Author name: Rosemary Mosco

WestJet” case posted on the Desire2Learn “course document”

WestJet” case posted on the Desire2Learn “course document”

I have a case analysis paper coming up on the “WestJet” case and it needs to be 4 to 5 pages long. You will need to read over the WestJet case and write about it following the directions. I will post the WestJet case below. This is the rubric and instructions.


You will be assigned a case in the first week of the semester: the “WestJet” case posted on the Desire2Learn “course document” section. The case analysis paper should be 4-5 pages, double spaced. It should include the following sections:

  • Introduction, including relevant facts and background
  • Problem definition / issues
  • Critical analysis / conceptualization
  • Alternatives, which may be “bulletized”.
  • Solution: state the best of the alternatives and the rationale

Please refer to the grading sheet attached for more details

Grammar, Spelling, and general appearanceFew errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors; use of appropriate business language, overall appearanceSome errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling; medium level use of appropriate business language, overall appearanceMany errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling; low level use of appropriate business language, overall appearanceA lot of errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling; inappropriate business language, overall appearance
IntroductionIncludes relevant internal/external facts and backgroundIncludes most relevant internal/external facts and backgroundIncludes some relevant internal/external facts and backgroundIncludes few or no relevant internal/external facts and background
Problem Definition – IssuesClarity in specifying one problem statementModerate clarity in specifying one problem statementMediocre clarity in specifying one problem statementNo clarity in specification of problem statement
Critical analysisAccurately identifies one or several concepts related to the problemIdentifies one or several concepts related to the problemVaguely identifies one or several concepts related to the problemDoes not identify one or several concepts related to the problem
AlternativesClearly specifies 2-5 alternatives as solution to the problem and discussed their advantages and disadvantages in details.Specifies 2-5 alternatives as solution to the problem and discussed their advantages and disadvantagesVaguely specifies 2-5 alternatives which may be related to the problemDoes not specify 2-5 alternatives to solve the problem
SolutionClearly identifies the best alternative, and the rationale for that decisionIdentifies the best alternative, and the rationale for that decisionVague identification of the best alternative, and the rationale for that decisionDoes not Identify the best alternative, and the rationale for that decision
Submitted on time

WestJet” case posted on the Desire2Learn “course document” Read More »

Cultural Journal

Cultural Journal


Your cultural journal is a place for reflection and for connecting the topics we learn about in class with assigned activities, your experiences and observations.

Unit 1 is designed to increase your:

  1. Understanding of terms (culture, nationality, race and ethnicity) and frameworks (the cultural context of behavior; week 1).
  2. Understanding of etics and emics and cultural worldviews, in particular horizontal and vertical forms of individualism and collectivism (week 2).
  3. Understanding of enculturation and acculturation, in particular acculturation agents and strautegies (week 3).

Cultural Journal #1:

Please respond to the following prompt:

  • Reflect on your culture. In this reflection, incorporate topics and terminology we have covered in unit 1 (e.g., broad and narrow definitions of culture, nationality, race, ethnicity, biopsychosocial model, etics, emics, individualism, collectivism, enculturation, acculturation, enculturation/acculturation agents, acculturation strategies).

Your assignment should be 300 words in length. You must use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. Remember that the purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect on the qestions that are posed and relate your reflections to topics that we cover in class. The goal is reflection and course connection. Please be thoughtful in your responses.

Assessment Criteria: Your journal will be graded based on being turned in on time, length, writing quality, conceptual accuracy and course connections. Points will be deducted:

  • for journals that do not meet the length requirement (your maximum score will be based on the number of words you write).
  • (one point) for every two writing errors.
  • for content that is conceptually or factually inaccurate.
  • if there are no course connections.

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Internal Control Consideration

Internal Control Consideration

Attached is the case study

Read problem H.57 Internal Control Considerations in End-User Computing Environments on page 920 of the textbook.


