Author name: Rosemary Mosco

The Digital Age and the impact on the Music Industry You must choose a position regarding The Digital Age, has it been a positive or negative influence on the music industry. Please complete research on the subject and site your sources. This paper should be 5 pages in length

The Digital Age and the impact on the Music Industry

You must choose a position regarding The Digital Age, has it been a positive or negative influence on the music industry. Please complete research on the subject and site your sources.

This paper should be 5 pages in length

You must choose a position regarding The Digital Age, has it been a positive or negative influence on the music industry. Please complete research on the subject and site your sources.

This paper should be 5 pages in length

The Digital Age and the impact on the Music Industry You must choose a position regarding The Digital Age, has it been a positive or negative influence on the music industry. Please complete research on the subject and site your sources. This paper should be 5 pages in length Read More »

Discuss a formal role where a nurse is in a position of leadership.

Discuss a formal role where a nurse is in a position of leadership.

Discuss a formal role where a nurse is in a position of leadership. Outline the essential responsibilities of that role and the educational preparation required. Explain what leadership traits, styles, or qualities are required to be successful in this role and why. Please provide references.

Discuss a formal role where a nurse is in a position of leadership. Read More »

power point presetation

power point presetation

power point presentation

The presentation must provide information about the incidence, prevalence, and pathophysiology of the disease/disorder to the cellular level. The presentation must educate advanced practice nurses on assessment and care/treatment, including genetics/genomics—specific for this disorder. Patient education for management, cultural, and spiritual considerations for care must also be addressed. The presentation must specifically address how the disease/disorder affects 1 of the following age groups: infant/child, adult, or elderly.
Format Requirements:

  • Presentation is original work and logically organized.
  • Followed APA format including citation of references.
  • Power point presentation with 15 slides were clear and easy to read. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).

Content Requirements:

  • Provide information about the incidence, prevalence, and pathophysiology of the disease/disorder to the cellular level.
  • Educate advanced practice nurses on assessment and care/treatment, including genetics/genomics—specific for this disorder.
  • Provide patient education for management, cultural, and spiritual considerations for care must also be addressed.
  • Must specifically address how the disease/disorder affects 1 of the following age groups: infant/child, adult, or elderly.

This is the case with the disease: Cardiovascular disorder:

Mr. W.G. is a 53-year-old white man who began to experience chest discomfort while playing tennis with a friend. At first, he attributed his discomfort to the heat and having had a large breakfast. Gradually, however, discomfort intensified to a crushing sensation in the sternal area and the pain seemed to spread upward into his neck and lower jaw. The nature of the pain did not seem to change with deep breathing. When Mr. G. complained of feeling nauseated and began rubbing his chest, his tennis partner was concerned that his friend was having a heart attack and called 911 on his cell phone. The patient was transported to the ED of the nearest hospital and arrived within 30 minutes of the onset of chest pain. In route to the hospital, the patient was placed on nasal cannula and an IV D5W was started. Mr. G. received aspirin (325 mg po) and 2 mg/IV morphine. He is allergic to meperidine (rash). His pain has eased slightly in the last 15 minutes but is still significant; was 9/10 in severity; now7/10. In the ED, chest pain was not relieved by 3 SL NTG tablets. He denies chills.

Requirements: 15 slides


This is the case with the disease: Cardiovascular disorder:

Mr. W.G. is a 53-year-old white man who began to experience chest discomfort while playing tennis with a friend. At first, he attributed his discomfort to the heat and having had a large breakfast. Gradually, however, discomfort intensified to a crushing sensation in the sternal area and the pain seemed to spread upward into his neck and lower jaw. The nature of the pain did not seem to change with deep breathing. When Mr. G. complained of feeling nauseated and began rubbing his chest, his tennis partner was concerned that his friend was having a heart attack and called 911 on his cell phone. The patient was transported to the ED of the nearest hospital and arrived within 30 minutes of the onset of chest pain. In route to the hospital, the patient was placed on nasal cannula and an IV D5W was started. Mr. G. received aspirin (325 mg po) and 2 mg/IV morphine. He is allergic to meperidine (rash). His pain has eased slightly in the last 15 minutes but is still significant; was 9/10 in severity; now7/10. In the ED, chest pain was not relieved by 3 SL NTG tablets. He denies chills.

