Author name: Rosemary Mosco

find article ?

find article ?

find article on communication Journal, then write a summary about it, it should be

3 paragraph.

I need ,

The name of Journal.

The writer name.

The topic of the article.

The summary should be 3 paragraph.

The picture of the front page the journal.

Fennell, V. (2014). Communication & Global Power Shifts| A Tale of Two Obits: Reading the Cold War Through the Obituaries of W.E.B. Dubois and Chairman Mao Tse-tung. International Journal Of Communication, 8, 18. Retrieved from

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Individual Project 1

Individual Project 1

Week 1 Requirement:

Review the domestic violence (DV) wheel (also referred to as the Duluth model), discuss the categories, and give examples of each.

Key Assignment

In this course, you will assume the role of a domestic violence victim advocate. Consider the scenario of the King family. For the Key Assignment, you will draft a memo to your supervisor, detailing what would be the best possible intervention options for the King family. The memo will include the following components:

The activities in each phase of this course will prepare you to complete the Key Assignment.

APA format for references with 3 being required.

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Responde with a Paragraph add citations and reference

Responde with a Paragraph add citations and reference

Please write paragraphs responding the discussion below. Add citations and references in alphabetic order.

How has nursing practice evolved over time? Discuss the key leaders and historical events that have influenced the advancement of nursing, nursing education, and nursing roles that are now part of the contemporary nursing profession.

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RFID in my Industry: A Research Paper

RFID in my Industry: A Research Paper

Minimum 7 pages, APA format, & minimum of 5 references

Each student is required to research and collect data and information regarding an RFID system that can be integrated into a specific business process to solve a problem in their individual industry, career or field of study. The paper does not require the researcher/author to include a significant amount of technical data about the system, but rather information about the business justification, planning, purchasing, installing, and maintaining of the system. The paper should include: Cover Page, Abstract, Table of Contents, Main Body, References and Attachments.

  • An Introduction– specific description of the business problem that the RFID system will be used to improve or enhance.
  • An overview of the chosen RFID system including:
    • Basics of the RFID components that were chosen
    • Any advances in RFID that are used in the system
    • Any Industry Standards that are used in the system
  • Benefits and/or disadvantages of the RFID system
  • Security concerns or practices associated with the RFID system
  • Impact of implementation – A description of administrative procedures – human and process changes; any Changes in Organization policies or enhancements to include training requirements
  • Appendices (Documentation could include: business case, project plan, etc

In this research paper and students are encouraged to look both inside and outside the box for gaining knowledge about RFID. Much of the information gathered will be through research and should be documented appropriately.

Below attachment ” RFID Main (2).docx” is provided for an Idea. Please continue this paper with same Industry as Executive summary.

Please be Cautious about Plagiarism.

RFID in my Industry Presentation

Students will prepare a 5-10 minute PowerPoint presentation that discusses the industry challenge, the business case and specifics about the RFID system selected or recommended. Students will include detailed speaking notes along with the PowerPoint slides as if they were actually presenting the material in front of the class.

Below attachment “RFID PPT.pptx” is provided for an Idea

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Nursing Pediatric Assessment Paper

Nursing Pediatric Assessment Paper

Conduct a developmental assessment met in a home setting to identify factors influencing a child’s development. The goal is to facilitate learning of the multiple, predictable aspects of a child’s growth and development.The student will also assess the child’s home environment to identify some of the factors influencing the child’s development.Following the visit, this paper will include physiologic and psycho-social assessment data, goals for the child and family, interventions, and recommendations. Overall, you choose an age of well child (1 month – 10 years of age) either in a home or school environment and assess specific parameters (e.g. nutrition, physical growth, family and environment, etc.), analyze the data, and develop goals and recommended interventions. Attached is the guidelines and developmental background information. This paper must be APA format (Abstract)

Suggested parameters to include:

Some suggested parameters to include:


a)birth date, age, and gender

b)growth parameters – use growth charts based on the

  • For children < 2 years, use the Birth to 36 months 3rd-97th percentile forms and plot the following on the chart:
    • length for age
    • weight for age
    • head circumference for age
    • weight for length
  • For children > 2 years, use the 2-20 years 3rd-97th percentile forms and plot the following on the chart:
  • Stature for age
  • Weight for age
  • BMI for age

c) Nutritional status

d) Development – remember the different aspects of development

e) Family

  • Who lives in the home and what are their roles with the child?
  • What influences do they have on the child’s development?
  • Is the child cared for outside of the home and what impact does that have on the child and his/her family?

f) Home environment or school assessment–

  • Include safety issues that may not be covered by this tool, i.e.: guns in home, helmets w/ bikes, harmful chemicals within reach, etc.


  • Interpret the child’s growth percentiles.
  • Describe and interpret child developmental findings. Select at least two developmental theorists and compare the child’s development.
  • Assess the child’s environment in the areas of cognitive and social emotional support, safety, nutrition, and list factors that facilitate or inhibit the child’s growth and development. Or, if school based, describe environmental factors you have identified that are stimulating the child’s development
  • Discuss problems to be addressed, nursing diagnoses, and needs. If there are no problems, discuss anticipatory guidance needs.

3) GOALS – For child and family

4) INTERVENTIONS OR RECOMMENDATIONS – To maintain and promote growth, development and health of the child.Include documented rationale.

The powerpoints summarize the textbook.

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