Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Jenkins Goes Abroad

Jenkins Goes Abroad

Read the case study, “Jenkins Goes Abroad,” (p. 337) in Martocchio, Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach.

Address the following: 150 words

How should Dale approach the determination of the consultants’ salaries as expatriates?

Should Jenkins offer any incentive compensation or additional benefits to the expatriates? Explain your answer.

Case 1: Jenkins Goes Abroad

Jenkins Consulting is a national firm that helps companies improve their performance and effectiveness by advising on all aspects of business management and operations. Companies hire consultants from Jenkins Consulting for a variety of projects such as assisting with company-wide cost reduction initiatives or revenue growth initiatives, improving supply-chain management, and/or improving individual departments such as information technology. Jenkins employs consultants in 200 offices across the United States and will soon expand its operations internationally.


A company located in the United Kingdom has hired Jenkins for a major project that will be based at the company’s headquarters in London. Jenkins will assist the company with an organization-wide effort to restructure and reposition the company to succeed in a more competitive market. To complete this project, Jenkins will assign five full-time consultants for a period of approximately two years. Because of the significant time commitment, Jenkins has decided to relocate the selected consultants to the United Kingdom for the duration of the project.


Dale Kugar, the human resource director at Jenkins, must prepare to transition the consultants to the new assignment. This is the company’s first exposure to expatriate management, and Dale needs to ensure that the consultants who move to the United Kingdom for the project are compensated appropriately. His intention is to have the consultants maintain their current benefits, including health care insurance, retirement savings, and paid time off. However, he must make a recommendation on any changes to each consultant’s salary.


Dale has a few concerns as he prepares his recommendation. First, the United Kingdom is currently experiencing a high level of inflation. The value of the American dollar compared to the British pound is low. That is, the consultant’s U.S. salary will not have the same purchasing power in the United Kingdom as it does at home. He is also concerned about the consultants’ interest in taking on the international assignment. Some of the consultants he spoke to about the assignment are concerned about the impact the assignment will have on their career. Because this is Jenkins’ first international experience, the consultants are concerned that being out of the country for two years may affect their future career opportunities because they will not have regular interactions with the firm partners who make decisions on promotions. These concerns weigh heavily on Dale’s mind as he starts to draft his recommendation.

Jenkins Goes Abroad Read More »

Discuss summarize the documentary in terms of the hominin findings

Discuss summarize the documentary in terms of the hominin findings

Watch the video – Becoming Human part 1. In a 2-3 page discussion summarize the documentary in terms of the hominin findings. Also discuss one aspect that you found most interesting. Finally, point out one way in which the documentary is outdated, in other words, one fact that is no longer true based on current fossil evidence.

Discuss summarize the documentary in terms of the hominin findings Read More »

Marketing Project: Buc-EE’s Marketing Plan

Marketing Project: Buc-EE’s Marketing Plan

Background Information: Founded in 1982, Buc-ee’s is a privately owned chain of gas stations and convenience stores. With over fifty locations, Buc-ee’s predominately operates inside the state of Texas, with a few stores operating across the south in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. However, Buc-ee’s is more than just a simple gas station. With over 100 gas pumps and a 50,000 plus foot convenience store that sells almost everything under the sun, Buc-ee’s is an institution.

Your Challenge: You are being tasked with developing a marketing plan for Buc-ee’s. Following the outline of page 558 in your textbook, I want you to develop a detailed marketing plan for the company using the facts and knowledge you have developed throughout the semesters. Be sure to include some facts to substantiate your plans and to include any citations necessary to support the facts. This includes using the articles provided and any outside research you conducted to support your assessments.

I want you to writ about these factors of the compony

Supply Chain Strategies

Marketing Project: Buc-EE’s Marketing Plan Read More »

ImportantEvent in life that shaped who you are and directed you to become a physician.

ImportantEvent in life that shaped who you are and directed you to become a physician.

describe an important event in your life, how that event shaped who you are, and how you anticipate that event will shape you as a physician

Those are the questions that need to be answer in a 3 pages long professional essay.

