Author name: Rosemary Mosco

You are given the power to alter the course of how “justice

You will answer the following hypothetical scenario:

You are given the power to alter the course of how “justice” is delivered in the contemporary United States. What sorts of policies, efforts, decisions, etc, would you enact? Thinking about the history and contemporary development of policing, mass incarceration, and criminalization and how they are shaped by race, class and gender, what should “justice” look like?

To answer this question, please map out one central “reform” that you would propose for the US criminal justice system to tackle racial, class and gendered disparities. There are distinctions between “reformist reforms” versus “non-reformist reforms.”

A reform refers to changing the existing institution through gradual changes. Non-reformist reforms refer to focus on structural changes to society that reduce contact with the criminal justice system and transform the relations of power that shape punishment.

You are required to draw from AT LEAST FOUR of the readings and materials. Think about the connections between institutions such as the family, education system, government, police, prisons, criminal courts, parole/bail, etc., and how one navigates based on their positionality (race, class, gender, age, residency, sexuality, sexual expression, legal status, etc).

You may only use up to one documentary/media clip and the rest have to be readings. You might even find it helpful to do some of your own outside research that can inform your answer (please cite this at the bottom of answer, in any format you like).

What I want to see here is creativity, rigor, and critical thinking.

If you are using outside readings, please include a separate reference page and cite in the format you’d like. Otherwise, if you are using provided readings just in-text citation (Author Last Name, Page #).

Requirements: five typed pages (double-spaced, Times New Roman font 12p)

You are given the power to alter the course of how “justice Read More »

POL 2301_3 Part Question

POL 2301_3 Part Question

1.) Journal Entry – Must be at least 250 words in length. No references or citations are necessary

The Bill of Rights provides protection from unreasonable and arbitrary governmental interference for several civil liberties such as freedom of speech and press. If you were able to add an additional freedom to the Bill of Rights, what would it be? Explain the impact you think it would have on your life and those around you.

2.) Must be at least 100 words in length.

Define and distinguish between civil rights and civil liberties.

3.) Must be at least 250 words in length.

The U.S. Constitution does not create a specific right to privacy. However, citizens of the United States enjoy privacy rights in their physical person, property, and communications. What does a right to privacy mean, and how have U.S. citizens come to have this right? Include in your response relevant amendments and at least two U.S. Supreme Court cases.



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Board Recruitment

Board Recruitment

Challenges of Recruiting Governing Members

For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources and focus on the roles and responsibilities of board members. Consider the challenges related to board recruitment and select a critical challenge. Think about your own board member experience if applicable. Consider how the experience and expertise of an individual board member can benefit an organization. Consider potential challenges to recruiting a balanced and efficient board of directors.

Must be 1.5-2 pages

  • Post an explanation of your selected critical challenge that you might face in recruiting and retaining governing board members.
  • Explain your strategy for addressing the challenge.

References Attached:

Tschirhart, M., & Bielefeld, W. (2012). Managing nonprofit organizations. Somerset, NJ: Wiley. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

  • Laureate Education (Producer). (2008c). Governance [Interactive media]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
  • Laureate Education. (Producer). (2008a). Introduction to nonprofit sector: Board governance [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Board Recruitment Read More »

Program Evaluation

Program Evaluation

Evaluate the hypothetical program that you created (DOMESTIC ABUSE in PUBLIC HEALTH) using the following types of evaluation: formative, process, outcome, and impact. Identify each type of evaluation that you are using and the part of the program to which it applies, program goals, and program accomplishments. Describe successful areas of the program and areas that need improvement. For the areas requiring improvement, present the changes that will be made, the anticipated outcomes, and how those changes would be evaluated.

Write a 15 page, double-spaced paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Utilize at least 7 scholarly sources in your research and be sure to include a references page. Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Submission Details

  • Support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples.
  • Cite all sources using the APA format

Requirements: 15 pages, double-spaced

Please make sure that the scholarly references are peer reviewed. Also keep in mind, that this is my final paper so, everything has to be grammarly correct, concise and as detailed as possible.

My professor posted this as a guideline for this project:


Evaluate the hypothetical program that you created using the following types of evaluation: formative, process, outcome, and impact. Remember the meaning of each of the evaluation processes:

Formative: Ensures that a program or program activity is feasible, appropriate, and acceptable before it is fully implemented. To what extent is the need being met? What can be done to address this need?

Process: Evaluating how the process of implementing a project fared. Were the components of the intervention implemented as planned?

