Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Designing a Training Program

Designing a Training Program

Designing a TrainingProgram




Create a written proposal in which you detail the complete design of an employee training program.




Write a 6–8 page paper in which you:


  1. Design a two-day training program for a group of 20 employees.
  2. Identify 2–3 training needs through a training needs analysis (TNA) and justify an approach for this training.
  3. Develop the training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business.
  4. Determine the training cost for the training program you are proposing. Include a detailed breakdown of time allotted for each piece, the subsequent cost analysis, and the total cost for the project as a whole.
  5. Select key training methods to deliver the program to employees, such as an e-learning module or a one-day face-to-face training program.
  6. Create an agenda of activities for the training program.
  7. Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to find at least five quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

Requirements: 6–8 page

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PHI210 Week 9 Discussion – Ethics and Trust in Critical-Thinking Decisions

PHI210 Week 9 Discussion – Ethics and Trust in Critical-Thinking Decisions


Week 9 Assignment – Problem-Solving Essay: Part 2


The 18th-century French writer known as Voltaire has been quoted as having said, “No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.”

When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it?

This assignment asks you to apply a six-step problem-solving process to a specific problem scenario.


You will write a paper that presents a synthesis of your ideas about solving the problem using this systematic approach.

  • Review the six-step problem-solving process outlined in the webtext.
  • Read the article, The Problem-Solving Process.
  • Write a 4–5 page paper in which you:
    • Define the problem in the scenario that you chose in the Week 7 assignment, Problem-Solving: Part 1.
    • Analyze the problem in the scenario.
    • Generate options for solving the problem in the scenario.
    • Evaluate the options for solving the problem.
    • Decide on the best option for solving the problem.
    • Explain how you will implement the chosen solution and reflect on whether this option was the most effective.

Requirements: 4–5 page

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Construction Risks Scenario

Construction Risks Scenario

This paper should be 5/6 pages, Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced (4 pages are too short; 7 pages are too long).

Use Hypo #3, Please find the attached document.

From it, choose three (3) issues/problems to analyze and discuss thoroughly and thoughtfully as to the impact (if any) on each of the four main roles identified in this class: Owner; Architect/Engineer; Contractor; and, Sub-Contractor/Supplier.

Consider the impact of likely contract terms, allocation of risk (including possible insurance and/or bonds); possible fixes/remedies; how the problem/issues—and possible resolutions/fixes–may influence/impact the relationship(s) between and among the four roles.

Explain and defend your analyses and conclusions.

The reflection must answer the following prompts FULLY. Prompts require deep analysis.

Please review the attached scenario and let me know what three issues/problems you will address.

The attachment came as four PNG’s due to there being a size limit on the file so I sent them as screenshots. Let me know if you have any questions.

Requirements: 5/6 pages, Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced

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heart disease

heart disease

1. Conduct an online search though the Cuyamaca Library Database, Choose two research studies from the Cuyamaca College Library Database concerning an aspect of the disease you are researching. Pick a specific disease as there are many kinds of chronic diseases. For example, you will focus on only one type of cancer: skin cancer, breast cancer, or colon cancer, etc.,not all of them. The same goes for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

2. Write a two-page essay, double-spaced, 12 font, and 1-inch margins. Write using an essay format. Do not use lists or bullets. Use the two pages for your essay. Please, only put your name at the top of the page.Include all the following within your essay: a) A description of the topic you researched. b) The signs and symptoms of the disease. c) The risk factors for the disease. d) What steps you can take to prevent the disease or condition. e) How to maintain a good quality of life if the disease is already present.

3. Use citations within your essay for each of your sources. (Author’s last name, Date)4. Please include a reference list/Works Cited for your three sources at the end of your essay. Include all the following: Authors, Date, Article Title, Journal, Publisher, URL. MLA format is acceptable. The Works Cited goes on page 3 and is not part of your 2-page essay.Do not overuse quotations. Be sure to use citations for every quotation.r, even when you paraphrase, you need to use a citation.

Requirements: 2 page essay

The disease: heart disease.

Note: You must use the articles (not books) from the website. If you select an article but you are not able to access, you can check it online.

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Benchmark-Data-Driven Lesson Planning

Benchmark-Data-Driven Lesson Planning

A large part of a teacher’s responsibility is lesson plan development. The practice of being prepared with well thought out lessons can support learners in meeting learning outcomes.

For this assignment, use the grade level PRE-K. Develop a lesson plan using the “COE Lesson Plan Template” that prepares students for learning and is meaningful and appropriate. Consider your field experiences as you develop your lesson plan. I used Standard LDC 12e, which are standards for the state of South Carolina. LDC 12e: Demonstrate an interest in learning the alphabet.

The lesson plan must focus on a minimum of one standard LDC 12e within any selected content area. Include differentiated instruction for above average and below average students, and the use of assistive technology for the instruction and assessments. Additionally, include an engaging homework practice activity to continue learning at home that involves the children’s families. Ensure the pre-assessment data was ethically utilized to determine appropriate content area, standards, and differentiated needs for instruction provided.

Include any of the following strategies in your lesson plan you feel will help the students succeed:

In addition, in 250-500 words, explain how you used your field experience data to develop this lesson to meet the diverse needs of students. Address how using ethical, responsible assessment practices promotes positive outcomes for each child.

Submit your lesson plan and reflection as one deliverable.

Support your plan with 2-3 scholarly resources.

APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is expected for all presentation formats, and in-text citations and references should be presented using guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Requirements: Fill out the COE lesson plan attached and write a reflection that is between 250-500 words. Feel free to ask any questions that you may have.

  • Direct instruction
  • Indirect instruction
  • Collaborative learning
  • Experiential learning
  • Independent study
  • Interactive instruction

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