ImportantEvent in life that shaped who you are and directed you to become a physician. Read More »

answer 3 out of the 4 ethnic studies questions

answer 3 out of the 4 ethnic studies questions

  1. Answer 3 of the following questions: 2 pages each, 12-point font; double spaced for each question. Cite course lectures and readings. Due on December 10 by noon.

answer 3 out of the 4 ethnic studies questions Read More »

Why are there almost no democracies in the Middle East?

Why are there almost no democracies in the Middle East?

For this short essay, I want you to answer the question “Why there is almost no democracies in the Middle East?”, based on the attached, and literature in general. In answering the question, you should provide your own answer and not a literature review, i.e. do not summarize what is out there, but try to make sense of it…I want to read your answer to this question, based on the literature. Also, address the question directly, instead of tiptoeing around it.

You are asked to use around 1000 words, and at least four scholarly work (books, book chapters, articles) of which at least one should be from the attached documents.

Why are there almost no democracies in the Middle East? Read More »

Change Management Plan

Change Management Plan

  1. Watch the Change Management Plan video for help getting started on this assignment.


    In this assignment, you will combine the previous four assignments into a proposal that you could present to the executive leadership and board members. You will argue the value of the change management plan to the overall success of the organization. Add to your previous submissions a plan for sustaining the change in the long run.


    Write a 6–10-page paper in which you:

    Section I: Organization: Describe the organization and comment on the HR change that the organization should make. Utilize effective diagnostic tools to assess the organization’s ability to change. Support assertions with theoretical evidence.
    1. Describe the company in terms of industry, size, number of employees, and history.
    2. Analyze in detail the current HR practice, policy, process, or procedure that you believe should be changed.
    3. Formulate three valid reasons for the proposed change based on current change management theories.
    4. Appraise the diagnostic tools that you can use to determine an organization’s readiness for change. Propose two diagnostic tools which you can utilize to determine if the organization is ready for change. Defend why you believe the diagnostic tools selected are the best choice for diagnosing change in the organization.
    5. Using one of the diagnostic tools you selected, assess the organization’s readiness for change.
      • Provide results of the diagnostic analysis
      • Explain the results
    6. Interpret whether or not the organization is ready for change. Substantiate your conclusion by referencing current change management theories.
    Section II: Kotter Change Plan: Utilizing the Kotter eight-step method of change, create a solid change management plan for the HR initiative you identified as requiring improvement.
    1. Ascertain how each of the steps applies to your specific organization.
    2. Develop a strategy that illustrates how you would address each of the eight stages of change:
      • Establishing a sense of urgency.
      • Creating a coalition.
      • Developing vision and strategy.
      • Communicating the vision.
      • Empowering broad-based action.
      • Generating short-term wins.
      • Consolidating gains and producing more change.
      • Anchoring new approaches into the culture.
    Section III: Resistance and Communication: Research methods of minimizing resistance to change and create a plan to address resistance within your change management initiative.
    1. Diagnose the reasons for resistance to change.
    2. Interpret the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Identify and describe three potential causes of resistance to your change plan. Identify and describe three potential sources of resistance to your change plan.
    3. Create a plan for minimizing possible resistance to your change management plan.
    4. Elaborate on the relationship between resistance to change and communication.
    5. Evaluate three communication strategies.
    6. Recommend one communication strategy that would be applicable to your organization. Diagnose why this communication strategy is best for your organization.
    7. Create a solid communication plan for your change initiative.
    Section IV: Sustaining Change: Research methods of sustaining change in organizations and create a plan for sustaining proposed change.
    1. Recommend two strategies for sustaining change:
      • Diagnose the two theories from a scholarly perspective
      • Evaluate why the strategies selected are viable for the organization
    Section V: Presentation: Create a visually appealing and informative presentation espousing the importance of the change management plan you developed.
    1. Create a 10–15 slide PowerPoint presentation to submit to executive leadership and board members outlining and describing your recommended change. Include the following criteria:
      • Be creative in your design so that is appealing to others.
      • Ensure that all of the major points of the plan are covered.
      • Create bulleted speaking notes for your presentation to the shareholders in the Notes section of the PowerPoint. Note: You may create or assume any fictitious names, data, or scenarios that have not been established in this assignment for a realistic flow of communication.
      • Use a professional technically written style to graphically convey the information.
      • Create a video of yourself presenting the presentation to key stakeholders. Note: View the Creating a Presentation for Your Course playlist for tutorials on creating and submitting video assignments
    Section VI: References: Utilize good scholarly research skills and writing skills to develop a solid change plan and presentation.
    1. Use at least 10 quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources
    2. Write clearly and concisely about managing organizational change using proper writing mechanics.

