Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Milestone Activity: Etiquette that Could Lead to Success

Milestone Activity: Etiquette that Could Lead to Success

Before responding to this post, refer to the “Your Personal Online Brand” Learning Activity. Watch the video and identify which one of the four measures of your online presence requires work. When you Google yourself, what do you find? What do you think about your online brand and do you plan to improve upon it? Why or why not? Please provide specific examples to support your response.

Your Personal Online Brand

Is your online presence helping or hurting you? Watch this video to learn about the four measures of your online reputation.

© william arruda

Click here to access the full transcript of the above video.

-Post includes obvious and direct connections to competency content; May include direct/indirect quotes and references the content from the competency.

Post is original and demonstrates an independent thought process that is creative and individualized. Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.
Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.
that’s all.

Requirements: more than 15 characters, less than 4000 characters

Milestone Activity: Etiquette that Could Lead to Success Read More »



Please access this specific link below and choose one other article on a topic that is mentioned within this one…for example, you could choose New Home Sales or Productivity, etc.

Your assignment is to write 6 total paragraphs (3 per article). First, summarize the Retail Sales Article noting what you consider to be the main points of the article. Then the remaining two paragraphs will require you to choose 3 or 4 concepts and make the connections to the information in the article. You are then to do the same thing with the second article that you are free to choose from what is mentioned within the Yahoo Finance article. (Be sure to note which other article you decided to choose!)…

Requirements: 6 paragraphs

make it clear that you have to choose 2 articles and have 3 paragraphs for each of them

Microeconomics Read More »

Business periodical and as current as March 2021

Business Articles Format

Choose an article on the given topic. The article must be from a business periodical and as current as March 2021.  No articles from newspapers, Investopedia, or blogs.  Write a one-page document for your selection.  The document should be typed, single spaced and include:


  1. a summary of the major points of the reading using in-text citation (1st paragraph)
  2. critical points of the article and reactions (2nd paragraph)
  3. what did you learn (3rd paragraph)
  4. reference your work (bottom of the page)  Reference



Use your library skills in looking for articles.


A business periodical could be Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, Newsweek, Entrepreneur, etc. The article must be at least 1 ½ pages long.

Reference your work using APA style,


  • Use Times New Roman 12
  • Single space
  • Spell check
  • No awkward sentence structure
  • Be clear, concise and to the point
  • Proofread paper





Rubric for Business Article

Summary of the major points with in-text citation(APA style)30 points
Critical comments and reactions25 points
What did you learn20 points
Appropriate article for given topic10 points
Spelling errors, awkward sentence structure10 points
Reference at bottom of the page, APA style 5 points
Total Points100 points

Business periodical and as current as March 2021 Read More »

Integumentary and Sensory Function

Integumentary and Sensory Function

Integumentary Function:

K.B. is a 40-year-old white female with a 5-year history of psoriasis. She has scheduled an appointment with her dermatologist due to another relapse of psoriasis. This is her third flare-up since a definitive diagnosis was made. This outbreak of plaque psoriasis is generalized and involves large regions on the arms, legs, elbows, knees, abdomen, scalp, and groin. K.B. was diagnosed with limited plaque-type psoriasis at age 35 and initially responded well to topical treatment with high-potency corticosteroids. She has been in remission for 18 months. Until now, lesions have been confined to small regions on the elbows and lower legs.

Case Study Questions

  1. Name the most common triggers for psoriasis and explain the different clinical types.
  2. There are several types of treatments for psoriasis, explain the different types and indicate which would be the most appropriate approach to treat this relapse episode for K.B. Also include non-pharmacological options and recommendations.
  3. Included in question 2
  4. A medication review and reconciliation are always important in all patient, describe and specify why in this particular case is important to know what medications the patient is taking?
  5. What others manifestation could present a patient with Psoriasis?

Sensory Function:
C.J. is a 27-year-old male who started to present crusty and yellowish discharged on his eyes 24 hours ago. At the beginning he thought that washing his eyes vigorously the discharge will go away but by the contrary increased producing a blurry vision specially in the morning. Once he clears his eyes of the sticky discharge her visual acuity was normal again. Also, he has been feeling throbbing pain on his left ear. His eyes became red today, so he decided to consult to get evaluated. On his physical assessment you found a yellowish discharge and bilateral conjunctival erythema. His throat and lungs are normal, his left ear canal is within normal limits, but the tympanic membrane is opaque, bulging and red.

