Author name: Rosemary Mosco

principles of research and evidence-based practice

Discussion week 5

discussion Week 5

Requirements: On topic

Week 5 DQ clarification:

Week 5 DQ states:


Discussion week 5

discussion Week 5

Requirements: On topic

Week 5 DQ clarification:

Week 5 DQ states:

Discuss the principles of research and evidence-based practice and how to effectively implement them for advanced practice nurses.

There are various principles related to research, for example, the 4 main ethical principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice. In addition, discuss evidence-based practice (EBP) and how will you implement EBP into your practice as an APN.

and how to effectively implement them for advanced practice nurses.

There are various principles related to research, for example, the 4 main ethical principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice. In addition, discuss evidence-based practice (EBP) and how will you implement EBP into your practice as an APN.

principles of research and evidence-based practice Read More »

Describe the return process in the closed loop supply chain process.

Describe the return process in the closed loop supply chain process.

Describe the return process in the closed-loop supply chain process.

•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than a two-page paper.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Describe the return process in the closed loop supply chain process. Read More »

Using Analytic Techniques to Add Meaning to Data

Using Analytic Techniques to Add Meaning to Data

Download data on a company’s stock history. From this data, create scatterplots, histograms, and calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of some data points. Write a 5 page report including the graphs and descriptive statistics you have created.

Business analytics techniques are used to facilitate decision making by transforming large amounts of raw data into meaningful information. Many businesses rely on analysis of relevant historical data to make key strategic and operational decisions. Therefore, understanding how to use techniques such as graphical representation and descriptive statistics to translate raw data into useful information can be a valuable skill in an organization.

In this assessment and the next, you will have the opportunity to sharpen your analytics skills by locating and interpreting real-life stock data.

You have been learning about how to explore data. In this assessment, you will apply those skills by downloading a practical dataset and creating graphical representations of that data. The work you do in this assessment will lay the foundation for future assessments in which you analyze and interpret those graphical representations. Since the purpose of business analytics is to make sense of large quantities of raw data, this assessment helps you develop skills in applying analytics to business contexts by practicing the exploration and display of data.

In addition to graphical and tabular summary methods, numeric or quantitative variables and data can be summarized numerically using various techniques of description and display.

Descriptive methods, which describe existing data, are also methods for using a subset of the available data to estimate or test a theory about a measurement on a larger group. This larger group is called the population, and the measurement being studied is the parameter. The smaller group, or subset, of the population that is taken in order to make an inference (to make an estimate or test a theory) is referred to as the sample. The measurement taken on that sample is then referred to as the statistic, which is usually the best single-number estimate for the population parameter of interest. Most often, however, the estimate should not be restricted to a single number that would be exactly correct or incorrect. Instead, it is preferable to calculate some range of possible values between which there can be a certain percent confidence that the true population parameter falls. These are referred to as confidence intervals.


Business analytics techniques are used to facilitate decision making by transforming large amounts of raw data into meaningful information. Many businesses rely on analysis of relevant historical data to make key strategic and operational decisions with the goal of gaining or maintaining competitive advantage. Therefore, understanding how to use techniques such as graphical representation and descriptive statistics to translate raw data into useful information can be a valuable skill in an organization.

In this assessment and the next, you will have the opportunity to sharpen your analytics skills by locating and interpreting real-life stock data, creating a business report, and presenting the information from the business report with your supervisor and colleagues as part of a decision-making effort.

Your Role

You are a member of a business analyst group interested in a publicly traded company. Your supervisor has asked you to create a presentation, including graphical representations from raw stock data. From that raw stock data, you are to create a business report for a company-wide meeting at the end of the quarter. Your work and the work of others will result in a Business Report, which will be utilized to help company leadership make decisions.

Your first task is to pick a publicly held company with only one business platform. So do not pick Apple, Amazon, Disney, et cetera. You want a company that plays in only one industry. Then you are to provide an overview of the company, including business context. Remember that business context includes many aspects of the company, industry, competition, et cetera.

The second task is prepping stock history data from the business or company and creating scatter plots and a histograms.

The third task is to calculate mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of the adjusted daily closing stock price and the stock volume.

The fourth task is to provide a summary of the information you provide (including data analysis) without bias and with factual information including citations.