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Case study presentation

Case study presentation

Case Study Presentation


To conduct an assessment of health promotion while applying the nursing process and evidence based research to disseminate findings to course colleagues.


Jessica is a 32 y/old math teacher who presents to the ER with a friend for evaluation of sudden decrease of vision in the left eye. She denies any trauma or injury. It started this morning when she woke up and has progressively worsened over the past few hours. She had some blurring of her vision 1 month ago and thinks that may have been related to getting overheated, since it improved when she was able to get in a cool, air-conditioned environment. She has some pain if she tries to move her eye, but none when she just rests. She is also unable to determine colors. She denies tearing or redness or exposure to any chemicals. Nothing has made it better or worse.

She denies fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, fatigue, headache, changes in hearing, sore throat, nasal or sinus congestion, neck pain or stiffness, chest pain or palpitations, shortness of breath or cough, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, dysuria, vaginal discharge, swelling in the legs, polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia.

Patient is alert; she appears anxious. BP 135/85 mm Hg; HR 64bpm and regular, RR 16 per minute, T: 98.5F. Visual acuity 20/200 in the left eye and 20/30 in the right eye. Sclera white, conjunctivae clear. Unable to assess visual fields in the left side; visual fields on the right eye are intact. Pupil response to light is diminished in the left eye and brisk in the right eye. The optic disc is swollen. Full range of motions; no swelling or deformity. Mental status: Oriented x 3. Cranial nerves: I-XII intact; horizontal nystagmus is present. Muscles with normal bulk and tone; Normal finger to nose, negative Romberg. Intact to temperature, vibration, and two-point discrimination in upper and lower extremities. Reflexes: 2+ and symmetric in biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellar, and Achiles tendons; no Babinski.

Submission Instructions:

  • Complete a comprehensive history and Physical Examination.
  • What physical findings are you looking for to help determine a presumptive nursing diagnosis?
  • Support your findings with peer reviewed articles.
  • Presentation is original work and logically organized in current APA style. Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
  • Power point presentation with 9 -11 slides, excluding the tile slide and the reference slide.
    The presentation is clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, APA and misspelling.
  • Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.

Requirements: as instructed

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Psychology Question

Psychology Question

This week you will submit an evaluation of the effectiveness of your behavior modification program. Your evaluation should be written in a 4-6 page paper (including your graph or chart) that contains the following:

  • Functional analysis of the target behavior to explain the purpose or motive of the original behavior by discussing the following:
    • Define the behavior in the context that the behavior is used
    • The antecedent or trigger related to the behavior
    • The consequences of the behavior that help to maintain this behavior
  • A graph that indicates the baseline behavior during the first data collection phase as well as the data collected during the treatment phase and an overall assessment of level of success of your program (of if your program is still in progress you should report the changes that have been made up until this point).
  • A discussion of the effectiveness of your modification plan, techniques that were used, and method of data recording and analysis that you used.
  • A discussion of what changes you might make to your behavior modification program if you were to continue to attempt to change this behavior.

Submit your paper by Saturday of week 4. Your paper should be written in APA format and your sources should be properly cited and referenced.

Final Project Grading CriteriaMaximum Points
Presented a functional analysis of the original behavior15
Submitted graph showing baseline, progress, and end result if the student was able to complete BM plan. If not documentation of progress will be fine.15
Discussion of the effectiveness of the modification plan, techniques that were used, and method of data recording and analysis20
Discussion of possible changes be made to help the behavior modification program to be more effective10
Proper APA format of citations and references.20
Grammar, spelling, and correct APA format

Psychology Question Read More »

Nursing Leadership and Management, week 6 Qualities of a Nurse Leader

Nursing Leadership and Management, week 6

Qualities of a Nurse Leader

It is important for nurse leaders to engage with other nurse leaders to understand professional roles; a practice experience is assigned to achieve this end. It is expected that you will spend 8-10 hours with the nurse leader, shadowing them in their position, observing them go about their day, and interviewing them. The interview can take place before, during, or after the shadow period or can be on a different day.

**All students are to submit a completed Practice Hour Log of at least 8-10 hours into the Mod 6 dropbox. Note: Students who hold an RN license in the state of Washington must complete a minimum of 10 hours of practice experience as noted on their Log. Upload the Log as a separate document. **

You will engage with and interview a nurse leader in person. You should begin thinking about this activity as soon as possible and identify how you will identify and gain access to the interview. You may include photos, graphs, or charts.

