Social Dynamics & Communication Skills

Jazz Music is an original American

Jazz Music is an original American

Music Question


Jazz Music is an original American art form that incorporates music from many different cultures. It has become an international music, which can be heard in most countries around the world, performed by musicians from those countries as well as American musicians. This assignment is a research and writing assignment that asks you to write about a contemporary International Jazz musician/group (a musician or group that comes from a country other than the USA) or an International jazz “scene” such as a famous International jazz festival like the Umbria Jazz Festival in Italy, or the jazz scene found in a specific country or an international metropolitan area such as Paris, London, Cape Town or Tokyo – writing about how Jazz has become part of the “scene” in those places – important venues: jazz clubs, concert houses, jazz societies, and important musicians from the “scene”. This paper is to be about the current Jazz scene or artist/group, you need to document Jazz music that is going on NOW, within the last 5 years. Your paper can discuss important background issues to support your ideas, but your subject is an International Jazz artist OR the jazz scene (festival, city or country) that is currently active.

There are many interesting topics that fall under this umbrella. Many international jazz musicians combine music from their own country or region with existing jazz musical ideas to create a new jazz sound. Other international jazz musicians are dedicated to playing very traditional styles of jazz. Many came to the US to study jazz music and apprentice with American jazz masters. If you choose to write about an artist/group, you will need to find artists/groups that are living and practicing the music in an International location. Some will still perform in the United States, (and around the world) while basing their careers outside the US, often in their home countries or regions.

It is important that the topic you choose has enough information about the international aspects of the musician/group or jazz scene to support a research paper. The assignment is about a “contemporary” artist or scene – meaning that the artists or scene is currently active, with the paper including recent activity – recordings, concerts, etc.. Historical background is important, but the focus of the paper is about an artist/jazz scene going on right now.

For instance, if you write about the jazz scene in Paris, you need to mention the history of Jazz in Paris (this is very important to this topic) and then write about the scene today: where the musicians are playing Jazz in Paris, who they are, and how Jazz is integrated into modern Parisian society.


  1. Write a 1000-1500 word paper (this is the body of the paper, not including the discography and references, etc..)

NOTE: word count is the least important part of the grading of this paper. Any paper that covers all of the requirements will be at least 1000 words, this is just a suggestion so that you don’t feel like you have to write a LONG paper. The content, quality of writing, inclusion of required information and following the writing style guidelines are the most important part of this paper. The paper should be well written, following general rules and formatting for a Research Paper in MLA or APA format.

  1. Research your topic well. It is important that you find lots of good information to base your paper on.
  2. Find and listen to musical examples of the artist(s)/group(s) you are writing about. If you are writing about a jazz “scene”, find and listen to some of the important artists from that scene. Find reviews of their music, and include your own description of what you hear in the music.
  3. If you are writing about an artist/group, Include a general description of the artist/group, what they are known for and other relevant projects/recordings they have produced. Include a selected discography as part of your reference citations.
  1. A discography is a list of important recordings by the artist or group. (You can find examples of discographies online.) You need to include the artist/group name, title of the recording, record label (company), year it was released, and important personnel on the recording.
  1. Include information about the recordings you write about:
    1. Date released
    2. Record label
    3. Musicians on the recording
    4. How readers can find this music (purchase, listen, etc)

You will be graded on:

  1. The inclusion of all of the issues listed above in your paper.
  2. Evidence of research into the artist/group or jazz scene and the music associated with your topic. References to your other research should be included.
  3. How well written and readable the paper is.
    1. This is an IMPORTANT part of the Draft-Final paper process, to create a Final Paper that is well written and interesting to the reader.

Basic format:

Opening Paragraph (Thesis)

– describes the content of the paper and the points to be made.

Inside Paragraphs

– discuss each topic presented in the Opening Paragraph (Thesis)


Research References

– citations need to be in MLA or APA format


– A discography is similar to a bibliography, the only difference being that it comprises a list of audio or sound recordings that you have cited in your paper. Sound recordings come in a variety of formats such as LP, cassette, CD, MP3, and even audio recordings streamed from the Web. If you refer to sound recordings in your paper, you will need to create a separate section on a new page entitled “Discography.” A “Selected Discography” includes important recordings by the artist or group you are writing about.

A Song or Album – Music can be cited multiple ways. Mainly, this depends on the container that you accessed the music from. Generally, citations begin with the artist name. They might also be listed by composers or performers. Otherwise, list composer and performer information after the album title. Put individual song titles in quotation marks. Album names are italicized. Provide the name of the recording manufacturer followed by the publication date.

