Numerous emails have been sitting in the HR Director’s in-box for two months. Smith is highly agitated that none of his have been responded to. Now that you are hired, he has asked you to address the emails immediately.
Read Email No. 3 concerning a report needed to respond to Smith’s direction that the company have its own retirement plan such as a 401(k) plan, the laws affecting such plans, and what to do about funding it since the company is in a cost-cutting mode.
Complete Smith’s directions and the instructions in the email.
Use headings to appropriately signal the topics and keep your document organized.
Use a minimum of five different in-text citation sources within your paper and identify them in your APA correctly formatted References page.
No introduction or conclusion. Just discusses each country differently
GO to; search for and watch the TED talk by Dan Pink, The puzzle of motivation. You will want to use the information from this video in your assignments for this Learning Plan.
READ chapters 12, 13 & 14.
GO to; search for and watch the TED talk by Roselinde Torres, What it takes to be a great leader. You will want to use the information from this video in your assignments.
The due diligence analyses on the three countries chosen ( NIGERIA, CUBA, GERMANY) will wrap up in this assignment with the exploration of management decision making processes. For each of your countries, you will discuss;
1- the benefits bringing the diversity of the workforce will have for your company.
2- You will compare and contrast the various aspects of U.S. human resource management against those of your chosen countries.
3- You will examine what motivates the local workforce and the style of leadership which is prevalent in your countries.
4-You will contrast those against what our U.S. company would utilize.
A minimum of 1.5 pages per country is required and you will follow APA (6th edition) formatting ,with title and reference pages, indented paragraphs and a minimum of 4 APA formatted references and associated in-text citations
Pulling it together – quality of the SWOT; Do the organisation’scurrent strategies fit with the external and internal environments? Are there clear conclusions on key issues/problems?
Practicality of the recommended strategies – is there enough justification based on sound evaluation of alternative recommendations? Do the recommended strategies fit in with the earlier analyses?
Overall application of relevant concepts, theories and models;
General layout and presentation of the report (including length, spelling, grammar and referencing).
The report is not to exceed 10 pages (12-pt font, 1.5 spacing, 8 pages is the most perfect number of pages), excluding cover sheet, executive summary, references and appendices. Appendices should contain only supporting diagrams, tables and the like and should not be a proxy for additional text. This page limit will be strictly enforced and tutors can choose not to read any pages beyond the 10-page limit.
Analyzing Financial Statements for Planning and Cost
Deliverable length: 750 – 1,000 words (not including title page and references)
You have recently hired a new assistant, Susan Thompson, who previously worked in a financial accounting office preparing journal entries, which provide you with a recording of the day-to-day activities of the company and financial statements (income statement, statement of owners’ equity balance sheet, and cash flow statement). Although your new assistant has experience with and fully understands financial accounting, she has no experience with managerial accounting.
Part 1
In a memo to your new assistant, Susan Thompson, complete the following:
* Explain to her the similarities and differences between financial and managerial accounting.
* Provide examples of managerial accounting reports that she could expect to see within EEC, and explain how management might use the information to make decisions.
o Keep in mind that although the income statement, the statement of owners’ equity balance sheet, and the cash flow statement are generated in financial accounting, they are used to develop all of your managerial accounting reports.
o Examples of a few of those reports are the horizontal analyzes, vertical analyzes, and ratios.
Part 2
In a memo to the board of directors, discuss the information found in each of the following financial statements, and describe how accounting information is used by managers for planning and control:
* Balance sheet
* Income statement * Statement of cash flows
* Statement of stockholders’ equity
Introductory Paragraph, Problem Statement and Justifications for the Study
For this assignment you are expected to submit a file attached to the assignment dropbox reflecting the introduction and statement of problem/research question of your Capstone Project or Thesis (the introduction and statement of problem/research question should be one paragraph of your work). This will be followed by your Justifications for the Study section (the second section of your work that will contain four paragraphs where each reflects a solid argument that explains why your research is important).
I recommend you present the research question or statement of research problem at the end of an informative and well-written discussion that first introduces the topic at a general level and then walks the reader through to the more specific research question or statement of problem that reflects the four elements emphasized in my notes and in our initial discussion regarding your topic (see my pdf under Writing the Research Question or Statement of Problem.pdfPreview the document ).
For the Justifications for the Study section, I expect you to develop no less than four valid arguments for the justifications section that clearly make a case for why your research is important. These four arguments should be supported by the published literature (see my pdf under Writing the Justifications for the Study.pdfPreview the document ).
Cite your sources in-text using the APA style and prepare an APA formatted reference page.
You will also need to create a cover page (see my pdf under Capstone Project Cover Page and Abstract Formatting Guide.pdfPreview the document) and Executive Summary or Abstract. The Executive Summary or Abstract should be no more than 150 words.
First of all, the topic of paper is health system how to affect the economy in Africa. In the paper, I will divide the article into seven parts. The capstone project will conclude with series of recommendations and strategies of how a health system affect the people economy in Africa. How can be better run and what kind of plans, strategies will help them develop.
We all know is that population is the most important factor in the development of the country. The development of country requires the existence of human beings as a precondition. The better health system is the foundation of a country’s development. We all know that the situation of economy in Africa is not good. The developing of the society is not fast as other countries, The health system has not been developed. People’s medical conditions is not good too.
The capstone of this project will focus on the current economic situation in Africa, the existing medical system in Africa. I am trying to find the relationship between the health system and the economy. I will select some special countries as examples, carefully analyze the status and shortcomings of the country, and use those examples to find out the rules. There is no doubt that a person’s economy is matter for country, the medical system is the most basic guarantee for everyone. I will mainly analyze the relationship between the individual economy and the medical system from the paper and analyze how they promote each other. And from several aspects to analyze the important role of medical systems in the development of the personal economy, and how an imperfect medical system consumes personal wealth and damages the development of the individual economy.