Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Gero 101 Case Study on the SOC and Ecological Models

Gero 101 Case Study on the SOC and Ecological Models


1. Which activities you think she could modify in order to keep doing them, and how?

2. Based on her living conditions (e.g. physical and social resources, impact and pain of OA, and level of disability), what steps in the SOC model, do you think she is likely to use, why?

3. First, how much “fit” (balance between competence and press), do you think she currently has? Does she “fit” in some ways and not others? How?

4. Using “systems” theory (four layers of context), where do you think resources are need (what level) to help her better age-in-place?

Note: The SOC steps are: selection, optimization, and compensation; and for these questions and answers, I am also looking to see that you cite from the article by Cignac, Cott, and Badley’s (2002).

Note: the four layers of context are: 1) personal-individual resources and abilities, 2) small-group/relationships with other people (e.g. friends, family), 3) social-network in community and neighborhood; and 4) social-cultural factors—services, systems, policies. And, in this section, I am also looking to see that you cite the article by Greenfield (2011).

Introduction: I still want you to try and explain (as best you can), why these three theories (SOC, Competence-Press, and Systems Theory) are useful in studying the daily lives of older adults. At this point, I’m less concerned about you trying to define each. But, you still need to mention and describe what you will be doing in your essay.

Conclusion: What else do you think might be missing, or what else can/should be done for her? What might these models be overlooking in finding solutions or ways to help maintain her independence and quality of life?



APA Basics (typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, with one-inch margins on all sides) with APA style in-text citations and references (for two articles and the textbook, if you want to use that, too). A cover page is not needed.

Possible Deductions:

2 points for lack of proper format for citations and references (APA style)

1.5 points (10%) for late papers

1.5 points (10%) for not working with both articles (citing text and using statements).

1 point each for lack of evidence in your answers (from the articles and case study).

Requirements: 5 pages

Attachments area

Gero 101 Case Study on the SOC and Ecological Models Read More »

Business Law Question

Business Law Question


Janet Johnson, an African American woman, has been working at the Tennessee Hydroelectric plant for 15 years. During that time, his performance reviews have been exemplary. She decided to apply for the new plant foreman position. Although she felt that she was eminently qualified for the position, she also was growing tired of a certain good old boy culture at the plant. For years, the plant has had a culture of highly lewd “jokes,” and many of the employees had also engaged in inappropriate touching of female employees. The plant had an anti-harassment policy on record, but Janet’s boss shrugged and said “boys will be boys” when she reported the harassment to him.

Competition for the position was fierce. But ultimately, Jose Martinez, a Chilean man, received the position. Jose had 7 years of experience. Unbeknownst to the applicants the promotion board secretly ran a credit check on the applicants. Janet credit score came in as lower as average, and this factored into the board’s decision. Although he met the qualifications of the position, one of the hiring managers told Janet in confidence that Janet was the most qualified person for the job. And the other managers had applied a racial preference on Jose’s behalf due to there never having been a Latino manager at the plant even though Latino’s represented 35% of employees at the plant. Janet sues the plant for disparate treatment, disparate impact, and sexual harassment under Title VII.


1. List the elements of disparate treatment and apply them to this case. Can Janet prove a prima facie case? How would the plant rebuff these charges? Who would ultimately prevail?

2. List the elements of a disparate impact case and apply them to this case? Will Janet prevail on this charge?

3. List the elements of the sexual harassment case and apply them to this case? Can the plant establish an affirmative defense?

4. If the plant argues that it applied a racial preference to Jose to correct a manifest imbalance at the plant of underutilization of certain minorities, will the plant prevail? Why or why not?

5. Was it legal to use the credit check as a factor in the promotion decision the way that it was done here? Why or why not?

Part 2


List and briefly describe (in your own words) the three main reasons for government regulation of businesses.


List and describe (in your own words) the six principles for organizations to become an Employer of Choice.


List and describe (in your own words) three of the crucial keys to development of an effective ethics program.


.List and explain (in your own words) the benefits of government regulation of business.


List the six rights of the consumer and explain (in your own words) why each one is important.

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continue to build your Community Center Proposal by identifying activities that promotes psychosocial development

continue to build your Community Center Proposal by identifying activities that promotes psychosocial development

Prior to completing this assignment, read Chapter 11 and 12 and Section 14.1 and 14.5 in your textbook and read The Development of Adolescent Social Cognition (Links to an external site.)