    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Create a proposal for a change management plan for an organization.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Requirements: 6-10 page paper/ 10-15 slide powerpoint etc..

Change Management Plan Read More »

Create teaching material for community health projects

Create teaching material for community health projects

  1. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.
  2. Create an infographic teaching tool for the community educational project. View these links on how to create infographics:

Submit an 8 X 11.5 color (one page Word or pdf. document) infographic teaching tool for your chosen community. Please also submit a reference page in APA format with at least two references you used as sources for the information on the infographic.

Create teaching material for community health projects Read More »

Week 8 DQ 1/2: developing a strategic plan DQ 1 Describe the roles to be filled in developing a strategic plan. Is there a hierarchy of roles? What strategies would support the roles? What might make the roles more complicated? Explain your answers. 500 WORDS DQ2 You have been asked by the superintendent to analyze the district’s strategic plan. Describe your plan for accomplishing this task. Describe how you would frame your recommendations for improving or updating the strategic plan. 500 wORDS

Week 8 DQ 1/2:  developing a strategicplan

DQ 1

Describe the roles to be filled in developing a strategic plan. Is there a hierarchy of roles? What strategies would support the roles? What might make the roles more complicated? Explain your answers. 500  WORDS


You have been asked by the superintendent to analyze the district’s strategic plan. Describe your plan for accomplishing this task. Describe how you would frame your recommendations for improving or updating the strategic plan. 500 wORDS

Requirements: 1000

Week 8 DQ 1/2: developing a strategic plan DQ 1 Describe the roles to be filled in developing a strategic plan. Is there a hierarchy of roles? What strategies would support the roles? What might make the roles more complicated? Explain your answers. 500 WORDS DQ2 You have been asked by the superintendent to analyze the district’s strategic plan. Describe your plan for accomplishing this task. Describe how you would frame your recommendations for improving or updating the strategic plan. 500 wORDS Read More »

Assignment Description

Assignment Description

You will research one of the topics below as it relates to disability justice. You will create an accessible Powerpoint presentation. The PowerPoint should be at minimum 4 slides but can be up to 8 slides. To make your assignment accessible you are required to follow the accessibility instructions listed below. Your assignment must meet the following requirements.

Step 1: Pick one of the topics listed below:

Step 2: Research the selected topic.

Make sure to list your sources somewhere on the assignment. It does not need to be a formal APA/MLA format but we need to know where you got your information from. We HIGHLY encourage you to seek out sources that were not used in the class so far.

Step 3: Create a Powerpoint slide presentation using the guidelines below:

Your PowerPoint slides must be accessible. In addition to accessibility, you must include the 6 following parts to your PowerPoint slides. You do not have to present this to us or other students.

