Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Research Project

Research Project


Pick 1 hotel companies, 1 cruise lines and 1 restaurant chains, such as Hyatt, Norwegian Cruise Lines and Denny’s.

Look for the following information:

  • Brands- list them and describe who the target market would be, for example business person, families etc.
  • The category they are in, for instance luxury, budget etc.
  • Where the headquarters is
  • How many hotels, rooms, ships and restaurants does the company own
  • Any special promotions being offered
  • Any presence in Miami, if so where?
  • What countries are they in.
  • List a position you would like
  • List any management trainee programs or college programs they might have
  • List any tuition reimbursement program they might have

You can find the information from their web pages. The web pages are listed at the end of the corresponding chapters under internet sites.

There are also web sites from associations which feature news articles on major companies. Look for the search link in each one. a couple of examples are:

You might have to sign up in order to access any information.

You can also go the books’ link for web resources: American Hotel & Lodging Association

Note: Many companies have a lot of information under: about us, investor information, and corporate information in their web page. You can use google, wikepedia, associations like the ones listed above.

Writing instructions:

Use Powerpoint for your presentation. Under notes write commentaries as if you were making a live presentation. Count on about 7-9 slides per company and 21-27 slides total.

Requirements: Read details

Research Project Read More »

Business Question

Business Question

Imagine that you have been asked to deliver a podcast to a community that has recently been in the news due to a rise in hate crimes. Write your assignment as if it were a transcript of your podcast. Address the following in your podcast transcript.

  • Explain what determines whether or not a crime is categorized as a hate crime.
  • Explain how social media can fuel hate crime within a community.
  • Describe two strategies for bringing cultural awareness into the community in effort to reduce hate crime.

Your assignment must be at least three pages in length. If outside sources are used, please adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

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Leadership autobiography

Leadership autobiography

  1. Write your “leadership autobiography” in which you reflect on your past and present leadership experiences. Do not submit your life story, this only pertains to your leadership experiences.
  2. Refer to Chapter 1, Introduction, page 11, Table 1.2 Six Bases of Power (French & Raven, 1962). Use each of the powers in your narrative by applying them to your leadership experiences.
  3. French and Raven's (1959) bases of power | Download Table
  1. Answer the following questions in your narrative:
    1. What people have had a significant impact on you?
    2. What leadership traits do they possess?
    3. Did these traits impact your leadership style and how?


  1. A word document (no more than 2 pages) containing your “leadership autobiography” following items 1 to 3, above. You should format your paper according to APA 7th edition style. Use an appropriate title page, headings, in-text citations, paragraphs, references page, etc. Not sure how? Review the information on APA style format in the Writing Resources area of the course (in the course menu on the left)

Leadership autobiography Read More »

English Question

English Question

begin this assignment, compose your Essay by addressing the following requirements:

  1. Use the Position Argument template
  2. Choose a topic for Basic Income for Position: Minimum Wage topic specifically. (you could use minimum wage as a topic for basic income argument)
  3. Write a Thesis Statement that states a stance (Position)
  4. Offer clear, fully-developed body paragraphs, making sure that compelling and convincing evidence is used.
  5. Acknowledge the opposition and address it via refutation or concession.
  6. Ensure that all borrowed material, quotes and summaries, from the source essays or outside sources is parenthetically cited to avoid plagiarism.
  7. Offer bibliographic citations for any material you choose to use (it is not required that you use any) in the Works Cited at the end of the paper. (MLA8 Format)
  8. Please find outside sources that are credible and also provide strong information to your argument.
  9. Write 800+ words.

Requirements: 800 words

 I really do not need any mistakes on this assignment.

You will need one intro paragraph that has background information and thesis statement, two body paragraphs to prove your position, and one last body paragraph for opposition on the minimum wage income topic, and lastly a conclusion paragraph where you restate the thesis.

Feel free to look at the template and rubric I provided.

Please use at least 4 credible sources.

800 + words, please be careful of plagirisim.

English Question Read More »

G141/COM1002 Section 04 Introduction to Communication – Rough Draft

G141/COM1002 Section 04 Introduction to Communication – Rough Draft

In a 4-page paper, written in APA format using appropriate spelling/grammar, address the items below.

1.View the movie you selected and find 4 concepts that you have learned about either from the following list or that you have found within the readings and lessons each week. The list below is not exhaustive but can help you to pick some concepts from the different topics we have discussed in the course. You can pick any concept with a definition from the course material or textbook to apply to your movie.

  1. Culture
  1. Perception
  1. The Self
  • Self-concept
  • Self-image
  • Self-Esteem
  • Self-Awareness
  1. Listening
  1. Verbal Messages
  1. Nonverbal Messages
  • Paralanguage
  • Eye Contact
  • 4 Zones of space
  1. Emotional Messages
  • Apology
  1. Relationships
  • Initiation
  • Experimenting
  • Intensifying
  • Bonding
  • Autonomy/Connection
  • Closedness/Openness
  1. Conflict

2.Identify at least 4 scenes from the movie that feature different elements of communication. For instance, if the characters in the movie started a relationship and clearly showed the initiating stage of relationships, you could choose that element to define and describe how it was portrayed in the scene.