If information such as record label or name of album is unavailable from your source, do not list that information.

Spotify – Rae Morris. “Skin.” Cold, Atlantic Records, 2014. Spotify,

Online Album –Beyoncé. “Pray You Catch Me.” Lemonade, Parkwood Entertainment, 2016, (Links to an external site.).


CD – Nirvana. “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” Nevermind, Geffen, 1991.

Requirements: Write a 1000-1500 word paper (this is the body of the paper)

Jazz Music is an original American Read More »

Case Study – The Power and Politics of Privacy on Social Media Networking Sites

Other Question

Case Study – The Power and Politics of Privacy on Social Media Networking Sites

After you’ve read the case study “The Power and Politics of Privacy on Social Networking Sites”, please answer the following questions:

1.What is your opinion regarding these online privacy issues?

2.To what extent are you concerned about how your personal information on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, or Google is used?

3.Looking back at the section on “political influence tactics”, which tactics did Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg use after he changed the original terms of use in 2009?

4.Of the stakeholders listed in the last paragraph of the case, which group do you think is most powerful in terms of shaping the future direction of online privacy issues?

5.Assume that Zuckerberg has hired you as a consultant to help him address the situation. Describe the steps that you would take.

To answer these questions successfully, start by assessing group behavior within the organization, including positive traits of influence, leadership, power and politics, conflict management, feedback, and negotiations. Also, look for ways that political tactics influence organizational behavior.

Please write a minimum of 750 word summary and submit this assignment as a Word document, using the APA format. Title page and references are not included in the 750 word requirement. Use your professional experience and outside sources to support your statements.

Requirements: 750

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Deliverable 5 – Clinical Judgment is a Dynamic Process

Deliverable 5 – Clinical Judgment is a Dynamic Process

Assignment Content

  1. Competency

    Modify clinical judgment within an iterative, outcome-based cycle of clinical reasoning and client needs.

    Student Success Criteria

    “View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “The item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.”


    As part of the clinical portion of your BSN Capstone course in your senior semester, you have the opportunity to attend a two-day seminar with senior nursing students from other academic institutions. The theme of this seminar is the application of clinical judgment to determine the best evidence-based solutions for nursing practice.


    For a clinical judgment roundtable with faculty and students that is sponsored by your academic institution, you must prepare one scenario based handout to promote robust discussion regarding the application of clinical judgment as an outcomes-based dynamic cycle of clinical reasoning and client needs. The handout must contain these components:

    • Describe a clinical situation where you applied an outcome-based cycle of clinical reasoning to select what you considered the “best” client intervention based on information available.
    • Include relevant external and internal cues and hypotheses
    • Discuss the outcomes based, iterative cycle of clinical reasoning you applied after the initial intervention to select the next “best” interventions appropriate for the particular situation based on client needs.
    • Rationales and evidence based findings were included to support choices for the next “best” interventions


Requirements: 3 pages

Deliverable 5 – Clinical Judgment is a Dynamic Process Read More »

Philosophy; Aesthetic

Philosophy; Aesthetic

8 to 10-page paper covers a topic of philosophy; Aesthetic. The paper will be written in APA Style 7th Edition with title page, narrative, and reference page. I chose this topic because I believe that everything has some type of beauty and someone’s trash is another mans treasure. I also believe that everyone shows emotions even when they do not think that they are, we cannot go a day without expressing some form of emotion.

Requirements: 8-10 pages


this was my discussion response, I hope this helps!

  1. Does an object have aesthetic value only if it serves some function? Are art objects valuable in themselves, without any functions? Explain.

I do not think that an object can only have aesthetic value only if it serves some sort of function. But I do believe that all objects have a function. The function of Art work is for the artist to express themselves and showcase their talents. Along with the people buying said art work, the function is to add personality to where ever they place the art work. Name one thing that does not in some form or way have a function to our lives? Nose hair, can be an object, the function is to help prevent bacteria from getting inside our bodies.

  1. Is it possible to rationally examine an object, person, or thing devoid of emotion/feeling? If so, how so or how not?

I do not believe that you can examine an object, person or thing and devoid of emotion and feeling. I think that we as humans, even when we try not to show emotion or feeling that no matter we do. With that being sad I believe that we can not rationally examine something without some sort of emotion or feeling. For example, you look at a piece of art and someone ask “you how do you feel about this art piece? ” In which you respond ” I don’t know”, but who says that the feeling of not knowing isn’t a feeling? And if they did why cannot be? Not knowing something to me is just as much as a feeling or emotion as any other typical feeling or emotion. Just like when people say they want to be “normal”, well ok, but what exactly is “normal”? My normal is not the same as your normal, so how we do define someone’s feelings when they use the expression ” I don’t know”. I just feel as almost it is impossible to not have or show some type of feeling or emotion, it is as if it is in our human nature. Those feelings and emotions are what define us and help people understand who we are just like those art pieces and object etc., by explaining what you believe their value is and how you see them.