  1. Slide 1 – Describe/Define the Disability Justice Movement?
    What is Disability Justice? Include the definition and cite your source of the definition.
    – Provide an image that represents disability justice in the context of your topic or issue. Your image must be accessible (it must include alt text description).
  2. Slide 2 – Describe/Define First Point or Argument of Chosen Topic
    What is one angle, point, or argument of your chosen topic and what is one way that it relates to disability justice (facts, quotes, arguments, controversy, etc.
    -Provide an image that represents disability justice in the context of this angle, point, or argument. Your image must be accessible (it must include alt text description).
  3. Slide 3 – Describe/Define Second Point or Argument of Chosen Topic
    – What is a second angle, point, or argument of your chosen topic and how does it relate to disability justice (facts, quotes, arguments, controversy, etc.)
    – Provide an image that represents disability justice in the context of this angle, point, or argument. Your image must be accessible (it must include alt text description).
  4. Slide 4 – Personal Reflection
    Why did you pick this topic? What is your personal motivation or connection to it?
    – Was anything uncomfortable and why (controversial, conflicting, confronting, explain)?
    – Provide at least one image that represents your reflection on this issue. Your image/s must be accessible (images must include alt text description).
    – Put your bulleted main ideas in the slide itself.
    – Put a more detailed reflection paragraph in the notes section of your reflection slide.

    This is the basic outline. It is the bare minimum required. If you discover the need to include more slides in order to accommodate more points or arguments, you may do so. We suggest no more than 8 slides.

  5. All Slides – Accessibility
    You must check the accessibility of your Powerpoint slide deck prior to submitting.
    – To check accessibility, go to “Review.” Then go to “Check Accessibility.” This will guide you in ensuring that your Powerpoint is accessible to screen readers and other assistive technology that readers may be using.
  6. Sources
    You must include 3 separate sources of information within your presentation. Sources may include books, online journals, blogs, newspaper articles, disability justice or advocacy websites or podcasts, etc.
    – Each slide must include its own citation of sources for information, as well as for images. Source may be listed on the slide itself or in the notes section underneath.


Microsoft Powerpoint is available at no cost to SDSU students.

Requirements: slide show

Assignment Description Read More »

Leadership exercise

Leadership exercise

The leadership exercise activity is based on the physical characteristics and resources of a real facility located in New York City. The exercise focuses on an operational and planning scenario and includes the development of an Exercise Report also known as an After-Action Report (AAR). Links and materials, including the required report template, are provided in the attachments below.

Note: Since the AAR are completed utilizing a template, compliance with the most recent approved APA format is only required for in-text citations and references.

The AAR is created by incorporating targeted leadership knowledge development, self-assessment assignments, and homeland security or public safety leadership analysis with your observations from the leadership exercise. The AAR represents a personal understanding and plan of public safety leadership based on the course research, lecture content, conferences, reports, the leadership exercise, and your leadership performance. The completed AAR correlates with professional homeland security and public safety leadership best practices, resulting in a tangible product that can become a base for future leadership development.

The AAR will be developed using the provided template and structured to cover all of the following topics:

  • Presentation and discussion of academic and anecdotal resource materials
  • Deconstruction of current homeland security or public safety leadership
  • Identification of acceptable and effective professional homeland security or public safety leadership principles
  • Collation of data from personal leadership self-assessment assignments and Personal Leadership History Report
  • Comparison and contrast of self-assessment data, to include applicability, with best practices and identified leadership principles
  • Presentation and discussion of future personal leadership development and opportunity

To complete this assignment, perform the following tasks:

  • Please first read the Hurricane Chester Exercise Instructions that provides an overview of the assignment.
  • Next, please read the Participant Guide that provides detailed guidance on how to conduct the exercise.
  • If you have any questions on how to complete the exercise, please contact the course faculty.
  • Once you fully understand the assignment, please conduct the exercise by reading the HMLS 495 Exercise Slides.
  • Finally, please complete the Hurricane Chester Exercise Report Template.
  • Remember to turn in the completed report on time.

Leadership exercise Read More »

Leadership exercise

Leadership exercise

The leadership exercise activity is based on the physical characteristics and resources of a real facility located in New York City. The exercise focuses on an operational and planning scenario and includes the development of an Exercise Report also known as an After-Action Report (AAR). Links and materials, including the required report template, are provided in the attachments below.