Case Study Questions

  1. Based on the clinical manifestations presented on the case above, which would be your eyes diagnosis for C.J. Please name why you get to this diagnosis and document your rational.
  2. With no further information would you be able to name the probable etiology of the eye affection presented? Viral, bacterial, allergic, gonococcal, trachoma. Why and why not.
  3. Based on your answer to the previous question regarding the etiology of the eye affection, which would be the best therapeutic approach to C.J problem.

Submission Instructions:

Integumentary and Sensory Function Read More »

research discussion

research discussion

In the video in the Activity “Viva La Library” the singer sings about how he has evolved as a researcher. There are several pointers given for finding strong sources. How do you think these pointers improve research? Please explain. Next, describe a time where you didn’t follow these tips while doing research and you were steered in the wrong direction. How did this instance encourage you to change your research methods in the future?


Viva La Library


From finding the right source for your research paper to investigating what car you should purchase, information literacy is a skill we use not only in our professional lives, but our personal lives as well. It is the ability to identify and define a problem and then assess what information you will need to collect to understand and solve that problem. It includes the capability of developing and following a logical series of steps to locate, evaluate, and synthesize the evidence you find. Watch this humorous video on the importance of having sound information literacy skills.Post includes obvious and direct connections to competency content; May include direct/indirect quotes and references the content from the competency.

-Post includes obvious and direct connections to competency content; May include direct/indirect quotes and references the content from the competency.

Post is original and demonstrates an independent thought process that is creative and individualized. Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.

Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

that’s all.

Requirements: more than 15 character, less than 4000 characters

Student has agreed that all tutoring, explanations, and answers provided by the tutor will be used to help in the learning process and in accordance with Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.



Understanding the Important Elements of a Research Question


A strong research question creates a roadmap for your work. How do you construct a solid research question? As you read this section, take notes on the important factors to consider when developing your question, as well as the necessary steps to transition into your topic.


This lesson focuses on determining the nature and extent of the information needed to answer research questions. It involves evaluating the content and purpose as well as the different sources relevant to the research question. To work toward this objective, it is necessary to review four main points about research questions: 1) what a research question is; 2) why a research question is important; 3) how to develop a research question; and 4) how to move from a research question to a topic. These initial steps of the research process can be daunting; however, if you spend time on these steps to develop a manageable research question, you will have a solid research project.

A research question is a narrow, clear, and arguable question that guides your research. For example, the following research question reflects these qualities: Are the current security methods employed by the TSA effective? Think of a research question as a path that directs the research and writing process. It marks where you have come from as well your intended future direction in your efforts to learn about a topic. In an effective research project, the research question, hypothesis (or working thesis statement), the purpose of the research project, and the goals of the project are related. A research question helps you anticipate which kinds of relevant resources to explore, and it also influences how you evaluate and analyze sources so that they support the thesis. In addition, a research question seeks a solution to a problem that you—as well as other scholars—think is valuable. For these reasons, research can be extremely rewarding as you contemplate and present information that is personally meaningful. Research is not simply finding information; its true power is in the evaluation and application of the information.

Some researchers also call the research question the problem or problem statement. Such statements clearly explain the problem, and they keep researchers on track during the research process. Often a research problem reflects a lack of knowledge about the topic. In fact, researchers will identify gaps in a body of scholarship in order to develop a research question that will shed new light on the topic. This approach also ensures that a researcher is not duplicating existing research. Researchers engage in a literature review, which involves summarizing the current knowledge and findings in a field based on primary and secondary sources. A literature review is helpful for identifying gaps. Here is an example of a sentence describing a research topic and a brief acknowledgement of the related research gap:

While there is a substantial amount of research about social interactions of younger dolphins in their original pod, few studies have explored the social interactions of older dolphins when they join a different pod.

Noting the gaps in research helps to develop the rationale and the focus of a research topic. Addressing the research gaps also builds on previous research by others. It shows how you will contribute to knowledge about a topic, so make sure you review the research pertaining to your topic as you formulate your research question.

A conscientious researcher knows that a good research question may change throughout the research and writing process. Be prepared to refine your question as you proceed with your research, so you do not get boxed into using a research question that might not yield a wide range of relevant resources. The best research essays are written by researchers who constantly read over their research questions throughout the research and writing process to assess whether they are still on course. Many researchers revise their questions as their work progresses in order to strive for fair and reliable research design and methodology. As you gather more information, your expanding knowledge base shapes the research question. Consider the following example as an illustration of revising the research question after evaluating and analyzing sources from the initial search.

