Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Investigation and Effects on the Community

Investigation and Effects on the Community

Create a 4- to 5-page report in Microsoft Word that covers the investigation and the effects of the case on the community with regards to the following points:

For this assignment you will return to the case that you chose for the Week 3 written assignment.


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Proposal: Section 2: Needs Assessment Plan

Proposal: Section 2: Needs Assessment Plan

The Needs Assessment Plan should be 2–3 pages in addition to the needs assessment examples to be placed in Appendix B.

Using the module Learning Resources as a guide, select two informal and one formal method or strategy for gathering data (needs/ideas). At least one method should use quantitative measures that require the input of numbers or a graduated scale.

This approach to gathering data from several perspectives in the field will strengthen your findings. Examples of approaches might include: A formal survey, a formal interview, a formal observation, formal anecdotal evidence such as test records, informal conversations, informal interview, checklists, etc.

Remember that you will NOT conduct the needs assessment; this is only a proposal or plan.

  • Design three processes for gathering data or evidence of needs. Each process must include all of the following:
  • Provide the name of the process (e.g., Likert Survey, Semantic Differential Scale, Checklist, etc.)
  • Explain the type of instrument or activity (e.g., formal or informal)
  • Explain the key purpose for the assessment instrument or activity. For example, identify the top three concerns of stakeholders or describe the concepts measured by the needs assessment instrument.
  • Describe the processes to be used for assessment of reliability and validity of the instrument(s) (test-retest reliability, internal consistency, validity, etc.)
  • List guiding questions of the instrument or activity (Include a minimum of five and maximum of ten questions.)
  • Describe the process of how the instrument or activity will be disseminated and collected, and where the raw data will be maintained (e.g., Online Survey Monkey, handout, e-mail, maintained in a confidential folder on your personal computer, etc.)
  • Explain how the data will be analyzed (e.g., descriptive statistics (frequency, mode, median, mean, etc.) or explain the data to measure each variable in the study.
  • Explain how the findings will be reported (e.g., handout at staff meeting, e-mail, conversations, etc.)

Your proposal should utilize reference citations. Please refer to the APA manual (6th ed.) for appropriate guidelines to support scholarly discourse.


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I need help writing my paper

I need help writing my paper

Principles of Business Management Week 2 Assignment S.M.A.R.T. Goals To complete this week’s S.M.A.R.T. goals assignment please include all of the following elements: Step 1: List 3 goals you either have, or would like to have (Financial, Fitness, Career, Education, Relationship, etc.)

Step 2: Use the S.M.A.R.T goal format to further develop those goals.

Step 3: In 500-750 words (approximately 2-3 pages), explain how the process of creating a S.M.A.R.T. goal changed the way you look at goals. Be sure to include all three steps in your assignment. The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded: • Use APA style. • Use font size 12 and 1” margins. • Include cover page

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I have a homework

I have a homework


Recommender system is a term developed at the intersection between computer science and digital marketing. The basic issue for making successful recommendations to users is the matching between products (which could be many) and users/customers (who have presumably personal preferences). If you are a marketing director for a tourist destinations, what do you think are the biggest opportunities and challenges in using technology to entice travelers to come to visit your destination?

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Discussion week 5

Discussion week 5

. Porter’s five force (half page)

Provide an example of how you feel that Michael Porter’s Five Forces helps organizations with overall global strategy. Be comprehensive in your answer. Consider explaining your answer using a company and/or product.

2. Strategy and Foreign Market Entry (half page)


This week we examined the strategic issues international firms face – e.g. when to enter a foreign market, which markets to enter, and at what scale. That strategy was then expanded to explain the various types of entry modes that an international firm would use.

With that knowledge, think about some issues that a firm faces when pondering the scale of foreign market entry and share your thoughts. Be specific in your answer and tie it to a region of the world and the industry involved.

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