Impact: Effects of a program. What short-term or immediate effect did the intervention have?

Outcome: The real health impact of a program, and to theoretical links made between short-term impact and long-term outcome. Did the intervention affect the health problem/issue that was the ultimate target?


Identify each type of evaluation that you are using and the part of the program to which it applies, program goals, and program accomplishments.

Using your developed program, explain how each type of evaluation will be used, when it will be used, and how it affects (shows) the program goals and accomplishments.


Describe successful areas of the program and areas that need improvement. For the areas requiring improvement, present the changes that will be made, the anticipated outcomes, and how those changes would be evaluated.

Hypothetically, complete the evaluation process for the outcome and the impact evaluations to determine areas of success and areas needing additional improvement. You must state at least one of each in order to continue with the assignment. For those items needing improvement, what changes can be made to improve them, how will those changes affect the outcomes, what will now be the anticipated outcomes, and how those new items will be evaluated (what evaluation type, when it will be used, and how it will be used). Use published, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles to support your claims.

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Week 7 Discussion Post-Award Phase

Week 7 Discussion

Post-Award Phase

Please respond to each discussion question below and reference material from this week’s reading, videos, in addition to any personal experience you might have.

  1. What Part of the FAR addresses contract administration? Who is responsible for contract administration planning? What are some of the major contract administration issues that need to be planned for under a contract? Who will administer a contract? What contributes to successful contract administration?
  2. Discuss one topic or issue from this week’s material that may benefit you personally or professionally.

Week 7 Discussion Post-Award Phase Read More »

Business Law Question

Business Law Question

Government Contracting: Dept of Veterans Affairs Scenario

This week, please read the scenario below in government contracting.

The Department of Veterans Affairs is expanding its community-based outpatient clinic programs across the nation. In order to get these clinics up and running as quickly as possible, your Veterans’ Integrated Services Networks (VISN) has decided to lease existing buildings instead of building ground up facilities. The location of community-based outpatient clinics (CBOCs) are very political, and you are aware of previous award protests and the interest of local Congress members attempting to secure the facilities in their districts.

Although your selection team has reviewed proposals and performed site visits, etc., per procedure, you have been called into the medical center director’s office and have been asked which location you think may be selected for the award. He has indicated that he wants to make sure that the selection is where he wants the CBOC to be located. You are aware that the director has met with the local Congressman and feels pressured about the solicitation. You know that the location that will be selected is not the one that the director or the interested Congressman prefers.


  • As the contracting officer responsible for this procurement, what should be the role of the contracting officer be in this scenario? Provide a complete and specific response.
  • How will you handle the medical center director’s desire to be the ultimate decision-maker on who gets the award?


Submit your essay as a two-page Word document that is attached to your initial response.

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discussion question 2

discussion question 2

There is some concern about a growing number of research studies that cannot be reproduced. Describe the implications this has for the research community as a whole. Include the steps that can be taken in order to try to mitigate this growing concern.

Introduction to Health Research Methods: A Practical Guide

Jacobsen, K. H. (2017). Introduction to health research methods: A practical guide (2nd ed.) Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284094381

discussion question 2 Read More »

Topic 2 – HCI-655 – EHR Technology Platforms

Topic 2 – HCI-655 – EHR Technology Platforms

The purpose of this assignment is to research and become familiar with EHR technology platforms.

In a 750-1,000 word essay, research and explain various EHR technology platforms. Include the following:

  1. Describe two different technology platforms used in leading EHR systems.
  2. Contrast the benefits and challenges for the EHR technology platforms you selected. Include at least two benefits and two challenges for each platform.
  3. Explain why each technology platform you selected was developed.
  4. Identify which current EHR systems use the technology platforms you selected.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Topic 2 – HCI-655 – EHR Technology Platforms Read More »

HCI-670 Topic 2 DQ 1 & 2

HCI-670 Topic 2 DQ 1 & 2

answer the following DQ with 150-200 words each. Thank you

DQ 1:

Provide an example of an EHR-based clinical decision support tool from a workplace experience or current online resource. Describe the impact of the decision support tool on the quality of patient care.

DQ 2:

Discuss design principles used to facilitate heuristics in a clinical decision support process. Provide a workplace example and offer suggestions to improve the clinical decision support? Provide a rationale for why you made those suggestions.

Requirements: 150-200 words each

HCI-670 Topic 2 DQ 1 & 2 Read More »

Companies that have had multiple products recalled in their industry?

