Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Final Project: Connecting Real-World Data Through Quantitative Analysis

Final Project: Connecting Real-World Data Through Quantitative Analysis

Final Project Structure and Format

Your Final Project for this course will consist of a narrative/report in which you will apply what you have learned in this course, including presenting a research question related to a dataset, exploring variables that relate to this research question, analyzing the data using descriptive and inferential statistics, describing your results, and discussing your findings, limitations, implications, and possibilities for future research.

For the format and structure of your narrative/report, you will use the Walden Writing Center APA Course Paper Template for Graduate Courses found in this week’s Learning Resources. Your narrative/report must include the information in the Assignment section below.

Assignment (4–6 pages, not including title page, tables and figures, and reference pages. The number of paragraphs in the outline below are recommended ranges and not requirements):

  • Title
  • Introduction (1 paragraph)
    • Present your research question and state your hypothesis.
  • Method (4–6 paragraphs)
    • Participants represented in the dataset
    • Instruments used to measure the variables
    • Procedures used to select, clean, and manage variables from your dataset
    • Analysis (include any tables that display the statistical analyses you conducted on your selected variables)
    • Note: Provide a citation for any reference you use to support your analysis
  • Results (2–4 paragraphs) (include any figures you feel are necessary to support your results)
    • Provide a summary of your findings.
  • Discussion (4–6 paragraphs)
    • Explain whether your findings answered your research question.
    • Describe whether you can draw causal conclusions based on the data and explain why (or why not).
    • Explain any limitations that can limit the reliability or generalizability of your findings (i.e., sample size, sampling strategy, ethical issues, threats to internal and/or external validity, or any other flaws).
    • Discuss the implications of your findings regarding how they might effect positive social change.
    • Based on your findings, what might be the possibilities for future research regarding your research question and topics?

    And there is another tempalet that needs to be filled.

Use proper APA style.

Requirements: Template to fill the remaining parts & assignment 4 to 6 pages   |   .doc file

So this is a two-part assignment, the first part is completing the remaining part of a template that has been previously approved by the instruction. And the second part is a 4 to 6-page assignment.

I am attaching all the required resources needed for this project.


Final Project: Connecting Real-World Data Through Quantitative Analysis Read More »

A general analysis of the intern experience

A general analysis of the intern experience

Complete 1,2 and 3 using the provided topic

Topic: you are interning as a paralegal at a law firm. Your job is about filing paperwork about family law, immigration documents, criminal law.

1. Include a short introduction and a thesis statement about your internship at the law firm.

2. A general analysis of the intern experience and how it related to academic experiences; that is, “bridging the gap” between facts, theory, and practice. In this regard, At least 10 scholarly citations must be provided. In this section, you should address what you learned about the way justice is sought and achieved (or not) in the real world. You may contrast your specific observations to what scholarly research suggests about how that kind of agency or organization functions. Point out ways in which experiences and observations confirmed coursework and ways in which they contradicted it.

3. Provide a short concluding paragraph that summarizes the main points of the paper and provides final thought.

The paper must be in APA format, which includes 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced, with one-inch margins

must be 6 pages Quality work please

A general analysis of the intern experience Read More »

Identify three professional nursing organizations

Identify three professional nursing organizations

Writing Question

Hi, if you could please answer the following DQ 1 and DQ 2 with 250-300 words each. Thank you

DQ 1 :

Identify three professional nursing organizations that interest you. Provide a brief summary of their purpose, requirements, and any differences in focus, population, scope, or intent. How do these organizations align to your goals and worldview?

DQ 2:

Research health care legislation that is being considered in your state. What impact might this legislation have on your future practice? What impact does it have on the collective practice of nurses in your state? How do you envision yourself potentially becoming involved in political advocacy for the profession in your future practice?

Read Chapters 28-30 in Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession.

Read Chapters 10 and 11 in Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care.

Read “A New Model for ANCC’s Magnet Recognition Program,” by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), located on U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website.

Explore the Professional Nursing Organizations links on the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing website.

