Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Effective communication

Effective communication

The Joint Commission reported that [poor] communication was the root cause of 66% of Sentinel Events between 1995-2005. Examine the communication and collaboration in your workplace. Include these aspects:

Requirements: 1500 – 2000

Length: Between 1500 and 2000 words

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

Effective communication Read More »

Robodogs as a law enforcement tool

Robodogs as a law enforcement tool

This essay requires that you explain the pros and cons of using Robodogs as a law enforcement tool. In addressing this question please discuss both public policy issues and constitutional issues using the US Constitution, Case law and civil (statutory) law where appropriate. You should begin by discussing this issue in the context of its use in the general public however the focus of the essay is how the conversation changes when we apply these policy arguments and constitutional principles to the incarcerated?

The Question

What are the arguments for and against the law enforcement community’s use of Robo Dogs in general society, and how do these arguments apply in the context of correctional administration’s use of Robo Dogs in Jails, Prisons and Community Corrections? Finally describe your opinion of the use of Robodogs in correctional administration and explain what went into the development of your opinion on this topic.

Requirements: Maximum 4 pages   |

This is for a correctional administration class for my political science major. My professor wants us to discuss public policy issues and constitutional issues the US Constitution, Case law and civil (statutory) law where appropriate. Overall, thats about it.

Robodogs as a law enforcement tool Read More »

Tittle: Debating the Draft

Tittle: Debating the Draft

Tittle: Debating the Draft
Choose Topic: History
Select number of pages: 1
Question Description: The Selective Service Act was created during World War I to temporarily increase the size of the United States army. Creation of this conscription established a precedent and American men were drafted into wars for the next several decades. In recent years, some Americans have argued that the draft should be reinstated. After reading your text, answer the following questions: Do you favor or oppose instituting a draft? Does a draft offer any benefits to the country? If a draft was created, what would this new draft look like? Who would be included/ not included? answer these questions in the Discussion Board. Explain your answer fully and cite outside sources as necessary.

To receive full credit for this assignment your post must:

1. Address the questions asked in the paragraph above in at least a 300-word post and cite all outside sources appropriately
2. In your initial post, include at least one interesting question the readings raised for you

Tittle: Debating the Draft Read More »

The purpose of this assignment is to understand the challenges and opportunities

The purpose of this assignment is to understand the challenges and opportunities

Programming Question

The purpose of this assignment is to understand the challenges and opportunities in the development and enhancement of information systems and their affect on communication and workflow efficiency.

Research the health information system structure at your current or most recent organization. Create a systems diagram illustrating your understanding of various health care information systems, their components, and connections with other health care departments. Write a 250-500 word description of your diagram. Include the criteria below:

  1. A summary of the standard components of health care information systems.
  2. An overview of advantages and challenges faced by a hospital using information systems for health care, especially as they relate to the evolving nature of health care information needs.
  3. Integrate three to five supporting sources of health information.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Requirements: 250-500 words

The purpose of this assignment is to understand the challenges and opportunities Read More »

What are the components of an information system?

What are the components of an information system?

please answer the following questions with 200-250 words each

DQ 1-

What are the components of an information system? What does “accessibility” mean in the context of IT systems and how does it apply to health care settings? Provide a specific example to support your rationale.

DQ 2-

How do health care information systems enhance quality of care and coordination of care? Discuss at least two benefits and challenges of information systems in health care.


Read Chapters 1 and 3 in Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management.

Read “A Holistic Roadmap to the Cloud: How to Plan, Navigate and Arrive Safely and Securely,” by Gelman, from Journal of Healthcare Information Management (2015).

Read “Point-of-Care Identity Security: Cryptographic Key System Proposal for the Prevention of Medical Identity Theft Using Identity Secure Digital Transactions,” by Blewett and Kilduff, fromJournal of Healthcare Information Management (2015).

Read “Healthcare Community Cloud: Enabling the Next Generation of Health IT Innovation,” by Bobis and Toussaint, from Journal of Healthcare Information Management (2015).

Requirements: 150-200 words each

What are the components of an information system? Read More »

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