Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Help with creating an economic system

Help with creating an economic system

Write a 2,500 – 3,000 word paper (not counting title page or reference page) in APA format detailing an economic system for an imaginary country.

1.Name your country.

2.Choose and detail an economic system from those studied in the course

3.Explain the logic of your selection in detail (pros and cons)

a.Why is this system the best choice for your country? Are there political, geographic, topographic, heritage or other issues for which you believe this system to be well suited?

b.What would you change in the system chosen to eliminate problems encountered by countries in the past (or currently)?

4.Explain why not other systems

a.Why is your choice superior to these?

Be sure to support your opinions with properly cited and referenced sources.

Please make sure to Pick an imaginary country and name it.

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This is a leadership paper for an organizational management class

This is a leadership paper for an organizational management class

This is a scholarly, data-driven, cited assignment on a Historical or Current Leader. The paper is expected to be between 7 to 8 typed pages, not including APA citations and bibliography. Please ensure you have a coversheet with your name and course number on it. The paper should be Times New Roman, 12-pt font, double spaced.

Choose one Leader that you can find articles, books, or data on. It can be a leader from anywhere in the world, and remember you have to be able to find references on them.

Within the paper discuss:

You should have at least 4 outside sources, plus the text book. The outside sources CANNOT be wikipedia or a blog. Ensure that whatever sources you cite within the paper are in your APA bibliography.

Minimize the use of quotations… paraphrase your work and cite it appropriately.


Konopaske, R., Ivancevich, J. M., & Matteson, M. T. (2018). Organizational behavior & management (11thed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education , this is the textbook

The leader that I chose is Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud

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Software System Project 1000 words minimum report

Software System Project 1000 words minimum report

The report should have a cover page, table of contents. In the introduction describe the system you have selected with respect to what it does, who uses it and why they use it and well as the analysis of information requirements from each system user using input-process-output model.

The project reports must be at least 1000 words to fulfill the university’s writing intensive requirement and this excludes the cover page and table of contents… this is the link to the system description in the university website. I attached two screen shots from my account to show to you the system.

I will the class material and please don’t use any other sources and make it look simple and thanks!

Software System Project 1000 words minimum report Read More »

Community health promotion

Community health promotion

Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance when completing this assignment.

Communicable Disease Selection

  1. Chickenpox
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. Influenza (this is my chosen selection)
  4. Mononucleosis
  5. Hepatitis B
  6. HIV
  7. Ebola
  8. Measles
  9. Polio
  10. Influenza

Epidemiology Paper Requirements

  1. Describe the chosen communicable disease, including causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment, and the demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence). Is this a reportable disease? If so, provide details about reporting time, whom to report to, etc.
  2. Describe the social determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease.
  3. Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. Are there any special considerations or notifications for the community, schools, or general population?
  4. Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collection, data analysis, and follow-up) and why demographic data are necessary to the health of the community.
  5. Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organizations contribute to resolving or reducing the impact of disease.
  6. Discuss a global implication of the disease. How is this addressed in other countries or cultures? Is this disease endemic to a particular area? Provide an example.

A minimum of three peer-reviewed or professional references is required.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Prior to beginning this assignment,

Prior to beginning this assignment,

research paper

Prior to beginning this assignment, follow the link to read the article below. The information related to adult learning and barriers to understanding will be helpful when planning how to best educate your selected population.

Beagley, L. (2011). Educating patients: Understanding barriers, learning styles, and teaching techniques. Journal of Paranesthesia Nursing, 26(5), 331-337. permalink (Links to an external site.)


Please read all directions carefully before you begin.

  1. Click to download the Patient Teaching Plan Form (Links to an external site.).
    Type your answers directly into this Word document and submit. The use of correct terminology, grammar, and spelling is important! Any references and citations used should be written in APA format. Please utilize in-text citations when appropriate, and list all references in the space provided at the end of the worksheet.
  2. You are required to complete the form using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at (Links to an external site.). Click on the envelope at the top of the page.
  3. Health Topic: Select your topic from the list below. Describe in detail why this is an important topic for patient education. Use evidence from the textbook, lesson or an outside scholarly source to support your rationale.Select from the following health topics to complete your Patient Teaching Project:
    • Palliative Care/Hospice Care
    • Medication Safety at Home
    • Vaccinations
    • Women’s Health
    • Men’s Health
    • Geriatric Home Safety
  4. Population and Setting: Once you have selected a topic, you must decide WHO you will be teaching and WHERE the education will take place. (i.e., teaching a classroom of middle school students; teaching community members at a local health fair)
  5. Learning Barriers: Refer to the assigned article: Educating patients: Understanding barriers, learning styles, and teaching techniques for information related to learning barriers and other teaching considerations. Barriers might be cultural, physical, educational, or environmental. You may also want to consider the developmental stages of your selected population.Example:
    • The population in this community is known to have a low-literacy level, therefore clear pictures and graphics will be utilized to assist with understanding.
  6. Learning Objectives: Write three specific learning objectives your Visual Teaching Tool will address. Begin each objective with “At the end of this education, the learner will …” Use an action verb to finish the sentence (i.e., list, demonstrate, describe, define, identify).Example:
    • At the end of this education, the learner will be able to demonstrate the proper way to wear a bike helmet.
    • At the end of this education, the learner will be able to describe how to perform a breast self-exam.
    • At the end of this education, the learner will be able to list three benefits of regular physical activity.
  7. Evaluation: Write a paragraph describing how you could evaluate whether your visual teaching tool was successful and met the learning objectives. Consider the population’s abilities and the setting.

