Designing a Training Program
Designing a Training Program
Designing a TrainingProgram
Create a written proposal in which you detail the complete design of an employee training program.
Write a 6–8 page paper in which you:
- Design a two-day training program for a group of 20 employees.
- Identify 2–3 training needs through a training needs analysis (TNA) and justify an approach for this training.
- Develop the training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business.
- Determine the training cost for the training program you are proposing. Include a detailed breakdown of time allotted for each piece, the subsequent cost analysis, and the total cost for the project as a whole.
- Select key training methods to deliver the program to employees, such as an e-learning module or a one-day face-to-face training program.
- Create an agenda of activities for the training program.
- Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to find at least five quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. The reference page is not included in the required page length.