  1. Choose a nurse leader who holds a leadership nursing position in their organization who have direct reports (they supervise other employees). Examples of this include Director of Nursing, Director, Unit Manager. *You may not be employed in the same facility as your interviewee or shadow during personal work hours* (If special accommodations need to be made, approval by your instructor is required first).
  2. Develop an interview guide before conducting the interview. Identify information that you want to know before the interview and plan clarifying questions. You must include at least one question about technology/informatics.
  3. Conduct an interview regarding their professional role in the organization, and a current health care issue that is of interest to you (ethics, conflict management, budget, staffing, culture of safety, “just culture”, career advancement, quality improvement, etc.). Identify the name of the organization and use names of all involved (no anonymity).
  4. Prepare a written report of the interview.

Required questions below. Feel free to add to the list below but these questions must be asked to your interviewee and answered.

  • Please describe the nursing and inter-professional teams that operate in this facility/on this unit.
  • Can you provide an example of a nursing practice that has been changed in the last year based on current best evidence?
  • Please identify the impact of change within your organization and your role as leader/manager in this change process
  • Please identify strategies used for fiscal and human resources that contribute to the organization’s ability to deliver quality cost-effective patient-centered care
  • What do you consider your biggest challenge as a leader/manager?
  • What do you love most about your job?
  • Why did you choose this job?
  • What other kinds of nursing/other job did you ever do?
  • How would you describe your company’s culture?
  • How would you describe your role in admission and staffing decisions? • What is your leadership style?

* If you are employed in a large healthcare facility that has more than one location, you may interview the nurse leader in that organization with prior permission from your instructor. The purpose of this is to get you out of your organization and explore other nursing leadership roles that you might be familiar with.

Assignment Expectations:

Length: 1500 to 1750 words in length; Upload log Separately

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Your essay should have at least two scholarly references in addition to the textbook. Please be sure to cite the interview in APA format.

Rubric: This assignment uses a rubric for scoring. Please review it as part of your assignment preparation and again prior to submission to ensure you have addressed its criteria at the highest level.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or a PDF document (.pdf)

Requirements: 1500 to 1750 words in length; essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

Nursing Leadership and Management, week 6 Qualities of a Nurse Leader Read More »

Discussion-Safety Net Providers/Services

Discussion-Safety Net Providers/Services

After reading the materials for this module, do some more research (i.e., Internet, journals, community services databases) about Safety Net services and providers. Discuss in a post of 150 – 200 words the following:

What are safety net services/providers; who is served by safety net providers; what safety net services (you should include oral health services as well) exist in your own community; what are the gaps in safety net services in your community; how are the services typically funded; what factors influence the capacity of safety net services (i.e., public policy, funding, etc.). Do you think that the safety net services are adequate in your community (why/why not)?

Required Reading:

Lavisso-Mourey, R. (2014). Building a culture of health. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Retrieved from,

Shortell, S. (2012, November 1). Safety net challenges in delivering accountable care. [Web log post] HealthAffairsBlog. Retrieved from,…

Discussion-Safety Net Providers/Services Read More »

Discussion- CultureofHealth

Discussion- CultureofHealth

After you have completed the readings for this week, take some time to reflect on your vision of a “Culture of Health”. Think back through all the other reading you have done in this course, and perhaps others. Think about your own experiences and your observations of people around you, in your family, your community, your work environment, etc. Think about what you know about social inequality, health inequities and vulnerable populations. Jot down your thoughts, experiences, and discussion points as you are thinking through them to help you form sort of an outline or list of important points to include in your reflection. Then do the following:

In a post of at least 175 words, discuss the following:

What does “Culture of Health” mean to me? This is to be your own personal thoughts and reflections (you may cite source material, but only to support your points where needed; I do not want a restatement of the readings).

Required Reading:

Lavisso-Mourey, R. (2014). Building a culture of health. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Retrieved from,

Shortell, S. (2012, November 1). Safety net challenges in delivering accountable care. [Web log post] HealthAffairsBlog. Retrieved from,…

Requirements: 175   |

Discussion- CultureofHealth Read More »

The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy

The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy Read More »

The Use of Social Media in Nursing

Nursing Question

Case Study, Chapter 13, The Use of Social Media in Nursing: Pitfalls and Opportunities

Two registered professional nurses are attending a meeting where the focus is examining teaching methods that enable them to share information with newly diagnosed diabetic patients. One nurse initiates a discussion on the use of social media in teaching patients and the use of social media for all health care providers.