For each scene:

  1. Properly cite the definition of the communication element that is featured.
  2. Describe the character interactions and how they portray the communication element.
  3. Demonstrate your understanding of the communication element by analyzing how the character’s interactions portray the communication element. Be sure to include your own insight and thoughts.

3.Include quotes from at least 3 credible resources into your analysis. Be sure to include APA formatted in-text citations and References for your resources.

G141/COM1002 Section 04 Introduction to Communication – Rough Draft Read More »

Object detection prospect in two countries

Object detection prospect in two countries

My project subject is object detection for autonomous driving.

Assume that your project is about to turn into a successful company. Write an essay that takes into account at least two aspects (for example ideas, values, images, cultural artifacts, economic structures, or technological developments) while evaluating your decision to manufacture your product in two other countries.

You don’t have to discuss the same two aspects in both countries. In your first country, for example, you might discuss the values and cultural artifacts. In the second country, you might discuss the economic structure and technological developments. In any case, you should be specific in your discussion of the two countries and consider the specific characteristics of these countries in your response.

You should have a minimum of two reputable references for this assignment. You can use any major citation format (APA, IEEE, Chicago, MLA); each paper should have in-text citations and a reference list.

The minimum length for this essay is 500 words. There is no maximum length.

Requirements: 500

Object detection prospect in two countries Read More »

Research Project

Research Project


Pick 1 hotel companies, 1 cruise lines and 1 restaurant chains, such as Hyatt, Norwegian Cruise Lines and Denny’s.

Look for the following information:

  • Brands- list them and describe who the target market would be, for example business person, families etc.
  • The category they are in, for instance luxury, budget etc.
  • Where the headquarters is
  • How many hotels, rooms, ships and restaurants does the company own
  • Any special promotions being offered
  • Any presence in Miami, if so where?
  • What countries are they in.
  • List a position you would like
  • List any management trainee programs or college programs they might have
  • List any tuition reimbursement program they might have

You can find the information from their web pages. The web pages are listed at the end of the corresponding chapters under internet sites.

There are also web sites from associations which feature news articles on major companies. Look for the search link in each one. a couple of examples are:

You might have to sign up in order to access any information.

You can also go the books’ link for web resources: American Hotel & Lodging Association

Note: Many companies have a lot of information under: about us, investor information, and corporate information in their web page. You can use google, wikepedia, associations like the ones listed above.

Writing instructions:

Use Powerpoint for your presentation. Under notes write commentaries as if you were making a live presentation. Count on about 7-9 slides per company and 21-27 slides total.

Requirements: Read details

Research Project Read More »

Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care

Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care


Which learning theories and principles do you think are most useful to the advanced practice nurse (APN) in providing high quality health care to clients, and why?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

Requirements: 500 word   |

Learning Theories & Principles and Quality Health Care Read More »

Business Question

Business Question

week 3 assignment

Employer of Choice (EOC)

After reading both of the weekly readings Employer of choice: the new corporate imperative and The Employer of Choice, identify two companies to compare and contrast in terms of EOC. The companies should be similar in size based on annual revenue or number employees, but do not have to be competitors or in the same industry. Also, address the questions below in your paper.

  • How the companies’ EOC policies and practices create advantages or disadvantages for their sustainability and growth?
  • What could the companies learn from each other?
  • Which company would you find more attractive as a potential employee? Why?

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
  • Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
  • Include cover page and reference page.
  • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
  • No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
  • Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
  • Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.

Week article

Employer of Choice

Corporate Citizenship

Ethics in the Workplace

During this lecture, we will be discussing the importance of ethics in the workplace, some of the crucial keys to development of an effective ethics program, as well as effective implementation of an ethics program.

To begin our lecture, I would first like to define organizational ethics and then talk about the importance of ethics in the workplace.

Every employee of a business from the CEO down makes decisions on a daily basis which are based on the organization’s code of ethics.

Organizational ethics is defined as both the written and unwritten morals and values of an organization that govern their decisions and actions. It is usually the organization’s culture or internal environment that will determine what good versus bad decision making and behavior is.

Simply put, organizational ethics comes down to understanding the difference between what is right and wrong and choosing to do what is right.

We are now going to shift gears and talk a little bit about some of the crucial keys to development of an effective ethics program. According to a recent national study done by the Ethics Resource Center’s 2000 National Business Ethics Survey (2000 NBES), “…this survey provides solid data that leaders who want to establish a practice of positive workplace ethics within their organizations should develop written ethics standards, provide ethics training, and ensure resources are available for employees in need of ethics advice.”

You might be thinking, “so what does this really mean and why do I have to know this?” I’m glad you asked! Let’s break each one down and look at them individually.


Crucial keys to development of an effective ethics program

  • Development of written ethics standards
    • Employees first need to know that an ethics program exists, so the company needs to write them down, publish them, and distribute them to all employees
  • Provide ethics training
    • For any program to be effective, employees need to be properly trained on it and training must be mandatory
  • Have resources available for employees
  • Resources must be made available to employees that have questions

Finally, our last topic of discussion will be effective implementation of an ethics program. Implementation of an effective ethics program can more often than not be the most difficult part for any business, and where most programs fail. On the other hand, if implemented strategically it can be the best opportunity for positive performance and culture within the organization.