Philosophy; Aesthetic Read More »

Family Dynamics and The Chapters of My Life”

Family Dynamics and The Chapters of My Life”


NOTICE***(Due Sunday by midnight at the end of week 3)

  • This month you are to write a 1200 word research paper on concepts covered in this class and how you see them related to your own family life.
  • This paper is worth 20% of your grade. As you read the text and do research throughout the class make notes of family systems concepts that you see illustrated in your own family life.You may use some of the concepts in bold print in the Weekly Summaries.
  • You will identify each concept and tell how it applies to your own family system.
  • Please use the APA format and cite at least four (4) sources. I have guidelines on using the APA format and citing sources posted in Student Resources for you.
  • Please submit your research paper into THE Dropbox called “Family Dynamics Paper.” Follow the directions below for a step-by-step process.
Assignment Requirements (Use as a checklist):

  • Identify six or eight marriage and family concepts and explain how they apply to your own family system over the years
  • Use a 10 or 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman Font
  • Double-space paper
  • Minimum of 1200 words. No more than 2,000 words
  • Minimum of four (4) cited sources
  • Use APA format and parenthetical citations right after cited material (See below)
  • Make sure your name is on your paper
  • Paper should contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion
Suggested Outline

  • Name on top right corner of page
  • Title centered 4 spaces under name
  • Introduction – 1st paragraph
    1. Define concepts to be covered
    2. Explain how you see these concepts in your own family
    3. List the main concepts you are going to discuss in the body of the paper. Make sure to have at least 6. You need one paragraph in the body for each point you mention in this part of the introduction.
    4. State thesis: purpose of paper. This is the last sentence of your introduction. (Ex: Since families play such a major role in our lives, it is very important to understand the theories and systems at work within them .)
  • Body – 2nd thru 6th or 8th paragraphs
    1. The 2nd paragraph of your paper (or 1st paragraph of the body should discuss the first concept you listed in the introduction.
    2. The next paragraph of your paper should discuss the 2nd concept you listed.
    3. Continue in this pattern until you have addressed the concepts you listed.
  • Conclusion – Last paragraph
    1. Restate your thesis or the purpose of your paper
    2. Write about why this is important
    3. Remember to make the conclusion similar in length to the other paragraphs.

*Many students write a one or two sentence conclusion. Do not do that.

Grading Grid

Item DescriptionPercent
Correct definition of concepts10%
Statement of main points and thesis in introduction5%
Properly indented paragraphs5%
Content in introduction5%
Content in body40%
Content in conclusion5%
Balance – paragraphs similar in length – about 150 words5%
Organization – followed format (intro, body, conclusion)5%
  • There will be a 20 pt. penalty for writing less than 1200 words on this assignment
  • There will be a 10 pt. penalty for each day the assignment is late. It is due Sunday, by midnight, of week 3.
  • There will be a 100 pt. penalty for plagiarizing. This means a 0. If in doubt, cite, cite, cite.

*Last, but not least, if you have any questions, please ask.

Parenthetical (In-Text) Citations

A parenthetical (in-text) citation is when you place the source in parenthesis ( ) right after the sentence you cited instead of waiting until the end of the paper. It helps the reader to

know exactly what sentences and paragraphs are taken from particular sources.

Place the author’s name and the source’s date of publication in parentheses immediately after the end of the cited material. If it is a direct quote, include the page number as well.

For example:

  • “Psychology is defined as the science of behavior and mental processes” (Coon, 2012 p. 12).
  • If you have paraphrased the information then you do not need to include the page number. For example:
  • Psychology is a scientific field that specifically studies both mental processes and the associated behaviors (Coon, 2012).
Helpful Tips

  • Always use spell and grammar check
  • Make sure you indented the paragraphs (10 spaces or half an inch)
  • Balance. Each paragraph should be similar in length
  • Review the APA video and resource in Student Resources under Course Home.
  • You can send your paper to the Keiser OWL (Online Writing Lab) for review and to ask for help.
Title: Exploring marriages & families
Edition: 3rd
Publisher: Pearson; 3 edition (2018)

  • ISBN: 978-0135828298

this the book i dont have it try looking it up online

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