The paper must be at least 10 pages (2,000-2,500) words and be in APA format.
must have 5 academic sources.Academic sources do not include wikis, messageboards, support forums, etc. Do not copy and paste large blocks of text from your sources!
As with any research project, make sure to take a position, defend with works cited, and conclude.
Describe a conflict situation that you have experienced in which you had to use negotiation skills. Identify the type of conflict and discuss how you worked through the negotiation process. Then, evaluate both the process and the outcome of the negotiation.
Address the following questions in your assessment:
What part of the process (if any) went more smoothly than expected?
Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length and conform to APA Requirements. Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course readings.
Defensiveness: When one of the negotiating parties feels threatened, he or she may react by making sarcastic remarks or verbal attacks, or by questioning motives.
Culture: A negotiator uses different tactics with different cultures; for example members of an individualistic society (e.g., the United States) versus members of a collectivist society (e.g., Japan) (Dontigney, 2014).
Contending Strategy: Competitors or parties who feel very strongly about achieving a desired outcome will choose a contending strategy. This occurs when one party works hard to persuade the other party to accept their desired outcome, and pushes against any compromises and concessions that the other party may offer.
Yielding Strategy: When one party works to accommodate the other party’s needs, then the accommodating party is choosing the yielding strategy. The yielding strategy is not simply a “doormat” approach; in fact, there can be advantages to accommodating the other party, particularly when a long-term relationship is at stake.
Collaborative Strategy: Problem solving together with the other party, called collaborative or integrative negotiating, is a strategy that results in maximizing the outcome for both parties. Negotiating on this level requires cooperation from both parties and a clear desire to achieve the best and most synergistic outcome possible together.
Compromising Strategy: The fifth strategy for managing conflict is compromising. It is distinguished from problem solving because the parties are not necessarily working together positively. The parties may be reluctantly compromising during the concession-making process in order to continue the negotiation and achieve a relatively acceptable outcome.
The world is becoming much “smaller,” referring to the effects of globalization. Today, nearly 60% of world GDP is related to an import or an export, thus more organizations are moving towards multinational enterprises. With that in mind, answer the following:
More and more domestic corporations want to take advantage of increased markets through globalization. Once the decision is made, firms quickly find that one of the biggest challenges they face is how to balance the opposing forces of foreign operations and those of the parent company in the home country. They also come to realize that autonomy and local control may sometimes oppose cultural interests.
Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) must balance financial objectives with localization. Some experts feel additional layers of organization and more complicated systems can indeed slow down communication and the local firms’ ability to deal with cultural issues.
There is no one-size-fits-all in international structuring of corporations. Many MNEs realize that managers throughout the company must be trained to work with multidimensional structures.
In order for management to be successful it must conduct international business by positioning networks, global teams, and global learning organizations. It does so while maintaining complex organizational structures. The result of the design is the formalized arrangement of organizational components such as the headquarters, subsidiaries, business units/divisions within the headquarters and subsidiaries, product lines, jobs, positions, tasks, and reporting relationships in an organization.
The structure necessary to conduct international business is more complex than a purely domestic firm. This results from the process of internationalization. This is based primarily on four factors. Click on each bar to review these factors.
The sustainable competitive advantage a firm has is its ability to learn and innovate faster than its competitors and react more quickly to continual volatility and change. Creating a culture of learning and nurturing is vital, as is facilitating that learning across borders by its employees around the world and its abilities to share, and use that knowledge on a global basis. The organizational culture of the MNE and HR and IHRM need to create and structure policies and practices that encourage and facilitate such attitudes and behaviors. The importance of learning and the need to share and use information on a global basis will take advantage of the global experiences and multinational learning of a global firm’s workforce.
A female Hispanic floriculture supervisor, Ana Mendez, has reported to Employee Relations that she has been sexually harassed by Ellis Wilson in which he has created a hostile working environment by frequently stopping by to see her at her worksite and constantly commenting on how sexy she is and pressing her to “just go for a few drinks” on too many occasions. She declares she has rejected his advances and informed him if he did not stop harassing her she would report it to management. He did not stop. Ellis’ position is that he happens to have work and audits to be done in areas where she happens to be. He does not believe any comments complimenting her should be taken as seriously because he is just a friendly type of guy. Ellis does not seem to realize when certain actions can be perceived as sexual harassment.
Employee Relations Manager, Roberto Miranda, discussed the matter with you. You direct Roberto to apply conflict resolution techniques in hopes of keeping the matter from accelerating into a full-fledged EEOC complaint. Smith has informed you he wants this matter resolved quietly and quickly.
Design a conflict resolution that is reasonable, fair to both sides, and results in everyone being educated about sexual harassment in the workplace.
Use headings to appropriately signal the topics and keep your document organized
Use a minimum of three in-text citation sources within your paper and identify them in your APA correctly formatted References page.