1. Discuss actions the nurse should take before using social media as a teaching tool.

2. What types of social media could benefit health care providers and patients?

3. What are the pitfalls to utilizing social media for both patients and health care providers?

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As a FNP how to deal with drug to drug interactions with HIV patients.

As a FNP how to deal with drug to drug interactions with HIV patients.

In this course, each of you will be developing a research proposal. Our focus this week is to identify a problem specific to your role option that is amenable to an innovative solution.

Based on your specialty role option (i.e., Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Educator, Nurse Informaticist, Nurse Administrator), identify a potential problem (topic) that you would like to investigate through nursing research. Begin by reading the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN) position statement on nursing research (Nursing Research).

Next explore and conduct a search to locate a minimum of three nursing research articles that have addressed the problem you have identified. The literature may not be older than 5 years.( here are the three research studies I picked)

Polypharmacy and potential drug–drug interactions for people with HIV in th…: Discovery Service for South University (,

Use of comedications and potential drug-drug interactions in people living with HIV in China – ScienceDirect (,

Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Review of Drug Interactions Between HIV Antiretrovirals and Cardiology Medications – ScienceDirect (

After reading the literature respond to the following:

  1. Note your role specialization and briefly describe the problem you are interested in researching and why this is of interest to you.
  2. Discuss your library search strategies and briefly summarize the literature you reviewed. Focus your discussion on the “problem” and how the literature you identified provides evidence of the existence of the problem.
  3. Include in your discussion a potential innovation that you might consider as a solution to the problem identified.
  4. Include citations/references in APA style format, using citations where appropriate. use 3 references less than 5 years, 700 words. USE RUBRIC. APA FORMAT.

Requirements: 700

I sent you the link for the three research articles, please follow the rubric.

As a FNP how to deal with drug to drug interactions with HIV patients. Read More »



  1. Phenylketonuria:
  2. Topic: Pain Management, Palliative Care, Metabolic, Endocrine, Genetic, and Chronic Conditions Management PlansThis week, we will be discussing pain management, palliative care, metabolic, endocrine, genetic, and management plans with a focus on pharmacological treatment.
  3. Discussion on how recommended pharmacotherapy improves pediatric health outcomes in primary care.You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following item:
  4. Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications, follow-up plans, and referrals if needed.

APA style, at least 3 citations, no more than 5 years old

Phenylketonuria Read More »

Interdisciplinary Studies,

Writing Question

Assignment Objectives

The purpose of this assignment is twofold:

1. To help you develop a way of explaining “Interdisciplinary Studies,” and

2. To encourage you to develop an identity as an interdisciplinarian.

What To Do

To complete this assignment you will write a short autobiography. It should be about 5 paragraphs long. It should be written in proper academic language with careful attention to writing mechanics. Each paragraph should be fully developed with proper structure: a topic sentence, body sentences, and a concluding sentence.

Here’s is a basic formula of what the autobiography needs to include:

1. A good definition of Interdisciplinary Studies. For this, you MUST refer explicitly to Chapter 3 of your text and to this article here: (Links to an external site.). Use proper APA or MLA formatting for in-text citations and references. This chapter refers to 2 types of interdisciplinarity (critical and instrumental). Your definition must clearly explain each.

2. An overview of how Interdisciplinary Studies is related to creative thinking. You can refer to my notes here: (Links to an external site.).

3. A creative description of yourself as a creative person. Remember the previous assignment where I provided a list of the ways you are a creative entity that you probably never considered before?

4. An explanation of how you chose IDS. What has your academic/intellectual journey been thus far?

5. What you hope to accomplish with this degree and how the IDS creative mindset can benefit you going forward.

A copy of my own Intellectual Autobiography (this was supposed to be linked in the Obojobo Module but it either went to Dr. Woodill’s IA, which is also a good example! or didn’t work).

Requirements: 5 paragraphs

Interdisciplinary Studies, Read More »

SOW3403- Research Abstract- Topic -Youth in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods

SOW3403- Research Abstract- Topic -Youth in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods

Students will choose a research topic of their interest and develop a research project abstract. Abstracts should include: Introduction, Background, Design and Methods, Expected Results, Conclusions, and Implications/ Significance.

