Author name: Rosemary Mosco

4-2 Milestone Three: Draft of Literature Review and Needs Analysis

4-2 Milestone Three: Draft of Literature Review and Needs Analysis

Submit Milestone Three, a draft of the literature review and needs analysis, addressing all critical elements from Section III and IV of Capstone Component 1.

III. Literature Review:1.5PAGES  Using primary and secondary sources, analyze how the problem is being addressed in other communities. How prevalent is it? Through a review of the literature, evaluate the social, political, and historical milestones and trends relative to the identified problem. You should also review interventions that have been attempted in other communities and their success, or lack thereof.

IV. Needs Analysis: 1PAGE This section should include your analysis of the information you gathered on the community. This will provide the conclusions you have drawn from thinking about the findings you described in the preceding section. Based on your assessment of the community and comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the problem: • What is the magnitude of the problem in the community? • What resources and interventions currently exist in the community? • Provide a description of the impact the current resources and interventions are having on the population. Are they effective? Why or why not? • What are the obstacles that exist in the community that prevent impacting or addressing the problem? • Why is this problem one that the community needs to address? What are the demographics of the individuals affected by the problem?



4-2 Milestone Three: Draft of Literature Review and Needs Analysis Read More »

Beauty Shop Business Plan

Beauty Shop Business Plan Use the Beauty Shop Business Plan in supporting materials and slides 17-22 in the supporting materials to answer these specific questions about the business. 2 full pages SINGLE SPACED and 3rd page is for citations, 10% orginality, in your own words in-text citations and citation page-outside research required. Please make sure this is in essay form. 2. Why is a business plan important for a beauty shop and for all new businesses. Who are the owners of the company, where did they get the money to start the business and do they have any investors. Go to the Small Business Adminstration Website Located in Supporting Materials and research one additional source of funding that the beauty shop can use to expand their business.

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Writing Assignment : Rhetorical Analysis

Writing Assignment : Rhetorical Analysis

Purpose: The student writer’s purpose is to demonstrate the ability to read, understand, summarize, and analyze an article, using the conventions of composition and of standard English. The student writer will demonstrate the ability to incorporate source material into his or her own writing and use proper documentation.

Description: Write a summary and rhetorical analysis/critique of ONE of the following argumentative articles:

official english gingrich.docxPreview the document

Pappano – The iGen Shift.docxPreview the document

Premack – GenZs Never Watch TV Are Stressed about Snapchat.docxPreview the document

Twenge – Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation.docxPreview the document


EXAMPLE OUTLINE.docxPreview the document

Example outline 2.docxPreview the document

An idea for organization (for more help with organization, see readings and ppt in course materials folder for Rhetorical Analysis)

I. The first paragraph of the paper should be a summary of th earticle.

-For guidance,review the readings for summary.

-Include the main ideas; leave out most details; don’t insert your own opinion.

II. The next several paragraphs should analyze the article.

Begin with an introduction, summarizing your assessment of the article and including your analytical/evaluative thesis statement (see example in Rhet Analysis ppt.) Then use the guidelines in the readings to explain the main argument of the article, the type of appeals used (logos, pathos, ethos), whether the author is credible, and the probable audience. b. Useevidencefromthetexttosupporteachofyourclaims.

-Does the author use any logical fallacies? How doest his affect the overall argument’s effectiveness?

-Is the evidence used by the author appropriate?

-Is the argument effective? How do you know?

-What seems to be the purpose of thearticle?

-Is the article written in response to an ongoing


-Is the purpose appropriate for the audience?

-What is the author’s point of view?

-Does the author consider and respond to other points of


-What contribution does the article make?


III. In the conclusion, don’t merely repeat the introduction. Consider using some of the following ideas in the conclusion: Explain the implications of the article. In other words, who or what might be affected by what the article advocates? What conclusions can be drawn from the article? Does the article settle the matter, or is there still room for discussion? Should the reader do something? Explain whether you believe the article is important to those who are interested in the subject and why.

Source usage: The only source used for Essay Three should be the article you are working with. Each time you refer to a specific part of the article or quote from it, cite the source following MLA style. Incorporate the source material into your own writing smoothly, taking care that the entire sentence is coherent and is punctuated correctly. Before quoting the source, explain the context for the reader. Then provide the quotation, incorporating the most relevant portion of the source into your own sentence. Finally, comment on the quotation so that the reader understands why it was important for you to use that information.

Documentation format: Use MLA style. See the textbook or Purdue’s OWL MLA help with in-text citation and Works Cited. The last page of the document should be a Work Cited page listing the article in MLA style.

MLA PPT.pptPreview the document

Grading Rubric:

Appropriate article: Use the assigned article [or one of the specified articles]

Summary: The summary should express, in your own words, the main ideas of the article. It should not contain details to support the main ideas.

Rhetorical analysis: The rhetorical analysis should identify the audience, credibility of the author, appeals, use of language, and presumed purpose of the article.

Quality of writing: Sentences should be clear and concise, using language appropriate to the assignment. One idea should flow logically into the next. Claims should be supported with evidence, whether from a source or your own fine reasoning.

Grammar, punctuation: Use standard grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Do not use comma splices, run-on sentences, or sentence fragments.

COMMA PPT.pptPreview the document

sentence clarity.pptPreview the document

Understanding Fragments and Runons WR.pptPreview the document

MLA style, format: Use the 12 point Times New Roman font and double-spacing. Use parenthetical documentation like this (Smith 17). The last page of the document should be a Works Cited page that lists the source in MLA style, using double spacing and the hanging indent. See the textbook or the online Purdue OWL for more information.

Writing Assignment : Rhetorical Analysis Read More »

writing assignment

writing assignment

  1. From either “The Fairy Tale Web: Intertextual & Multimedial Practices...” (468) or “Peasants Tell Tales…” (363) discuss a concept brought up in either essay as it relates to how we interpret fairy tales. Consider context & our own biases. What should we keep in mind as we interpret a story?

im international student , please be simple (don’t use hard vocabularies. use simple vocabs)

use the book as the one and only source please

book name : The Classic Fairy Tales, edited by Maria Tatar (Norton) **Second Edition**

The Classic Fairy Tales edited by Maria Tatar Norton Second Edition

it’s a literature class

writing assignment Read More »

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