A researcher named Betty began her research process with the following question: What are some dominant voting patterns among young adults? After she reviewed the available statistics on voting patterns and conducted interviews with young adults, she realized she needed to refine her research question so that it narrowed the focus. The initial research question was too broad and vague, and as a result, Betty mainly found data that was too general.

She then revised her research question based on her impressions from the initial review of sources (statistics and interviews). Betty noticed a significant pattern in the interviews and statistics: young adults expressed great concern about job opportunities and access to affordable health insurance. Therefore, she realized her sources revealed the research subjects (young adults) were focused on specific political issues. As a result, she decided to investigate the relation between voting patterns and the concerns about specific issues.

Given this development in Betty’s understanding of the topic, a possible example of her revised research question might be: What do the voting patterns of young adults reveal about the political issues that are essential to them? A potential secondary thesis statement would be: What do the concerns of young people indicate about their perception of political candidates or parties? This example shows how and why developing a research question is a fluid process, shaped by the researcher’s ongoing evaluation of information.

Like Betty and many other researchers, you most likely will find that you must continue to refine your research question, especially after conducting some initial research. As you revise, make sure your question is open-ended versus closed; in other words, ask a question that will result in a thorough and elaborate response as opposed to a question that will elicit a minimal “yes” or “no” response.

Also eliminate any unnecessary jargon. It is productive to use some key terminology used in your field of study, but do not overdo it. Even though you are writing about a specific topic that will have implications for other researchers in your field or discipline, you also want to present your research question and related research in a way that makes this information accessible for individuals outside of your field. Also avoid any value-laden language that signals your personal values or assumptions. Such language interferes with an objective approach to gathering sources and can skew the results of your research. Revising your research question does not mean starting over; it just means you have clarified the future path you are taking in your research endeavor. As you proceed with the research process, note when and why a source makes you rethink your research question. and thats it

research discussion Read More »

LESSON 10 DISCUSSION – Relationships are Intervention

LESSON 10 DISCUSSION – Relationships are Intervention

In youth work, we believe that “relationships are intervention.”

– Describe what this means. Give examples.

– Relate this approach to working with our FSI family. Be specific regarding how you would apply this approach to the teens and the Grandmother in the FSI family. (Case study which is attached)

– Describe how you would apply the protective and promotive factors in your work with the FSI family.

LESSON 10 DISCUSSION – Relationships are Intervention Read More »

Colon olders adults

Colon olders adults

You are about to perform a rectal examination of an older adult.

  • What are the steps to examine this patient?
  • Explain your rationale.
  • What are some findings you can have while assessing the rectal sphincter?
  • Describe the differences during the rectal examination of acute prostatitis and benign prostatic hypertrophy.
  • What findings would expect on physical examination of acute prostatitis and benign prostatic hypertrophy?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post must be at least 600 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style 7 edition with support from at least two academic sources.
  • You must respond to at least two peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts and supporting your opinion with a reference. Response posts must be at least 150 words. Your post will include a salutation, response (150 words), and a reference.
  • Quotes “…” cannot be used at a higher learning level for your assignments, so sentences need to be paraphrased and referenced.
  • Acceptable references include scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions), journal articles, and books published in the last five years—no websites or videos to be referenced without prior approval.

Read and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).

(Note: The citations below are provided for your research convenience. You should always cross reference the current APA guide for correct styling of citations and references in your academic work.)



Supplemental Online Materials & Resources

If you are interested in seeing one of the training videos, watch an Open Access session on the website above.

The presentation Improving Glycemic Control among Incarcerated Men: A Health Promotion Model from the Virginia Henderson Repository of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing

Colon olders adults Read More »

Discussion about Educational Psychology

Discussion about Educational Psychology

1)Chapters 4 prepares you to understand learners differences through current hierarchical theories, including multiple theories of intelligence. Please discuss three of the guidelines to consider when interpreting IQ tests.

2) The use of labels to describe exceptional children has both positive and negative consequences. Discuss those consequences in terms of their impact on the students and the regular classroom teacher.

