Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Aligning Professional Learning, Vision, and Mission

Aligning Professional Learning, Vision, and Mission

In this assignment, you will work from the topics identified in the proposal (Module 2) to plan a customized professional learning experience for the target audience. As a part of the planning process, you will research the vision and mission statements of the educational organization and use them as models to compose vision and mission statements for professional learning.

  • Create a 6 to 8-page paper (not including title and references pages) in a Word document for your response.
  • Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
  • Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
  • Follow the directions to submit your final Word document.

Part 1: Aligning Professional Learning, Vision, and Mission

As a part of the planning process for a customized professional learning experience for the identified target audience, locate the vision and mission statements for the educational organization.

Using these as models, work collaboratively with at least two colleagues to compose vision and mission statements for the professional learning experience. The goal is to align the statements to the organizational vision and mission. NOTE: You will submit the vision and mission statements as part of Part 2: Planning Professional Learning.

Part 2: Planning Professional Learning

Based on the topics identified in the proposal (Module 2), plan a professional learning experience for the identified target audience at the selected educational organization. You may use a narrative format or design a template for your plan.

Components of the plan should include:

Specific Topics to Be Addressed: (1) Readiness for a Professional Learning Community and (2) Needs Assessment

Purpose of the Professional Learning Experience – Explain what is to be experienced and how it is customized to the target audience.

Learning Objectives – Select 2-3 learning objectives, and begin them with measurable verbs.

Professional Learning Vision and Mission (Part 1) – State the vision and mission you developed collaboratively in Part 1 for professional learning.

Readiness for a Professional Learning Community – Address the topic(s) identified in the proposal related to the (a) overall state of readiness for collaborative professional learning based on the survey results and (b) potential barriers to collaborative work. Identify 2-3 activities/strategies to strengthen readiness and/or eliminate barriers. (NOTE: You may use the same or similar strategies/activities to address the topics related to needs.

Professional Development Needs – Address the topic(s) identified in the proposal based on the priority needs of the target audience. If appropriate, apply the same or similar strategies/activities used for the readiness portion of the plan. This will provide participants more practice in collaborative work.

Essential Resources – List the resources needed for the professional learning experience.

Post-Course Self-Evaluation – Design and administer a post-course self-evaluation of 5 items (4 multiple choice and 1 open-ended) to determine if the objectives of the professional learning experience are met. Include the 5 self-evaluation items in the plan.

Requirements: 5 pgs

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You willbegin by reading about the normal physiology of the organ

You willbegin by reading about the normal physiology of the organ

Nursing Question

you should come to understand the relationship between abnormal physiology and disease. So, when you are discussing a disease, you need, first of all, to have an understanding of the normal physiology of the organ or organ system that your study will concern.

Then, once you have that understanding, you will describe what pathophysiological changes occur in that organ or organ system and how these lead to the clinical expression of the disorder you are describing in your paper.

To this end, your research paper will allow you to illustrate your understanding of the relationship of normal and abnormal physiology. Your study can be of a patient with a particular disease or disorder that interests you especially, or it can be one that you learned about through your contacts with patients or even friends or family, or yourself.

You are already aware that each disease has a(sometimes, the etiology is not known), and follows a sequence of developments (pathogenesis) that reflects physiologic change (disruption of homeostasis) occurring in the patient throughout the progression of the disease. The changes that occur in the patient during the development of the disease are reflective of damages (lesions) that have been produced and that disturb normal physiology.

1. You will begin by reading about the normal physiology of the organ or system that is the topic of your paper. For this, it will be useful to study what is present in your textbook as well as what is written in the scholarly literature about the normal functioning of said organ or organ system. How does the organ or organ system contribute to maintaining homeostasis in the individual. This will constitute the INTRODUCTION section of your paper.

2. You will then discuss the disease that is the topic of your paper (e.g., diabetes mellitus, stroke, mitochondrial disorders, etc.). This part of your paper should include the pathophysiological changes that you would expect to encounter in a patient with the disorder – what is/are the clinical expression(s) of the disorder that result from the disordered physiology in a patient. What is the timeline of the clinical changes that would take place in a patient. This section of your paper should be entitled PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL ALTERATIONS.