A strategy for implementation is imperative for the success of any ethics program. The best way for effective implementation to take place is involvement of senior management, compliance officers as well as the board of directors providing guidance, funding and resources. They should be in agreement on what they want the program to accomplish and by what standards it will be measured by. The Human Resources department should also be involved at this stage because they will be responsible for employee training, possibly developing a reward system for maintaining the organization’s ethics as well as coming up with reasons for terminating employees for unethical behavior.

To conclude this lecture, it’s important to remember that organizational ethics are vital to the success of an organization. It is important that all levels of management set the pace for their employees and understand that their ethical or unethical behavior will determine the ethical or unethical behavior of their employees.



Joseph, J. (n.d.). Ethics in the Workplace – Articles – Resources – ASAE. ASAE – The Center for Association Leadership. Retrieved February 27, 2012, from

Employer of Choice

During this lecture we will be identifying what an employer of choice is as well as what the employer of choice’s relationship to social responsibility is.

Let’s begin by identifying what an employer if choice is. While there is no one agreed upon definition, it is commonly used to describe an organization that is able to attract and retain talented employees because they choose to work there.

When people are looking for a job, they often first ask either themselves or friends if they already know of a good company around town hiring. Often times you either already know of one or someone your family or a friend says, “hey, my friend works for XYZ and they told me they love it there! They get this, they get that, they make good money, you should apply!” Then all you can think about is how you just have to work for XYZ because they are so great! It can happen that easily. More often than not it is a little more difficult to become an employer of choice, however, all it may take is a good word from a friend and you are sold on the company.

When a business becomes the employer of choice in a job seeker’s eyes, they will do what it takes to work there despite having other potential options such as other job offers, etc.

Sandy Asch is author of a great book I once read titled “Excellence at Work-The Six Keys to Inspire Passion in the Workplace”. In her book she discusses how employers can inspire, motivate and reward their employee’s and developed six ideas that employers can use to try to become an employer of choice. Below are her six principles for organizations to become an employer of choice, which we will discuss and break them down into their simplest terms:

  • Use their word wisely – Leadership should communicate with their employees with openness and honesty at all times.
  • Be accountable – Leadership should be proactive as opposed to reactive and must be committed to being honest without offering excuses.
  • Focus – When leadership focuses on their vision and goals, their employees will buy in to what they are doing and want to work hard for everyone’s success.
  • Mine the gold – Leadership should collaborate and cooperate with all levels of employees. An employee that feels their voice is being heard will be motivated.
  • Strive for balance – Leadership should encourage work/life balance for all their employees.
  • Lighten up – Leadership should not take themselves so seriously and should strive to bring laughter in to the workplace, even if it’s at their own expense.

Now let’s shift gears and discuss what the employer of choice’s relationship to social responsibility is.

There are many names for it, social responsibility, corporate citizenship, or just simply doing the right thing, organizations are now more understanding of the importance of social responsibility than they

were even five years ago. The simple fact is that when a business acts unethically and irresponsibly it makes newspaper and TV headlines, but when a company acts responsibly and ethically, it goes a long way to help the company build a brand that will last and that people will trust.

An organization’s reputation is directly tied to its commitment to social responsibility. This commitment extends out into the community, consumers notice it and it creates value for the organization and its products. Think about it for a minute, with all things considered equal, would you prefer to give your business to a company that hires people with disabilities or turns them away? Something else for you to think about is would you be willing to change to a brand that is associated with a good cause?

To conclude this lecture, the bottom line is that with as much competition as there is out there, consumers and job seekers are more frequently supporting businesses that improve the quality of life for their employees, their employees families, the community and society as a whole.


Rizzo, L. A., & J.D.. (2007, May 8). Six Principles for Becoming an Employer of Choice. Human resources management website – Retrieved March 4, 2012, from…

Requirements: 750 – 1,250 words

Business Question Read More »

A Dangerous Son – Veszélyes a fiam. Teljes film. – YouTube


A Dangerous Son – Veszélyes a fiam. Teljes film. – YouTube

  1. A discussion of how this documentary impacted you emotionally and cognitively. (Be specific about the particular points that caught your attention and your reactions to them)
  2. A discussion of the books main points as relates to class lecture, readings and in class discussions. Please use course terminology, perspectives, policies, etc.
  3. A discussion of the instances in this story where people could have stopped the maltreatment but did not. Why do you think these individuals did not report? What are your reactions to the individuals / organizations who failed to offer assistance? Could you envision yourself in a similar circumstance?
  4. A discussion of your thoughts on what prevented help from being given to this child at different points in time; and, your ideas on whether and under what circumstances any of these reasons is sufficient for failure to protect the child;
  5. Has this book changed your thinking about child abuse/neglect?
  6. Discuss how this book will impact your professional responses to children and families with similar issues.
  7. Find FOUR scholarly articles that relate to issues presented in this documentary. Present a short overview of the main points from the resource and how it relates to this story.
  8. Be sure to properly site resources APA style and include a cover page

A Dangerous Son – Veszélyes a fiam. Teljes film. – YouTube Read More »

Trident Week 1

Trident Week 1

Management 401

All of you have probably read quite a bit about the world’s wealthiest man—Bill Gates. But some of you are probably not nearly as familiar with Bill Gates’s main rival and world’s seventh wealthiest man, former Oracle CEO Larry Ellison. Ellison recently retired as Chief Executive officer (CEO) but is still active as the chair of Oracle’s board of directors. Unlike Gates, who is relatively reserved, Ellison is known for his extravagant lifestyle and boastful interviews.