The purpose of this assignment is for you to continue working on elements that will become part of your Community Center Proposal Final Project. This week, you will be creating three activities that will become part of the infant room, early childhood room, and adolescent room of your center that address psychosocial development.

Using Erikson’s and/or Kohlberg’s theories of psychosocial and moral development, you will continue to build your Community Center Proposal by identifying activities that promotes psychosocial development.

Focus on the primary developmental tasks of each age period. For each of the three activities, write a paragraph that addresses the following:

  • Describe the age appropriate activity in some detail as it relates to developmental theory (provide more than just the name of the activity).
  • Identify the specific concept from psychosocial theory that supports the use of this activity.
  • Identify how the activity enhances psychosocial development (this can be emotional, cultural, and moral development) in the child and adolescent.

The Psychosocial Development Activities paper

Requirements: 2-3 pages

continue to build your Community Center Proposal by identifying activities that promotes psychosocial development Read More »

Utilize Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory to address the topic of motivations

Utilize Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory to address the topic of motivations

Prior to completing this discussion, please read Section 15.5 in your textbook and the Parental Characteristics Associated with Bullying Perpetration in US Children Aged 10 to 17 Years (Links to an external site.) article, and watch the Bullying exerts psychiatric effects into adulthood (Links to an external site.) Also, review the information from Chapter 1 about Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory and the Understanding Bullying (Links to an external site.) fact sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site. At least two of these sources should be cited in your original post.

Utilize Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory to address the topic of motivations for and influences on bullying. In your initial post of a minimum of 350 words, complete the following:

  • Using each of the five systems in Bronfenbrenner’s theory, describe how a child’s environment (including family, school, and community) might predispose the child to bullying.
    • For example, within a person’s microsystem are the parents. How might parents be an influencing factor on whether or not a child is prone to bullying?
  • Find and report (with proper citation) one current statistic on the factors influencing school bullying behaviors. Does this statistic seem to follow the same trend supported by Bronfenbrenner’s theory? If not, explain how it challenges the theory.
  • Finally, provide one unique solution to reduce or completely end bullying.

Utilize Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory to address the topic of motivations Read More »

Leadership in dental hygiene PPT

Leadership in dental hygiene PPT

  • Choose an area of interest for leadership potential as a

    dental hygienist. Consider areas (but not limited to) such as:

  • Gather information about your area of interest, and identify one person in a leadership role within your area of interest. Include the full name of this person and a brief description of the leadership role he/she plays.Considering all the resources and knowledge you have gained about leadership, brainstorm and envision the ideal leadership traits, qualities, or practices that a person should have or develop to be an effective leader in the particular area of interest you chose.
    • Be creative with this…this person could be nationally known, or just someone local. You do not need to know him/her personally, but try to gather enough information about him/her that you could get a sense of their leadership impact on your area of interest.
    • This person must be a dental hygienist and not deceased.
      • I am giving a WIDE latitude on the area of focus/interest, and the person you wish to identify that displays leadership in that area of focus! So be creative with this, and think a little outside the box. Your first step is to identify your area of focus such as education, research, business, etc. Then start thinking about people that are in roles related to your focus. If no one that you know, or have known in the past comes to mind, a good starting point would be to flip through your ACCESS magazine, or go on the ADHA or ADEA website…read through the names of volunteer leaders in either of these organizations.
    • Using the above information, create a PPT with the following content: Be sure to view the rubric that will be utilized to grade this final project
    • Title slide
    • Describe the area of interest that has potential for a dental hygiene leadership role, along with a person you identified that is in this role (3 slides).
    • Compile a list of what you decided would be the 10 Ideal Leadership Traits or Practices in this particular leadership role. For each trait or practice, create one slide–this should Include a brief description of each of these 10 leadership practices/behaviors or traits that you have deemed to be most important for this particular role. Tie these traits to the role (10 slides).
    • Summarize how these 10 ideal practices could enhance leadership in a dental hygiene role in this particular area of interest (3 slides)
    • You will have a minimum of 16 content slides
    • Be sure to cite information (APA style) on the slides for all content that is not general knowledge as well as images
    • Include an APA Reference slide
    • Your PPT will be a minimum total of 18 slides
    • Please utilize your creative powers in this PPT…use graphics, images, etc to convey your content! You must use at least 6 relevant images. You must cite images using APA style within the slide, and on the reference slide.
    • Do not write the content of the slides in first person

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International Economics Question

International Economics Question

Critical Thinking: Saudi Arabian Riyal and the U.S. Dollar (110 Points)

While Saudi Arabia seeks to diversify its economy, the Saudi economy is dominated by the petroleum sector. In addition, the Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) is pegged to the U.S. Dollar.

