Author name: Rosemary Mosco

discussion question

discussion question

For each item in Assignment sections “Watch”, “Read” and “Event”, each student is to write a 150-200-word discussion post as follows:

  • What 2 or 3 key ideas did you learn from the videos, readings or events attended?
  • What surprised you and why?
  • Formulate 2 questions that you would like answered or points you would like clarified.

1.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #1 and #2 (

2.Work by Google (

3.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #3 and #13 (

4.“Creative Collaborations” (

5.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #5 and #18 (

6.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #4 and #7 (

7.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #8 and #16 (

8.“How to Start a Startup” Video #19 (

9.Kaufmann module “Entrepreneurial Selling” (

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Case Study :Public Health Nursing Week 2 Case Study: Public Health Nursing—Present, Past, and Future

Case Study :Public Health Nursing

Week 2 Case Study: Public Health Nursing—Present, Past, and Future

Review the following case study and complete the questions that follow. 

As a public health nurse at a free clinic, you are assessing and interviewing a 21-year-old woman who has come to the clinic because she doesn’t have any energy and hasn’t felt good in weeks. During the interview, you learn that she averages one meal per day, smokes up to two packs of cigarettes per day, and rummages through trash to find items she can sell to purchase food, snacks, and cigarettes. She admits to using street drugs every once in a while when she can find someone who will share with her. She admits her life is a mess and she doesn’t know how to make it better.

  • What data can you gather based on available client information?
  • What questions should you ask yourself while interviewing this client?
  • During planning, how can you, as the nurse, best assist this client?
  • What are the potential strategies that would assist the client to a “better” life?

Your paper should be 2 pages in length, in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1” margins. If outside sources are used, they must be cited appropriately.

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Becoming a Learning Organization

Becoming a Learning Organization


Becoming a learning organization has become a common theme in organizational theory and development.The student will exhibit a clear understanding of what learning looks like in a healthcare organization and provide examples.


Submit on BlackBoard as a Word document, if Word is not available document must be submitted in rich text so that it can be converted to Word.

The paper must be no less than 1050 words but the student is not limited to 1050 words (No plagiarism)

There are no style or formatting requirements.

Any assignment not submitted timely will receive a 10% reduction


Refer to Chapter 6 in Crossing the Quality Chasm, how does the author suggest healthcare organization can and should learn.

Define –Learning Organization, from your personal perspective and well informed by your research.This is your individual interpretation.

What is to be gained from organizational learning?Compare to the theories covered in the chapters 20-23.

What examples were you able to uncover from your research, how do these apply to healthcare?

The questions above are only meant to provide a starting place for your coverage of this topic.Give some thought to your own career as a healthcare manager, how would you like to part of a learning organization?

Resources and Useful Information


Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century; by Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine
Washington, DC, USA: National Academies Press; 2001

Teaming: How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy. Amy C. Edmondson. ISBN: 978-0-787-97093-2. Apr 2012, Jossey-Bass

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Does everyone have access to all popular culture

Does everyone have access to all popular culture

Music Television (MTV) started broadcasting in 1981 and went on to change the music industry around the world. By the second year of broadcasting, “I want my MTV!” became the advertising campaign slogan.

This simple advertising hook articulated the channel’s goal of a larger broadcast area but put it in the mouth of the intended viewer—a young rock and roll fan. People who did not have access to MTV but heard about it from friends or the media called their cable provider saying “I want my MTV.” Well-known rock artists like Billy Idol, Madonna, Stevie Nicks, and Mick Jagger appeared in commercials saying “I want my MTV.”

By 1985, the media conglomerate Viacom had bought the parent company of MTV and the programming moved away from 24/7 music videos to music pop culture news shows, and by the 1990s, reality shows like The Real World, 16 and Pregnant, Jersey Shore, and adult-themed animated shows like Beavis and Butt-head dominated the programming. Although the channel is still called MTV, it rarely shows music videos. The original sense of rebellion that MTV capitalized on had disappeared. The shared experience of being in the know, having seen the latest music video also disappeared.

Each summer, the United Kingdom shares a musical experience called the Proms. Started in 1895, the Proms (short for promenade concert) is a series of concerts that takes place across the U.K. and is broadcast on the taxpayer-supported BBC network. The Proms has become one of the largest shared experiences in the U.K., bringing the nation together over music. Sharing a musical experience can bring a community together, but first the community needs access.

Review this week’s Learning Resources as well as the student contributed resource.

Discuss the following questions (750 words):

Sources to be used:

Holt, D. & Cameron, D. (2012). Fuse Music Television: Challenging incumbents with cultural jujitsu. In Cultural strategy: Using innovative ideologies to build breakthrough brands (pp. 245–264). New York: Oxford University Press.
This reading is from a book called Cultural Strategy about innovative and insurgent marketing strategies for popular culture. The book addresses how popular culture finds and develops its audience and at the same time can restrict the development of new popular culture distribution organizations. The book as a whole includes discussions of everything from Nike, to Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, to branding social innovation. The selection above is about how a music video channel, Fuse, took on the giant MTV (Music Television) in an effort to reach the audience MTV originally appealed to: people who want to watch music videos, not reality shows or adult-themed cartoons.

Cultural Strategy: Using Innovative Ideologies to Build Breakthrough Brands, by Holt, D.; Cameron, D. Copyright 2012 by Oxford University Press – Books (US & UK). Reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press – Books (US & UK) via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Federal Communications Commission Consumer Help Center. (n.d.). Obscene, indecent, and profane broadcasts. Retrieved from

The following websites may be helpful throughout this course by demonstrating ways of analyzing pop culture texts as artifacts.

Cultural Politics. (n.d.). Popular culture. Retrieved from

Pop Matters. (2015). Retrieved from

USC Annenberg. (2014). Media, diversity, & social change initiative. Retrieved from

Required Media

TEDGlobal 2013. (2013, June 18) Juliana Rotich: Meet BRCK, internet access built for Africa [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 9 minutes.
This talk highlights access issues around the world and introduces a device that allows access to the Internet even when power is cut.


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