3. The LITERATURE CITED section of your paper will include AT LEAST 12 SCHOLARLY REFERENCES that you have CITED in your paper. DO NOT include any non-scholarly materials such as pamphlets, Internet materials that are not refereed, materials intended for the non-professional.


Requirements: 5 to 10 pages max

The paper should be no more than 10 pages, include 12 scientific sources, in APA style…I downloaded the requirements for you, so you can read it and get the idea what the paper should look like.

You willbegin by reading about the normal physiology of the organ Read More »

SOC450: Presentation on Threats to the GlobalEnvironment

SOC450: Presentation on Threats to the GlobalEnvironment

Presentation on Threats to the Global Environment


Congratulations! The members of the United Nations found great value in the two analyses you provided. They are now asking you to develop a PowerPoint presentation that addresses four of the most critical threats to the global environment. Critical threats include:


Step I. Narrow the List from Eight to the Four Most Critical Threats

To complete this step, complete the following tasks in order:

  1. Review research on each of the eight threats.
  2. Determine what you believe to be the current and potential future impacts of each threat on the global environment.
  3. Choose the four threats that you see as the most critical by considering which pose the greatest or most immediate risk.
Step II. Create the PowerPoint Presentation

The completed version of this presentation will include a minimum of 16 slides. Your audience consists of the United Nations General Assembly.

PPT Content and Structure
  1. Title Slide: Include your name, course title, current date, and the name of your instructor.
  2. Introduction Slide: List the four threats you chose, and in the Notes section offer a brief narrative justifying these choices
  3. Body Slides: The slide content is listed in the outline below. For each body slide you develop, please include a paragraph in the Notes section explaining how the details you have provided in the slide are pertinent to the United Nations’ discussion on selecting and prioritizing goals.
    1. For your first threat (this is the threat you consider to be the greatest risk/highest priority):
      • One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat.
      • One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples).
      • One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole.
      • One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides a–c.
    2. For your second threat (this is the threat you consider to be the second greatest risk/second highest priority):
      • One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat.
      • One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples).
      • One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole.
      • One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides a–c.
    3. For your third threat (this is the threat you consider to be the third greatest threat/highest priority):
      • One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat.
      • One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples).
      • One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole.
      • One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides a–c.
    4. For your fourth threat (this is the threat you consider to be the fourth greatest threat/highest priority):
      • One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat.
      • One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples).
      • One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole.
      • One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides a–c.
  4. Conclusion Slide: Summarize your findings for the Assembly.
  5. (Optional) Reference Slide: You can include full-text citations in the Notes section of each slide or provide a reference slide at the end of the presentation with the full citations of your sources.

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Leadership and Management—A Personal Perspective

Tittle: Leadership and Management—A Personal Perspective
Choose Topic: Psychology
Select number of pages: 1
Question Description: For this Assignment, you assess your strengths and areas for growth in order to determine what aspects of leadership and management are a good “fit” with your personality, leadership style, and relevant skills. You also address how external factors might influence you as you serve in a leadership or management role.

Assignment (4–5 paragraphs): Complete the following:

Assess your strengths and areas for growth with regard to both the leadership and management roles based on what you understand about these roles so far. Be sure to address whether your skills and interests align better with the leadership or management role.
Identify at least one area of growth in either of these roles you would like to further develop, and explain why.
Identify two significant external factors that might influence your work if you served in a leadership or management role in social work. Explain why these external factors are significant and how they might affect your work as a leader or manager.

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powerpoint of an article

powerpoint of an article

PowerPoint Presentations

Directions : him Analyze one of the following readings. In addition to the Summary/Analysis essay you are also required to develop a brief PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following tasks: Do not put too much information on each slide.

  1. Offer a brief summary of the article.
  2. What is significant about this article? Why is it important? What is the major thrust or theme of the article?
  3. Identify the thesis statement and where if first appears. Present three facts, details, or examples to support you claim
  4. Develop a question for the audience
  5. Describe the type of writing, genre, etc…also identify the use of literary devices and their effects.
  6. Choose and present two direct quotes that represent the most powerful language in the passage and explain why. Present these quotes on PowerPoint slides. The quote should be about two-three sentences in length. Provide a visual aid the best captures the essence of the excerpt.

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