Author name: Rosemary Mosco

AirPollutants Released by Households and By an Industry near you

AirPollutants Released by Households and By an Industry near you

Air Pollutants Released by Households and by an Industry Near You

Air pollutants have been documented to harm people in a variety of ways. Indoor air pollutants are an important source of exposure since so much of modern life occurs indoors. Figure 10–16 in your textbook shows key sources of indoor air pollution but omits an important one—tobacco. The Clean Air Act and other US agencies regulate outdoor air pollutants and environmental health laws. Industry is one source of air pollution, emitting a variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), combustion products, and other toxic compounds. Households are also a significant air pollution source. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data show that even though today’s cars emit 75%–90% less pollution per mile than cars in 1970, motor vehicles account for more than half of all the outdoor air pollution in the United States today. These emissions include 45% of VOC pollution (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2010).

In your response, address the following:

  • Summarize briefly the amount and types of pollutants released from a local industry. Search the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) (available at as follows:
    • Scroll down and enter your county in all capital letters and your state’s two-letter abbreviation in capital letters. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click search. This will result in a chart of EPA-regulated facilities that are included in the TRI (if your county has none, choose another county in your state).
    • Click one of the TRI Facility ID numbers. This will show identifying information about the facility as well as chemical releases, including the following:
      • A chart showing the total pounds of air emissions and other emissions by year for the facility as a whole. At the bottom of the chart, you may click a button to see the graphical representation of this information.
      • A chart showing the total pounds of emissions by year of specific chemicals. For information about the health hazards chemicals released in large quantities, look them up at Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry’s (ATSDR’s) ToxFAQs section.
  • Use the EPA calculator (available at to estimate the annual emissions from your household, based on your heating system, the number of people in your household, and the amount of driving they do. Briefly describe your findings when you use the calculator.
  • Discuss what you think the next public health approaches should be for managing the hazards from air pollution, based on your findings on emissions information.


United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2010). Sources of pollutants in the ambient air—Mobile sources. Retrieved from

Requirements: 2-3 pages

AirPollutants Released by Households and By an Industry near you Read More »

The US federal government should make voting mandatory.

The US federal government should make voting mandatory.

In a 3-4 page essay, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the ill? Discuss the significance of the ill. What is the problem in the status quo that you feel needs to be addressed? How many people/animals are affected by this problem? How are they affected by the problem?
  2. What is the blame? What causes the problem? What is the current policy regarding this problem? Why does this current policy fail or not work?
  3. What is the cure you propose? What specific action are you proposing? How does it directly address your ill? What grounds/support do you have that the proposal will reduce the problem? (Shouldn’t be a hypothetical cure; You should research and look for a cure that has been proposed by a representative or large organization. Suggestion: look at other countries to see if they have implemented a cure)
  4. What are the potential costs to the cure you propose? How can we address those costs?


  • 3-4 pages
  • At least three outside sources needed (credible & current)
  • Essay format (Intro, Body, Conclusion)
  • Double-spaced
  • 12pt. font
  • Times New Roman or Calibri font
  • Standard margins
  • In-text citations and Works Cited page required
  • MLA or APA format

Requirements: 3-4 pages Essay form

I have provided all the information that will be needed. I also attached the rubric and the three definitions of ill, blame, and cure. This is a really important Essay. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much.

The US federal government should make voting mandatory. Read More »

The US federal government should make voting mandatory.

The US federal government should make voting mandatory.

In a 3-4 page essay, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the ill? Discuss the significance of the ill. What is the problem in the status quo that you feel needs to be addressed? How many people/animals are affected by this problem? How are they affected by the problem?
  2. What is the blame? What causes the problem? What is the current policy regarding this problem? Why does this current policy fail or not work?
  3. What is the cure you propose? What specific action are you proposing? How does it directly address your ill? What grounds/support do you have that the proposal will reduce the problem? (Shouldn’t be a hypothetical cure; You should research and look for a cure that has been proposed by a representative or large organization. Suggestion: look at other countries to see if they have implemented a cure)
  4. What are the potential costs to the cure you propose? How can we address those costs?


  • 3-4 pages
  • At least three outside sources needed (credible & current)
  • Essay format (Intro, Body, Conclusion)
  • Double-spaced
  • 12pt. font
  • Times New Roman or Calibri font
  • Standard margins
  • In-text citations and Works Cited page required
  • MLA or APA format

Requirements: 3-4 pages Essay form

I have provided all the information that will be needed. I also attached the rubric and the three definitions of ill, blame, and cure. This is a really important Essay. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much.

The US federal government should make voting mandatory. Read More »

Appraisal and performance Discuss the question cite 3 APA reference .

Appraisal and performance

Discuss the question cite 3 APA reference .

The appraisal process is one step involved in identifying potential improvements on individual performances. What is the most difficult part in determining the dimensions to be appraised? What is most helpful on a job analysis for designing an appraisal tool?


Read “Performance Management vs. Performance Appraisal,” located on the website.

Read “Implementing Performance Appraisal: Exploring the Employee Experience,” by Farndale and Kelliher, from Human Resource Management (2013).

Requirements: 12   |   .doc file

Appraisal and performance Discuss the question cite 3 APA reference . Read More »

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