in the community
    • Location of parks and other recreational areas
    • Amount of space between homes and businesses
    • Neighborhood hangouts
    • Transportation in the community
    • Quality and safety of streets and sidewalks
    • Stores and other businesses
    • People out in the community
    • Cleanliness of the community
    • Billboards or other media displays
    • Places of worship
    • Healthcare facilities

    Participant ObservationSpend time observing the population that is being assessed. Through observation of interactions among group members, much can be learned about the community, including the following:

    • Developmental level of the population
    • Effectiveness of peer-to-peer interactions
    • Respect for peers and others
    • Safety in the environment
    • Economic status

    Informant InterviewsInformants could be people who are familiar with and interact with the population on a regular basis.Examples of questions that may be asked of key informants include the following:

    • Strengths/assets of the community
    • Areas of improvement for the community
    • Concerns of community members
    • Access to health care
    • Emergency plans for natural or man-made disasters

    Focus GroupsFocus groups (usually small groups of 6-12 people) can be helpful when one is gathering information about specific areas of concern within the population. Use of a focus group involves open dialogue about the population, whereas an interview or survey yields only individual responses.

    • Focus groups may be effective for assessing the following:
    • Satisfaction with services provided
    • Community resources used
    • Transportation issues within the community
    • Safety within the community
    • General concerns of members of the population

    SurveysSurveys may be used to collect data from the community. Selecting a sample of the target population may prove helpful in the collection of data that are easier to analyze. It is important to ensure that the sample is representative of the target population.A survey should be developed that takes into consideration the developmental level of the group that is being assessed. Questions should be written at the appropriate developmental level, so they are answered in a way that makes the data useful. Surveys might include closed-ended (yes/no), multiple choice (several responses to choose from), Likert scale (Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree), or open-ended (“why”/“how”) questions.Topics that may be addressed in a survey include the following:

    • Demographic information
    • Status of employment
    • Safety within community
    • Safety in environment
    • Personal safety (seatbelts, helmets, etc.)
    • Stressors/stress management patterns
    • Risky behaviors
    • Support systems
    • Volunteer/community activities
    • Rest patterns
    • Nutrition
    • Dental hygiene
    • Health promotion activities

Nursing Question Read More »

Discussion Board Response – 400 Words (use only resources included) Details

Discussion Board Response – 400 Words (use only resources included)


Theories are an attempt to explain how things work. They apply in some situations, but often are limited to certain situations or have other limitations. In this module you learned about Deutsch’s theory of cooperation and competition.

  • What might one or more of the limitations of this theory be?
  • What might be one or more situations when it may not apply?

Tips for writing: as you prepare your response, please

  • Use the above prompts as the titles/headings for each section of your essay. This structure will help you in organizing your analysis and writing.
  • Incorporate how the course materials support your observations and thinking.
  • 300 words
  • Use online sources below, not external


Deutsch, M. Cooperation, competition and conflict. In Peter T. Coleman, Morton Deutsch and Eric C. Marcus (Eds.) The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass p. 3-28 (Attached0

Follett, M. P. (1925). Constructive conflict. In E. M. Fox & L. Urwick (Eds.), Dynamic administration: The collected papers of Mary Parker Follett (pp. 1-20). London: Pitman, 1973. (Attached)

Johnson, D. & Johnson, R. (2012). Intellectual Legacy: Cooperation and Competition. In Coleman, P. T. (Ed., 2012). Conflict, Justice, and Interdependence: The Legacy of Morton Deutsch. Springer Books.

Discussion Board Response – 400 Words (use only resources included) Details Read More »

Criminology and Victimology

Criminology and Victimology

Your response must be at least 200 words in length for each question.

1. What is the difference between criminology and victimology?

2. Summarize one event contributing to the rise of the victims’ rights movement.

3. Explain the differences and similarities of von Hentig’s and Mendelsohn’s theories of victimization.

4. What progress has been made since passing the Violence Against Women Act of 2013?

Criminology and Victimology Read More »

The Employee Experience – Pathways to Employee success and retention

The Employee Experience – Pathways to Employee success and retention

Assignment Instructions


Assignment Introduction


You are an HR professional at a large teaching hospital with responsibility for the areas of employee talent development and employee experience (sometimes called employee perspective). The hospital’s mission is to integrate a broad spectrum of clinical care, teaching, and research, with special emphasis on the health of children and their families, for two states on the east coast of the United States.