In a critical essay, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the pegged exchange rate. Indicate the main considerations Saudi Arabia faces from a currency perspective (e.g., currency values, interest rates, inflation, and trade issues) that ensue given two scenarios:

The first scenario is a dramatically declining world oil price.

The second scenario is a dramatically increasing world oil price.


Your essay is required to be four to five pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. follow APA style guidelines.

Requirements: 5 pages

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Write a discussion topic based on the below instructions:

Write a discussion topic based on the below instructions:

Read Chapter 9 from the attached pdf and write a discussion topic on Discuss the correspondences between the ER model constructs and the relational model constructs. Show how each ER model construct can be mapped to the relational model, and discuss any alternative mappings?

Instructions: Response to the question should be 300-350 words. There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post as needed. Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.

Write a discussion topic based on the below instructions: Read More »

Nursing care of age-related Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder

Nursing care of age-related Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder

Nursing Care of Physiologic & Psychologic Disorders PowerPoint Presentation

Discuss the Nursing care of age-related Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder.

  1. Present the age-related Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder
    Choose from one: Integumentary function, Urinary function, Musculoskeletal function or Endocrine function.
  2. Describe the age-related changes and common problems and conditions.
  3. Summarize the

    nursing management appropriate for your Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder chosen

Submission Instructions:

  • Presentation is original work and logically organized.
  • Followed current APA format including citation of references.
  • Power point presentation with 5-7 slides were clear and easy to read. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
  • Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.

Requirements: as instructed

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I need help with writing a discussion using 500 words or more

I need help with writing a discussion using 500 words or more

For this discussion: You can get Carla Wagner’s story Online just by Google it: Carla Wagner was an 18-year-old high school student, You can Google her to get her update status. Her story is also located in your module. Put it in your own words

Requirements: 500 words or more

Critical Thinking

Many juvenile delinquents commit crimes while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or because they are addicted and need to support their habit. If this is the case, should these juveniles be court-ordered into a treatment program? Why or Why Not? What can be done to prevent alcohol and drug abuse in the teen population?

Teens close to the age of 18, like Carla, maybe too old for the juvenile justice system, but too young for the adult system. What should be done with juveniles who are close to 18 when they receive a delinquency charge? Should something be done to bridge the gap between the juvenile justice system and the adult criminal justice system?

Do you think that Carla’s sentences were too harsh or not harsh enough? Consider the impact of wealthy parents on the criminal justice system. Carla was granted bond and released. What effect do money and race have on the legal system?

I need help with writing a discussion using 500 words or more Read More »

Legislative Communication

Legislative Communication

dq pART 1

1. Identify the role of patient safety and its influence on federal initiatives that are used to prevent unintentional death as a result of medical mistakes.

2. The majority of health care errors occur in inpatient settings. Errors are becoming increasingly common in outpatient settings. Discuss at least two (2) reasons for the increasing errors in outpatient settings.

Submission Details

  • Please make sure you are using scholarly references and they should not be older than 5 years. Your posts/references must be in APA format. FOLLOW THE RUBRIC.
  • Please follow the discussion rubric to make sure you have addressed the discussion criteria.
  • DQ Week 2 Part 2

    Legislative Communication: Letter

  • For this assignment, you will draft a Legislative Letter to a specific legislator and offer support or a constructive argument against pending or passed policy or legislation that you are passionate about. Your letter must include three (3) evidence-based references that support your position. Refer to the Guidance on Writing Legislative Communication Letter
  • Submission Details:
    • Support your responses with examples.
    • Cite any sources in APA format. use scholarly references and they should not be older than 5 years. FOLLOW THE RUBRIC.
    • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

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Management 832
Choose Topic: Management
Number of Pages: 3

Question Description: QUESTION 1
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Discuss the following topics:
• Provide a brief history of scenario planning in general.
• Describe an overview of the scenario planning process.
• Who is responsible for scenario planning within the organization?

