Social Dynamics & Communication Skills

Strength and weakness

Strength and weakness

Discuss one personal strength and one weakness you have regarding professional presentations (Fall prevention for at risk patients). Name one method for improvement for each of these and discuss why it is important for you to work on these skills if you want to present your findings in a more formal setting.

Requirements: 200 words

the answer needs to be based on the project topic Fall prevention for at risk patients.

Strength and weakness Read More »

What is your challenge or opportunity?

What is your challenge or opportunity?

  1. Description:
    1. What is your challenge or opportunity?
    2. Why is this professionally important to you?
  2. Goal:
    1. What goals or outcomes do you want to achieve with this communication?
      1. Is the communication goal clear, concise, and actionable?
  3. Audience:
    1. Who is your target audience?
      1. What are the professional positions of the audience members?
      2. What demographic characteristics will the audience comprise?
      3. What is your relationship to the audience?
      4. What background knowledge and expertise does the audience have?
      5. What does the audience know, feel about, and expect concerning this communication?
      6. What preconceptions or biases do you possess that might prevent you from building rapport with your audience?
    2. What information is available about your audience?
      1. What research or sources will you use to obtain information about the audience?
      2. What conclusions have you been able to draw about the audience?
    3. What tone will you use to convey your message?
      1. Is the setting casual or formal?
      2. Is the communication personal or impersonal?
  4. Key Message:
    1. What is the primary message you must convey to your audience?
      1. Is the message compelling and memorable?
      2. Is the message clear and concise?
      3. Is the message aligned with your audience’s goals and needs?
  5. Supporting Points:
    1. What three or four points, reasons, or justifications support your message?
      1. What research or sources will you use to obtain facts and data about your message?
  6. Channel Selection:
    1. What communication style will you employ (tell/sell or consult/join) and why?
    2. What channels will you use to deliver your message, and why will they be the most effective?
    3. What purpose is served by each style and channel you have selected?
  7. Action Request:
    1. What is your action request?
    2. Is the action request you are making to your audience clear, concise, and easily actionable?


What is your challenge or opportunity? Read More »

Networking Question

Networking Question

This is simply an informational piece detailing what you should include in your reflection that is part of the survey.

Students to reflect on the knowledge obtained in their course(s) and determine the effectiveness of incorporating real-world experience into our academic curriculum. Please complete the survey/reflection to the best of your ability.

Students should;

  • Be able to apply knowledge and theory gained in their courses of study within current workplace or in their future employment.
  • Be able demonstrate the application of theory to workplace in written form.
  • Be able to identify the benefits of incorporating real-world experience into an academic program.

Word Requirement for the Reflection portion of the survey:

Networking Question Read More »

Dr. Drossman

Dr. Drossman

Analyze the interaction between Dr. Drossman and the couple in light of the material covered this week; relate the video to at least TWO other materials posted and explain how they apply.

Also address the following:

What verbal and non-verbal communications are conveyed in this video?

What communications made the interaction more positive?

What did Dr. Drossman do right in his approach? Is there anything he could have done differently?

Dr. Drossman Read More »

Since your plan is due at the end of this week,

Since your plan is due at the end of this week,

Communications Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications discussion question and need support to help me learn.

  • Since your plan is due at the end of this week, it’s time to move into formal writing. In Chapter 8 of Business Writing Today, a strategy is given for writing successful letters that has elements important for polishing your plan. Discuss three of the strategies below and how you are implementing them in your plan:
  • Also use this discussion to get help from your classmates and professor on parts of your plan that are troubling you.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.with 150words

Classmates Post for response is attached

Requirements: 1 page

Since your plan is due at the end of this week, Read More »

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