Companies that have had multiple products recalled in their industry?


What companies have had multiple products recalled in their industry? Were there similar issues in the product? What did the company do to minimize the recall happening again?


•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than a two-page paper.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Companies that have had multiple products recalled in their industry? Read More »

Humanities Question

Humanities Question

This final exam is your opportunity to demonstrate the breadth and depth of your knowledge of and familiarity with the content of this course. You will be writing an essay answering the question below. Your essay should be rooted in scholarly and academic information. Be sure to use VERY SPECIFIC DETAILS and information to back up your claims. You MUST include
examples from the in-class activities / content and readings to support your ideas.
This is a formal essay exam. Your essay should include an introduction and conclusion paragraphs. You essay should be at least 4 (full pages) to 6 pages long. Be sure to proofread your work.
Question: What is the value of immersing in non-western culture?

ANY plagiarism will result in a zero on the final exam and I will report you to the Honor Code

Director. (Plagiarism can also include resubmitting any previously written work (Quizzes and Unit Reflections). In text citation is fine, for example: (pg, 265). Avoid quotations, rather
paraphrase the information and use a citation. Hint: the more you can put things in your own
words and include a citation, the more it demonstrates your understanding of the material.
Please NOTE: You MAY NOT resubmit any previously submitted work. Resubmitting work
(from any other assignments) falls under the category of plagiarism. Any plagiarism on the
assignment will earn a zero
As I grade I will be looking for:
 Clear, original, thoughtful organization and analysis
 Many SPECFIC / detailed examples from the course content that backs up your analysis
 Examples that demonstrate your wide-range of knowledge from the content covered
 Examples from in-class activities and readings
HINT: The way this exam is graded is the MORE details and specific examples you throw at me
– the better your score. I highly recommend you begin with braining storming, reviewing your
notes, and creating an outline (thus giving you a road map so to speak) before you start writing
your exam.
Formatting: 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, one inch margins all for sides.
Due: Exams must be uploaded to Canvas by the end of the day Saturday, December 18

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Negotiation and Cross-Cultural Management

Negotiation and Cross-Cultural Management

Write a reflective piece on the role you played in the negotiation simulation role-play exercise, and discuss the ultimate outcome.

Briefly narrate what went right and wrong in the negotiations. Consider including the following points:

The most important things you and your opponent did right in your negotiations;

The most important things you and your opponent did wrong in your negotiations;

How and why these things were important and had a consequential impact on the negotiation outcome;

what you learned from this.

Requirements: 1000


The part I am responsible for is Equity


This is the video link of our negotiation, can you open it?
I think you should take a look at the two documents I uploaded and the video link. There are detailed introductions on how the task needs to be completed.

Negotiation and Cross-Cultural Management Read More »

Personality Theory Blog

Personality Theory Blog

Imagine you have been asked to write a research-based blog post for a human resource management website.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word blog post that includes the following:

  • Discuss one of the major personality theories and how this theory is used to conduct assessment.
  • Discuss what stood out to you about personality assessment practices.
  • Reflect on current research trends that utilize this information and how the interpretation of these findings may vary across cultures.
  • Create 3 insightful questions based on the readings that your audience may also be wondering about, and provide responses from the research you have reviewed in relation to this topic.

Include a minimum of 3 credible, peer-reviewed sources your blog post.

Format the citations in your blog post consistent with APA guidelines.

Personality Theory Blog Read More »

Personality Theory Blog

Personality Theory Blog

Imagine you have been asked to write a research-based blog post for a human resource management website.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word blog post that includes the following:

  • Discuss one of the major personality theories and how this theory is used to conduct assessment.
  • Discuss what stood out to you about personality assessment practices.
  • Reflect on current research trends that utilize this information and how the interpretation of these findings may vary across cultures.
  • Create 3 insightful questions based on the readings that your audience may also be wondering about, and provide responses from the research you have reviewed in relation to this topic.

Include a minimum of 3 credible, peer-reviewed sources in your blog post.

Format the citations in your blog post consistent with APA guidelines.

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ComprehensivePsychiatricEvaluationNote and PatientCasePresentation

ComprehensivePsychiatricEvaluationNote and PatientCasePresentation

Psychiatric notes are a way to reflect on your practicum experiences and connect them to the didactic learning you gain from your NRNP courses. Comprehensive psychiatric evaluation notes, such as the ones required in this practicum course, are often used in clinical settings to document patient care.