In essence you will be selecting a topic of interest, doing a brief search of the literature surrounding that topic, and developing an abstract for your findings. Please note that many of the journal articles you are reading have abstracts in the very beginning of them that can serve as a good example. Keep in mind that abstracts are not very long in length, rather than typically a larger size paragraph (no longer than one page please).

SOW3403- Research Abstract- Topic -Youth in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Read More »

Organizational Ethics Presentation

Organizational Ethics Presentation

Review the University of Phoenix Material: Organizational Ethics Case Study.

Research ethical environments in different organizations.

Identify possible strategies for managing and resolving the organizational problem.

Evaluate the strategies, and determine the best strategy to implement.

Develop a proposal you would deliver to the organization for your strategy in resolving and managing the problem.

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes to deliver to the organization with your proposed strategy. Include the following:

  • Describe the organization’s ethical culture.
  • Describe the ethical characteristics of the leaders in the organization.
  • Explain the ethical dilemma you encountered.
  • Apply theoretical styles to resolve the dilemma.
  • What rules and regulations are in place to enforce ethical behavior of these leaders?
  • Make a proposal for ethical rewards and ethical punishments for this situation, and justify the rewards and punishments.

Format any citations in your presentation according to APA guidelines.

Requirements: 10 to 12 slides   |

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Forensic Science in the 21st Century

Forensic Science in the 21st Century

Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on your perception and concept of forensic science in 21st-century criminal justice.

Include a discussion of the following questions:

  • How important is forensic science to policing and criminal investigations, court processes, and security efforts at various levels? Explain your rationale in a historical approach.
  • How accurate is the popular media representation of forensic science? How does this influence popular opinion on justice-related issues?
  • What possible influence does the “CSI” effect have on the judicial process?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Please cite at least three different non-classroom peer reviewed literature references in the body of this report. Regarding Academic Resources, University of Phoenix Policy states: “Coursework must uphold the high standards of academic integrity established by the University of Phoenix. Consequently, the majority of research conducted by students must be peer-reviewed academic journals, such as those in the University Library, or the additional readings for each course. Internet searches often lead to nonacademic information resources, such as,,,, and blogs. These sources are not to be used as they are not academic in nature. The student is responsible for the accuracy of any facts presented in assignments. It is important to carefully analyze all sources used in academic works to ensure the information is accurate and appropriate for the assignment.” Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedias are not acceptable literature references…Leonald (Dr. Leonald D. Robinson)

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Emily in the short story “A Rose for Emily,

ASSIGNMENT: Write a character analysis. A character’s development generally has an important impact on a story’s major themes. Choose a key character (the story’s protagonist) or characters (the story’s protagonist and antagonist, etc.) in one of the following stories and discuss how the character’s development contributes to a major theme in that story. Completing this task requires that you are able to state succinctly the theme of the short story.

Write a 500 to 700-word analytical essay about one or more characters from one of the short stories listed below. You must include at least three direct quotations from the short story itself. You are not permitted to use other sources of information (i.e. web sites, articles, books, etc. about the short story). Doing so will result in a Code of Conduction violation.

  • “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin
  • “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates
  • “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin
  • “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor
  • “A&P” by John Updike
  • “A Pair of Tickets”  by Amy Tan
  • “Why I Live at the P.O.” by Eudora Welty
  • “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner
  • “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman


ORGANIZATION: The introduction should identify the story under consideration, its author, the major theme in the story, and state specifically how the key character’s development addresses that theme. Body paragraphs should support your argument with specific references to the story, bolstered by relevant textual evidence and analysis of that evidence (use direct quotations, paraphrases, and summaries). Your conclusion should place your argument within a larger, meaningful context for your reader.


  • Do re-read the short story closely and take notes as you read.
  • Do not read about your selected story online. Don’t pollute your brain with other people’s thoughts about and interpretations of the story.
  • Do not write about yourself or people in general; do write about theme.
  • Do select one main point that your essay will make (your thesis).
  • Do begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence and include adequate supporting details.
  • Do discuss the classification of your selected character (flat, round, stock).
  • Do discuss the characterization of your selected character (dynamic, static).
  • Do discuss epiphany (use “epiphanic moment” to refer to the moment of change).
  • Do discuss if direct or indirect presentation is used.