It is your responsibility to present visually and to interpret the data into meaningful information using analysis and descriptive statistics.


Select a publicly traded business or stock that plays in only one industry in which you have interest. Download the raw data on the company’s stock history.

Follow these steps to locate and download stock history from Yahoo! Finance:

  • Go to Yahoo Finance.
  • Search for and find the stock information of your chosen company. Remember do not use a company that plays in multiple industries.
  • Once you pull up the general data on the company, review the screen links throughout until you find the link for Historical Data. Click on the Historical Data link. Then select the following settings above the table:
    • Select Time Period of one year.
    • Select “Historical Prices.”
    • Select Frequency as “Daily.”
    • Click Apply.
    • Click Download Data. Go to the bottom of your screen or your Downloads folder to open the Excel file you just downloaded. Open the Excel file. Check to be sure that you have enough lines to show the whole year. If not, reset the settings at the top of the Historical Data chart and try again.
    • Once you are sure that you have a year’s worth of data, save the Excel file.

Using the Excel file with the year’s stock data, conduct descriptive analysis as follows:

  1. Create a scatter plot of the highest stock price (in the column labeled “High”) against time. Write several sentences explaining the process/steps by which you created this graph.
  2. Create a scatter plot of the lowest stock price (in the column labeled “Low”) against time. Write several sentences explaining the process/steps by which you created this graph.
  3. Create a histogram of the adjusted daily closing stock price (in the column labeled “Adj Close”). Make sure the histogram is meaningful by adjusting the bin size so you can see the shape of the histogram. Write several sentences explaining the process/steps by which you created this graph.
  4. Create a histogram of the stock trading volume (in the column labeled “Volume”). Make sure the histogram is meaningful by adjusting the bin size so you can see the shape of the histogram. Write several sentences explaining the process/steps by which you created each graph.
  5. Complete the following for each of the four graphs:
    • Make sure the x and y axis have appropriate labels—“Stock Price in USD” or “Date D/M/Y” for example.
    • Change the title of the graph to communicated what the graph is communicating.
    • Add options—color, trendlines, legend, other?
  6. Calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of the adjusted daily closing stock price.
  7. Put answers of calculations in table format for easy review.
  8. Write several sentences explaining the process by which you calculated these statistics.
  9. Calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of the stock volume. Put in table format for easy review. Write a sentence explaining the process by which you calculated these statistics.
  10. Prepare a 5-8 page report that you would present to your supervisor, including the following:
    • An APA-formatted title page.
    • A 1-2 page introduction describing the background of your chosen company and its practical extensive business context. You should use at least four sources of information on the company, industries the company participates in, history, mission, platforms, products, competitive advantage, and competitors by industry.
    • A section labeled Graphical Representations of Data, in which you include the four graphs you created above and short descriptions of the process you used to create each graph.
    • A section labeled Descriptive Statistics, in which you include the statistics you calculated above and explanation of the procedures you followed to calculate the statistics.
    • A summary of what the data suggests. No opinion please. See textbook information on how to interpret data. Please remain unbiased in your summary. You may use additional resources (and cite) to help you interpret the data. For example: What does Standard Deviation say about stock volatility?

Your paper should be APA-formatted with in-text citations and a corresponding references page. Remember to cite the sources of your financial data. Include at least four sources of information for your page and reflect on reference page.

Walkthrough: You may view the following media piece to help you understand concepts addressed in this assessment:

Additional Requirements

  • Length: 5, double-spaced. Include a title page and the graphical representations of the data selected.
  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 2: Use analytic and statistical techniques to make meaning of large quantities of data.
    • Create four different graphical representations of data.
    • Calculate descriptive statistics for two different variables.
    • Summarize the processes by which each graph and statistics were created and calculated.
  • Competency 4: Present the results of data analysis in clear and meaningful ways to multiple stakeholders.
    • Introduce the company and practical business context.
    • Correctly format citations and references using current APA style.
    • Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

Using Analytic Techniques to Add Meaning to Data Read More »

Marketing Question

Marketing Question

Essay about FORD Company. Take a tour at FORD internet site. Based on your readings of researching consumer behavior, what are some of the ways that a company can use their site (or community) to develop new products or change existing ones? Think about perception, motivation, or emotion as you determine which company to assess.