Recently, you have observed high rates of turnover across a number of occupations. Licensed practical nurses, radiologist technicians, surgical technicians, pharmacy technicians, medical assistants, laboratory technicians, and dietitian assistants are at the top of the list of people your hospital cannot keep. You have been conducting exit interviews and talking to current employees about what the areas of concern are that could be influencing the high rate of turnover.

There is another hospital in the area that has been aggressively recruiting new employees. The hospital is associated with a medical school and an external physician assistance program. They are using a completely new employee experience approach that includes:

Advancement opportunities through joint university and technical certification programs.

Cross-field rotations.

Tuition assistance.

Scholarship programs for entry into the physician assistant program.

Work time for physical fitness.

Co-located complimentary daycare for second and third shift staff.

A gourmet cafeteria.

These benefits are part of what the private hospital calls a comprehensive work-life career-investment program for employees. Your institution has a legacy cafeteria and nothing that mirrors the other hospital’s employee experience program. Additionally, recent engagement surveys indicate that employees are not getting the career guidance from team leaders and supervisors that they think they should. Several surveys of employees found that they felt they are not valued or considered part of the organization and that “only doctors and RNs really mattered”.

Your Challenge

This assignment examines how to assess the effectiveness of employee talent development and employee experience (employee perspective). Consider the challenging conditions that you would face in the situation presented.

What would your next step be in confronting the HR challenge faced by the hospital from a competitive standpoint? Should you present the differences between your hospital and its competitor’s programs to your supervisors or even the hospital director? If yes, why, and how would you go about that? If not, what would your rationale be for your decision?

What research would you do? Making the type of changes that the other hospital made is a major effort in cost and from an organizational culture and employee valuing perspective.

What challenges might you face from your own HR director? From medical staff leaders and others? The cost of current turnover is coming close to 15% of yearly salary for some positions, and the loss of institutional knowledge is affecting treatment quality, according to a panel of physicians and nursing staff.

What new and different programs might be introduced into the organization to improve the employee experience considering the scope of challenges that were discussed in the introduction?

Your job in this assignment is to use the guidance from above to prepare a report for your supervisors on how you plan to approach the employee talent development, employee success, retention, and the employee experience issues with viable recommendations for solutions. Please provide at least six academic, scholarly, or professional resources from the Capella University Library.

Assignment Instructions

Prepare a 3–4-page report that states your recommended course of action. Along with your recommendation, include the following:

Analyze, from a competitive standpoint, how proposed recommendations address the HR challenge faced by the hospital.

What is the scope of the differences between your hospital and its competitor?

What would it take to emulate the competitor’s programs?

Describe key factors considered to support the major effort and cost it would take to enact changes in organizational culture, which could be embraced by employees.

What challenges would be faced by trying to emulate the competitor’s programs?

What would the risks be by not addressing the differences between your hospital and its competitor?

Explain how to mitigate cost of current turnover and the loss of institutional knowledge that is affecting treatment quality.

What is causing the turnover?

What actions can you take to address the issue?

Describe programs you would introduce to improve the employee experience.

What are the different parts of your programs?

What are they intended to do?

Review the HR Challenge: The Employee Experience – Pathways to Employee Success and Retention Scoring Guide to see the criteria by which your assignment will be evaluated. Before submitting your assignment for evaluation, review your draft in SafeAssign to check your use of source material.


Talent Development
The Employee Experience from the Employees’ Perspective

Submission Requirements

The deliverable for this assignment applies professional skills in Human Resources Management (HRM) to workplace situations which you will likely encounter in your day-to-day work in HRM. As part of your learning, we focus on the development of effective professional communication skills for the workplace. Your assignment should meet the following additional requirements:

Length: Your plan should be 3–4 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the cover and resources pages.

The first page should be a cover sheet with your name, the course number, assessment title, and date. No other information is required on this page.

The last page should be the reference list.

Organization: Make sure that your assessment writing is well-organized, using headings and subheadings to organize content for the reader.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point font.

Resources: Use a minimum of six references from academic, scholarly, or professional publications.

Evidence: Support your assertions with data and in-text citations.

APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations are formatted according to current APA Style and Format guidelines.

Written communication:

Support main points and recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.

Address the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.

Use spell-check and other tools to ensure correct spelling and grammar.