The rivalry between Ellison and Gates is legendary, but not quite as much is known about Ellison’s leadership style. He has been described as a “jerk,” and his managerial style has been described as “take no prisoners.” While he is unquestionably a powerful leader, he has also been criticized for spending a lot of time playing golf while leaving many leadership duties to his subordinates.

For this assignment, read up on leadership traits, leadership behaviors, and leadership styles in the required background materials. Then read up on Larry Ellison and find as much as you can about his personality and leadership style. Finally, try to apply what you’ve read in the required background materials about leadership traits, behaviors, and styles to what you found out about Larry Ellison.

Here are some articles to get you started on your research about Ellison:

Hymowitz, C. (2005). Working fewer hours is hard for most CEOs, but some find a way. Wall Street Journal, p. B1. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Leibovich, M. (2000). The outsider, his business and his billions series: The new imperialists: Larry Ellison, oracle until himself. The Washington Post, p. A1. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Mendleson, R. (2010). Why it pays to be a jerk. Canadian Business, 83(18), 28-30, 32, 34. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Watch the following video:

Fox Business. (2018, October 25). Larry Ellison: I had all the disadvantages necessary for success [Video]. YouTube.

Case Assignment

Once you are finished with your research on Ellison and have thoroughly reviewed the background materials on leadership traits, behaviors, and styles, write a 3-page paper (excluding title and references pages) to include 3 scholarly sources addressing the questions below. For each answer, make sure to cite at least one of the Case Assignment articles listed on this page as well as one of the required textbook chapters from the background materials from Hiriyappa (2009), or Bauer & Erdogan (2012).

  1. How would you describe Ellison’s leadership style?
  2. How would you describe Ellison’s personality and leadership traits?
  3. Would you describe Ellison’s behavior as being task-oriented, or people/relationship-oriented?
  4. Would you describe Ellison’s leadership style as diverse and inclusive? If so or if not, please explain your response.

Assignment Expectations

  1. Your Case Assignment should be at least 3 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages).
  2. Be sure to cite and reference (using APA Style) a minimum of 3 scholarly sources listed in the Course Materials and Bibliography (Module 1 Required and Optional Reading List), or in the Module 1 Background Page: Required and Optional Readings.
  3. Upload your paper to the Module 1 Case Dropbox before the assignment due date.
  4. Include both a reference page and in-text citations. Citation and reference style instructions are available at Trident University’s Introduction to APA Style, 7th edition . Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC portal.

Trident Week 1 Read More »

Writing Question

Writing Question

Part I – Identifications Terms

Drawing from the list of 15 and choose 5 to respond to on the. A complete response will include details of the term, the historical context, consideration of change over time (or cause and effect), and historical significance of the event/person/law. You will want to synthesize lecture notes, assigned readings, and homework or in-class assignments to construct your response. Any information that appears reproduced from Wikipedia, any website, or plain copies the text will not be acceptable.

Settlement House Movement

Committee on Public Information

Nineteenth Amendment

Social Security

Double V Campaign

Manhattan Project

The Progressive Party

House of Un-American Activities Committee


Executive Order 8802

Domino Theory


Wagner Act

Women’s Trade Union League

The Great Migration

An identification response must include 1) basic four types of information: who or what the term was, when it occurred, where it occurred, and why it was important; and 2) Offer explanation of historical context, how the item effects change over time, and the historical significance of the event/person/law. If you omit any of these, then you lose points. Distinguish between what something was and why it was important. Was it important for a political reason, an economic reason, did it create a certain type of social climate? Just telling what someone did is not necessarily what makes the important—the consequences of the action are what make the action/event significant. General statements such as: “this was the first step toward equality” or “it changed African American history forever” will not count as a statement of historical significance.

.Part II

– Essay Assessment:

Historians use primary sources to construct historical arguments. For your essay, you will need to marshal primary sources that you have read for class to craft an argumentative essay. Marshal as much evidence and be as specific as you can. No outside resources permitted.

In 1941, publisher Henry Luce said the twentieth century would be remembered as the “American century.” In an argumentative essay, answer the following prompt: Does the history of the United States between 1900 (the progressive era) and 1960 (the cold war) justify Henry Luce’s argument? How would you summarize this period of American history?

