Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Apply Ethical and Socially Responsible Marketing Analysis

Apply Ethical and Socially Responsible Marketing Analysis

Assignment Content

  1. Read “Ethical Issues in Marketing: An Application for Understanding Ethical Decision Making” from the University Library.Write a 350- to 575-word analysis and evaluation of a company’s effectiveness in the following areas:

    Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
    Submit your assignment.

Requirements: APA | Research Paper | 2 pages, Double spaced

Ethical Issues in Marketing: An Application for Understanding Ethical Decision Making

Parilti, Nurettin; Kulter Demirgunes, Banu; Ozsacmaci, Bulent
Author Affiliation:
Gazi U; Ahi Evran U; Cankaya U
Marmara University Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 2014, v. 36, iss. 2, pp. 275-98
Publication Date:
In recent years business ethics and social responsibility have gained great importance in marketing practices, especially in societal marketing practices. Businesses infinitely struggle to indicate their contributions to society. Consumers consciously evaluate this contribution. Manipulated consumer choices and unethical marketing applications can affect purchasing behavior. Particularly intense competition, globalization and societal consciousness transform businesses into social organizations and lead them into marketing efforts offering social value. Although business ethics and social responsibility of businesses have gained more attention in recent years, defining consumers’ perceptions on ethical issues is still minimal. This study presents an empirical research of consumer perceptions on ethical issues. Reflection of this perception on purchasing behavior is also another important issue to be considered. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors related to ethical issues in marketing practices and to reveal possible influences of these factors on consumers’ ethical decision making. The main objective of the study is to find out consumers’ perceptions on businesses’ ethical issues such as misleading advertising, deceptive packaging and to reveal the impact of these issues on their ethical purchasing behavior or ethical decision making. It also reveals which criteria is more important for ethical decision making. This study reveals that consumers reflect their ethical perceptions on their purchasing behavior. Each ethical issue has been found to be a positive effect on purchasing behavior. Businesses’ practices on packaging has been indicated as the most effective ethical issue on purchasing behavior. The study is considered to be a significant outcome for businesses to direct their advertising, packaging and other activities.
Production, Pricing, and Market Structure; Size Distribution of Firms (L11)
Corporate Culture; Diversity; Social Responsibility (M14)
Marketing (M31)
Advertising (M37)
Advertising; Ethical; Ethics; Marketing; Social Responsibility

Apply Ethical and Socially Responsible Marketing Analysis Read More »

Marketing Case Study: Clean Edge Razor

Marketing Case Study: Clean Edge Razor

*This case study assignment will reinforce concepts related to market segments, targeting, and positioning. In addition to these strategic components, the case will bring pricing strategy into the strategic planning process.

Clean Edge Razor is a ‘wet shave’ company that sells non-disposable razors (i.e., consumers buy replacement razors), very much like Gillette Fusion blades.

*As you review the case and prepare your case study submission, please keep the following discussion points in mind:

1. What are the dynamics of the non-disposable razor category? Is it stable, growing, or declining? Include numbers from the case. What is Paramount’s (company that sells Clean Edge) position in the industry (i.e., market share leader, etc.)

2. Be sure to identify, describe, and discuss the three price/quality price tiers (value, mainstream, premium). Notice the different names. What is happening in each of those price tier segments (i.e., growing, stable, declining)? In addition to the price/quality price segments, please discuss the ‘benefits sought’ segments (e.g., aesthetic shavers) in your discussion – these segments need consideration for assessing growth trends and whether to target the mainstream or premium segment.

3. The central issue, in this case, is how to position Clean Edge (the newest razor technology) in the mainstream vs. premium segment. Discuss the pros/cons of targeting the mainstream segment; do the same for the premium segment. Discuss the potential profits for both segments (premium vs. mainstream) – this will require using pricing, estimated sales volume (units), and costs (variable and fixed).

4. Make a recommendation based on your analysis. Be sure to include potential short-term consequences and long-term consequences of your decision. Marketing managers usually put more emphasis on short-term results over long-term results (short-term sacrifice with long-term growth). Please include these considerations in this case.

*Read this case in the attachment !!!

*A robust case study will be 5-7 pages in length and include cited sources to support your analysis.

*Please follow Assignment Rubric and Case Analysis template to write this paper, thank you.

Requirements: 5-7 pages   |   .doc file

Marketing Case Study: Clean Edge Razor Read More »

The effect of Sharia law (Islamic law) on the international business practices and international arbitration.

The effect of Sharia law (Islamic law) on the international business practices and international arbitration.

I’ll provide a full outline for the research and I just need someone to fill it up and do it


I’ll provide u with an outline

Can you change a bit or paraphrase the hook and conclusion ?


and the background too. use it but paraphrase it

I hope you found the outline helpful

And can you please mention some examples? maybe any International Arbitration organization in islamic countries like Saudi Arabia or Iran …..

The effect of Sharia law (Islamic law) on the international business practices and international arbitration. Read More »

Assess Death with Dignity laws

Assess Death with Dignity laws

This week, you looked at the provider and patient rights. The assignment this week gives you a chance to look at a state law that provides the right for patients to die with dignity and compare the patient’s right with the ethical duty of physicians set forth in the AMA’s Code of Ethics.

You will write an essay that compares and contrasts the law and Code of Ethics as it applies to your state. Incorporate the following into your essay:

  1. Referring directly to the law, provide verbiage for what a provider is or is not allowed to do.
  2. What requirements must be present for a patient asking for death-hastening medication?
  3. Describe what the AMA’s Code of Ethic’s stance is on these procedures, including any additional opinions published by the AMA.
  4. Explain the challenging ethical decision-making process a provider must go through in this case.
  5. How might this situation be resolved for a legal and ethical resolution?

Length: 3-4 pages, not including title page

References: The AMA Code Ethics.

Assess Death with Dignity laws Read More »

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