For this Assignment, you will document information about a patient that you examined in a group setting during the last 4 weeks, using the Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Note Template provided. You will then use this note to develop and record a case presentation for this patient.

To Prepare

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide about clinical practice guidelines.
  • Select a group patient for whom you conducted psychotherapy for a mood disorder during the last 4 weeks. Create a Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Note on this patient using the template provided in the Learning Resources. There is also a completed template provided as an exemplar and guide. All psychiatric evaluation notes must be signed, and each page must be initialed by your Preceptor. When you submit your note, you should include the complete comprehensive psychiatric evaluation note as a Word document and pdf/images of each page that is initialed and signed by your Preceptor. You must submit your note using SafeAssign.
  • CASE STUDY: SY is a 16 years old Asian American female, seen along with her parents via telehealth for psychotherapy session. Patient presenting with history of depression, anxiety, and history of self harm. SY reports having a hard time since age 12 with SI first reported at age 14. Patient mother reports declining grades in school. SY reports depressive symptoms of sadness, hopelessness, feeling of excessive guilt, and thought of death. Patient also reports anxiety symptoms of irritability, uncontrollably worry. Patient also reports symptoms consistent with a trauma and stressor-related disorder due to nightmares, flashbacks, and intrusive thought related to past physical abuse by father. Therapist stated to SY parents that recent anger outbursts seem best explained by mood and traumatic stress rather than ODD since no prior history of oppositional behavior was reported. SY would benefit from outpatient treatment to reduce and manage her symptoms. A psychiatric evaluation is also recommended. SY and family will be followed up weekly for 8 weeks

Requirements: 4 pages

Please, follow the posted instructions carefully. This assignment will come with an introduction and conclusion page, with 5 most recent APA 7 edition references from 2017.

Please, pay attention to these, to be included in the paper:

  • Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What was the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?
  • Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?
  • Assessment: Discuss the patient’s mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses in order of highest to lowest priority and explain why you chose them. What was your primary diagnosis and why? Describe how your primary diagnosis aligns with DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and is supported by the patient’s symptoms.
  • Plan: What was your plan for psychotherapy (including one health promotion activity and one patient education strategy)? What was your plan for treatment and management, including alternative therapies? Include nonpharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters, as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan.
  • Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this patient if you could conduct the session again?

ComprehensivePsychiatricEvaluationNote and PatientCasePresentation Read More »

SOC101 Final Project: “Gender Identity”

SOC101 Final Project: “Gender Identity”

Hi, I previously submitted the attached document as my answer to the question below. The topic I chose is “Gender identity,” but when I submitted my answer, it showed a high plagiarism percentage; therefore, I need help with this assignment. I believe it will be better if we keep the same topic. Let me know if you have any questions about the assignment.



Identify a sociologically relevant topic or problem of your choosing. For your final project, you must link that topic/problem to the wide range of tools of sociological thought you have learned this semester in a presentation (e.g., PowerPoint) or written review. Your project must substantially fulfill the following requirements:

  • Give a background of the topic or problem you have chosen and discuss why it would benefit from being understood through a sociological lens. What assumptions do people make about it that sociology can inform (or change)? What does sociology bring to the table that differs from people’s everyday social and cultural assumptions?
  • Discuss how two sociological theories can be applied. In doing so, you should make clear that you understand how the core perspectives of the theory can connect to and offer insight into the real-world example you have chosen. In other words, how would this theory interpret your topic?
    • It may be easiest to choose from the major theories (Structural-Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, and Conflict Theory*), but recall that there are some other theories presented in your readings.
  • Discuss how two sociological concepts can be applied. In doing so, you should show how these concepts can be seen at work inside the topic/problem you’ve identified. Use them to zero in on aspects of your example and interpret them. You may choose from the following list of concepts:

(*Important: note that if you choose Conflict Theory as one of your theories, you may not choose social inequality as one of your concepts.)

If you do a presentation, remember that you will not actually have the opportunity to present it to your instructor in person. This means that you cannot explain what’s on your slides. Therefore, you should not use them as rough, illustrative guides. While they do not have to read like a paper, they must contain all the content required for the project. A few brief sentences will not adequately meet each requirement; you will be evaluated on how thoroughly and how well you meet these requirements. Accordingly, use as many slides as it takes to fully present your work and your thought. If necessary, err on the side of “too much”!

If you choose to do a written paper instead of a presentation, it must be 5 pages in length (Times New Roman, 12-pt font, double spaced, 1″ margins).