Note: Since the AAR are completed utilizing a template, compliance with the most recent approved APA format is only required for in-text citations and references.

The AAR is created by incorporating targeted leadership knowledge development, self-assessment assignments, and homeland security or public safety leadership analysis with your observations from the leadership exercise. The AAR represents a personal understanding and plan of public safety leadership based on the course research, lecture content, conferences, reports, the leadership exercise, and your leadership performance. The completed AAR correlates with professional homeland security and public safety leadership best practices, resulting in a tangible product that can become a base for future leadership development.

The AAR will be developed using the provided template and structured to cover all of the following topics:

  • Presentation and discussion of academic and anecdotal resource materials
  • Deconstruction of current homeland security or public safety leadership
  • Identification of acceptable and effective professional homeland security or public safety leadership principles
  • Collation of data from personal leadership self-assessment assignments and Personal Leadership History Report
  • Comparison and contrast of self-assessment data, to include applicability, with best practices and identified leadership principles
  • Presentation and discussion of future personal leadership development and opportunity

To complete this assignment, perform the following tasks:

  • Please first read the Hurricane Chester Exercise Instructions that provides an overview of the assignment.
  • Next, please read the Participant Guide that provides detailed guidance on how to conduct the exercise.
  • If you have any questions on how to complete the exercise, please contact the course faculty.
  • Once you fully understand the assignment, please conduct the exercise by reading the HMLS 495 Exercise Slides.
  • Finally, please complete the Hurricane Chester Exercise Report Template.
  • Remember to turn in the completed report on time.

Requirements: 4 pages

Leadership exercise Read More »

Continuity Plan

Continuity Plan

Related to N902
  1. Identification and description of the key components of a Business Continuity (BC) plan for attacks or incidents which could affect your real or fictitious company.































Understanding40Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required).

36 – 40

Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate.

32 – 35

Student is uncomfortable with content and is able to demonstrate basic concepts.

28 – 31

Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject.

0 – 27

Spelling & Grammar30Plan has no misspellings. citation mistakes, or grammatical errors.

27 – 30

Plan has a couple misspellings, citation mistakes, and/or grammatical errors.

24 – 26

Plan has several spelling, citation mistakes, and/or grammatical errors.

21 – 23

Work has significant spelling errors, citation errors, and/or grammatical errors.

0 – 20

Organization30Student presents Information in logical, interesting sequence which reader can follow.

27 – 30

Student presents information in logical sequence which reader can follow.

24 – 26

Reader has difficulty following work because student jumps around.

21 – 23

Sequence of information is difficult to follow.

0 – 20

Total100A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements. 














Continuity Plan Read More »

Psychology Question

Psychology Question

Select a psychological disorder, as well as a local organization that provides mental health services.

The Disorder for this Paper is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Research the organization’s website or speak to someone within the organization.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine your selected psychological disorder in the context of the chosen organization’s goals. Include the following in your paper:

  • Identify the multiple cultures that the organization serves.
  • Identify the symptoms of your selected disorder, and describe how the interpretation of the symptoms varies across cultures.
  • Discuss how the impact of culture affects interpretations of symptoms and recommendations of services for that organization.

Include a minimum of 3 credible, peer-reviewed references.

Psychology Question Read More »

Law Question

Law Question

Each student will write a final course paper on a criminal justice topic of her/his choosing. Ideally, the topic will be a topic discussed either in class or in a part of the reading materials assigned as part of the course reading requirements. A topic that has not been discussed or assigned as part of the reading may also be a suitable final paper topic, and please check with me prior to beginning your research on a topic that was not covered during the course. Here is a sampling of topics, which you may consider researching and writing a final course paper:

Each student has wide latitude in writing this final paper as well as the approach used to research and write on the ethical issues of a particular topic. The final paper should be 5 to 7 type written pages (does not include title page/bibliography/etc). Please use Times Roman 12 point font, and double-space with standard margins when writing the final paper. The final paper is an academic paper, which means that your writing should include multiple sources, and sources should be cited as appropriate in your work. Please include a bibliography that includes