  • Do discuss the following 3 principles of characterization:
    • Characters are consistent in their behavior (in what way(s) is your character consistent?)
    • Characters are motivated (what motivates your selected character?)
    • Characters are plausible or lifelike (in what way(s) is your character lifelike?)
  • Do not write in first person; instead, use the third person.
  • Do write about literature using the present tense.
  • Do not make a point without supporting it from the text.
  • Do quote text and do comment on the quotes and integrate them into your writing (don’t strand your quotes).
  • Do proofread your essay both from top down and from bottom up.
  • Do interpret the literature however you like, but, remember that you must support your thoughts with evidence from the story.
  • Do support your interpretations with specific examples from the text.
  • Do not summarize the plot. Do analyze the text.
  • Do provide a title that conveys the point of your argument.
  • Do not plagiarize your work. The College considers any amount of plagiarism as a Code of Conduct violation.


SOURCE MATERIAL: Your essay must properly cite the short story under consideration. Each body paragraph should contain at least one reference to the short story (paraphrase, summary, or quotation). You only need to use the primary source (the story); do not use outside sources. Correct source usage consists of two elements: (1) brief in-text citations for any idea or passage that is not your original idea; and (2) a properly formatted list of all Work(s) Cited at the end of the essay.

MLA HELP: Refer to Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) for instruction on creating in-text citations and a works cited page or use the presentations in Blackboard.

FORMAT: The essay must conform to MLA standards: double-spaced, twelve-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins on all pages. Include a Works Cited page. Use in-text citations. Give your essay a title. The title of your essay must not be the title of the short story you analyzed.

Example Work Cited Entry:

Tan, Amy. “A Pair of Tickets.” The Norton Introduction to Literature. Portable 13th ed., edited by Kelly J. Mays, W. W. Norton, 2017, pp. 130 – 144.

Emily in the short story “A Rose for Emily, Read More »

Marie Winn’s technological determinist theory

Marie Winn’s technological determinist theory

please review the material that are attached

and answer:

  1. Do you think Marie Winn’s technological determinist theory of television is accurate or does it give too much power to television? Pick one side and take it.Please provide two examples of when you think she is EITHER Accurately assessing the negative impacts of TV Or where she is giving TV too much power. These responses remember are 500-750 words

Requirements: 500-750 words

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Business Question

Business Question

The listing of references/sources is NOT expected or required, and you should not quote any outside materials.

Aliens from another planet want to visit the Earth in order to trade for some of our unique cultural products. Their homeworld prizes beer and and sorghum-based alcohol, so the aliens arrange for one space shuttle to visit San Marcos, California and another space shuttle to visit Maotai, China. The team of aliens on board each of the spaceships has spent years in space mastering the local language and cultural traditions for their respective destinations.

The aliens are planning to land in San Marcos and Maotai tomorrow. Unfortunately, their space shuttles unexpectedly crash into a Tesla Roadster outside of Earth’s orbit, which their advanced telescopes had not previously detected as a risk. As a result, the two shuttles are forced to swap their landing approaches, with the China- trained team sent to San Marcos, California and the U.S.-trained team sent to Maotai, China.

In a state of panic, the aliens trade a few of their harvested bitcoins and use the proceeds to hire YOU as a cross-cultural consultant. After getting over your initial surprise and some tough negotiating, you agree to provide advice to ONE of the two teams (your choice) on what they should know and how they should best communicate with the earthlings at their landing site. [In other words: Pick China or the U.S. – don’t answer for both!

4 PAGE, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1” margins essay that incorporates the following:

  • How would you describe life in Southern California or China using Hofstede’s Dimensions of culture? (note: you are not expected to explain any regional differences in Chinese culture – focus on national-level orientations).
  • What is the time orientation of the people who live in San Marcos/Maotai, according to Hall’s theory (monochronic/polychronic)?
  • What are the communication preferences of the people who live in San Marcos/Maotai, according to Hall’s theory (high context/low context)?
  • How would you go about making a trade arrangement for craft beer/ sorghum-based alcohol with the people in San Marcos/Maotai?
  • How would you recommend avoiding any communication blunders/mistakes (“faux pas”) in San Marcos/Maotai?

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