The Employee Experience – Pathways to Employee success and retention Read More »

discussion post 1

discussion post 1

A colleague looked up a cousin’s test results and informed you about having done so. The cousin is very sick and the family, extremely fearful about the potential diagnosis, wanted to see if your colleague could find out in advance to help the cousin’s family. What would you do in this scenario? Are you obligated to report? If so, what steps would you take?

Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals

Pozgar, G. D. (2020). Legal and ethical issues for health professionals (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284144185

discussion post 1 Read More »

Project 1: Understanding Children and Adolescents

Project 1: Understanding Children and Adolescents

In 3-4 pages please write your personal theory of child and adolescent development. If you haven’t had any formal training in developmental theories—Great! You are exactly where you need to be right now. This assignment is a reflective piece, and should be based on your own thinking and life experiences. You are expected to include at least two references in the body of your paper.At least one reference must be from our textbook, and the other reference may also be from our textbook, or from a peer-refereed professional journal (not a book, web page, magazine, newspaper, etc.). Reference your work using the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual. Return to the APA folder in the Orientation/Activities 1 module if you are unsure about how to do correct citations. Reference attached rubric for assignment expectations.

  1. What are the most important factors in determining how a child turns out as an adult?
  2. How do children’s minds grow and change over time?
  3. What roles do “nature” and “nurture” play in human development?
  4. If children have challenges in their early lives (for example, alcoholism in the family, poverty, abuse or neglect, and the like) does this mean that they are going to have difficulties later? If so, what kind of difficulties and why? If not, why not?

Please make sure that what you write are your own ideas and your own thinking, and to acknowledge how you ended up believing these things (experience, reading, a mentor, etc.). Remember you must use a minimum of two sources from the text and/or other reference. Please also give this assignment your best effort, because you will be revisiting it at a later date. Set yourself up for success later by trying your best now (I realize that this is an odd assignment—Its purposes will become clear as the semester develops).

As with all assignments in this course, please type and double-space with 1” margins all around and use a 12 point Times New Roman or Arial size font for your paper.

Requirements: 3-4 pages

Project 1: Understanding Children and Adolescents Read More »

Management Question

Management Question

Identify a real-world company (business or otherwise) and (a) write down its official mission and vision statements (i.e., those on the official websites), (b) evaluate the effectiveness (of the mission and vision statements) based on what you learned in class about mission and vision statements, and (c) describe its business model (using the business-model triangle we discussed in class).

the triangle is;

1) who

2) how

3) what

4) why

Requirements: 1 page length

either choose, amazon, google, apple, youtube.

what ever suits you and please i need to be neat and very thorough


please make sure that you give detailed information for the questions



Identify a real-world company (business or otherwise)


  1. write down its official mission and vision statements (i.e., those on the official websites)

Mission & Vision

PANGAIA is a direct-to-consumer materials science company bringing breakthrough textile innovations and patents into the world through everyday lifestyle products. Every technology we work with aims to solve an environmental problem of the fashion/apparel & nature industry.

We hope to drive these solutions further by making technologies and materials available to companies across different industries. By introducing these innovations, we design materials, products and experiences for everyday and everyone.

  1. evaluate the effectiveness (of the mission and vision statements) based on what you learned in class about mission and vision statements

I think their mission statement is very clear in what they want to achieve. They want to incorporate science to better our environment while providing everyday lifestyle products. It is clear they want to give customers cutting edge technology materials that they have patented and are able to help the environment at the same time thus making their mission statement product orientated. This is because they are focusing on making the best and environmentally friendly products consumers can wear.

Their vision is very clear as well on how they want to affect other industries on how they operate as a business. It clearly shows what type of culture is within this company and what sort of values they uphold. While I think parts of both statements are quite repeated I still like them since that the mission is more the short run towards customers and how the vision is how these new breakthroughs in sciences can help the whole world.

(c) describe its business model (using the business-model triangle we discussed in class)

What How Why Who

Pangaia business model is pretty clear, they want to be able to provide everyday lifestyle products to consumers that are backed by science to help the environment at the same time. Their value is these patents and breakthroughs using new technologies that benefits both consumer and environment. They target anyone who wants to wear simple everyday lifestyle gear so it is to the mass market. They have a very large community helping a large range of environmental issues as well as having philanthropy. They use great marketing to allow customers to be aware of their products but more importantly what types of breakthroughs they have made with science to be able to further develop their products. This allows them to sell their products at a medium price range and able to justify for it. They are able to use their R&D and sell their products to many consumers.

this is one.