Discussion about Educational Psychology Read More »

Sociology Question

Sociology Question

In this paper you will review Part 1 by applying your learning to a social issue of personal interest. Please make

sure to select a social issue (one involving groups of people/relating to society) and to address that same social

issue throughout the paper.

Please follow the paragraph structure outlined below, and please address every outlined question. Each paragraph

should reflect approximately one page of writing, with the entire paper constituting a streamlined narrative essay.

Paragraph 1: Sociological Thinking (see Writing Assignment #1, Questions 1-2)

  • What does it mean to study a topic sociologically?

o What is the scientific approach to sociological study? What is the interpretive approach?

o Would you study that social issue from the perspective of a scientific or an interpretive

sociologist, and why?

Paragraph 2: Research Methods (see Writing Assignment #2, Questions 1-2)

  • Why do sociologists collect data?

o What are the various methods that sociologists use to collect data?

o Which (and what) are qualitative methods? Which (and what) are quantitative methods?

  • Which method is best suited for your study of the social issue identified in paragraph 1, and why?

o Is that method qualitative or quantitative?

o Is that method reflective of scientific or interpretive sociological concerns?

o What are the strengths and weaknesses of that method?

Paragraph 3: Sociological Theories and Paradigms (see Writing Assignment #3, Questions 1-2)

o What are the foci/concerns of the functionalist paradigm?

o What are the foci/concerns of the conflict theory paradigm?

o What are the foci/concerns of the symbolic interactionist paradigm?

  • What might a sociologist from each of the three paradigms find interesting about the social issue

identified in paragraph 1?

  • From your perspective, which paradigm best suits the study of the social issue identified in paragraph 1,

and why?

Paragraph 4: Conclusion (see Writing Assignment #4, Questions 1-2)

  • What is the sociological imagination?

o What is the difference between Mills’ concept of ‘personal trouble’ and his concept of ‘public


o What is the difference between Mills’ concept of ‘history’ and his concept of ‘biography’?

  • What makes the social issue identified in paragraph 1 a ‘public issue’?
  • How does the social issue identified in paragraph 1 relate to ‘history,’ as Mills defines it?
  • What do we stand to gain from applying the sociological imagination to the social issue identified in paragraph 1?

Sociology Question Read More »

Measure and monitor the quality of care delivered

Discussion 7

Weekly Discussion

Quality of Care

Explain how to measure and monitor the quality of care delivered and the outcomes achieved by an Advanced Practice Nurse.


Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. This assignment will be checked with Turn it In.

Measure and monitor the quality of care delivered Read More »

Management Question

Management Question

subject: Tesla company

You will prepare a report, including recommendations, for an actual company’s overall entry strategy into a foreign market. Your strategy should include attention to the social, political, cultural, and economic environment of the country you propose entering, the entry and organizational strategies the company should advance, including potential alliances with local firms, and a discussion of the ethical, negotiation, leadership, and management challenges associated with your recommendation. This analysis should integrate the readings and cases for the course in the context of the actions of a specific firm.

Describe your company and reasons for going international.

Describe rationaL for the choice of product/service. factors that includes.

Make it very clear what product or service you are selling and who your customer (B2B?) will be. length :4-5 pages

Presentation: use the essay you write to make a powerpoint to describe , 4-5 slides and need a short speech to describe the power point .

Management Question Read More »

MSW Final Case Study Requirements and Directions

MSW Final Case Study Requirements and Directions

School of Social Work


SECTION II (Overview)

Integrative Case Study (12 – 15 pages)

  1. Overview of the Case
  2. Application of Social Welfare Policy to the Case
  3. Theoretical Framework and Context for Analyzing Client System’s Situation

F1.Theoretical Framework for Understanding the Case

F2. Impact of the Urban Environment on the Case

F3. Ethical Considerations for the Case

F4. Diversity Considerations for the Case

F5. Human Rights and Social Justice Considerations for the Case

  1. Engagement, Assessment, Preliminary Diagnosis, Intervention, and Termination of Treatment with Client (individual, family, community, or organization) System

G1. Engagement of Client System

G2. Assessment of Client System

G3. Intervention Plan for Client System

G4.Termination of Intervention with Client System

  1. Plan for evaluating effectiveness of practice with client system

APPENDIX – References

Student Demographic Data Form  Students will be directed to a link in Canvas that takes them to a survey form where they can provide information relating to their demographic characteristics and they can provide contact information so they can be contacted for the Alumni survey they will receive in the years following graduation. Upon completion of this survey, students will need to navigate back to Canvas to submit sections of their Final Case Study.