Requirements: 5-7 pages without the title page or bibliography included   |


Final Paper Outline (Sample)

Overview and history of the topic (1 to 2 pages)

The main ethical issues of the topic (2 pages)

Choose one ethical theory to apply/discuss in regards to your selected topic (1 page)

Personal ethical reflection on the topic i.e. where do you stand ethically on the topic (1 page)

Conclusion (1 page)

Total = 5 to 7 pages


Guiding Questions

The following is a list of guiding questions as you begin to research and write your final paper:

  • What is the history of the topic?
  • What are the main ethical issues regarding the topic?
  • What are the current societal views on the topic i.e. the prevailing views?
  • Is the topic of concern to the media at this time?
  • What ethical theory is most applicable to understanding or evaluating the topic?
  • Do governmental policies provide support or non-support for the topic?
  • Who are the main stakeholders that are involved in the topic?
  • What are your personal views on the topic? Your own ethical framework of the topic?
  • What value matters the most in the topic? E.g. The sanctity of life for the death penalty.

Law Question Read More »

English Question

English Question

After reading Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs. Dalloway (pages. 3-63), follow the directions below:

In a two-page, double-spaced, typed journal response, discuss how the use of chronological time (past and present) tells the story through the main character’s present experiences and her past memories. Mrs. Dalloway explains the importance of her relationships to her husband, daughter, and past friendship with Peter Walsh as she prepares for the party where many of her friends and family members will bring the past into the present. Her style of writing, using stream of consciousness, illustrates her method of storytelling and how she lays out moments in time and also interrupts the present with moments of her past.

Use direct quotations to show what you think and support your description with details from the narrative. Be sure to cite direct quotes and facts using in-text citations or parenthetical references. The length of the journal should be no less than 500 words or two pages, double-spaced.

Here is an example of the MLA 4-line heading:

Student’s Name



12 December 2021

Journal Title (Use a catchy title)

English Question Read More »

Competencies: Countrypicked is CANADA. Also see the template attached. 

Competencies: Countrypicked is CANADA. Also see the template attached.

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

· Explain the drivers of globalization and how they impact business decisions

· Differentiate between domestic and international business environments

· Describe the factors that contribute to international market attractiveness and entry


You are a business analyst working at a small domestic organization that produces high-quality baseball bats. Your organization has begun to see its sales flatten in the domestic market. While the organization is not losing money, leadership would like to explore options to continue growth. One option that leadership has noticed competitors attempting is entering international markets.

You have been asked to examine the benefits, drawbacks, and key considerations for your organization to enter one of the global markets below, and to summarize your findings in a business brief for leadership.

Select one of the following international markets to use for your course project: CANADA (picked).


Develop a business brief that explains why many organizations are investing in efforts to expand their businesses internationally, the key impacts of global business, and cultural considerations for entering the global market. You will then create a market profile and outline market considerations for your chosen international market. Use the Business Brief Template in the What to Submit section to complete this project.

1. Drivers for Global Entry: Explain the purpose of global expansion, business impacts of global business, societal impacts of global business, and cultural considerations using evidence from course and outside resources to support your explanations.

A. Purpose of Global Expansion: Explain key benefits of successful global expansion for domestic organizations.

B. Business Impacts of Global Business: Explain how global expansion of a domestic organization can impact business operations such as strategic planning, marketing, supply-chain management, human resources, and so on.

C. Societal Impacts of Global Business: Explain how the global expansion of organizations has impacted society, citing specific examples regarding culture, transportation, employment, infrastructure, and environmental climate.

D. Cultural Considerations for Global Business: Explain the importance of researching the culture of a potential global market prior to market entry, as well as key cultural considerations to explore to inform expansion decisions.