Chegg’s mission statement from their website is: “Our mission is to help every student achieve their best, in school and beyond. We strive to improve the overall return on investment in education by helping students learn more in less time and at a lower cost. No one cares more about students and their future than Chegg.” While their vision being: “We strive to improve the overall return on investment in education by helping students learn more in less time and at a lower cost.” As you can tell their mission and their vision statements are very similar and both really get at the purpose of their company- to improve overall return on educational investment. When evaluating the effectiveness of the mission statement with the 3 key critieria purpose, scope, and stakeholders- Chegg’s mission statement addresses their purpose of why they exist (to improve overall return on educational investment and help students), but they lack the scope and addressing what exactly they do to accomplish this purpose. Their scope could be to help students learn in less time and at a lower cost, but they are lacking specific examples. They address their stakeholder of students are who they are trying to help. Their website goes into more details about their employees, the company’s values and more but their actual mission statement could be a little longer to address what exactly do they do to achieve their mission and vision.

Chegg’s business model:

1) Who- they target students for their customers. Their website says from high school to college and into their career.

2) What – the company offers services primarily online which is very convenient and also at a great price. They save the students money on required material and resources online.

3) How- they offer textbook rentals and purchases at competitive prices. They also offer course materials online through their monthly subscription such as textbook solutions, practice problems and study help.

4) Why- Chegg is offering these services to try to help students do the best they can in school at a cheaper price. Their main “why” is to improve the overall return on investment in education by helping students learn in less time and at a lower cost. They are generating value but being a resource for students at an affordable price and conveniently online.

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Community Action Council of Howard County – Food Bank

Nursing Question

What population do you believe they serve?

What do you believe is the most pressing need for this population?

With this information create a Health Promotion Project that you believe meets the needs of the community partner based on the criteria below:

Project Requirements:

  • This project can be in the form of a flier or brochure that educates the community you served on an important public health issue.
  • Any flier, brochure or handout must contain factual, accurate information.
  • Fliers, brochures and handouts must be free of spelling errors, be creative, colorful and in a PDF format, so that it can easily be printed or shared electronically.
  • Include the logo or the partner name in the project (logo on printable materials, mention the partner in recorded materials)
  • The name of the file MUST be saved in the following format:
    • (ex: CAC.HandWashingVideo.Smith)

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journal- business ethics and current events

journal- business ethics and current events

  • I will expect you to reflect critically on any current events that might be relevant to our subject matter, as well as your own views on the role of ethics in business.
  • Try to keep up with business issues by watching relevant programming on CNBC, PBS, CNN, etc.
  • Many movies focus on issues in business (Wall Street, Erin Brockovich, Promised Land, etc.). So, you could write about them, too. The same goes for television shows.
  • Check out the internet. Type in “business ethics” on your search engine, you should get plenty of hits.
  • Keep up with business issues in the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal. Also, check magazines like Fortune, Business Week, The Economist, etc.
  • Reflect on how you interact with business in your own day-to-day life at home, work, play, etc.

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Nursing Question

Nursing Question

Please answer the following Discussion Questions. Please be certain to answer the three questions on this week DQ and to provide a well-developed and complete answer to receive credit. Your post must have 3 references for full credit. Also, please ensure to have read the assigned chapters for the current week.

Case Study, Chapter 10, Mandatory Minimum Staffing Ratios

A nurse manager is attending a national convention and is attending a concurrent session on staffing ratios. Minimum staffing ratios are being discussed in the nurse manager’s own state. The nurse manager has a number of questions about staffing ratios that the session is covering. The nurse manager knows that evidence exists that increasing the number of RNs in the staffing mix leads to safer workplaces for nurses and higher quality of care for patients.

1. What are the three general approaches recommended by the American Nurses Association (2017) to maintain sufficient staffing?

2. Should LPNs be counted to meet minimum mandatory staffing ratios?

3. Analyze what proponents and critics say about whether mandatory minimum staffing ratios are needed.

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T1 or T2 error



This discussion will force you to think ‘comprehensively’ about 2 issues. Thoroughly explain your responses as if this was a written exam.

1. Individuals make decisions every day. They make decisions based on their assumptions about the world, only to find out later that the assumptions were incorrect. Can you think of times when you have made a type I error? What about a situation when a type II error was made? Describe both situations and how you know or would describe why they were a T1 or T2 error.

2. Why do studies with good internal validity often have poor external validity? Give an example of a situation where enhancing internal validity might impair external validity. Specifically, how does sampling fit into this?

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