Social Dynamics & Communication Skills

Sociological Issues Presentation Topic Submission.

Sociological Issues Presentation Topic Submission.

Please submit your topic selection from the list provided in the Sociological Issues in Sport Presentation assignment details. Also, give a brief (250-word max) summation on what you would like to explore specifically. Lastly, include one resource that you will use to help in starting your project. This resource does not need to be a scholarly source.

Sociology of Sport Topic List

Gender and Sexuality

Leadership and Coaching

Understanding Title IX, Why is this A Social Issue

High School Sports and Social Relationships/Hazing Culture

Violence in Sports

Masculinity and Sport, Tough Guise

Racial Stereotypes and Sport Competence

Sports Media

Homophobia and Sports

Requirements: 250

Sociological Issues Presentation Topic Submission. Read More »

Sociological Issues in Sports Presentation.

Sociological Issues in Sports Presentation.

Sociological Issues in Sport Presentation

For this assignment, you are tasked with creating a PowerPoint presentation that is geared towards explaining your assigned area. I am looking to see how you have synthesized the information and made your own meanings of the content provided available in your research and the course. This assignment will need to include the following:

Title Slide

Topic Overview

Key Definitions

Concepts to Understand

Examples in Society (Visual Representations: Images or Videos)

Personal Reflection/ Position


Future Recommendations.

References ( Must have at Least 3 Scholarly Sources)

Please limit each area to no more than 7 slides, and keep in mind your audience is your classmates and let’s assume we have never been introduced to your topic.

Sociology of Sport Topic List

Gender and Sexuality

Leadership and Coaching

Understanding Title IX, Why is this A Social Issue

High School Sports and Social Relationships/Hazing Culture

Violence in Sports

Masculinity and Sport, Tough Guise

Racial Stereotypes and Sport Competence

Sports Media

Homophobia and Sports

Sociological Issues in Sports Presentation. Read More »

Leaked Movie Trailer and a Confidentiality Agreement Inbox

Leaked Movie Trailer and a Confidentiality Agreement

ReadLeakedMovieTrailer and a ConfidentialityAgreement and complete the questions at the end of the casestudy.

Read Leaked Movie Trailer and a Confidentiality Agreement and complete the questions at the end of the case study.

Link to the case study:

Answer the questions in your own words. No plagiarism.

No references or term papers required.


Need to answer all the questions in the case study at the end.

Leaked Movie Trailer and a Confidentiality Agreement Inbox Read More »

Visually Analyze Two works of art

Visually Analyze Two works of art

For each work of art you will be visually analyzing the works of art and comparing and contrasting the works using the vocabulary and topics we have discussed so far in class. (Media, Principles of Design, Elements of Design). The goal of this assignment is synthesizing what you have learned so far about how art is made, elements and principles, media, and meaning. It is not an opinion piece. I am looking for you to make statements and then substantiate them with your informed knowledge of art. The goal is to compare and contrast these works. That could be through style, composition, content, color scheme, etc. Each picture should have its own analyze about half a page long each.

Nope, that is all! I’ve downloaded the two images for you. A guideline our teacher gave.. 1. Reaction 2. Description 3. Interpertation 4. Evaluation

Visually Analyze Two works of art Read More »

Help with questions hello , this work has 2 parts each one should delivers in separate documents.

Help with questions

hello , this work has 2 parts each one should delivers in separate documents.

1st part : book Report . ( Startup student )

– two pages long, double-spaced, .

-Just like with the speaker reports we did last time ,when you write book reports, focus on describing the insights you gained from that section of the book and how this newly acquired knowledge may affect your future career.

-you are discouraged from summarizing the information on the book.

– I have attached the part you should read and write about it .

2nd part : insight speaker

– double-spaced, one-page report, will discuss the insights gained

– focus on describing the insights I gained during the presentation and how this newly acquired knowledge may affect my future career.

– Ill provide you with points ASAP .

write the first part like the way you wrote the speaker focus on knowledge gained and and how this newly acquired knowledge may affect my future career. ( in business , manger )

Help with questions hello , this work has 2 parts each one should delivers in separate documents. Read More »

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