Identify three professional nursing organizations Read More »

Technology’s Impact on Personnel Psychology

Technology’s Impact on Personnel Psychology

Technology’s Impact on Personnel Psychology

It is evident that the human face of personnel management is quickly changing into a computer screen (Johnson & Gueutal, 2011). Today, a growing number of people seeking employment, employees applying for training, and organizations promoting candidates post resumes, submit applications, and conduct interviews electronically. The use of technology for seeking and managing employment is leading to a fundamental change in how people interact with the human resource function in their organizations and how human resource activities are conducted (Johnson & Gueutal, 2011). How might professionals working in personnel psychology better prepare themselves to engage with technology and ensure that personnel processes remain valid, reliable, cost-effective, and fair?


Post in 1-2 pages an explanation of how contemporary technology (e.g., social networking, credit checks, online applications, and virtual interviews) might influence personnel psychology. In your response, include three potential benefits and three potential misuses of contemporary technology in personnel psychology. Use info from this week’s references in APA 7th. You may include outside resources.


Jansen, B. J., Jansen, K. J., & Spink, A. (2005). Using the web to look for work: Implications for online job seeking and recruiting. Internet Research, 15(1), 49–66.

Kluemper, D. H., & Rosen, P. A. (2009). Future employment selection methods: Evaluating social networking web sites. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 24(6), 567–580.

Nielsen, M. L., & Kuhn, K. M. (2009). Late payments and leery applicants: Credit checks as a selection . Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 21(2), 115–130.


Posthuma, R. A., Morgeson, F. P., & Campion, M. A. (2002). Beyond employment interview validity: A comprehensive narrative review of recent research and trends over time. Personnel Psychology, 55(1), 1–81.

Requirements: 1 Page Double Space   |   .doc file

Please use at least 2 of the attachments as references in APA 7th, thank you

Technology’s Impact on Personnel Psychology Read More »

Topic 1: Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management: Clinical Prevention Intervention and Evaluation.

Topic 1: Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management: Clinical Prevention Intervention and Evaluation.

Topic 1: Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management: Clinical Prevention Intervention and Evaluation.

Read the required reading. You have a client from a vulnerable population, such as an economically disadvantaged and older adult, who needs to begin lifestyle changes with nutrition, exercise and stress management modifications. Discuss how you would approach nutrition, exercise and/or stress management counseling. Address food aid programs that would be appropriate for referral. What exercise recommendations would be appropriate for your client/s. Comment on stress management factors that may need addressed with your choice of the vulnerable population.


MediaType: Title: Edition: Author: Publisher: Book ISBN: Ebook ISBN:

MediaType: Title: Edition: Author: Publisher: Book ISBN: Ebook ISBN:

Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials 5th (2012)
Fletcher, Robert and Fletcher, Suzanne Lippincott

Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span 9th (2017)
Edelman, Kudzma and Mandle

Unit 7 Reading Assignments

In Health Promotion throughout the Lifespan in Nursing Practice, read:

Chapter 11: “Nutrition Counseling for Health Promotion”

Chapter 12: “Exercise”

Chapter 13: “Stress Management”

Chapter 14: “Complementary and Alternative Strategies”

Ackley-Holbrook, E., Minsoo, K., & Morgan, D. W. (2016). Development and evaluation of the Walk for Health Program: A physical activity intervention for adults with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 110(2), 103-114.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020. (2015). Table of contents. Retrieved from…

Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. (2018). Index. Retrieved from

Riemer, H. C., Mates, J., Ryan, L., & Schleder, B. J. (2015). Decreased stress level in nurses: A benefit of quiet time. American Journal of Critical Care, 24(5), 396-402.

Rosenberg, K. (2017). Complementary medicine relieves some types of chronic pain. American Journal of Nursing, (1), 61.

Web Resources

● Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. (2014). Principles of epidemiology in public health practice. An Introduction to applied epidemiology and biostatistics. (3rd ed.).. Retrieved from

● Department of Health and Human Services. (2018). Leading health indicators. Retrieved from

● Healthy People 2020. (2018). Topics and objectives. Retrieved from…

● United States Preventive Services. (2018, March). USPSTF A and B recommendations. Retrieved from

Requirements: 3 paragraphs

Topic 1: Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management: Clinical Prevention Intervention and Evaluation. Read More »

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