SECTION II (Directions)

Integrative Case Study: Write a case study based on an actual case from your generalist (i.e., 1st year (16 hour)) field practicum. This Final Case study may also be written from the material provided to you by your instructor, based on a film or the David Makes Man series.  The decision to use either the series or the film results from a discussion between the student and the course instructor. However, students who do have an active case they are working with from their field internship will be expected to use that case.  Please take all precautions to disguise the client system including using initials and changing any case details that could make the client identifiable by others. In addition, obtain consent from the client and approval from your field instructor to use him/her/them for the embedded assessment.

The case study must reflect your ability to apply knowledge and skills from all major content areas in the MSW curriculum including Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Social Welfare Policy, Practice,  and Research.

Organize the case study using the subheadings below. Include the bulleted information under each section below in a written narrative (i.e., essay in paragraph format). Use American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition format, including references when citing theorists and other sources.

  1. Overview of the Case

D1.  Describe the client system, including its composition (i.e., the client may be an individual, group, community, or organization).

D2.  Give a succinct but comprehensive statement of the client system(s) presenting problem. This statement should be enough to establish thorough understanding of the significant factors that are influencing the identified client (i.e., the client may be an individual, group, community, or organization).

  1. Application of Social Welfare Policy to the Case

E1. Delineate a (Macro) Policy that could (has) or currently transforms the client/ organizational system (1 paragraph)

1) What is the policy to be analyzed?

2) What is the nature of the problem targeted by the policy?

  1. How is the problem defined?
  2. Origin of the problem, challenge, or opportunity and for whom is it a problem?

E2. Historical Analysis (2 paragraphs)

3) What policies and programs were developed in the past to deal with the problem?

4) How did these policies specifically impact African American (Individuals, Families,

Communities, or Organizations)

5) Problem, Challenge, or Opportunity and Solutions

  1. Identify the client/ organizational problem, challenge or opportunity
  2. What people, or groups of people, initiated and/or promoted the policy


  1. What people, or groups of people, opposed the policy (ideologies)?

6) Describe key elements of proposed change (theoretical/model basis of the proposed

change based on literature review)

  1. Theoretical Framework and Context for Analyzing Client System’s Situation

F1. Theoretical Framework for Understanding the Case

Using Cross’s Theory of Racial Identification, Select an additional human behavior theory that can be integrated and applied to understanding the client’s situation and presenting problem (e.g. social learning theory, attachment theory, etc.) and discuss its practical application to this case. Students should ensure that the application of the identified theories demonstrate their ability to integrate both frameworks AND a thorough understanding of application (individual, family, communities, organizations) within the case.

F2. Impact of the Urban Environment on the Case

Discuss how the dynamics of the urban environment impact the client system, including cultural, social justice and economic factors affecting the presenting problem of the client system (e.g., racial/cultural, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, gender, class, etc.).

F3. Ethical Considerations for the Case Identify ethical principles from the NASW Code of Ethics that are relevant to the case. Identify any ethical dilemmas in this case and describe the steps you took to resolve them.

F3.1. Professional Boundaries

Students will identify and discuss professional boundaries that should be maintained as students’ progress throughout the case.  These should include but not limited to topics such as timeliness, professional appearance, dual relationships, use of personal electronic devices, professional documentation, etc.

F4. Diversity Considerations for the Case 

Identify and discuss the specific aspects of diversity that impact the social work process with the client system selected for this case.  This should include diversity outside of race and could include but not limited to gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, culture, and any other areas of diversity or “otherisms” that have been identified.

F5. Human Rights and Social Justice Considerations for the Case 

Identify and discuss the specific human rights or social justice considerations that impact the social work process with the client system and other marginalized groups selected for this case. Students should think broadly on how these issues could or have previously or continue to impact African American individuals, families, groups and organizations.

  1. Engagement, Assessment, Intervention, Termination

Using evidence based practice specific to your social work area of concentration as your guide, identify a practice framework and explain the processes of engaging, assessing and intervening with the client system identified for this case. Make certain that you address any ethical and/or cultural considerations that might impact service delivery.  Organize your response using the outline provided below.

G1. Engagement of client.

Using evidence based practice specific to your concentration and this population, describe the process and specific social work skills and/or techniques that are utilized to engage the client/system.