Requirements: 2 to 3 pages.


the book titled “American Yawp” + for part 2 (essay) make sure to only use primary sources that can be found in American Yawp

Chicago style format for part 2 only. Part 1 no need for any citations

Short paragraph for each term in part1 (Only five of them)

that is for the primary sources to be used for part 2

For part one its also should be derived from American yawp but no citations needed. Just make sure to not copy directly

Writing Question Read More »

Write a discussion topic based on the below instructions:

Write a discussion topic based on the below instructions:

Read Chapter 6 from the attached pdf and write a discussion topic on How can the key and foreign key constraints be enforced by the DBMS? Is the enforcement technique you suggest difficult to implement? Can the constraint checks be executed in an efficient manner when updates are applied to the database?

Instructions: Response to the question should be 250-300 words. There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post as needed. Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.

Write a discussion topic based on the below instructions: Read More »

Marketing Question

Marketing Question


You are a Marketing Director for a beverage company, and the Executive Staff has asked you to analyze the market and submit presentation that includes the following:

1-Consumer demand for the Product

2-Factors that are important to the consumers

3-Analysis of the consumer’s motivation, adaptability, preferences, etc.

4-Decision making with regard to branding

5-Future trends and issues

A 5 page paper will be created that addresses the strategy.

You may select the beverage company of your choice i.e. Pepsi.

You must use peer-reviewed articles to support your research, in APA Format.

No Wikipedia, BLOGS with ads from or, as they present a biased opinion.

Requirements: 4 pages


BOOK: Title: Consumer Behavior – Building Marketing Strategy, 13th edition. Authors: Del I. Hawkins and David L. Mothersbaugh. Publisher: McGraw Hill.


Chapter 3: The Changing American Society: Values

Chapter 4: The Changing American Society: Demographics

Chapter 5: The Changing American Society: Subcultures

Marketing Question Read More »



After viewing Table 1.1 in the Learning Activity titled “Process of Testing and Selecting,” describe the top three reasons from the table for why employers disqualified candidates. How would the information from Table 1.1 affect what you decide to post on social media sites? Please explain. Do you think this information should influence the decision-making process when hiring? Why or why not? Please provide examples from the reading to support your argument.

Process of Testing and Selecting


In addition to a job interview, you may also include various tests as part of the overall interview process. Read this section and complete the Learning Journal below.

Testing and Selecting

Besides the interview, we can also look at several other aspects that may predict success on the job. If any test is to be criteria for measuring a candidate, this should be communicated to each person interviewing, and criteria should be developed on specific test scores and expectations before interviewing and testing begins.


A variety of tests may be given upon successful completion of an interview. These employment tests can gauge a person’s KSAOs in relation to another candidate. The major categories of tests include the following:

  1. Cognitive ability tests
  2. Personality tests
  3. Physical ability tests
  4. Job knowledge tests
  5. Work sample

A number of written tests can be administered. A cognitive ability test can measure reasoning skills, math skills, and verbal skills. An aptitude test measures a person’s ability to learn new skills, while an achievement test measures someone’s current knowledge. Depending on the type of job, one or both will be better suited.

A cognitive ability test measures intelligences, such as numerical ability and reasoning. The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is an example of a cognitive ability test. It is important to note that some cognitive ability tests can have disparate impact. For example, in EEOC v. Ford Motor Co. and United Automobile Workers of America, African Americans were rejected from an apprentice program after taking a cognitive test known as the Apprenticeship Training Selection System (ATSS). The test showed significant disparate impact on African Americans, and it was then replaced by a different selection procedure, after costing Ford $8.55 million. Some sample test categories might include the following:

  1. Reasoning questions
  2. Mathematical questions and calculations
  3. Verbal and/or vocabulary skills

Aptitude tests can measure things such as mechanical aptitude and clerical aptitude (e.g., speed of typing or ability to use a particular computer program). Usually, an aptitude test asks specific questions related to the requirements of the job. To become a New York City police offer, for example, an aptitude test is required before an application will be considered. The written exam is given as a computerized test at a computerized testing center in the city. The test measures cognitive skills and observational skills (aptitude test) required for the job.

Personality tests such as Meyers-Briggs and the “Big Five” personality factors may be measured and then compared with successful employee scores. For example, The University of Missouri Health Care system recently launched a patient satisfaction initiative as part of its strategic plan. The plan includes training for current employees and personality testing for nursing, managerial, and physician candidates. The goal of the test is to assess talent and to see if the candidate has the potential to meet the expectations of patients. They hired a private company, Talent Plus, who conducts the test via phone interviews. However, many companies administer tests themselves, and some tests are free and can be administered online.

The Big Five personality test looks at extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. Self-assessment statements might include the following:

  1. I have an assertive personality.
  2. I am generally trusting.
  3. I am not always confident in my abilities.
  4. I have a hard time dealing with change.

Some institutions also require physical ability tests; for example, to earn a position in a fire department, you may have to be able to carry 100 pounds up three flights of stairs. If you use tests in your hiring processes, the key to making them useful is to determine a minimum standard or expectation, specifically related to the requirements of the job. An HR manager should also consider the legality of such tests. In the EEOC v. Dial Corp. case, women were disproportionately rejected for entry-level positions. Prior to the test, 46% of hires were women, but after implementation of the test, only 15% of the new hires were women. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) established that the test was considerably more difficult than the job, resulting in disparate impact. Physical ability tests need to show direct correlation with the job duties.

