Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Creative Writing Question

Creative Writing Question

Needs and Readiness Assessment

Submit the assignment by 11:59 PM PT Sunday of Module 1.

In this assignment, you will create and survey a target audience in an educational setting of your choice using two types of needs assessments – one to determine professional development needs and the other to determine readiness for collaborative participation in a professional learning community.

  • Create a 4 to 5-page paper (not including title and references pages) in a Word document for your response.
  • Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
  • Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
  • Follow the directions to submit your final Word document.

Determining Needs and Readiness

Selecting a Target Audience

Select and introduce a target audience in an educational setting to survey and determine (1) professional learning needs and (2) readiness for participation in a collaborative professional learning community. Identify the type of educational organization, the number of staff members surveyed, and their roles in the organization. NOTE: The target audience for your needs assessment may be an entire staff, department, or small group of coworkers. Summarize your purpose for administering the survey.

Designing and Compiling the Survey

Design the two-part survey according to the following directions:

Digital Learning Connections icon

Professional Learning Needs Assessment Survey (Part 1)

Design a comprehensive needs assessment survey to determine the professional learning needs of staff members in an educational setting. For guidance, access the “Needs Assessment Example QuestionsPreview the document.” Needs Assessment will be Part 1 of yoursurvey.

Readiness for a PLC Assessment Survey (Part 2)

Access the “Current Readiness Survey for a Professional Learning Community.”Preview the document Using or adapting the items provided, design a readiness assessment for your survey. Readiness Assessment will be Part 2 of your survey.

Compile the two surveys in a single instrument.

Administering the Survey

Compose an email invitation to target audience members asking them to participate in the survey. Include the title and purpose of the survey and how the results will be used to plan a customized professional learning experience for them. Include either the survey document or the link to the survey in the email. Include the email in your paper.


Compose a conclusion in which you reflect on the process so far.

Compile the parts of your paper for submission in Module 1:

  • Introduction
  • Survey instrument
  • Email invitation
  • Conclusion/Reflection

Preparing for the Module 2 Assignment

In preparation for the Module 2 assignment:

Collect the data separately for Parts 1 and 2 of the survey, and analyze the results. Determine how you will display each set of results.

For Part 1, consider:

  • How will you prioritize the needs?
  • What trends do you see in the data?
  • How can these data help you design and implement meaningful professional learning experiences for the target audience?

For Part 2, consider:

  • What trends do you see in the data? What barriers are present?
  • How will you address the barriers through professional learning?

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culturally competent forensic psychology program

culturally competent forensic psychology program

intervention for a specific population (women

he purpose of your Signature Assignment is to apply the forensic psychology diversity information obtained throughout the course to the development of a culturally competent forensic psychology program. Your program must address diversity, but you can choose which setting you want it to be implemented in. Examples include cultural diversity curriculum for law enforcement, culturally competent forensic interview format, remediation or intervention for a specific population (women, children, minorities, mentally ill, substance users, etc.).

Your program proposal should:

  1. Explain the purpose of your program, specifying the need for services. Identifying a current gap in services may be helpful, or you can model your program off an already developed approach.
  2. Provide background information (population served, problem it is addressing, etc.) about the program.
  3. Describe the organization of the program. Who will run it? Where will services be implemented? How long is the program? Who is incorporated (parents, family, community engagement)? If it is an intervention, provide the structure of the sessions.
  4. Develop a plan for implementation. How long will it take to implement?
  5. Discuss any ethical, legal, and moral concerns that may arise

Support your proposal with at least ten peer-reviewed references. Remember to incorporate your professor’s feedback from your outline submitted in Week 5 into your final proposal.

Length: 12-15 pages

Your program should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.

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Final Project: Problem Statement

Final Project: Problem Statement

Final Project: Problem Statement

This week, you will formulate a concise statement of the problem.

Most environmental health issues involve a variety of elements with overlapping or distinct causes, stakeholder groups, and solutions. Selecting an important, specific element of the issue is essential when formulating realistic ways to address and improve the environmental issue. This specific aspect of the issue is known as the problem and can be defined in a concise problem statement. The problem statement includes the purpose of the problem-solving effort, defines its scope, and states the specific objective of the problem-solving effort in the form of a question.

The three elements of the statement are—explaining how things should be; identifying a significant gap; and asking a question about one major way to improve the current situation. For example:

  • The food you purchase should be free from levels of pesticide residues that are hazardous to human health, but many commercially used pesticides have not been tested using newer techniques to detect harm that they may cause during prenatal development or childhood. Should the EPA require that pesticides used on food crops be reevaluated using the new tests to ensure that children are fully protected, and if so, which tests?
  • Employees who work with lead have a right to expect that their health will be protected if their workplace adheres to the OSHA lead standard, but the OSHA lead standard has not been updated since 1978, despite a great deal of new epidemiologic and toxicologic research about lead toxicity. Should the OSHA lead standard be revised, and if so, what should the new provisions be?
  • Consumers often trust that products and services that they purchase are safe unless they are advised otherwise. Recently, nail salons have been the focus of worker safety initiatives because they use hazardous chemicals such as methacrylates, acetates, toluene, and formaldehydes. Are consumers adequately protected from hazardous chemicals when they receive services in nail salons?

The process of developing a problem statement is extremely useful because you will choose a defined focus, which will guide the rest of the work leading to a proposed solution to the problem.

For this assignment:

  • Choose a specific aspect of the topic that you selected last week as your problem (Problem chosen is : Pediatric Lead Poisoning)
  • Define the environmental or occupational problem affecting human populations that you will analyze for your final project.
  • Write your problem statement in 2–3 sentences in a Microsoft Word document. These sentences should be questions that you intend to explore in your research paper.
  • Justify, in 3 to 5 double-spaced pages, why you chose to focus your analysis of this multifaceted issue to the specific problem as stated in your problem statement.

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Environmental Science Question

Environmental Science Question

Write a total of 3-page single spacing, on comparing these two articles on the topic of climate change.

Summary of both article ( about 1 page)

Compare (1 page)-Maybe talk about how resilience climate change design can help? These designs can be flood control, green building. Different state has different actions.

Personal perspective (a little more than 1 page)-Maybe talk about how Stormwater management is a key role? what kind of stormwater management method there are? How they are different in different state? What role landscape architects play?

Just some ideas.

Requirements:   |   .doc file | Comparative Essay | 3 pages, Single spaced

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Nursing Question

Nursing Question

Needs Assessment

Observe and assess the state of your current health care organization( Skilled Nursing Home), a needs assessment is necessary to identify areas for potential growth. Use the “Needs Assessment Matrix” resource to complete your needs assessment. You are required to analyze required functions, department or employment needs, jobs or tasks, and current trainings in order to complete your matrix for a Nurse Educator and a Clinical Nurse Manager

Job Descriptions

Once your needs assessment is complete for both Position (Nurse Educator and Clinical Nurse Manager) you are required to develop a one-page detailed job description for that position that is informed by the findings of the needs assessment. It is recommended that you take the time to conduct a job analysis and observe current employees in the selected positions to accurately depict the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that must be incorporated into the job description. Make sure the job description is based on the needs and available resources of the organization, and that it adheres to all applicable labor laws.


Read “Get It in Writing: Creating Effective and Legal Job Descriptions,” from HR Specialist: Ohio Employment Law (2010).

“Recruiting, Interviewing, Selection, and Termination,” located on the About Money website. Click on multiple links to learn more about the interview process and selection process.

Use 5 APA reference within 5years for this assignment.

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