Will provide Book x concepts

Need you to review internet web FORD main Website tour site about question

Marketing Question Read More »

Write a discussion topic based on the below instructions:

Write a discussion topic based on the below instructions:

Read Chapter 13 from the attached pdf and write a discussion topic on What are the differences between structured, semistructured, and unstructured data?

Instructions: Response to the question should be 300-350 words. There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post as needed. Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.

Write a discussion topic based on the below instructions: Read More »

Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Records

Discussion Questions:

Part 1

1. The Administrative Simplification Compliance Act of 2001 requires that all Medicare claims be submitted electronically. Discuss at least two (2) vulnerabilities in the protection of electronic health information?

2. Identify and discuss specific resources or federal agencies that you will utilize to remain informed and current in public health trends and practices.


  • Please make sure you are using scholarly references and they should not be older than 5 years. Your posts/references must be in APA format.
  • Please follow the discussion RUBRIC to make sure you have addressed the discussion criteria.
  • Part 2

    submit the Informed Consent Letter to the Submissions Area (please note that this is only an example and no data may be collected).

    Informed Consent Letter

    • Procedure section is clear, described in detail, specific, and all inclusive. Written in lay language (as documented by reading level score). Includes risks and benefits relevant to study. Address assent (if applicable).
  • REQ: APA format, 3 references not older than 5 years, FOLLOW the sample letters/forms and RUBRIC.

Requirements: 700

Electronic Health Records Read More »

Healthcare policy and law

Healthcare policy and law

This assignment will explore compliance issues with federal and state laws and regulations governing healthcare organizations, such as the Anti-Kickback Law, the False Claims Act, the Stark Law, credentialing, medical errors, and patient safety. It is important to understand healthcare compliance for the benefit of improving patient care. It is also important to promote adherence to applicable laws, payer healthcare requirements, and to protect the organization against fraud, waste, abuse, and other potential liabilities.


Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

  1. Summarize one statute, one regulation, and one guidance document that impose compliance obligations on healthcare organizations.
  2. Explain what healthcare organizations must do to comply with legal requirements.
  3. Describe the standards for corporate compliance programs set forth in the OIG Compliance Guidance and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.
  4. In addition to the textbook, provide two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and valid. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library, or review library guides.

Healthcare policy and law Read More »

History Question

History Question


For your research paper, you will select one of the following travel/captivity narratives, read it, and analyze it. Write a paper that explores a question that arises from your reading of the text. 5-7 pages.

You might frame your questions along the following lines:

What was the motivation for writing this specific narrative, and how did that motivation shape the story?

How can we understand the experience of encountering and learning another culture through this narrative?

What does the narrative reveal about cultural ideas about race, gender, religion, etc.?

Can we trust the narrative? If so, how do we know? If not, what does it reveal in spite of its particular flawed lens?

And so on.

Your essay should offer an argument, and you are required to consult a minimum of two peer-reviewed secondary sources to provide context and background information.

Link to the sources that need to be used in this research paper are directly below:

1.Book: The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, The African (Links to an external site.)



Requirements: 5-7 pages

History Question Read More »

Management Question

Management Question


  • Do you think preventive measure could have been taken either by management or government? How would have they worked? (Not less than 600 words) 2.5-Marks
  • Is this case an example of a culture with different business ethics, how could corporations with international locations adjust for this type of issues or cases. (Not less than 600 words) 2.5-Marks

Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:

After completion of Assignment-2 students will able to understand the

1. Examine management issues and practices in motivation; organizational culture, structure, and behavior; team dynamics; and communication.

2. Relate motivational theories to motivating and demotivating factors.
3. Know and discuss manager’s role in motivating employees.

Course Learning Outcomes-Covered



Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
MGT.M.3.2The capacity to write coherent project about a case study or an actual research about ethics


Assignment Instructions:

Read this article about the Petrobras case (…

Assignment Questions: (Marks 05)


Read the above Article and answer the following Questions:

  • Do you think preventive measure could have been taken either by management or government? How would have they worked? (Not less than 600 words) 2.5-Marks
  • Is this case an example of a culture with different business ethics, how could corporations with international locations adjust for this type of issues or cases. (Not less than 600 words) 2.5-Marks

Requirements: clear answers

Management Question Read More »

Explain why New Employee Orientation and Training is an important aspect of Health and Safety Performance Management