A job knowledge test measures the candidate’s level of understanding about a particular job. For example, a job knowledge test may require an engineer to write code in a given period of time or may ask candidates to solve a case study problem related to the job.

Work sample tests ask candidates to show examples of work they have already done. In the advertising business, this may include a portfolio of designs, or for a project manager, this can include past project plans or budgets. When applying for a pharmaceutical representative position, a “brag book” might be required. A brag book is a list of recommendation letters, awards, and achievements that the candidate shares with the interviewer. Work sample tests can be a useful way to test for KSAOs. These work samples can often be a good indicator of someone’s abilities in a specific area. As always, before looking at samples, the interviewer should have specific criteria or expectations developed so each candidate can be measured fairly.

Once the interview is completed and testing occurs, other methods of checking KSAOs, including checking references, driving records, and credit history, can be performed. Some companies even use Facebook as a way of gauging the candidate’s professionalism.

Reference checking is essential to verify a candidate’s background. It is an added assurance that the candidate’s abilities are parallel with what you were told in the interview. While employment dates and job titles can be verified with previous employers, many employers will not verify more than what can be verified in the employment record because of privacy laws. However, if you do find someone who is willing to discuss more than just dates and job titles, a list of questions is appropriate. Some of these questions might include the following:

  1. What was the title and responsibilities of the position the candidate had while at your company?
  2. Do you think the candidate was qualified to assume those responsibilities?
  3. Does this person show up on time and have good attendance?
  4. Would you consider this person a team player?
  5. What are the three strongest and weakest characteristics of this candidate?
  6. Would you rehire this person?

If a candidate will be driving a company car or vehicle, such as a UPS truck, driving records may be checked. Criminal background checks may also be used if the position will include interaction with the public. If the position requires handling of money, a credit check may be required, although a written notice is required to be given to the candidate before the credit check is carried out. In addition, written permission must be provided to the credit agency, and the applicants must receive a copy of the report and a copy of their rights under the Consumer Credit Reporting Reform Act (CCRRA). All these types of tests can be used to determine if someone has been honest about their past employment.

Some companies require drug testing, which causes some debate. While some organizations say this is a safety issue (and pay lower insurance premiums), others say it is an invasion of privacy. As long as drug tests are administered for a defensible reason (safety), many organizations will continue to require them. Some organizations will also require physical examinations to ensure the candidate can perform the tasks required. A final form of testing is the honesty test. A number of “what would you do” questions are asked. The challenge with this type of test is that many people know the “right” answer but may not be honest in their responses.

Table 1.1 Reasons Why Employers Acted upon Data Found on Social Networking Sites
Provocative or inappropriate photos or info53%
Drinking or drug use44%
Badmouthing previous employer, colleague, or client35%
Poor communication skills29%
Discriminatory comments29%
Lied about qualifications24%
Leaked confidential information about previous job20%

Kit Eaton “If You’re Applying for a Job, Censor Your Facebook Page,” Fast Company, August 19, 2009, accessed January 27, 2011.…

45% of organizations use social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to gather information about potential candidates. See Table 1.1 for the types of data found on social networking sites that disqualified candidates, according to an article by Fast Company. This can be an effective method to see the kind of image the candidate portrays in his or her personal time.

Note: Adapted from “Testing and Selecting,” by Portolese Dias, L., 2011, Human Resource Management, Chapter 5, Section 4. Copyright 2011 Flat World Knowledge, Inc.

-Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.
-Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

Requirements: less then 4000 characters

After viewing Table 1.1 in the Learning Activity titled “Process of Testing and Selecting,” describe the top three reasons from the table for why employers disqualified candidates. How would the information from Table 1.1 affect what you decide to post on social media sites? Please explain. Do you think this information should influence the decision-making process when hiring? Why or why not? Please provide examples from the reading to support your argument.

Process of Testing and Selecting


In addition to a job interview, you may also include various tests as part of the overall interview process. Read this section and complete the Learning Journal below.

Testing and Selecting

Besides the interview, we can also look at several other aspects that may predict success on the job. If any test is to be criteria for measuring a candidate, this should be communicated to each person interviewing, and criteria should be developed on specific test scores and expectations before interviewing and testing begins.


A variety of tests may be given upon successful completion of an interview. These employment tests can gauge a person’s KSAOs in relation to another candidate. The major categories of tests include the following:

  1. Cognitive ability tests
  2. Personality tests
  3. Physical ability tests
  4. Job knowledge tests
  5. Work sample

A number of written tests can be administered. A cognitive ability test can measure reasoning skills, math skills, and verbal skills. An aptitude test measures a person’s ability to learn new skills, while an achievement test measures someone’s current knowledge. Depending on the type of job, one or both will be better suited.