G2. Assessment of client. 


Complete a Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Assessment of Client System using the template outlined below.

Follow this template exactly:


  1. a) Client/Family Identifying Information
  2. b) Reason(s) for services
  3. c)Household Members (to include relationships with one on another, and their

patterns of functioning)

  1. d)Household Living Conditions
  2. e)Financial History (to include all insurance information, excessive debt, etc.)


Family History: In this section, you will present data on family members (be sure to designate the members living in the household).  Names, gender, birth dates (or ages), relationships, marriage dates, education, occupations, deaths (causes), chronic conditions (e.g. alcoholism, mental retardation), significant trauma (e.g. fire, rape, incarceration), anything significant to describing individual. Other data that may be significant: adoptions, miscarriages, pregnancies, separations, current locations, etc.

  1. b) Community System: Describe relationships between client/family members and the various systems they are affiliated with or connected to. Describe community context and include a description of neighborhood resources.
  2. c) Assets and Resources: Information about the client’s informal sources of support. Information about the client primary and secondary sources of support. The type (what need does the source meet) and frequency (how often) of support from whom (e.g., friends, extended family members, church, etc.) provides support? Assess if the support provided is reliable.

SOCIAL HISTORY: a)  Physical Health (past and present, make certain to include any medication schedules, family history of medical conditions b)  Mental Health: This section will include a brief history of family psychiatric problems. Report whether client has a history of psychiatric disorders; admission into mental health clinic (inpatient or outpatient), dates receiving services, outcome of services, medication, treating therapist (past or present); family history or mental disorders. History of homicidal and suicidal ideation;

  1. a) Physical Health (past and present, make certain to include any medication schedules, family history of medical conditions b) Mental Health: This section will include a brief history of family psychiatric problems. Report whether client has a history of psychiatric disorders; admission into mental health clinic (inpatient or outpatient), dates receiving services, outcome of services, medication, treating therapist (past or present); family history or mental disorders. History of homicidal and suicidal ideation;
  2. c) Alcohol and Drug Use: Summarize if client used any substance in lifetime (e.g. cigarettes, marijuana, cocaine, etc.). Periods of sobriety and treatment (when, where and with whom); describe outcome of treatment. d)  Sexual History: Describe sexual activity, sexual orientation, physical, sexual abuse (victim/offender). Explore if relevant to problem situation. It is appropriate to assess if client practices safe sex and receives regular physical check-ups. If client reports being diagnosed with sexual disease, it is appropriate to explore, medication received, primary physician, etc. e)  Educational: Describe client’s educational background, highest level of degree attained. Difficulties in school (why, where, when); special education needs; suspensions. Include any informal educational skills. If client did not graduate from high school or received a GED, explore what barriers were present. f)  Employment? Work History: Summarize client’s type of work; attitudes toward work, reasons for leaving or being fired from previous jobs. Also, include any voluntary work (e.g. community, church, etc.). Make sure to include any military experience and informal employment. g) Recreational: Describe their activities or interest they enjoy, such as hobbies, sports, or leisure pursuits, special talents or skills. Are they involved in any church related activities (e.g. bible school, bible camp)? h) Cultural Family Norms: Describe cultural beliefs; rituals, patterns. Do they have family reunions or times when they come together (outside of marriages and funerals? i)  Religious/Spiritual: Describe if client identifies with a particular religion or faith. Describe how client expresses spirituality. Describe client’s current and past religious and spiritual practices. Describe if client is associated with a place of worship. Describe if their religion or spirituality is helpful to them. j)  Strengths and Competencies:  Describe client/family strengths, capacities, abilities, competencies and resources that may help to address and resolve the issues of concern.

PRESENTING PROBLEM: Provide a concise clinical assessment of the presenting problem(s).  Student will complete a case formulation with preliminary diagnosis with justification as to why you selected these diagnoses.  Justification for the identified diagnoses should be included and identified within the case summary.

G3. Intervention Plan for Client System

Create a treatment plan to include goals and tasks to be completed. (Make certain that you include who will do what and when.)

Students should include 3 Long-term Goals with 2 Short term goals for each.  Students should use the S.M.A.R.T Goals approach with developing the treatment plan.

G4. Termination of Intervention with Client System

Describe the process and plan of a successful termination with the client system based on the EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE model utilized, ( i.e. follow-up sessions, rituals, etc.,) Be specific and make certain that you include feelings and reactions that the client might experience and explain how you would address the feelings based on the practice model implemented.

