Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Understanding Framing

Understanding Framing

Garry Winogrand was one of the great American street photographers. Roaming the city streets with his small Leica camera always at the ready, he captured telling fragments of the life around him. Composed in a split second, Winogrand’s photographs used the picture frame to isolate slices of daily reality. Within the rectangular picture frame, he balanced geometric shapes and drew dynamic lines toward significant points in the picture that piqued the viewer’s curiosity and imagination. In this Discussion, you analyze the framing elements of a Winogrand photograph.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Read Chapter 1 in your course text, Photographer’s Eye
  • Review the Garry Winogrand photograph, Untitled, 1950s.
  • Review photographs from all the websites listed in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Consider the type of frame used by Winogrand and how the framing draws the viewer into the picture and sets the stage for the telling of a story.
  • Consider the orientation of the Winogrand photograph, Untitled, 1950s:
    • What considerations might Winogrand have taken when filling the frame?
    • How did Winogrand divide the frame?
    • Where is the subject of the photograph in relation to the space surrounding that subject?

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post a response that describes at least three elements of framing used by Winogrand in his photograph, Untitled, 1950s. Evaluate the decisions Winogrand made about what to include in the frame and what to exclude from it. Analyze how those decisions impact Winogrand’s meaning. Evaluate the extent to which Winogrand’s photograph may be described as loosely framed. Describe how Winogrand uses the edges of the frame. (Approximately 500 words).



Freeman, M. (2013). The photographer’s eye: Graphic guide: Instantly understand composition & design for better digital photos. Burlington, MA: Focal Press.

  • Chapter 1, “Framing” (pp. 8–29)

    This chapter of the course text sets up one of the more fundamental elements of photography by explaining how framing is more than simple composition. The author explains that sometimes what is left out of a photograph can be just as important as what is included.

The following blogs from Damon Guy explain how to make note of elements in photography that offer constructive assessments.

Guy, D. (2012, 27 July). Doing a photo critique—part 1: Respect and sensitivity [Blog]. Retrieved from

Guy, D. (2012, 29 July). Doing a photo critique—part 2: The method [Blog]. Retrieved from

The following websites comprise galleries that allow you to experience the fundamental elements of photographic art.

Perivolaris, J. (2014). Garry Winogrand. Retrieved from

Perivolaris, J. (n.d.-a). ARTS 2001Fundamentals of photographic arts. Retrieved from

Photography Now. (n.d.). Retrieved from

William Eggleston. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Winogrand, G. (n.d.). Untitled, 1950s. Retrieved from

The following websites include transcripts of interviews with the individual photographers regarding their approaches used in their works.

Meyer, P. (2001). Some background thoughts. I photograph to remember. Retrieved from


Diamonstein, B. (n.d.). An interview with Garry Winogrand. Retrieved from,Garry&InterviewID=14

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Week 2 Discussions

Week 2 Discussions

Absolutely no plagiarism, must be original and very thorough. Please make sure everything is followed in the question and the grading rubric. Assigned articles are attached, please also use at least one other outside academic resource for each question. Must include in-text citations. Must include specific real-life application (current events, work or personal experience, prior coursework, etc.) and/or other peer-reviewed research to support key points. No cover page needed but the questions should be separate with their own references. Please provide short but thorough sentences.

Supporting material: Attached…

CBS This Morning. (2013). Insider trading crackdown: Feds call out high-profile hedge fund for fraud. [Video]. Retrieved from

Question #1:

Stopthenewworldorder (2013). Regulators squirm when asked about “too big to jail”. [Video]. Retrieved from

After watching the video, Regulators Squirm When Asked About “Too Big to Jail”, do you think that reaching a settlement serves the same end as bringing an offender to trial?

Do we need to take Wall Street banks to trial?

Are settlements enough to set an example?

Question #2:

Elizabeth Pemberley was hired in 2006 as a consultant for the Ethics and Compliance Department of NAMG Investment Bank (NAMG). The CEO and Chairman of NAMG believed that the quantitative econometric models indicated that the bank and market were in good shape. However, the Chairman recognized that some fellow investment banks were losing the public’s trust.

What concerns should Elizabeth Pemberley bring up that trouble is ahead?

How should she convince the CEO that immediate changes are needed?

Question #3

Stern Speakers. (2015). Michael Porter: Aligning strategy & project management [Video file]. Retrieved from

Based on the Michael Porter video, what do you see as some of the challenges of demonstrating the value of your project to senior management? How will you adapt your project plan to address these challenges?

My project:

My first choice is project B. The individual project I would like to work for my own campus would be related to Career Development.

I believe the reason why I would like to work on a project as it relates to Career Development would be because I currently work in very close proximity to the Director of Career Development. I believe if I understood more of the compliance issues that department faces as they pertain with Accreditation. I would be a much more well-rounded Allied Health Program Director. My goal is to meet with the Director of Career Development Weekly Friday’s at 1:00 p.m. and discuss and collect the following: Employer Survey collection, data, integrity of data, sharing of data among Education and other departments to ensure that the results of the data are reviewed and implemented in order to have a stronger curriculum, train instructors and provide them feedback based on those responses. My accurately collecting this data we can ensure we have a stronger curriculum that will allow the Career Development Department to meet and achieve placement accreditation standards for our current Accrediting Council of Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) accreditors. In addition to that, I will review Placement Verification Process and educate my team on the process to ensure compliance is maintained with our accrediting bodies.

Please see grading rubric below. This assignment should be at least 4-5 paragraphs each and very thorough. Make sure you integrate real-life applications to support key points.

Case Discussion Rubric (2016)

Case Discussion Rubric (2016)
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Quality of Initial Posting
Initial response displays an excellent understanding of the assigned case, the course readings, and the underlying concepts and includes the correct use of relevant terminology. Initial response additionally integrates specific real-life application (current events, work or personal experience, prior coursework, etc.) and/or other peer-reviewed research to support key points. Initial response is clear, concise, and compelling.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Mechanics

These four articles are for question 1 & 2!

Entirely free of mechanical errors. These include: grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting (font style and size).

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BUS 499 week 3 discussion

BUS 499 week 3 discussion


Many companies use their brand as a competitive advantage. Given your knowledge about the global economy, identify three brands you believe have the strongest likelihood of remaining a source of advantage in the 21st century and explain why. Explain the effects you believe the Internet’s capabilities will have on the brands you identified in the previous discussion and what the owner of the brand should do in light of them.



From the e-Activity (PRACTICE), analyze the internal environment of the company you researched to determine that company’s strengths and weaknesses. Based on the strengths and weaknesses you discovered, determine what steps the company could take to positively impact the company’s competitiveness. Explain your rationale.

BUS 499 week 3 discussion Read More »

Week 7 discussion

Week 7 discussion

Market Segmentation(half page)

Identify a product sold in any country which has been introduced using market segmentation. What is meant by market segmentation, especially in this specific case, and why is it so important to brand?

Push Versus Pull(half page)

This week we learned about international marketing which included topics such as the 4 P’s, advertising, and promotion. We also learning about ‘push’ versus ‘pull’ strategies.

From an international perspective, when would you recommend a push versus pull strategy? Think about your answer by identifying a product and/or industry segment to include the maturation of the country’s infrastructure.

Week 7 discussion Read More »

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