Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Elements of Reasoning and Intellectual Standards

Elements of Reasoning and Intellectual Standards


For our assignment this week, you may choose either Option A or Option B. Regardless of the option you choose, be sure to read through the entire assignment directions before crafting your essay.

Additionally, use the Week Six Assignment Organization Guide to help you organize your paper.

HU260 W6 Assignment Organization Guide

Option A

Using the Eight Elements of Reasoning that were outlined in week two (purpose, problem, information, concepts, assumptions, inferences, points of view, implications, or consequences) choose a news article and break it down according to those elements. Make sure you address each of these elements. If one of these elements does not apply to your article (rare), address that in your essay and explain how the article could have been improved by including it or how the author is justified in leaving it out.

Option B

Describe how each of the Eight Intellectual Standards (clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, and fairness) were used or not used in the article, supported by an example. If one of these standards does not apply to your article (rare), address that in your essay and explain how the article could have been improved by including it or how the author is justified in leaving it out.

For either option you choose:

Write an introduction identifying the reasons for choosing either Option A or Option B and justify your reasoning.

In the conclusion of your essay, describe how you feel the article is biased.

Keep in mind, for either option you are being asked to analyze the article/author itself/himself/herself, NOT the topic discussed. Do not include your own opinion/position on the topic being addressed.

Your completed assignment should be 500-750 words in length. If you use sources in your writing, be sure to identify them. If you use any direct language from a source, be sure to place those words in quotation marks.

Your assignment should adhere to the stated page length requirement for the week and use APA style formatting including a title page and reference section. You should use Times New Roman, 12pt. font, double-spaced lines, and one inch margins.

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HRSA Data Warehouse Website Activity Essay (2pages)

HRSA Data Warehouse Website Activity Essay (2pages)

HRSA Data Warehouse Website Activity and Reflection

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Complete the HRSA Data Warehouse Website Activity.

  1. Read about the HRSA Data website and what it does here:
  2. Explore the rest of the tabs on the site.
  3. Watch the “How-To Video: Find a Health Center Locator Tool” tutorial found at the following link:
  4. Explore some data by selecting Clark County, Nevada using the Data by Geography tool here:
  5. Next use the HRSA Fact Sheets tool located here: to look up HRSA’s activities in HHS regions, states, counties, and congressional districts and compare the data to the Clark County, Nevada data you found using your geography results. Analyze the data included in the fact sheets. Consider the data sets found in the fact sheets. How does Nevada compare nationwide when it comes to the data sets? What about Clark County?
  6. Complete a new search using the Data for Geography tool for your state and county. Compare the results of your query to your Clark County, Nevada search.
  7. Identify HRSA program resources for HIV/AIDS in your state and county. What are they? How many clinics are funded by HRSA?

Write a two-page paper reflecting on the data you collected and analyzed. How will this data warehouse be useful to you as a professional nurse? Your paper should be at least two pages in length, in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1” margins.

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Arab heritages

Arab heritages


1. Give an overview of the Inhabited localities and topography of the Appalachian and Arab heritage.

2. Discuss any similarities in the beliefs of the Appalachian and Arab heritages regarding the delivery of healthcare.

3. How the religion or folks beliefs influence the delivery of healthcare in these two heritages.

You must cite or quote at least two evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) no older than 5 years old. Two replies to any or yours peers sustained with the proper reference (s) are required. An example of how to present the first page is attached for your guidance.

A minimum of 600 words excluding the first and references page is required.

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