Part 2

Special Reminder: There are 2 separate submissions.

  • Patient Teaching Plan
  • Visual Teaching Tool

Please note that you will need to complete the Patient Teaching Plan first. You will use this plan to develop the Visual Teaching Tool. It is recommended that you read the directions for both assignments carefully before beginning.


To utilize the Patient Teaching Plan (developed in a prior assignment) to create a Visual Teaching Tool to educate the selected patient population about the selected health topic.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

  • CO 2: Recognize the influence that developmental stages have on physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual functioning. (PO #1)
  • CO 4: Identify teaching/learning needs from the health history of an individual. (PO #2)

Due Date

Visual Teaching Tool assignment is due Sunday of Week 4 at 11:59 MT.


This assignment is worth 75 points.

Select an Option to Complete this Assignment

There are 3 options for creating your Visual Teaching Tool. Be sure to choose a format that makes sense for your selected topic, population, and setting. For example, if will be teaching adults at a health fair, then an educational brochure would be an appropriate choice. You must use the Patient Teaching Plan you have developed in this course to create your Visual Teaching Tool.

Option #1 – Power Point


  1. Create a 6-8 slide Power Point presentation for your selected population setting.
  2. The goal of this Power Point Presentation is to address the three learning outcomes you developed in the Patient Teaching Plan. Once the learner has viewed your Power Point, all three of the learning objectives should have been met.For Example:If a learning objective in the teaching plan is: “At the end of this education, the learner will be able to demonstrate the proper way to wear a bike helmet,” then there should be content in your Power Point related to how to properly wear a bike helmet.
  3. Tips for a great Power Point presentation:
    • Be creative! Choose a design (from the design tab of the PowerPoint presentation) to enhance visual appeal.
    • Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.
    • Use words and phrases suitable for your selected population.
    • Avoid writing paragraphs. Use simple sentences and bullet points.
    • Cite all sources used to create the educational content with (author, year).
    • Proofread for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.

Option #2 – Educational Brochure (Using Microsoft Word)


  1. Open Microsoft Word, and select create a New document.Under the Education option, select Education Brochure. This will provide you with a blank tri-fold brochure template. You can change the design, insert graphics, and create text as you wish.
  2. The goal of this Educational Brochure is to address the three learning outcomes you developed in the Patient Teaching Plan. Once the learner has viewed your Educational Brochure, all three of the learning objectives should have been met.
    For Example:If a learning objective in the Patient Teaching Plan is: “At the end of this education, the learner will be able to demonstrate the proper way to wear a bike helmet,” then there should be content in your Educational Brochure related to how to properly wear a bike helmet.
  3. Tips for a great educational brochure:
    For Example:

    • Be creative! Choose a design (from the design tab of the PowerPoint presentation) to enhance visual appeal.
    • Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.
    • Use words and phrases suitable for your selected population.
    • Avoid writing paragraphs. Use simple sentences and bullet points.
    • Cite all sources used to create the educational content with (author, year).
    • Proofread for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.

Option #3 – Infographic (Using a free Canva Account)


  1. If you are tech savvy and feeling creative – create an infographic! Infographics are a way to communicate information visually, through a combination of text and graphics. Infographics have become a popular way to present facts and ideas in an efficient, yet effective way. Healthcare related organizations, like as the CDC, regularly use infographics to assist individuals with limited background understand health-related topics. This form of education can be helpful for patient populations with low-literacy levels, or to simplify a complex topic. Perform a web search to learn more about infographics, view examples, and understand how they are utilized.
  2. The goal of this Infographic is to address the three learning outcomes you developed in the Patient Teaching Plan. Once the learner has viewed your Infographic, all three of the learning objectives should have been met.For Example:If a learning objective in the Patient Teaching Plan is: “At the end of this education, the learner will be able to demonstrate the proper way to wear a bike helmet,” then there should be content in your Infographic related to how to properly wear a bike helmet.
  3. Follow this link (Links to an external site.) to the Canva website, and sign up for a free account.
  4. Please note that there are options on this website that require payment. You should be able to create your infographic without spending money or providing any payment information. Choose graphics and designs that are free of charge
  5. There are sample infographics on the website to get you started, and a Help section if you have questions. You can also perform a web search to find examples of infographic designs. Faculty are not able to provide technical support for Canva.
  6. You will be able to start an infographic, save it to your account, and edit it later.
  7. When your infographic is complete, you will need to download and save to your computer in order to submit to Canvas for grading. Select the PNG (recommended) saving option.
  8. Tips for a great infographic:
    • Be creative! Select an eye-catching design to enhance visual appeal.
    • Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.
    • Use words and phrases suitable for your selected population.
    • Avoid writing paragraphs. Use simple sentences and bullet points.
    • Cite all sources used to create the educational content with (author, year).
    • Proofread for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.

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