Assume that you are participating in the audit of Chicago Appliance Company and that the background information was obtained during the planning phase of the engagement. You have been asked to (a) consider the potential internal control weaknesses that exist in this end-user application and (b) assess how those internal control weaknesses could alter the audit plan for the current year. Be sure to write your information so that Chicago Appliance Management can fully understand.

Internal Control Consideration Read More »

Read all three (3) articles (1. Drugs and the Media, 2. Public Enemy Number One, and 3. Miracle Drug, Poison, or Placebo: Patients’ Experiences with Antidepressant Medications as Described in Postings on an Online Message). As part of your discussion, answer the following five (5) questions:

Read all three (3) articles (1. Drugs and the Media, 2. Public Enemy Number One, and 3. Miracle Drug, Poison, or Placebo: Patients’ Experiences with Antidepressant Medications as Described in Postings on an Online Message). As part of your discussion, answer the following five (5) questions:

  • According to the author of each article, what has been and is the role of the mass media?
  • How is social media (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) changing the landscape regarding “drug messages”?
  • What new forms of or enhancements to social media can you envision over the next 5 years? How will be media’s role and hence its impact change in the future?
  • How can the Pharmacists’ voices be heard in this new media environment?
  • Given the rapidly moving marijuana legalization landscape, what biases now seem to be present in Nixon’s “War on Drugs”?

You are encouraged to look at additional current references from the literature (which you must properly cite) to support your points. Limit your initial post to no more than 500 words.


Drugs and the Media: An Introduction by Michael Montagne

Substance Use & Misuse, 46:849-851

Copyright 2011 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

ISSN: 1082-6084 print / 1532-2491 online

DOI: 10.3109/10826084.2011.57060

Public Enemy Number One: The US Advertising Council’s First Drug Abuse Prevention Campaign by Molly Niesen

Substance Use & Misuse, 46:872-881

Copyright 2011 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

ISSN: 1082-6084 print / 1532-2491 online

DOI: 10.3109/10826084.2011.570617

Miracle Drug, Poison, or Placebo: Patients’ Experiences with Antidepressant Medications as Described in Postings on an Online Message Board by Michael Montagne

Substance Use & Misuse, 46: pp. 922–930, (2011)

Copyright 2011 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

ISSN: 1082-6084 print / 1532-2491 online

DOI: 10.3109/10826084.2011.570632

Read all three (3) articles (1. Drugs and the Media, 2. Public Enemy Number One, and 3. Miracle Drug, Poison, or Placebo: Patients’ Experiences with Antidepressant Medications as Described in Postings on an Online Message). As part of your discussion, answer the following five (5) questions: Read More »

Wellness Question

Wellness Question

Stage 1 – At the start of this semester, you completed the Health Risk Assessment and the Goal Assignment sheet. At that time you wrote a goal for a health related behavior you wanted to improve over the course of the semester. You were to have tracked your progress in reaching this goal, writing out the goal and the action steps you were taking, and using a notebook or log to record changes and progress, or lack thereof.

Stage 2 – Now, at the end of the semester, you will write a 3-4 page paper that outlines your efforts at making this behavior change. Normal MLA style formatting, including in text citations. Discussion points for your writing include:

  • Reason for selecting the goal you chose.
  • Write out the actual goal as you first set it out.
  • How often did you assess your progress?
  • What action steps did you use to try and reach your goal?
  • Summary of your progress – be specific here, use numbers. Did you or did you not achieve your goal? Was your progress consistent?
  • Factors that helped you reach your goal or that hindered you in achieving it.
  • Specific examples of how other people who knew about your goal impacted your attempt at behavior change
  • Future implications – how will this impact you now that class is ending? Will you continue to work on this goal or move on to something new?

Formatting for your paper includes:

  • Cover page with Title, Your name, Instructor Name, Course Title, and Date
  • One inch margins at side and bottom of page
  • No font larger than a “12”, regardless of font style
  • Double spaced

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