Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Covid affects Economics

Covid affects Economics

This is about the macroeconomics and national accounts, GDP, etc. Please see the reference link. This main point is about how the measurement of the economy has been difficult to carried out or hampered due to the covid -19 now. It should not look at the point of view of macro or even micro concepts about how covid-19 actually affected the economy, but rather, it should be on the process of interpreting/extrapolating/collecting economic data.

So it should be one of the key indicators in the links ( eg, GDP, inflation, current account).

Please choose the measurement to be discussed about the GDP and the national accounts. Talk about how its measurement has been disrupted by the covid pandemic and associated measures of lockdown and social distancing. You should comment on how the measurement of the variable was different in 2019.

Set out a text that relies as much as possible on how economic data are constructed.

please provide graphs or any tables, pictures for it as well. If using external resources, please provide the references links.

should also display data about the variable you have chosen from at least four countries. At least two countries should be advanced economies (according to the IMF classifications1) and at least two should be from the (IMF’s) “Emerging and Developing” or “Low- income Developing” country categories.

Have at least three new sources , not only reproduce whats in the source material but also add value or introduce a new perspective of what’s not in the source material.

Please do not spend much on background information, eg. do not need to spend any time explaining that covid is a respiratory virus or that pandemics are bad for the economy.

Here are the references links for you to have some idea on.…… detotheuknationalaccountsmarch2020, (https://www.core-

Around 500 words.


Hi, I think all the information has provided, I would really appreciated if you could follow the requirements, you are welcome to use any additional resources as long as it meets the requirement. I hope to work with you next time if this one goes well. Thanks

Please note you can include any diagrams you wish, there is no requirement for diagrams and diagrams are not in the word count as well. But a lot of diagrams will be appreciated

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Psyc 2301 Covid 19 article continuation

Psyc 2301 Covid 19 article continuation

Part 1 along with the. article I am writing about has been attached-just add an Introduction and Summary only to it please 🙂

This assignment will be a continuation of your corrected effort of Part 1, which you should have saved. That means you must open that file and immediately resave it as follows:

Last name, First Name – PSYC 2301 – PART 2

If you still need to resubmit Part 1 for regrading, be SURE that you write PART 2 on that saved document. When you submit PART 2 for grading, you will see a COMMENTS box in the Submission Link. Put a note in that box asking me regrade PART 1 and I will do so and adjust your grade on Part 1 accordingly.

You will actually be writing Part 2 ON THE COPY Of your first assignment which you have now renamed as Part 2. Renaming it allows you to keep that first (corrected) assignment intact IF you need to redo Part 2.

Placing Your TITLE on Page 3

Go to page 3 of your document. The first thing you will do is copy-and-paste the title of your paper FROM your Cover page onto the TOP LINE of page THREE, OVER “Assignment Title (Same as on Page 1).” The line below that will say Introduction in bold type. LEAVE THAT LINE ALONE and proceed to the first paragraph which begins on the following line. READ the FIRST TWO PARAGRAPHS under the Introduction as they tell you WHAT should be in your Introduction. You will answer TWO questions and NOTHING MORE as Introductions are usually short, at least for a student writer. The information below is CRITICAL for writing your Introduction, so please READ IT.

Questions to be Answered in the Introduction

The questions you must answer in your Introduction are “(1) WHY the subject matter of your article is important (according to the author(s)) and should also indicate WHY the researchers chose (2) the research method used. Research methods used will be stated in the METHODS section of your article and there are a variety of methods. Among the more common methods are (1) longitudinal, (2) cross-sectional, (3) the experimental method, (4) survey research, (5) review of the literature, and (6) correlational method. These are only a few of the various methods used in psychological research; if you encounter one that is NOT explained in the chapter from your text on RESEARCH METHODS, please contact your Instructor IMMEDIATELY for an explanation. Your Introduction section should be approximately three-quarters to one full page in length. Remember that first and second person pronouns are not allowed; you will write in THIRD PERSON and PAST TENSE. Direct quotes are not allowed, everything should be paraphrased (in your own words). Avoid random usage of quotation marks, as in APA Style, quotation marks are an indication of a direct quote and must be cited in a specific way. Direct quotations are NOT allowed in this document, so you should not have any quotation marks. Individual terms do not require quotation marks..


We DO NOT “anthropomorphise.” To anthropomorphise means that we attribute HUMAN qualities to animals or inanimate objects (such as “the article”). If you wish to report something stated in your article, DO NOT say, “The article said.” The article cannot say or do anything because it is either ink on a printed page OR pixels on a computer screen. It is dead, inanimate. You WOULD use the NAMES OF THE AUTHORS, being careful to indicate ONLY their LAST NAMES (all of them) AND the year in which their article was published. For example, if you were using the article regarding the well-being of survivors of sexual assault during childhood, you would cite your comments as follows.