• Provide a few examples of real scenario planning within corporations.

Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Discuss the following:
• What is the definition of scenario planning?
• Why is it important to organizations?
• How does it differ from the other methodologies for predicting future events?

Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Discuss the following:
• What is a black swan event?
• Give 2 examples of black swan events throughout history.
• Are black swan events more likely today than they were 20 years ago? Why or why not?

Management Read More »

Quality Healthcare

Quality Healthcare

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) was formed to ensure quality of patient care and measurement of patient outcomes with set standards.

Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) is a performance measurement tool used by millions of health insurance plans. There are 6 domains of care:

You may access the 6 domains of care by clicking this link:

(NCQA, n.d. (Links to an external site.))

As an APN, productivity will be an important measurement for the practice to determine reimbursement and salary. Fee-for-service practices will require a set number of patients per day to maintain productivity. A capitated practice will require the APN to have a large panel of patients but also will focus on controlling costs. This can be accomplished through effective primary care that is accessible, convenient for the patients and has a method of measuring quality of care.

Write a formal paper in APA format with title page, introduction, the three required elements below, conclusion and reference page.

You are now employed as an NP in primary care. Choose one performance measure from one of the six domains of care, i.e. Adult BMI Assessment, Prenatal and Postpartum care, etc.

Develop three different patient interventions for that one performance measure and how you would specifically implement the intervention and measure the outcomes for that particular performance measure in clinical practice.

How would these primary care interventions result in improved patient outcomes and health care cost savings?

How can these interventions result in improved NP patient ratings?

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Scientology: Religion or Cult?

Scientology: Religion or Cult?


The goal of your essay (MLA model) is to write an essay in which you will “analyze” Scientology as new religious movement , as a set of beliefs and practices invented by L. Ron Hubbard, and the associated movement. It has been variously defined as a cult, a business or new religious movement .

Feel free to share your own ideas and experiences (even invented) to analyze this religious movement according to the questions below. And in the end try to be neutral while analyzing and developing this essay.

You will write a 1800-word MLA essay (at least 1800-word bibliography not included in this counting) paper that answers the following.

Use your own words expect for the 6 sources that you will use and analyze, and you should put them into quotation marks and citing their sources in bibliography. The essay will be checked strictly against any kind of plagiarism. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pay attention and do not copy paste anything from the internet that might be considered as plagiarism.



1. When did this religious tradition start? Was it started by a single individual? Give a general overview of the origins of this religious movement.

2. What are the tradition’s doctrines/truth claims? (i.e. what do they believe about the world, its origins, God or another higher power, what happens after death, etc.)

3. Sacred Texts – Do they have any sacred texts or stories? If so, what are they?

4. Ethics – what is this religion’s view of the good life? How are practitioners encouraged to behave, live their lives, and treat others?

5. Ritual – are there any rituals that are performed in this religious movement? If so, what are they?

6. Society – who can become an authority figure in this tradition? Is it restricted to a certain gender?

7. Your overall impression of this religious movement, including your conclusions on the following:

  • Do you think this movement qualifies as a “religion”? Why or why not?
  • Do you think that this movement will grow or fade away in the future? Why?
  • What did you find most interesting/surprising about this religion?

*Your paper must include a bibliography that has at least 6 sources. Your sources can be books, online sources, or news articles, but they MUST be from a reputable source! If your tradition has a sacred text or texts, you can use those as a source. But for other sources, please make sure that it comes from an academic, unbiased source. A good rule of thumb is to make sure that any website you use has a “.edu” address or that your news article is from a major, respected publication (The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Time Magazine, etc.). Also, Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for your bibliography! You can, however, start your research by looking at the organization’s Wikipedia page. Then scroll to the bottom of the page to see the Wikipedia page’s own bibliography! These are all sources that you can check out on your own and get your information directly from those sources!

If you need anything please feel free to ask any question. Thank you!

Requirements: 1800 words

Please pay attention to the essay requirement that I have included in the question. especially when it comes to plagiarism.