Whichever option you choose, please provide a list of references at the end and be sure to disclose in the body of your presentation or paper where you have used words, figures, ideas, or any other material from your sources. You are not required to use any references other than your textbook, but you are required to identify this and any other source that you use.

SOC101 Final Project: “Gender Identity” Read More »

Part 2-FinalProject

Part 2-FinalProject

For Section 2 of the Final Project you will create a guide for these areas that nonprofit boards and executive directors can use to maximize their chances for success.

Section 2 headings should include:

Also must include:

1.Identify at least three areas of knowledge, skills, and experience that you might require for individual members of the board and explain why these areas may be important for the organization and the board’s operations.

2. Include a specific plan for the recruitment, orientation, ongoing training, and retention of board members.

3. Explain the relationship of the board and the executive director and outline a process that the board should use for the recruitment, selection, oversight, and succession planning for the executive director.

The draft should be 4–5 pages, contain a minimum of 5–6 specific, evidence-based best practices, and utilize proper APA formatting.


BoardSource. (2010). The handbook of non-profit governance. San Francisco, CA: Wiley

Chapter 6 Building a board pp 99-126

See attached

BoardSource, (2011). Nonprofit Board answer book: A practical guide for board members and Chief executives (3rd ed.) Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

Part 3: Board Member Selection and Development (pp.84-113)

BoardSource. (2016). Board orientation. Retrieved from…

BoardSource. (2018). Board composition and recruitment. Retrieved from…

Carlson, M., & Donohoe, M. (2010) Executive Director’s guide to thriving as a nonprofit leader (2nd ed). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

  • Chapter 11, “Nurturing a Relationship with the Board” (pp. 139–160)
  • Chapter 12, “Developing Relationships with Individual Board Members” (pp. 161–172)
    • Part 3, “Board Member Selection and Development” (pp. 84–113)

Tedx 2014-

Requirements: 4-5 pages


attaching pages from book

The non-profit is still The Harford Center

The Harford Center. (n.d.). Harford Center. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

Part 2-FinalProject Read More »

Part 2-FinalProject

Part 2-FinalProject

For Section 2 of the Final Project you will create a guide for these areas that nonprofit boards and executive directors can use to maximize their chances for success.

Section 2 headings should include:

Also must include:

1.Identify at least three areas of knowledge, skills, and experience that you might require for individual members of the board and explain why these areas may be important for the organization and the board’s operations.

2. Include a specific plan for the recruitment, orientation, ongoing training, and retention of board members.

3. Explain the relationship of the board and the executive director and outline a process that the board should use for the recruitment, selection, oversight, and succession planning for the executive director.

The draft should be 4–5 pages, contain a minimum of 5–6 specific, evidence-based best practices, and utilize proper APA formatting.


BoardSource. (2010). The handbook of non-profit governance. San Francisco, CA: Wiley

Chapter 6 Building a board pp 99-126

See attached

BoardSource, (2011). Nonprofit Board answer book: A practical guide for board members and Chief executives (3rd ed.) Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

Part 3: Board Member Selection and Development (pp.84-113)

BoardSource. (2016). Board orientation. Retrieved from…

BoardSource. (2018). Board composition and recruitment. Retrieved from…

Carlson, M., & Donohoe, M. (2010) Executive Director’s guide to thriving as a nonprofit leader (2nd ed). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

  • Chapter 11, “Nurturing a Relationship with the Board” (pp. 139–160)
  • Chapter 12, “Developing Relationships with Individual Board Members” (pp. 161–172)
    • Part 3, “Board Member Selection and Development” (pp. 84–113)

Tedx 2014-

Requirements: 4-5 pages


attaching pages from book

The non-profit is still The Harford Center

The Harford Center. (n.d.). Harford Center. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

I have attached a previous work too

Part 2-FinalProject Read More »

Topic 3 – HCI-670 – DQ 1 & DQ 2

Topic 3 – HCI-670 – DQ 1 & DQ 2

please reply to each DQ with 150-200 words each. Thank you

DQ 1:

Define “needs assessment” and explain the various types of needs assessments. Provide a workplace example of an improvement opportunity and identify the methods of needs assessment that could be used in the situation.

DQ 2:

Patient safety is a major concern for the health care industry. Refer to the topic resources to discuss how this concern may be addressed during the EHR needs assessment.……

Topic 3 – HCI-670 – DQ 1 & DQ 2 Read More »

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