Explain why New Employee Orientation and Training is an important aspect of Health and Safety Performance Management

  • No more than 3 pages, calibre font 11, single space
  • Marks will be deducted for grammar, lack of content, esthetics, – meaning a professionally done paper

Tom is a new employee at XYZ Company Ltd which just started operating 3 months ago. The company provides administrative support to several construction contractors. On his first day Tom inquired about when he would receive his New Employee Orientation and OHS Training. His supervisor chuckled and explained to Tom that there was no need since he would be working in an office environment and was coming in with over 15 years’ experience as an Administrative Assistant. Tom was surprised at first but thought it was for the best since there was already a stack of documents for him to process waiting for him at his new desk.

Explain why NewHR491 Senior Seminar in Human Resource Development Week 5 Current Event Exercise Employee Orientation and Training is an important aspect of Health and Safety Performance Management and why it is essential for all work environments and roles including Office environments and administrative roles.

Explain why New Employee Orientation and Training is an important aspect of Health and Safety Performance Management Read More »

HR491 Senior Seminar in Human Resource Development Week 5 Current Event Exercise

HR491 Senior Seminar in Human Resource Development Week 5 Current Event Exercise


The purpose of the HR current event exercise is to analyze the student’s articulation of key HR activities associated with any current HR event/policy or one of the Unit 5 ULOs.


Each student is required to develop an 8-10 slide Power Point Presentation using APA format (Title Page, Running Header/Titles and Reference page with references properly cited in the body of the presentation). The presentation will summarize an HR business case of your chosen HR current event or ULO. The current event can be from the news, the employee’s organization, or other current event. The presentation must clearly articulate how the Human Resource Management function of an organization positively contributes to organizational outcomes. The final presentation slide is required to include all references in APA format.

Unit Learning Objectives

  • ULO#1: Explain how employees’ needs and expectations may change with age and family patterns
  • ULO#2: Understand some of the diversity management issues that should be considered before recruiting and employing a workforce
  • ULO#3: Explain how HR managers avoid litigation (legal action) in discrimination of a workforce
  • ULO#4: Compare and contrast the job expectations for employees of different demographic groups

Requirements: Looking for a more in-depth guide with all the details.

You can choose one of the ULO’s which is attached to base the power point on. Thanks for the help in this matter.

HR491 Senior Seminar in Human Resource Development Week 5 Current Event Exercise Read More »

Developmental Research and Psychological Science

Developmental Research and Psychological Science

INSTRUCTIONS: The submitted paper will examine how the results obtained in developmental science may be biased due to extensive focus on WEIRD samples. This acronym reflects the notion that much of developmental research and psychological science more generally) has been conducted on participants from Westernized societies who are Educated and from Industrialized, Rich, Democratic nations. Then watch the movie Babies. The majority of the paper will focus on discussion of your observations pertaining to the differential influence of cultural beliefs and parenting behaviors on infant development. In addition, you will examine how your development was shaped by an aspect of your cultural heritage.

ARTICLE REQUIRED: Read Henrich, Heine, and Norenzayan (2010)

–> (only until page 83 of the article/page 23 of the doc)

DOCUMENTARY REQUIRED: “Babies” documentary, released in 2010 is available on Youtube and Amazon (Movie is $3.99 on these platforms, please be advised this part of your payment)

You are required to cite from the required article and documentary and you may also use articles of your choice and the ones I have provided you with as well.

No plagiarism!!! Will be submitted on plagiarism checker

Must cite ALL sources

Further instructions are listed on the rubric file

Developmental Research and Psychological Science Read More »

Business Law Question

Business Law Question


“My recommendation for companies to avoid adverse impact and discrimination”

You will compose a 2-page word document entitled:


This paper should include a description of protected groups, the definition of adverse impact, and employment law that protects against discrimination. In addition, this paper should advise policies, procedures, and recommendations for companies to follow to avoid adverse impacts and discrimination.

The paper should be done in APA format. See below for APA resources.

Download APA Word Template.pdf

Business Law Question Read More »



All hospitals serve patients, employ physicians and nurses, and adhere to the rules and regulations defined by the legal framework for clinical services. Although nonprofit and for-profit hospitals are fundamentally similar, there are significant cultural and operational differences, such as the purpose or mission for running the hospital, strategic approaches to scale, financial strategies, and operational discipline. The culture at for-profit hospitals is business driven, and at nonprofit hospitals, it is service driven. For balanced healthcare services, both are important.