“Barnum & Perrone-McGovern (2017) stated that their participants included 213 undergraduate students from a mid-western university.” This is a PARAPHRASE in that it states WHAT the authors did but DOES NOT use the exact words from the article. EACH TIME you state something you learned from reading your article, YOU MUST PARAPHRASE AND CITE YOUR SOURCE. That means you give credit to WHO actually said what you are reporting and in this case, it would be Barnum & Perrone-McGovern (2017). In all probability, you will need to cite your source every 2nd or 3rd sentence to be sure that you do not commit plagiarism. IF this confuses you, LET ME KNOW SO I CAN HELP YOU.

Importance of This Research Effort

Let’s return to the two questions you must answer. First, WHY did the authors of your article think the research they did was important? IN the case of the article by Barnum – Perrone-McGovern (2017), the reason is given in the first two paragraphs of their Introduction. Their research indicated that persons who had experienced sexual trauma as a child were more likely than those who had not to have lower self-esteem and feelings of self-worth. Oftentimes you will see that something important was said by someone OTHER than the individuals who wrote your article. You MAY NOT cite that persons or persons because YOU have NOT read their work. YOU must cite YOUR source for that information, which is the authors of YOUR article.

Methods of Data Collection and Research Model

The second question asks about the research methods used by the authors of your article. Sometimes that will be stated in their Abstract or Introduction, but just as often it will not. It WILL be indicated in the METHOD or METHODS section. As stated above, “Among the more common methods are (1) longitudinal, (2) cross-sectional, (3) the experimental method, (4) survey research, (5) review of the literature, and (6) correlational method. These are only a few of the various methods used in psychological research; if you encounter one that is NOT explained in the chapter from your text on RESEARCH METHODS, please contact your Instructor IMMEDIATELY for an explanation.”

Please note that if your article is a Review of the Literature (the article entitled Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response IS a Review of the Literature), please contact me IMMEDIATELY so I can work with you regarding what -SPECIFICALLY – you need to look for and include in your Summary.

Introductions are BRIEF

You DO NOT need to go into a long-winded explanation of reasons for the research and the method(s) used in your Introduction. That will be done elsewhere. It is enough state the author(s)’ reason(s) IN YOUR OWN WORDS, being sure to indicate ALL their reasons. Following that, indicate the research method use and the NUMBER of PARTICIPANTS (AKA, subjects). Again, if you are unsure of what to do, ASK ME so that I can help you.

What is Included in Your Summary?

Let’s move on to the second part of the Term Project which you will also be writing at this time, and that is the SUMMARY. The Summary begins on the line IMMEDIATELY BELOW your Introduction and the word Summary is centred on the line in bold type. DO NOT begin a new page for this section unless you have completely filled the page with the Introduction, in which case your computer will automatically take you to the next page. READ the instructions for the Summary below, and FOLLOW THEM.

Understand that writing the Summary REQUIRES you to actually READ your article and THINK about what it said. Writing the Summary requires you to have a basic understanding of what you have read and if you do not, LET ME KNOW so that I can help you. Only by actually reading your article can you locate the information required in your Summary, so reread the article before you begin this section. The Summary is the longest portion of your Term Assignment and when reading it, your reader (that would be ME, your Instructor) MUST be able to fully understand what was done, how it was done, who the participants were, and what the results were.

“The SUMMARY section of your assignment will provide an in-depth summary of the article. This summary must include the who, what, when, where, and how of the article. (The introduction submitted in the Introduction was the why.) You will detail the method of selection of the subjects of the research, and when and where the research was done. You must then detail the hypothesis(es) (and there may be more than one), the Research Methods and Research Design used, the results of the research, and the authors’ conclusions. If you do not understand the methods, CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY SO THAT I CAN HELP YOU!! Use clear and concise terms, explain jargon, and do not use abbreviations unless they are well-known such as U.S.A. DO NOT USE “TEXT” SPEECH. ALL words MUST BE SPELLED COMPLETELY. For all information included in the introduction and summary (and throughout your document), citations must be used, including both parenthetical and non-parenthetical citations. You will only cite the author(s) of the article you read, and this must match the APA Citation on your Reference page. A minimum of two to three full pages is expected for you to fully cover the requirements. If your article is complex, you may find yourself taking as many as four pages to meet the requirements of this portion of the assignment.”

Requirements: 3 pages

Hello! I attached the article and part 1 of the paper I completed. I just need an introduction and summary to the article attached in APA format. If there is anything else I can provide please ket me know

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Management Question

kmManagement Question

I provide you a link to the textbook so you could use it for the research, Decision Making is chapter 6.

