Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Research Psychology Discussion Questions

Research Psychology Discussion Questions

Answer each questions individually using at least one reference.

1.Describe and discuss the differences among qualitative and quantitative research reports. What is the purpose of qualitative research as this relates to how you will approach report writing for your study? Provide at least two scholarly references to justify your responses.

2.You are conducting a research study on the long-term effects of functional family therapy on promoting gang-affiliation resistance within a group of Mexican-American families with adolescents. Describe the variables being explored within this study; discuss the process by which you would ensure culturally relevant and ethical report writing will be achieved by you in considering reporting of significant and nonsignificant data results, summary, and conclusions.

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Co-culture Presentation

Co-culture Presentation

I need a presentation with the following instructions


Here are the original instructions:

Co-culture Presentation

Students will choose a co-culture within a country and create a 5 minute presentation for the class identifying the beliefs, values, norms, and practices of this group. You may select one of your own co-cultures for this assignment. Evaluate your experience with the dominant culture and the co-culture, and compare them with the 7 dimensions of cultural difference. How do the dimensional differences between cultures affect communication?

Ensure that you get approval on your topic from the instructor.Two secondary sources (besides the e-text) are required. Acceptable sources include textbooks and academic journal/research articles. You will submit your presentation visuals and presentation notes. No paper is required for this assignment.

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Disparities in Decision Making

Disparities in Decision Making

You are a newly minted prosecutor in Anytown, USA, and have been assigned the following two cases for trial:

Case A: 14-year-old male C.J. raped his 16-year-old next-door neighbor M.K. During the rape, C.J. bruised one of M.K.’s arms. The police arrest C.J. the next morning at his residence where he lives with his mother and two younger brothers. His mother is devastated by his arrest. C.J. has a history of minor thefts.

Case B: 16-year-old female K.O. raped 13-year-old R.L. and demanded that R.L. keep quiet about the rape. The police arrest K.O. R.L. does not want K.O. prosecuted for the rape.

On the date of sentencing, the court sentences C.J. to 10 years’ confinement with two years of probation, but sentences K.O. to two years’ confinement with five years of probation.

  1. Should the female juvenile rapist have been treated differently than the male juvenile rapist?
  2. If you were the judge, how would you justify your sentencing decisions?In response to your peers, assume the role of either the prosecutor or defense attorney and refute one of your peers’ arguments regarding sentencing.

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case study

case study


Please answer the following questions. Your grade will be based heavily on how well you use course information/topics, as well as examples of information from the case, to support your answers. This case deals primarily with issues of personality, organizational culture, leadership, cross-cultural issues, motivation, and job satisfaction, but feel free to utilize other concepts if you see them as relevant.

  1. What type of organizational culture does New Wave Music appear to have? Does it seem appropriate for the company, given their industry and goals as a firm? Do you believe that a different type of organizational culture would be more appropriate? Why?
  2. What are your thoughts about Moritz as a leader? What are his strengths and weaknesses? Overall, is his leadership style working well for the firm? Why/why not?
  3. The firm appears to be experiencing difficulty balancing the desire for flexibility and independent work styles with concerns about communication and coordination. How can this be reconciled? If the firm decides to grow in size and locations, what will need to change to improve the communication channels throughout the organizational hierarchy to ensure that organizational effectiveness is not jeopardized?
  4. Consider some of the cultural issues that affect companies operating in such different parts of the world. Are the conflicts in the case a function of the different cultures of the countries where the firm has offices or are they a function of the type of work that is being performed in these locations, or both?
  5. Based on what you know about motivation and personality, what types of people are likely to be satisfied working in each area/location of the company? Using concepts from job characteristics theory, what might need to change to increase employee satisfaction in all areas of the firm?
  6. In terms of hiring, which Big Five traits and abilities might supervisors want to use for selection and why? How can the company orient employees for creativity and independence in those locations where it is needed? Finally, what kind of performance measures might be appropriate for each office location?

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