This assignment will help you explore for-profit and nonprofit hospitals, including their purpose, strategy, and services. You will identify one for-profit hospital and one nonprofit hospital in the United States. You will conduct research and compare these identified for-profit and nonprofit hospitals to analyze the strategic similarities and differences between these two categories of hospitals. This assignment will prepare you for Project Two by helping you develop skills to analyze hospitals’ financial needs and their impact on health policies and laws.


To complete this assignment, you will create an analysis report that includes a comparison table for for-profit and nonprofit hospitals. You will research for-profit and nonprofit hospitals, collect information about their financial strategies and malpractice guidelines, and then compare these two categories and analyze their similarities and differences. Then you will summarize your analysis findings. Last, you will recommend an appropriate justification for the need for both for-profit and nonprofit hospitals in the U.S. healthcare system.

You are required to cite a minimum of three sources overall to support your claims. However, your submission must cite at least two outside sources from your own research. You may cite no more than one source from the module resources in your submission. For additional help with completing this assignment, refer to the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing – Graduate item in the Start Here module. You may also use the Online Writing Center, located in the Academic Support module.

Use this hospital comparison table template to help you complete this assignment: Module Six Activity For-Profit and Nonprofit Hospital Comparison Table Template

Specifically, you must address the following:

  1. Business Objective: Describe the business objectives or purposes of for-profit and nonprofit hospitals, including their general mission and vision. Consider the following in your response:
    1. What are the core objectives of for-profit and nonprofit hospitals, and how do these influence their financial needs?
    2. What are the key differences in the mission and vision of for-profit and nonprofit hospitals?
  2. Financial Strategy: Analyze the financial strategies of selected hospitals, explaining if their financial needs are key influencers for their business objective. Consider the following in your response:
    1. How does tax status impact for-profit and nonprofit hospitals?
    2. Are the financial needs of for-profit hospitals and nonprofit hospitals different?
  3. Provision of Uncompensated Care: Describe the concept of provision of uncompensated care. Consider the following in your response:
    1. What is uncompensated care?
    2. Is there any difference in the provision of uncompensated care in for-profit and nonprofit hospitals?
  4. Liability for Malpractice: Analyze liability guidelines for malpractice and its financial impact on for-profit and nonprofit hospitals. Consider the following in your response:
    1. Are liabilities different for for-profit and nonprofit hospitals?
    2. What is sovereign immunity law, and how does it impact liability limits for malpractice in for-profit and nonprofit hospitals?
  5. Recommendation: Using your analysis findings to support your claim, share your recommendation about the need for both for-profit and nonprofit hospitals in the United States. Consider the following in your response:
    1. What are the key strategic differences between for-profit and nonprofit hospitals?
    2. How do the financial needs or objectives of for-profit and nonprofit hospitals impact the policies and laws?
    3. Is there a need for both for-profit and nonprofit hospitals in the U.S. healthcare system? Share your recommendation with appropriate justification.

Guidelines for Submission

Your submission should be a 3- to 5-page Word document, including your completed comparison table from the provided template. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Requirements: I would say at least 3 pages long and then add the comparison table


Not sure if it went through or not but this table needs to be filled in as well.

Overview Read More »

Synthesize Elements of Forming a Community Health Partnership

Synthesize Elements of Forming a Community Health Partnership

This assignment requires your synthesis and reflection of the elements needed to form your proposal for a community health partnership. Such partnerships are mandated by the ACA for nonprofit hospitals and offer benefits to both partners.

Your proposal will contain an overview of the benefits; and, using your weekly resources and assignments, you will identify the steps needed to form a partnership of this type.

These steps include:

You will summarize the predicted ROI for this nonprofit hospital/community health partnership from a holistic perspective in narrative form rather than a financial accounting perspective.

Lastly, you will incorporate your summary of how the 13 health leadership competencies are applied in each step and weigh the value of the abilities in each for health administrators. (collaboration, information seeking, analytical thinking, strategic orientation, accountability, performance measurement, project management, community orientation, professionalism, financial skills, innovative thinking, team leadership, and process management/organizational design)

Length: Minimum of 10 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 7 scholarly resources

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Requirements: 10 pages or more/use references & competencies (in bold) listed.

