Author name: Rosemary Mosco

marketing homework 2

marketing homework 2

As we reviewed in class with white board exercises, you will write 4 draft SMART Objectives and summarize a social media audit of the business/company of your choice. Students usually find it helpful to conduct the audit first, and then go back and develop their SMART objectives and strategies.

Using the SMART objectives examples I posted and reviewed in Week 1-2,, write an objective for each of the four types noted below AND map out a few strategies that will achieve those objectives:


Engagement Objective (related to how followers interact with your content, with sharing, liking, commenting, viewing, retweeting, etc.)

  1. Engagement Objectives for Dell’s Lemonade (SMART method)
    1. Increase followers by 10% across all social media channels
    2. Respond to comments as quickly as possible
    3. Thank new customers for following us Just only write one page

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Venue Research

Venue Research

Your client, the National Human Resources Association, is holding a two-day conference here in South Florida, preferably Boca Raton, West Palm Beach or Fort Lauderdale. Here are some of the requirements and preferences that the client listed:

  • The client has a nice healthy budget
  • They are forecasting around 200 attendees, and 120 of them are from out of town and will require accommodations for at least 1 night
  • The event will require a seated theater-style facing stage, a networking area (for refreshment breaks), and 5 breakout rooms that will need to hold up to 40
  • Lunch is not included, but the venue has to be not too far from restaurants

Using this information, you will need to find a venue in one of these three cities and you will then need to justify your choice by answering the following questions:

  1. Why is this venue a good fit for this conference? Highlight at least four reasons to justify this fit.
    • Make sure that you defend your choice with research and facts, and be sure not to settle for just good enough so you can give your client the best venue available.
    • You might not be able to find the perfect location, but you should continue your search long enough to feel confident that you can do no better for your client.
  1. What are the potential downsides or issues with this choice?
    • Recognize any shortcomings of your venue. Identifying the problem areas, explain how you will prepare for any issues that may arise, and have proper contingency plans.

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The Legacy of War

The Legacy of War

Recently, your reading has focused on the impact of war on the history of modern art. In this week’s discussion forum, you will choose a work of art that expresses political themes specifically related to warfare. Although you are encouraged to focus on works related to World War One, you may also choose a work by an avant-garde Russian artist related to the Bolshevik Revolution, or even revisit Romanticism and choose a work of art related to the French Revolution or Napoleonic Wars (such as Goya’s Disasters of War).

The purpose of this assignment is to examine a work of art in its historical context, and also to research how political forces shaped the lives of artists. In your post, please choose a single work of art that has political content and describe the way in which the artist expresses their perspective. How do they communicate their ideas through iconography, narrative, color, technique, etc.? What specific political events inspired the work of art? How did these events shape the life of the artist?

Be sure to include an image of the work and for posting a poem in the forum that is related to World War One.

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Who can write a four to five page paper?

Who can write a four to five page paper?

Drawing on El Zarco and other relevant materials, write a 4-5 page paper that addresses one of the following questions.

1) What are the characteristics of “good” men and how can they strengthen the nation?

2) What are the characteristics of “bad” men and how do they weaken the nation?

3) What are the characteristics of “good” women and how can they strengthen the nation?

4) What are the characteristics of “bad” women and how do they weaken the nation?


  • You may use lecture notes for context (no need to cite lecture). Do not use any other sources (books, internet, etc.).


  • Paper needs to four full pages minimum and five pages maximum.
  • Double space, one-inch margins all around, 11 or 12-point font.
  • Put your name and the date (single-spaced) in the top left-hand corner of the first page only.
  • Place your paper’s title in 14-point font on the top of the first page. Think of a title that reflects your paper’s argument.
  • Eliminate the extra space between paragraphs (in “Format,” choose “paragraph,” and check box that says “Don’t add space between paragraphs of same style.”
  • No cover sheet.
  • Number every page on upper right-hand corner.

Spelling and Grammar: One point will be deducted for each spelling and grammar mistake.

  • In Spelling and Grammar Preferences in Micro Soft Word set “writing style” to “formal.” For PCs, set to “check style” and place checkmarks in all of the stylistic features. Make sure to fix problems indicated by red or green lines.

Writing: Observing these tips will significantly improve your paper and grade.

  • Write a clear introduction that catches the reader’s attention, previews your entire paper, and gives an indication of your particular argument or focus. It is often easiest to write your introduction after writing the rest of the paper.
  • Jump write into the topic at hand. Don’t begin with a broad, universal generalization (“From the dawn of time… the struggle between good and evil has shaped human nature”).
  • Use concrete examples to support your points.
  • Write paragraphs around a single, specific idea, clearly expressed in a topic sentence.
  • Concluding paragraph should tie the paper together. Restate argument and show how the evidence in paper supports argument.


  • Be sure to cite direct quotations as well as ideas and points you draw from the sources, even when you do not use their exact words. NOT CITING WILL DRASTICALLY LOWER YOUR GRADE.
  • Since your paper will draw on a single source, cite by placing the page number (only the number) between parentheses at the end of the sentence, before the period.

    When referring to concepts in the book without repeating exact language, cite as follows:
    The concept of calidad included several factors (9).

    When using repeats exact language from the book, cite as follows:
    Francisca attributed her daughter’s behavior to the workings of “a diabolic entity” (177).

  • Important note: Quote the words of the people and documents discussed in the book, but avoid quoting the author’s words directly. In general, keep quotations to a minimum. No quote should exceed two lines. Try to incorporate quotations into your own sentences, as shown in the second example above.

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