Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Should officers with body-worn cameras be required to announce they are wearing the devices?

Should officers with body-worn cameras be required to announce they are wearing the devices?

First, compose a minimum of 100 words in response to the questions. Second, save the work to your hard drive, and then, post your response here in Canvas. Next, read the responses provided by your classmates and compose a 100-word minimum critical response to 1 classmate’s post. ( I will provide you the response of one of the classmates after you are done with my answer because it would be visible right after I post my answer)

Several police departments across the US are requiring that police officers utilize body-worn cameras. In-car cameras came into regular use and are now fairly common in modern law enforcement agencies. Thus, body cameras are the next logical step because officers routinely step out of view of their in-car cameras.

The purpose of the body-worn camera is to record and document police-citizen encounters. At first glance, this may seem advantageous for both parties, but with closer inspection, there is much more to this story. The disadvantages could outweigh the advantages.

First, provide 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of police body-worn cameras. Then answer: Should officers with body-worn cameras be required to announce they are wearing the devices? Under what circumstances should body-worn cameras be on and off?

Finally, if you pull additional information from a source (internet, book, article, journal article) to develop your response, please be sure to cite it appropriately in APA format. Below is an example to follow for a journal article. This includes the authors’ names, year of publication, title of the article, the name of the journal in italics, the volume number of the journal in italics, and the issue number in parentheses, followed by the page number range:

Journal article example:

Sampson, R. J., & Laub, J. H. (2005). A life-course view of the development of crime. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 602(1), 12-45.

Web Document or Report example:

Kaste, M. (January, 2016). California cops frustrated with “Catch-and-Release” crime fighting. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Should officers with body-worn cameras be required to announce they are wearing the devices? Read More »

Cause and Effect eaasy

Cause and Effect eaasy


Write a 700-word essay explaining one of the following topics:

Too much sunshine causes skin cancer.

Stress is responsible for many illnesses.

Social media destroys relationships.

Lack of exercise causes weight gain.

Single gender classrooms cause students to learn better.

Remember that you are to use at least two outside sources that you will document within the text of your paper.

This is not an opinion paper so do not use personal pronouns.

Cause and Effect eaasy Read More »

week 5 abdominal disorders

week 5 abdominal disorders

This week you have learned about common GI disorders in the Adult and Geriatric patient. For the purpose of this discussion, on the following GI disorders and provide the following in your initial post:

GI disorders:

week 5 abdominal disorders Read More »




Enter MindTap via the link provided.

  • Return to Blackboard.
    • Participate in the discussion board. The link is located in this content folder.

    1. disscusion topic

  • Initial Post: Social interest is a cornerstone concept in Adlerian theory. How could you encourage your clients to develop social interest? Additionally, what are your thoughts about the emphasis that Adlerians place on encouragement as a therapeutic factor? Be sure to connect your response to something you learned in Chapter 5. To clearly illustrate that connection, your response must contain the page number from the textbook in order to earn full credit.

2. + respond -> i need respond to this classmate. Keep it positive and short 🙂

I agree with Adler that social interest is a very important aspect of humanity. According to Corey (2017), social interest involves a sense of being part of a community and being concerned about others in addition to ourselves (Corey, 2017, p. 102). In order to encourage clients to develop social interest, I would first want to learn about what relationships they currently have with others and see if they have a social interest or support system. It may be very easy to encourage someone who has social interest already to develop more of an interest in others than it would be for someone who feels alone and isolated. For a client who does not seem to have a sense of community or social interest, I would start with a small goal and try to get the client to show an interest in one other person, even if that just means holding the door for someone at the grocery store. If the client does something nice for someone else and feels good about him/herself, I would want to work up to bigger goals such as maybe doing some volunteer work or participating in a community event. Corey (2017), says that social interest is an important indicator of mental health according to Adlerians. As social interest starts to become a greater part of a person’s life, feelings of being inferior and isolation will start to fade (Corey, 2017, p. 102). I would frequently check in with the client as we progress from small goals to larger ones to see if their social interest is increasing and how he/she feels about themselves and whether or not a greater sense of community is forming.

Corey (2017) evaluates how encouragement is central to changing a person’s beliefs and instilling confidence and courage in a client (Corey, 2017, p. 105). When I read that, I instantly thought of a counselor being a cheerleader for their clients. Our goal as counselors is to help clients through very difficult experiences in their lives and I feel that encouraging a client is really shining a spotlight on what they are able to accomplish. Encouragement can give others a greater sense of self and feel more empowered to take control of their lives and make positive changes.

9 hours ago
9 hours ago

class 623

click mindtap acess link

note: its 3 part assignment

1. mindtap

2. discussion

3. respond to discussion


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