A cognitive ability test measures intelligences, such as numerical ability and reasoning. The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is an example of a cognitive ability test. It is important to note that some cognitive ability tests can have disparate impact. For example, in EEOC v. Ford Motor Co. and United Automobile Workers of America, African Americans were rejected from an apprentice program after taking a cognitive test known as the Apprenticeship Training Selection System (ATSS). The test showed significant disparate impact on African Americans, and it was then replaced by a different selection procedure, after costing Ford $8.55 million. Some sample test categories might include the following:

  1. Reasoning questions
  2. Mathematical questions and calculations
  3. Verbal and/or vocabulary skills

Aptitude tests can measure things such as mechanical aptitude and clerical aptitude (e.g., speed of typing or ability to use a particular computer program). Usually, an aptitude test asks specific questions related to the requirements of the job. To become a New York City police offer, for example, an aptitude test is required before an application will be considered. The written exam is given as a computerized test at a computerized testing center in the city. The test measures cognitive skills and observational skills (aptitude test) required for the job.

Personality tests such as Meyers-Briggs and the “Big Five” personality factors may be measured and then compared with successful employee scores. For example, The University of Missouri Health Care system recently launched a patient satisfaction initiative as part of its strategic plan. The plan includes training for current employees and personality testing for nursing, managerial, and physician candidates. The goal of the test is to assess talent and to see if the candidate has the potential to meet the expectations of patients. They hired a private company, Talent Plus, who conducts the test via phone interviews. However, many companies administer tests themselves, and some tests are free and can be administered online.

The Big Five personality test looks at extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. Self-assessment statements might include the following:

  1. I have an assertive personality.
  2. I am generally trusting.
  3. I am not always confident in my abilities.
  4. I have a hard time dealing with change.

Some institutions also require physical ability tests; for example, to earn a position in a fire department, you may have to be able to carry 100 pounds up three flights of stairs. If you use tests in your hiring processes, the key to making them useful is to determine a minimum standard or expectation, specifically related to the requirements of the job. An HR manager should also consider the legality of such tests. In the EEOC v. Dial Corp. case, women were disproportionately rejected for entry-level positions. Prior to the test, 46% of hires were women, but after implementation of the test, only 15% of the new hires were women. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) established that the test was considerably more difficult than the job, resulting in disparate impact. Physical ability tests need to show direct correlation with the job duties.

A job knowledge test measures the candidate’s level of understanding about a particular job. For example, a job knowledge test may require an engineer to write code in a given period of time or may ask candidates to solve a case study problem related to the job.

Work sample tests ask candidates to show examples of work they have already done. In the advertising business, this may include a portfolio of designs, or for a project manager, this can include past project plans or budgets. When applying for a pharmaceutical representative position, a “brag book” might be required. A brag book is a list of recommendation letters, awards, and achievements that the candidate shares with the interviewer. Work sample tests can be a useful way to test for KSAOs. These work samples can often be a good indicator of someone’s abilities in a specific area. As always, before looking at samples, the interviewer should have specific criteria or expectations developed so each candidate can be measured fairly.

Once the interview is completed and testing occurs, other methods of checking KSAOs, including checking references, driving records, and credit history, can be performed. Some companies even use Facebook as a way of gauging the candidate’s professionalism.

Reference checking is essential to verify a candidate’s background. It is an added assurance that the candidate’s abilities are parallel with what you were told in the interview. While employment dates and job titles can be verified with previous employers, many employers will not verify more than what can be verified in the employment record because of privacy laws. However, if you do find someone who is willing to discuss more than just dates and job titles, a list of questions is appropriate. Some of these questions might include the following:

  1. What was the title and responsibilities of the position the candidate had while at your company?
  2. Do you think the candidate was qualified to assume those responsibilities?
  3. Does this person show up on time and have good attendance?
  4. Would you consider this person a team player?
  5. What are the three strongest and weakest characteristics of this candidate?
  6. Would you rehire this person?

If a candidate will be driving a company car or vehicle, such as a UPS truck, driving records may be checked. Criminal background checks may also be used if the position will include interaction with the public. If the position requires handling of money, a credit check may be required, although a written notice is required to be given to the candidate before the credit check is carried out. In addition, written permission must be provided to the credit agency, and the applicants must receive a copy of the report and a copy of their rights under the Consumer Credit Reporting Reform Act (CCRRA). All these types of tests can be used to determine if someone has been honest about their past employment.

Some companies require drug testing, which causes some debate. While some organizations say this is a safety issue (and pay lower insurance premiums), others say it is an invasion of privacy. As long as drug tests are administered for a defensible reason (safety), many organizations will continue to require them. Some organizations will also require physical examinations to ensure the candidate can perform the tasks required. A final form of testing is the honesty test. A number of “what would you do” questions are asked. The challenge with this type of test is that many people know the “right” answer but may not be honest in their responses.

Table 1.1 Reasons Why Employers Acted upon Data Found on Social Networking Sites
Provocative or inappropriate photos or info53%
Drinking or drug use44%
Badmouthing previous employer, colleague, or client35%
Poor communication skills29%
Discriminatory comments29%
Lied about qualifications24%
Leaked confidential information about previous job20%

Kit Eaton “If You’re Applying for a Job, Censor Your Facebook Page,” Fast Company, August 19, 2009, accessed January 27, 2011.…

45% of organizations use social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to gather information about potential candidates. See Table 1.1 for the types of data found on social networking sites that disqualified candidates, according to an article by Fast Company. This can be an effective method to see the kind of image the candidate portrays in his or her personal time.