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SOC313 Parkinson’s Disease Case Study

SOC313 Parkinson’s Disease Case Study

Parkinson’s Disease Case Study Details:


Doug and his wife Maria have three adult children, all of whom are married with young children of their own. Doug works as a regional sales representative for a chemical company that produces plastics, chemicals, and agricultural products. He has been in the position for 15 years, having moved into this job after leaving a different company doing similar work. The job requires him to travel to give demonstrations of the products across a six-state region. This requires him to fly and drive in unfamiliar areas. Maria works as a junior high school principal. Doug and Maria are financially set for retirement at age 65. Overall, they are in good health. At the age of 60, Doug received a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease (PD).

Early phase

In the year before his diagnosis, Doug had three minor car accidents while he was traveling in unfamiliar territory. Maria was suspicious that the accidents were related to his PD and, after consulting with the neurologist and Doug, they decided he should no longer travel alone out of his immediate area. After a few months of traveling with a colleague, he reluctantly stepped down to a district sales representative position to stay closer to home. Within the next year, Doug started experiencing exacerbated (worsened) symptoms related to fine motor coordination, changes in speech, as well as anger, anxiety, and depression. The neurologist placed Doug on short-term disability at the age of 61. After six months on short-term disability, the law mandates that the individual must apply for Social Security Disability. Therefore, due to Doug’s health continuing to decline and his inability to return to work, Maria had to file for long-term disability for Doug. At first, Maria attempted to work with Doug to complete the disability paperwork. Doug was easily frustrated with formulating the responses to the questions on the forms; he did not know how to answer the questions nor where to find the information within their household records, so Maria hired a lawyer to complete the paperwork.

Three months after submitting the application, Doug was approved for Social Security Disability Income (SSDI). This was a significant drop in income. Doug’s employment income was twice that of Maria’s; he was bringing home $7500 per month. His SSDI income is $2788 per month. Since Doug left his full-time job, he was no longer eligible for health benefits from his employer. He is not eligible for Medicare under the disability guidelines until two years after payments begin. Maria completed the paperwork to add him to the health insurance through her job, which doubled her monthly contribution to health insurance. The decrease in household income required them to utilize their retirement funds earlier than planned. In addition, Maria knows, as the disease progresses, she may have to make decisions about her own full-time work as a principal, which will further strain their financial situation.

Middle phase

Doug and Maria enjoyed playing Scrabble with their friends Susan and Bob, who lived nearby. The two couples would get together every Saturday for some friendly competition along with dessert and lively discussion. A year after his diagnosis, Doug was exhibiting stooped posture and changes in his speech, which made it difficult to understand what he said. These were clear signs the disease was progressing. In some aspects of his life, he appeared to function well enough, such as easily performing most activities of daily living, but it became clear he struggled with activities in the game of Scrabble. For example, he was having a difficult time creating words from the tiles he chose, where to place them on the board, and he could no longer add up his points correctly. In addition, Doug was embarrassed because he continually knocked tiles out of place on the board, struggled to communicate clearly and interact with friends in a social situation. Doug felt a great deal of shame due to the changes and told Maria that he no longer wanted to participate in the weekly game night. This meant that Doug and Maria had less interaction in their own community and became more socially isolated, which is not uncommon for families with a chronically ill member.

Late phase

Doug was in charge of managing his own medications, which he needs four times a day. One day, about four years after his diagnosis, Maria was away from home at noon when Doug called her to ask what he was supposed to do with the noon pills. “I’m supposed to throw them out, right?” That was an early sign of dementia. It was a signal for Maria that Doug could no longer control his own medications and that he probably shouldn’t be left alone for very long. The incident marked the start of a steep decline in Doug’s cognitive and emotional abilities, and the couple’s relationship changed from one of partners to one of patient and caregiver. Maria relied on their children and other family members to help with Doug’s care, and she began looking for support groups to help her figure out how to handle the deteriorating situation. Even though she had a rotation of helpers, most of the work of Doug’s care was Maria’s responsibility.