The textbook, Organizational Behavior, is freely available online at:

Description : ?

We like to think that decisions should be, and are, made using a rational process. As described in Chapter Six, issues are defined, alternatives are generated, criteria for evaluating these alternatives are developed, and the alternatives are evaluated against these criteria. Pros and cons of each alternative are generated and considered. In human resource management, the process that should be used when evaluating candidates for a job is described in this fashion. (See Table 17.2)

In reality, many decisions are made in much less rational manner. Chapter Six describes some biases in decision-making, and people often use heuristics to try and narrow down choices. The chapter provides many examples of challenges in making decisions, including a table with some logical fallacies. (A “less than scientific” list of many potential biases and fallacies is available in Wikipedia ( In a current decision as to whether to get rid of some office furniture in my home, I am probably influenced by the “IKEA Effect.”)

For this paper, focus on one “significant” decision you have made in your life. It could be regarding a job, where to attend college, what major to study, who to marry (or not), or involve a major purchase. Look back on that decision and reflect on how rationally, or irrationally, the decision was made. Identify the biases and heuristics that may have influenced the decision, and describe their impact. Finally, describe whether you believe the final decision, however flawed the process, was a good one or not.

Requirements: ?

– 1400 – 2000 words

– Referencing of all sources used.

– APA format for the paper and references.

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Technology Integrated InstructionalLessonPlan

Technology Integrated InstructionalLessonPlan


For the final project, design an instructional lesson plan incorporating all of the learnings and emerging technologies you have explored in this course. Keep in mind the students that you will be teaching this lesson to and how best to engage them in the learning of your content.

Choose any content that you are interested in teaching and choose any grade level. Focus on the skill or concept and design the lesson integrating the technology. Refer to the technology project and the emerging technology assignments and incorporate them into your lesson.

The lesson plan should include details and should be between 5-8 pages. Spelling and grammar are of utmost importance.

Instructional Lesson Plan Components.

  • Design for a blended learning model – face to face and/or virtual. Include the content, grade level and time span. Include details on technologies students need to have access to for the course. (1-2 pages).
  • Describe how you plan to teach the lesson and how students will navigate through the learning. You can choose to create a table to provide details of the interactivity and timeline. (2-3 pages).
  • Include audio/visual media that you have created to support teaching and learning. Describe how you plan to use it in your lesson plan. (1 page).
  • Plan for an assessing student learning – quiz, project or visuals. (1-2 pages).


  • Audio or video media to support lesson plan
  • Presentations to support teaching.
  • Website/online resources.

Resources for Lesson Plan


  • Flipgrid
  • Screencastify (free for 5 minutes)
  • Zoom


  • Slides
  • Powerpoint
  • Prezi
  • Canva


  • Flipgrid
  • Quizzes
  • Quizlet
  • Socrative
  • Canva
  • Google Forms
  • Google Slides
  • Google Doc

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Health & Medical Question

Health & Medical Question

Technology Assessment and Government Regulations


You are the senior manager of a large health care organization. The senior management team must select a HIMS for the organization that will encompass several clinical and administrative departments. You will need to create and deliver a PowerPoint presentation that will persuade your CEO to purchase your chosen HIMS. Your presentation also must describe key aspects of HIMS focusing on the electronic medical record, such as implementation, interoperability, productivity, and support challenges. Use the work you did and the feedback you received from the Week 9 discussion when creating your presentation.


Create a 10–12 slide audio PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes (maximum of 20 minutes) in which you:

  1. Justify to the CIO the need to integrate all clinical and administrative departments into a HIMS in your health care organization.
  2. Select the most significant and current HIE, EHR, HIPAA, and HITECH regulations in your state. Next, determine two ways these regulations could impact the integration of HIMS in your health care organization. Include three potential solutions to address these regulation challenges.
  3. Propose three privacy and security measures to help your organization’s health care providers avoid security breaches and data loss, while better allowing them to concentrate on patient care. Next, develop an action plan to protect patient information that complies with HIE, EHR, PHI, and HIPAA legal requirements.
  4. Suggest three key actions to monitor privacy and security violations that may occur after the HIMS implementation in your health care organization. Summarize in one slide your key findings. Narrate each slide, using Kaltura or another device, as if you were actually presenting in front of the audience. For information on how to use Kaltura to record your presentation, please view the Kaltura Help Document [PDF].
  5. Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to find three recent (within the last five years) quality academic resources for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.Include your references in one slide.
  6. Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide with relevant graphics (such as photographs, graphs, and clip art) to ensure the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Propose a health information management system (HIMS) and a patient information protection plan for a health care organization.

Requirements: 12 slides

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