Note: Adapted from “Testing and Selecting,” by Portolese Dias, L., 2011, Human Resource Management, Chapter 5, Section 4. Copyright 2011 Flat World Knowledge, Inc.

-Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.
-Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.

Requirements: less then 4000 characters

Discussion Read More »

health policy and medicaid.

health policy and medicaid.


Discussion Questions:

1. Discuss how health policy initiatives are used to guide and direct your clinical practice as an Advanced Practice Nurse.

2. Please locate the Medicaid eligibility criteria for 3 different states. Compare and contrast the eligibility criteria, then discuss the implications of the criteria for people in each state.

Submission Details

  • Please make sure you are using scholarly 3-4 references and they should not be older than 5 years. Your posts/references must be in APA format. 600 words.
  • Please follow the discussion RUBRIC to make sure you have addressed the discussion criteria.

health policy and medicaid. Read More »

health policy and medicaid.

Discussion Questions:

1. Discuss how health policy initiatives are used to guide and direct your clinical practice as an Advanced Practice Nurse.

2. Please locate the Medicaid eligibility criteria for 3 different states. Compare and contrast the eligibility criteria, then discuss the implications of the criteria for people in each state.

Submission Details

  • Please make sure you are using scholarly 3-4 references and they should not be older than 5 years. Your posts/references must be in APA format. 600 words.
  • Please follow the discussion RUBRIC to make sure you have addressed the discussion criteria.

Read More »

Hard Rock Returns/the flea/leaving the hotel poem

Hard Rock Returns/the flea/leaving the hotel poem

First Part

Read Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the hospital for the Criminal Insane and discuss the poem’s speaker. Be sure to explain how your determined who or what the speaker of the poem is. Provide relevant quotations from the poem/poems to support your stance. 200-300 words

Part 2

Read The Flea and Leaving the Hotel the analyze the theme and setting for both 200 words for each poem

Hard Rock Returns/the flea/leaving the hotel poem Read More »

Business Strategy

Business Strategy

Prepare a 7-10-page business analysis that explains the generic business strategies for an organization, analyzes the business strategy used and the company’s business model, analyzes the corporate strategy of the company and the overall corporate structure and management systems, and analyzes the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies.


AFI, VRIO, and value chain are just three concepts you need to understand as a business strategist. This assessment focuses on these important facets of business analysis.


This portfolio work project will help you differentiate between business strategy and corporate strategy, and analyze the fit of a business strategy to an organization.


Building on your work from Assessment 1, the vice president of strategy has now tasked you with providing a business analysis of the organization’s business strategy. This includes level of diversification (product scope), geographical and vertical scope, and the overall fit with the business strategy or strategies.

Your Role

You are a strategic analyst for the company you have selected to use in this course.


Use information from the company’s website, the Capella library, and your course textbook to complete this assessment. Write a business analysis that includes the following:

  • Explain the generic business strategies for the company. Include cost, differentiation, and focus or hybrid information.
  • Analyze the business strategy the company uses in its marketplace approach. Provide examples of how the strategy is used to position the company in a competitive environment.
  • Analyze the company’s business model:
    • What are the core products?
    • How does the organization make money?
    • What is the customer value proposition?
    • What is the profit proposition?
  • Analyze the corporate strategy of the company. Include the product, geographical, and vertical scope in which it operates.
    • Has the company expanded from its original product line or field of operation?
    • Does the company own vertically related activities along the value chain for its products?
  • Analyze the overall corporate structure and key management systems.
    • Does the company employ diversification, vertical integration, or globalization?
    • Are global alliances part of the corporate strategy?
  • Analyze the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies of the company.

Deliverable Format

The Business Strategy Analysis is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs.

In addition to the analysis, include:

  • Title page.
  • References page.
  • APA formatted references from at least five sources.
  • 7–10 pages in length, in addition to the title and references pages.
  • Written for executive leadership.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 3: Analyze the internal and external environments of an organization in order to formulate and implement successful strategies.
    • Explain the generic business strategies for a company.
    • Analyze the business strategy a company uses in its marketplace approach.
  • Competency 4: Apply strategic concepts and models to ensure the fit between strategy, organizational structure, capabilities, and goals; and the external environment.
    • Analyze a company’s business model.
    • Analyze the corporate strategy of a company.
    • Analyze the overall corporate structure and key management system of a company.
    • Analyze the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies of a company.
  • Competency 5: Communicate business needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.
    • Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
    • Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.

Business Strategy Read More »

CA302 Communication Ethics and Law

CA302 Communication Ethics and Law


Please read the article: “Blaming The Wrong Lanza: How Media Got It Wrong In Newtown” (Links to an external site.)

Write a three-page (double spaced) paper on how wrongly identifying Ryan Lanza as Adam Lanza violates all the four Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) codes of ethics.

Requirements: Looking for a more in depth guide with all the details

CA302 Communication Ethics and Law Read More »

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