Databases are important in businesses and organizations because they provide a highly efficient method for handling data. Some of the data that are easily managed include: employee records, student information, payroll, accounting, project management and inventory, etc. A database management system stores, organizes and manages a large amount of information.
Action Items
You are requested to submit one example of application where databases are used and discuss one relation from this database. You need to illustrate attributes and keys.
Growing up, my mom usually packed my lunch for school.
Week 4 Discussion What Do We Know?
22 unread replies.66 replies.
Growing up, my mom usually packed my lunch for school. I was totally happy eating the same thing day after day- typically a sandwich of some kind on whole wheat bread. Most kids in my grade school packed their lunches, but in high school things changed a little. I would pack my lunch, but then I’d also see what was being served in the lunch line. I’d usually buy some french fries and/or a soda (which I still love but now it is diet soda), to “round out” my healthy meal. There were lots of high calorie, high fat foods to choose from.
I had friends (in grade school and high school) who bought their lunches daily. Sometimes there would be salad on their plates, but more often it was things like pizza and tator tots. That’s why I wasn’t surprised to read about a new study which found that kids who regularly purchased school lunches were more likely to be obese than those who brought their lunches.
In this study of sixth graders, published in the American Heart Journal, it found that students were 29% more likely to be obese if they ate school lunches. “Of the 142 obese children in the study for whom dietary information was known, almost half were school-lunch regulars, compared with only one-third of the 787 who were not obese.” More than two hours per day in front of the T.V. also increases the risk of childhood obesity but surprisingly, not by as much- only 19%.
Although many schools have relied on high energy food with little nutritional value in the past because it’s cheaper, that could soon be changing. “Under a federal law passed last December, Department of Agriculture guidelines will limit the number of calories served at every school meal and require programs to offer a variety of fruits and vegetables.”
Are you surprised by these findings? What kind of experience have you had with school lunches? When you reply to others make sure to compare your experiences to their own and extend the discussion by explaining what impact these changes might bring.
Check Out This Video:
Teach Every Child About Food (Links to an external site.)
Use APA Style, suggested length around 1200 words.
Answer all questions below, and use them as headings on your paper so you don’t miss any points.
Based on your reading at , company websites, and other outside research, how do you think Hilton, Marriott or United perform? You must use external references and include citations.
Initial Post: Post one major response to each discussion board by Wednesday11:59 pm CT. Initial post must be at least 150 words.
Use APA formatting to reference sources. If there are questions about how to format according to APA you should access: OWL Purdue (Links to an external site.).
Commenting to Dr. White’s responses are not included in the participation standards – only those to colleagues and do not restate the question as everyone is responding to the same one.
Key Points
Probable Cause, search and seizure, arrest warrants, Fourth Amendment, citizen vs. government agent, justification, components of probable cause.
Objective: Discuss when Fourth Amendment provisions apply to activities undertaken by law enforcement officers, and describe existing rules governing the conduct of searches and seizures.
Police officers experience different types and levels of training which is to prepare them for being able to make decisions concerning predictable situations. One such setting is annual updates on changes in the law. The assumption is, however, that they knew the original law prior to the change. The predictable sets of facts if repeated are easy to deal with. The issue then becomes what to do if the factual scenario is not exactly that for which they were trained.
The legal constraints on police deal with what they should not do in a given set of facts. For example, they must know when, and for what reason a person should be taken into custody or arrested for an offense. The constraints are the basis for most police academy legal training. There are certain official behaviors that must be adhered to in moment of stress. Police constraints protect the liberty of citizens which is the most important freedom. Training is that means of ensuring that police know what they can or cannot do. Is there a professional obligation to be conversant all aspects of the law that they are obligated to enforce?
This Unit’s Question (do not restate the question because everyone is responding to the same one)
Describe the relationship of probable cause to a citizen’s right to privacy. What would be an example of a violation of privacy and are there sufficient constraints on police power to prevent privacy violations?
it needs to be a 5 paragraph argumentative essay (introduction, point 1, point 2, point 3 and the conclusion). 800-1300 word
The essay has to mention Ruth Bader Ginsburg (the supreme court judge that died) at least in the introduction, it has to mention her ideologies and the how different they are from trumps.
The 3 main points have to always go back to the thesis (which would be that, Donald Trump should not be allowed to elect the next Supreme Court justice)
One of the 3 main points against Donald Trump electing the next Supreme Court justice can be that, Obama wasn’t allowed to do it as it was his last year as president, so it should be the same with trump
I would like the essay to have some quotes, facts and to sound formal. I am a senior in high school, I want a quality piece but it doesn’t have to be university level.