Author name: Rosemary Mosco

assignment 6

assignment 6

You are a manager working for an international company and have just been promoted to Global Acquisitions. Your firm is a US leader in athletic footwear and wants to expand overseas thinking that the international segments would love your products. Additionally, this expansion can also include lower manufacturing costs then experienced in the United States.

You are to create an argument for this move to upper management based on careful analysis of a) cultural implications b) a culture analysis for a country that your firm might seek expansion to and c) implications of global management.

You get to choose the country in Europe, Asia or Africa. Write an essay that includes all three items. Please note your reply must be comprehensive. This denotes that all work must include proper title page and bibliography. Your work minimally should three to four pages and follow the proper rules for APA guidelines including but not limited to spelling and grammar. Please note that the use of “wiki’s” are unacceptable in academic work as are blogs and unauthorized websites. Included in this are the use of sites such as “” All reference works must be scholarly therefore it is suggested to use the available links in the electronic library to aid your efforts.

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essay project

essay project

atleast 200words per essay

There will be an online essay project which will be 2 essay questions. Prepare and submit your essays to Blackboard. This must be turned into Blackboard to earn credit. 300 words per essay (maximum). You may quote other sources, including the textbook, but you may not plagiarize content without giving credit. You must write your own words. — uses —- to detect plagiarism and cheating. You may not copy, post, or save the exam questions to any other site on the Internet or your computer. Due October 5, 2018.

Use The Invention of the White Race book, your research skills, and lecture to answer the following questions. Create an original essay using your own words. If you use another source, including the textbook, be sure to include quotes and a works cited. Any academic citation style is fine. Use 14-16 point font.

  • Is the experience of poverty racialized in America? State 3 opinions from other classmates between August 23 to September 20. Analyze these arguments in the context of topics from class and your own research in Africana Political and Social Thought. State your personal opinion.
  • Analyze Theodore Allen’s argument in chapter 4, The Invention of the White Race (strong points vs. weak points). Compare social control against Irishmen to social control against African-descended individuals. How are they similar or different? State your personal opinion.

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Civil Rights Decisions and Public Opinion

Civil Rights Decisions and Public Opinion

The Supreme Court is unique in its ability to rule. Appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate, Supreme Court justices serve for life. For this reason, justices do not have to appease voters and campaign contributors to keep their positions. Therefore, the Supreme Court can make unbiased rulings based on its interpretations of the Constitution; this differs from elected officials who must answer to voters to get reelected. The ability for the justices to interpret law with an unbiased lens often puts them ahead of the curve (and public opinion) on cultural and social issues.

For example, in the landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, the justices ruled in favor of desegregation. At the time, the idea of racial integration in schools was extremely unpopular. The unpopularity of the Supreme Court’s decision was made evident in the ensuing public outcry as well as the response by government officials. Immediately after the decision, the Arkansas governor at the time, Orval Faubus, ordered the National Guard of Arkansas to block “Little Rock Nine” students from entering into the previously white-only school. Even after the Supreme Court had made its final decision, Governor Faubus didn’t budge. It took President Eisenhower to send the 101st Airborne Army Division to enforce the Supreme Court’s ruling.


Select a Supreme Court case related to civil rights, but unrelated to race, in which the decision did not coincide with public opinion. Think about how the policy effected by the decision impacted society.

With the case you selected in mind, reflect on the pros and cons of Supreme Court justices being insulated from public opinion.


Provide a brief description of the case you selected. Then, explain how the case did or might influence federal, state, and/or local public policies. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your explanation. Finally, with the case you selected in mind, explain at least one strength and one limitation of Supreme Court justices being insulated from public opinion. Be specific.

Support your response using the Learning Resources and other scholarly resources.

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IncidentHandling and Response

IncidentHandling and Response

Week 2 – Exercise

Attached Files:

Read the attached article – Shibata, Y., Uchida, N. & Shiratori, N.(2014) “Lessons of the Great East Japan Earthquake”

Please answer the following questions in no more than two pages:

Week 3 Exercise

Please read the following article:

Please answer the following questions in no more than two pages:

Your assignment will be graded based on the rubric, which can be viewed when clicking on the assignment link.

Week 4 – Exercise

Attached Files:

Review the attached article:

  • Campbell, T., (2004). An Introduction to the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) Set-Up and Operational Considerations”, SANS Institute, 1-39.

Your assignment is as follows:

  • Write a one-page paper recommending the CSIRT concept to the President of Wilmington University.
  • Ensure you discuss the need for a CSIRT team, CSIRT response and benefit of having a CSIRT team.

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