Doug’s condition progressed to the point of needing full-time care in a skilled nursing facility a little more than a year later, after he lost the ability to stand up, even with help. He always needed two people to help him, and that just wasn’t possible at home. In addition to the tremendous emotional stress on the family, moving Doug to a skilled nursing facility further increased the financial burden. Maria made the decision to sell the house and move to a small apartment by herself. She had to spend the proceeds from their home to pay for Doug’s nursing home care before Medicaid would help pay for his care, due to the Medicaid eligibility spend-down requirements. Doug passed away five months after moving to the skilled nursing facility. Maria was still paying for his care out of the proceeds from the sale of their home, so she never received Medicaid assistance for Doug’s care.

Address the following within the required template

  • Briefly define Parkinson’s Disease.
    • What physical changes occur related to the onset of the disease?
    • What are the possible psychological changes with PD?
    • What system(s) are affected?
    • What are the treatments and therapies?
  • The case study shared details that indicate Doug is no longer able to identify and resolve problems.
    • Identify two examples in the study that indicate Doug is losing this ability.
    • Provide two other examples that may arise as the disease progresses that are related to identifying and resolving problems.
  • Discuss possible feelings and stressors Doug may be experiencing as the disease progresses and he must rely on caregivers more.
    • Refer to the required reading list for the topics related to this assignment for ideas.
  • Discuss the effects of the diagnosis of PD and its progression can have on a spouse and family (micro-level).
    • Refer to the chapter and required readings regarding caregiving and caregiver burden (e.g., employment, psychological effects, financial stressors, role in the marriage, etc.).
  • Locate two services in your own community that offer assistance to people with PD and their caregivers (meso-level).
    • Describe the services available, cost, and eligibility requirements.
    • In your opinion, are Doug and Maria eligible for the services? Explain your answer based on your findings and the knowledge of Doug and Maria.
  • At the macro-level, research the state and federal programs, legislation and initiatives that affect chronic illnesses. Discuss the pros and cons of two of the following items as they affect patients and caregivers.
    • Legislation and lobbying efforts (e.g., changes to the Affordable Care Act [ACA], stem-cell research, etc.)
    • Requirements to qualify for Social Security Disability Income (SSDI)
    • Requirements to take advantage of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
    • Requirements to qualify for Medicaid/Medicare.
      • What are the requirements of these programs in terms of paying for skilled nursing for Doug? Do Doug and Maria qualify for assistance through these programs? Why or why not?
    • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
    • A program, legislation, or initiative of your finding.
  • Use a minimum of three scholarly sources. List references in APA format within the response box on the template.

The Parkinson’s Disease Case Study assignment

Requirements: 5 page length total

I attached the template that the work goes on and when it is filled out it should reach five pages the teacher said.

SOC313 Parkinson’s Disease Case Study Read More »

JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEW of current research in an area of organizational trends in the education

JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEW of current research in an area of organizational trends in the education

ASSIGNMENT TWO (30 points):
The articles reviewed for this assignment must report the results of current research in an area
of organizational trends in the education or human services environment. The article must be
directed at a scholarly audience.
The review must be on an article reporting structured research, that is, one with variables,
statistical analyses, relationships among variables, etc. The article may be about
any organizational trend/topic you choose. The key to this assignment is to demonstrate your
analytical and research capabilities by specifically linking the procedures discussed in the article
to the concepts addressed in this course.
To ensure proper content and quality, a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed journals must be included
in the analysis, and to the extent possible, a majority of your sources should be less than two
years old. Your paper will be 6 to 8 double-spaced pages 12 pt. font.
NSU Alvin Sherman Library
Through the library, you have access to hundreds of databases and each database
contains different types of information sources including scholarly journal articles, e-
books, dissertations, newspaper articles, streaming videos, and more. When researching
a topic, you should look for information in library databases. To get to the library
databases, start on the Alvin Sherman Library homepage, which is
On the homepage, you will see two buttons called “Databases by Name” and “Databases
by Subject.” If you don’t know a specific database to use, click on “Databases by Subject”
to find a category that best matches your topic. For example, if you were looking for
articles on standardized testing, you would want to select the category for “Education”
so you could view all of the library’s education-related databases.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You are REQUIRED to access the ProQuest – Education Database to
search for academic/scholarly sources for this assignment. Sources from other
sites/databases CANNOT BE USED.
NOTE: Reference list should follow APA 7th edition format guidelines. Remember, every
assignment must include the FCE title page. See appendix.

JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEW of current research in an area of organizational trends in the education Read More »

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