Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Entertainment Medium Comparison Review

Entertainment Medium Comparison Review

Watch Out of the Past (1947) and 200 Cigarettes (1999)

Comparison Reviews should focus on the use of cigarettes and cigarette smoke throughout the movies.

Is smoking still prevalent in popular films or other current media?

Links for the movies are not provided.

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Nursing collaboration with other disciplines.

Tittle: Nursing collaboration with other disciplines.
Choose Topic: Health and Medical
Select number of pages: 2
Question Description: “Nursing should not ‘borrow’ theories from other disciplines.” Refute this statement by providing specific examples from your current nursing psychiatric behavioral health practice. Describe the importance of increased nursing collaboration with other disciplines.
Your initial posting should be at least 500 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.

Textbook Reference:

Smith, M. C., & Parker, M. E. (2020). Nursing theories and nursing practice (4th ed.).

Nursing collaboration with other disciplines. Read More »

NSG 456 Research Outcomes Management For The Practicing Nurse

NSG 456 Research Outcomes Management For The Practicing Nurse

Week 4- Finding Evidence

Evidence that supports a conclusion is part of the research process. Literature reviews often accompany research papers in the form of a summary and synthesis of the published information about the research topic. Although this week’s assignment is not a literature review, it is designed to familiarize you with the practice of finding appropriate sources and information on a topic.

Find three original research articles that apply to your research topic. The articles must be

  • peer reviewed,
  • recent (published within 5 years), and
  • statistically significant.

Write a 260-word summary of each article in which you identify (include these as headings).

  • participants
  • independent variable(s),* Students have difficulty with variables, I have added a guide for you under Week 4.
  • dependent variable(s),
  • methods, and
  • results.

For each of the articles, determine if the article is suitable for inclusion in a literature review for your research topic.

  • If it is not, explain why.
  • If it is, explain how the information can be used to inform practice.

Compile all summaries in one document.

Do not include the entire article, but include a link to the article

Include the APA citation for each article before each summary.

Submit the APA citation, link to the article and summaries.

It is 260 words per article. 3 articles needed

My research topic is about obesity and how it affects patient care and outcomes

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Depression is a common psychiatric disorder in children, adolescents, adults, and the Inbox

Depression is a common psychiatric disorder in children, adolescents, adults, and the


Depression is a common psychiatric disorder in children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Primary care providers, not mental health professionals, treat the majority of patients with symptoms of depression. Persons who are depressed have feelings of sadness, loneliness, irritability, worthlessness, hopelessness, agitation, and guilt that may be accompanied by an array of physical symptoms as well as substance abuse. Identifying patients with depression and substance abuse can be difficult in busy primary care settings where time is limited, but certain depression/substance abuse screening tools may help diagnose the disorder.

Discuss a screening tool that can be used in the primary care setting that can help with the identification of patients with depression and or substance abuse. What is your responsibility as a primary care provider to this patient once a disorder has been identified?

About one page in length. At least 3 references, not older than 5 years old.

Requirements: one page

Depression is a common psychiatric disorder in children, adolescents, adults, and the Inbox Read More »

Ethics and Leadership

Ethics and Leadership

Assignment 2 Ethics and Leadership (Due Week 3; 20 points)

The purpose of this assignment is to explore and critically present your views about ethics and its role in leadership.

Consider your views, experiences, and readings about ethics. In a paper (4-5 pages, excluding your title page and reference list), discuss the following:

  • Definition of ethics. Support comments with three or more relevant references.
  • Provide an overview about the role of and need for ethics in leadership.
  • Identify the main ethical responsibilities in your professional field and position.
    • Describe the main ethical challenges posed in your field of work, profession.


ElementNot Met (3-0 points)Met (4 points)Exceeded (5 points)
Critically defines ethics and supports definition with referencesDefinition is unclear or missing.Provides a definition of ethics and supports with 3 referencesProvides a comprehensive and appropriately documented (3 or more references) definition of ethics
Describes the role and for ethics in leadershipDescription about the role of ethics and need is unclear, vague, or not includedDescribes the role of ethics and establishes its needs for effective leadershipClearly describes the role of ethics and establishes its needs for effective leadership
Identifies key ethical responsibilities and main challenges in own fieldMain ethical responsibilities and challenges faced by leadership in their field/profession is unclear, vague, or not provided.Identifies the main ethical responsibilities and challenges faced by leadership in their field/professionClearly identifies the main ethical responsibilities and challenges faced by leadership in their field/profession. Implications are described and examples provided.
Follows APA format and uses documentationPaper does not adhere to the APA guidelines. There are multiple errors.Paper adheres to the APA guidelines. There are some minor errors (5 or 4)Paper clearly adheres to the APA guidelines. There are minimal (3 or less) errors or none. Errors are negligible.
Total: 20 points

Requirements: 4-5 pages

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