  1. Plan for Evaluating Effectiveness of Practice with Client System.

Outline a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of your intervention including the following:

1) desired outcome(s) of intervention;

2) Measurement of outcomes;

3) Research approach used and rationale (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method);

3) Research design used and rationale (single system, quasi experimental, etc.);

4) Process for collecting data on outcome measures;

5) Plan for analyzing data; and

6) How you will use the findings to improve your practice with this or similar clients in the future.

APPENDIX – References Include a reference page in APA 6th edition format citing all sources used (e.g., theorists, authors).

MSW Final Case Study Requirements and Directions Read More »

COM001: Nonverbal Communication

COM001: Nonverbal Communication


Check out a few stand-up comedy performances on YouTube, Netflix, or some other streaming TV service. Take note of how the comics use nonverbal delivery skills—such as eye contact, gestures, and movement—to engage with their audience. Which comics are most effective at using nonverbal delivery skills? Why?

Please note: I am asking you to identify their use of nonverbal communication, not critique how (un)funny they are.

Make sure to include the name of the performance and where did you find it please.

COM001: Nonverbal Communication Read More »

discussion post

discussion post

Social workers are admired or idealized for their courage, outstanding achievement or noble qualities. What do social workers have to unearth in order to answer the call to action? What inner resources (or superpowers) do social workers have? What darkness must they push through in order to meet the challenges? Do social workers have a calling? What do they bring to the table? Using the file (Finding Joe) please support or refute this point.

Please pick three points to discuss. Please provide an introductory paragraph identifying the three points. Each point should have a distinct paragraph. Each idea should also be supported by referencing the film, class notes, textbooks or other resource materials. Please provide two or more references.

Please provide a final paragrpah with reflects on what the points you have made are important in the social work practice. Please use APA. If you have never used APA don’t worry about it, just do your best by following the guidelines and model paper provided:

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Question 1: Describe (HIV/AIDS) as a communicable disease (causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment) and the demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence). Is this a reportable disease? If so, provide details about reporting time, whom to report to, etc.

Question 2: Describe the determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of the communicable disease you chose. How does

Question 3: Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. Are there any special considerations or notifications for the community, schools, or general population?

Question 4: Explain the role of the community health nurse in relation to your chosen communicable disease (case finding, reporting, data collecting, data analysis, and follow-up).

Discussion Protocol. Please observe the following 3 x 3 rule: when writing your weekly discussions: – A minimum of three paragraphs per entire DQ. Each paragraph should have a minimum of three sentences. All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.) 2019. Discussions must have a minimum of 2 references, not older than 2015 (you can use those on the website).

Requirements: 6 paragraphs

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Management Question

Management Question


The purpose of this assignment is to allow you the chance to evaluate the role of social responsibility in society. After you complete this assignment, you will analyze a written article, be able to ascertain your view on social responsibility, and evaluate the pros and cons of social responsibility.

This activity corresponds with competencies: C1.2, C4.3.

  1. Read the article The-Fastest-Growing-Cause-forShareholders-is-Sustainability (attached).
  2. In your opinion, does it pay to be socially responsible?
  3. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages for a company that pursues a sustainability strategy?
  4. How could a manager’s attitude toward social responsibility affect the company’s strategy?
  5. What is your position on social responsibility, are you for it or against it, why?

You should submit:

  • A word document with your responses
  • Make reference to material covered (article, textbook, websites, etc., cite at least two different sources)
  • Each response should be between 1 to 2 paragraphs.
  • Format using APA style, and include any sources you cite in a reference page.


  • All questions should be answered fully, concisely and supported with valid research.
  • Sentences should be well-structured, complete, clear, and concise.
  • Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed, and spelling is correct.

Requirements: 2-3 pages

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discussion question tpoic 4 1

discussion question tpoic 4 1

Increased demand for health care services leads to an increasing need for health care organizations to be cost-efficient. What are the factors that impact an organization’s financial viability?

Government and Policy for U.S. Health Leaders

Higbea, R., & Cline, G. (2021). Government and policy for U.S. health leaders (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284207767 (Available as a custom eBook – includes only Chapter 6)

Essentials of Health Economics

Dewar, D. M. (2017). Essentials of health economics (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284054620

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