Author name: Rosemary Mosco

cognition and motivation

cognition and motivation

The very first psychologists began their foray into the field by wondering how people think. Those pioneers had no idea what a difficult journey they were embarking upon. Human thought processes are incredibly complex and psychologists still argue today about how thinking, or cognition, occurs.

The psychological science and definition of cognition was a huge step forward in the field of psychology, but it still did not explain why thinking impacted behavior. Thus, psychological researchers moved onto the study of motivation to explore how motivation influences cognitive change. Change in thinking may result in behavioral changes. Is cognitive change even possible without being able to identify a problem? Can behavioral change happen without cognitive change?

This week you examine how motivational theories explain cognitive change. You also explore the relationship between motivation and self-regulation, and apply theories of self-regulation to explain behavior.


  • Article: Alloy, L. B., Peterson, C., Abramson, L. Y., & Seligman, M. E. (1984). Attributional style and the generality of learned helplessness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46(3), 681–687.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the PsycARTICLES database.
  • Article: Bjornebekk, G. (2008). Positive affect and negative affect as modulators of cognition and motivation: The rediscovery of affect in achievement goal theory. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 52(2), 153–170.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Article: Egan, L. C., Santos, L. R., & Bloom, P. (2007). The origins of cognitive dissonance: evidence from children and monkeys. Psychological Science (Wiley-Blackwell), 18(11), 978–983.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Article: Prochaska, J. O., DiClemente, C. C., & Norcross, J. C. (1992). In search of how people change. Applications to addictive behaviors. The American Psychologist, 47(9), 1102–1114.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the PsycARTICLES database.

Please proceed to the Discussion.

Discussion 1: Cognition and Motivation

Change is not always an easy process, but motivation can assist in completing it. For example, some change is motivated by short-term needs that can be easily met (e.g., hunger motivates you to eat; being tired motivates you to sleep; and being thirsty motivates you to drink). Other change is motivated by long-term needs that cannot be easily met (e.g., good health motivates you to quit smoking; having a low-paying job motivates you to obtain more education; or vanity motivates you to diet and lose weight).

What psychologists wonder is: “Which came first-the chicken or the egg?” In other words, do you change your thinking first, and then a behavioral change follows, or do you change your behavior first, and then a thinking change follows? Perhaps it is a combination of both. Psychologists are still in disagreement about how motivation explains cognitive change, but beginning in the 1970s, they began to develop theories to explain it. To prepare for this Discussion, review these theories in this week’s Learning Resources, and select one to use for this assignment. Begin to consider how this theory explains cognitive change.

Post by Day 3 an explanation of how the theory you selected explains cognitive change. Explain why you think this theory is superior to others in explaining this relationship. Support your response with references to the literature and the Learning Resources.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Discussion 2: Self-Regulation and Motivation

What psychologists call self-regulation is what lay people call self-control. It is the ability of a person to control his or her emotions, behaviors, and desires in order to obtain a future reward. As such, a person must have a comprehension of the future to be able to exercise self-regulation. Motivation plays a key role in self-regulation because it encourages working toward that future reward. For example, a student who excels in academics might exercise self-regulation by setting his or her goals effectively, adapting his or her learning style, and self-monitoring his or her progress—all for the future reward of good grades, pleased parents, and admission to a university. Nevertheless, motivation is not always positive (i.e., encouraging) in self-regulation. For example, a drug addict’s motivation to obtain more drugs may make that person unable to exercise self-regulation, comprehend the future, and obtain future rewards.

Post by Day 4 an explanation of how motivation influences self-regulation. Then describe two specific behaviors that could best be explained by theories of self-regulation and explain why.


Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

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U.S. healthcare system

U.S. healthcare system

Topic 4 DQ 1


Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question:

The U.S. healthcare system is not as effective as I would like it to be. Many people in the U.S. suffer and do not get the medical assistance they needed because of the ineffectiveness of the healthcare system. There are many people who are uninsured so if they need medical assistance then they would have to pay out of pocket. Many times, even people with insurance have to pay out of pocket and it is a lot. So imagine people without insurance needing to pay out of pocket and how much that would be. Many people cannot afford to pay for healthcare out of pocket. That is why people do not seek medical help. According to Brennan, Cafarella, Kocot, McKethan, Morrison, Nguyen, Shepard, and Willams II (2009), “Preventive care is underutilized, resulting in higher spending on complex, advanced diseases” (p. 2). People with insurance and without insurance do not get effective treatments to manage their health issues.

People not receiving the care they need for their conditions, being uninsured, and paying large amount of money out of pocket even when you are insured are some of the reasons healthcare reform. According to Brennan, Cafarella, Kocot, McKethan, Morrison, Nguyen, Shepard, and Willams II (2009), there are around 46 million people who are uninsured. For the healthcare system to be effective and beneficial to the people then everyone needs to be insured. According to Hester, Stange, Seeff, Davis, Craft (n.d.), “…new structures for integrating and coordinating services, a renewed focus on patient engagement and patient-centered care, and new payment models based on the value of population-based health outcomes rather than the volume of services delivered” are needed for the healthcare reform (p. 3). Getting quality patient care, better health for communities, and no or low cost healthcare system is what we need.



Brennan, N., Cafarella, N., Kocot, S. L., McKethan, A., Morrison, M., Nguyen, N., William II, R. (2009). Improving Quality and Value in the U.S. Health Care System. Retrieved September 10, 2018, from…

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Visual Meaning



Visual Meaning


Visual Meaning

There are three main strategies for analyzing works of art: contextual theory, formal theory, and expressive theory. Last week you used expressive theory to discuss a work of art by relating it to the life of the artist. This week you will discuss a painting in terms of formal theory; in other words, you will analyze how the meaning a work of art is shaped by its visual characteristics.

When artists began to create art in the nineteenth century that reflected the inner reality of the artist, they began to use color and form in highly subjective ways. In your post, please focus on a work of art by an artist discussed in this week’s reading. You can pick a work that is shown in your textbook or you can do a little research and choose something different. As you analyze the piece, please pay close attention to the formal choices made by the artist and consider the following questions:

-.How is color used? What is the visual impact of the color? Does it seem to have visual or psychological meaning?

-.What types of forms are evident in the work (organic, geometric, smooth, jagged, etc.)? How does this affect the way you experience the piece?

-.Is there a visual rhythm created by the repetition of forms and lines? How would you describe it?

-.Consider the composition: how does your eye move through the piece? What do you think is the focal point? How does the focal point relate to the meaning of the work as you interpret it?

This week I am not giving you a list of artists or specific works of art, but I encourage you to focus on a work that is associated with Fauvism, Expressionism (Die Brücke or Der Blaue Reiter),

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Subsidiary in a foreign country

Subsidiary in a foreign country


Some domestic companies are considering taking advantage of globalization and moving abroad or opening a subsidiary in a foreign country. Discuss two to three important issues faced by a domestic corporation that should be addressed when creating a transnational business strategy, including the role of human resources in this process.

Your initial posting should be well researched, at least 300 words. Your initial post must meet APA guidelines and include at least one scholarly reference from course materials.

Please read carefully 300 + words

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Leadership influence

Leadership influence

Select only one of the outcomes listed below, which will become the focal point of your Discussion Board (DB) response for this week. In your DB response, compare your organization or one that you are familiar with, to another organization that you research. Your research should be based on a scholarly peer-reviewed source that addresses the same topic as the outcome you have selected.

300 + words, please read the question carefully.

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