2. Market Profile: Compare and contrast important cultural, political, and economic elements of your selected market versus the United States to explain similarities and differences between cultural practices, attitudes, economic factors, and political environments.

A. Cultural Profile: Compare and contrast important cultural elements of your selected market against those in the domestic market, including communication, values and attitudes, cultural dimensions, and so on.

B. Political and Economic Profile: Compare and contrast important political and economic factors for your selected market against those in the domestic market, including political systems, current leaders, and economic measures or characteristics used in classification.

C. Legal and Regulatory Profile: Compare and contrast important legal and regulatory requirements of your selected market against those in the domestic market, including trade restrictions, regulations of products or services, legal processes for business transactions, and import restrictions or documentation.

3. Market Considerations: Compare and contrast important market considerations for your selected market against those in the domestic market. Explain the similarities, differences, and considerations for conducting business between the two markets, such as general legal and regulatory requirements, monetary and management logistics, and mode-of-entry considerations.

A. Monetary Considerations: Explain how monetary considerations such as currency, exchange rates, and exchange-rate management would impact the organization’s decision to expand into your selected market, using current exchange rates between your selected country and the United States to support your explanations.

B. Management and Logistics Considerations: Explain management and logistics practices that best address human-resource considerations for your selected market, such as management approaches or staff and labor laws and their impact on policies and procedures.

C. Mode of Entry Considerations: Describe advantages and disadvantages for traditional modes of entry that would be most appropriate for entering into your selected market.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following: Template: Business Brief Your completed Business Brief template should be a 750- to 1,000-word Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Requirements: 750-1000 words   |   .doc file

Competencies: Countrypicked is CANADA. Also see the template attached.  Read More »

The monetary and fiscal policies

The monetary and fiscal policies

How do fiscal and monetary policies under the fixed exchange rate in Saudi Arabia help the country to increase the living standard? What are the goals of the monetary and fiscal policies, and how are they achieved? What are the challenges that the country may encounter on the journey to achieve these goals?

  • Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories, which require supporting citations along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed reference in supporting your answer unless the discussion calls for more. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references.
  • Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

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Communications Question

Communications Question


  • Choose a career that interests you or one suggested by the assessments completed in your E-book.
  • This is a formal research essay; it must be (3) pages, double spaced, typed, Font #12.
  • Use the last assignment (Final Project Prep) to write your paper which included the following questions:
    • Describe the career. What are the typical job duties?
    • Why are you interested in this career?
    • Are certain personality types or skills required? How does your personality type match the career or not?
    • What are the interest codes for this career? How does your interests and values math this career?
    • What are some advantages and disadvantages of working in this career?Nice Work.png
    • What type of environment will you be working in?
    • What is a typical day, week, month, year?
    • What is the pay?
    • What is the job outlook?
    • What are the educational requirements?
    • What are related majors or majors needed for this career?
    • What are the growth opportunities?
    • What interesting facts did you discover?
  • Since this is a research paper, you must include at least 4 online resources and a “Works Cited” page (the total project is 4 pages).


Communications Question Read More »

Communications Question

Communications Question


  • Choose a career that interests you or one suggested by the assessments completed in your E-book.
  • This is a formal research essay; it must be (3) pages, double spaced, typed, Font #12.
  • Use the last assignment (Final Project Prep) to write your paper which included the following questions:
    • Describe the career. What are the typical job duties?
    • Why are you interested in this career?
    • Are certain personality types or skills required? How does your personality type match the career or not?
    • What are the interest codes for this career? How does your interests and values math this career?
    • What are some advantages and disadvantages of working in this career?Nice Work.png
    • What type of environment will you be working in?
    • What is a typical day, week, month, year?
    • What is the pay?
    • What is the job outlook?
    • What are the educational requirements?
    • What are related majors or majors needed for this career?
    • What are the growth opportunities?
    • What interesting facts did you discover?
  • Since this is a research paper, you must include at least 4 online resources and a “Works Cited” page (the total project is 4 pages).



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