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CRJ 518 Deviant Behavior

CRJ 518 Deviant Behavior

Topic: Mental Illness

Further Directions: Identify the aspects of this particular deviance and discuss its overall impact on US society and culture. Discuss accepted policies and practices in dealing with this deviance and how attitudes have changed (if they have) over time. Last, project how you see this deviance being treated with the next 10-20 year period. Is the behavior becoming normalized?

Your opinion does not determine your grade. Your grade is determined by how well you support your arguments utilizing the materials discussed in this course and research and reference material you locate on your own for this assignment.

Document your facts utilizing standard APA style.

**You should use a minimum of 5 to 7 peer reviewed sources in support of this paper.

The paper is to be in APA format and the body of the paper is to be at least 8 to 10 pages. The body of the paper does not include the title page, table of contents, abstract, any appendix or references. The paper will be based on a 100-point scale.

Cultural diversity and mental health (

Mental Health Treatment: Past and Present | Introduction to Psychology (

Mental Health | Healthy People 2020

CRJ 518 Deviant Behavior Read More »

HRM-Neflix compensation project

HRM-Neflix compensation project

Write two pages for section 7 and section 8

please write down the website link at the end so it help me to review the content that you wrote

Also i posted full project requirement in the doc. to help you understand what is project all about . and ONLY need to do section 7 and 8.

Section 7: Recognition of Individual Contributions (10 pts)
 Determine for each job what contribution policy you will use (seniority-based pay, merit-
based pay, incentive-based pay, or person-focused pay), explain why you will use that
policy for each job, and explain how pay might be adjusted based on that policy (Note:
more than one contribution policy can apply to each job. For example, someone who is
an engineer might receive merit-based increases to pay in conjunction with incentive-
based pay (bonuses)).
Section 8: Employee Benefits (10 pts)
 Describe what sort of benefits that you would provide all employees (both legally
required and discretionary benefits) and why you would offer this set of benefits.

Requirements: 2 pages

Hi for the question is all about Netflix and you can do whatever online reserch . Also this is the group presentation that I will present so section 7 and 8 is my part. jus reminder this is not essay. you don’t have to write like an essay.

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English Question

English Question

Final Paper/Creative Project

You have the option to either write a traditional academic paper for this class, or to do a creative project that somehow puts you in conversation with the course texts and themes. Your proposal for your final is due Wednesday of Week 9, in lieu of a weekly writing assignment.

Paper Option: An academic research paper of 8-10 pages (double-spaced, MLA format)

which cites at least 3 scholarly sources in addition to at least 1 course text. For this paper, you will choose a specific topic upon which to focus your research and analysis. You may choose to expand on one of your ideas from your weekly writing assignments, or you may choose a new topic altogether.

English Question Read More »

New venture launchplan

New venture launchplan

In this assignment, you will continue your research and planning to design and implement a new product or service. Based on the innovative “big idea” and the vision that you developed in Assignment 1, you will now write a Launch Plan, in which you describe your launch strategy, business model, and financial plan. INSTRUCTIONS Write a Launch Plan Paper of no fewer than 4 pages. In this second assignment, you will complete the middle four sections of your Business Plan: Sections V, VI, VII and VIII in the template. You will follow ONE of the three Options below, depending whether you are planning your new venture as an Intrapreneur, Entrepreneur, or Nonprofit Leader. Make sure you work with the template that matches your chosen Option.


What objectives will you achieve if you get your funding?

What strategies would be used to meet those objectives?

In what time frame would these objectives be met?

JWI 575 – Assignment 2

What legal structure will be used for this business and why? Use the source below to learn about your different business structure options: Research Source:

What licensing or regulations will you need to be aware of to operate your new business?

What are the key activities needed to launch this business?

What are the key resources and distribution channels – i.e., how will your customers access your product/service? REVENUE STREAMS Represents the cash a company generates from each Customer Segment (costs must be subtracted from revenues to create earnings).

For what do customers currently pay? (i.e., what are they buying from your competition?)

How are customers currently paying? (i.e., subscriptions, contracts, cash) o What are your revenue streams? (products, services, subscriptions)

How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? (these will be the numbers that go into your income statement) FINANCIAL STRUCTURE and COSTS

Summary Income Statement: provide a profit and loss statement summary by year and project the profit and loss data out three years. Use one of the ProForma Spreadsheets or the SCORE Projections Template in your Assignment 2 Resources.…

Requirements: n/a

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