Social Dynamics & Communication Skills

GCU ELM 350 Technology in Social Studies

GCU ELM 350 Technology in Social Studies

Clinical Field Experience A: Technology in Social Studies

Using technology-based resources within the social studies classroom supports real-world applications and helps to inspire teachers in their lesson planning and instructional practices. Continually exploring technology resources which can be utilized within the classroom demonstrates a teaching best practice.

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Observe a minimum of one social studies lesson taught by a certified K-8 teacher. During the observation, take particular note of how technology was used and its effectiveness. If technology was not used, where in the lesson was there an opportunity for technology to be used?

Following your observation, collaborate with your mentor teacher to discuss the integration of technology in the social studies classroom. Specifically discuss with your mentor teacher his or her practices related to ensuring the safe, legal, and ethical use of technology in the classroom.

In addition, arrange a time to implement a social studies lesson with a small group of students or the entire class. Discuss with your mentor teacher an appropriate standard to address in that lesson.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

In 250-500 words, reflect on your observation and discussion by addressing the following:

  • During the lesson you observed, what technology resources did the teacher use? Did the technology resource contribute to instruction or engagement? Why or why not?
  • At what DOK level was the technology used or could have been used?
  • What specific additional technology could have been used within the lesson and how would you have used them?
  • How does the teacher ensure the safe, legal, and ethical use of technology and information accessed from the technological resources?
  • Summarize and reflect upon your observations. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

If no technology was used, identify a technology that could be used, answering the above questions.

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GCUELM350QuestioningStrategies in the SocialStudiesClassroom

GCUELM350QuestioningStrategies in the SocialStudiesClassroom

Clinical Field Experience B: QuestioningStrategies in the SocialStudiesClassroom

Building a learning environment in which students use respectful communication skills demonstrates the importance of creating safe, positive spaces inside and outside of the classroom. By modeling these questioning strategies, teachers provide examples of how to communicate in collaborative and social situations.

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Observe a minimum of two social studies lessons taught by a certified K-8 grade teacher. During your observation, take note of questioning strategies utilized by the teacher, and the communication those questions fostered.

After observing the social studies lessons, create four supplemental questions that are reflective of the content taught, identifying the alignment of each question to a DOK level. Share your questions with your mentor teacher seeking his or her feedback.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

Compose a 250-500 word reflection summarizing the lessons you observed and your discussion with your mentor teacher. Include the supplemental questions you created and any revisions you would make based on the feedback you received from your mentor teacher.

Thinking about your future professional practice, explain how you will apply what you observed about using questioning strategies in social studies instruction to increase students’ critical thinking skills and depth of knowledge.

These links may be helpful to you……….…

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Write a 1,200-word essay arguing your side of one of the following topics

Write a 1,200-word essay arguing your side of one of the following topics

Write a 1,200-word essay arguing your side of one of the following topics:

1) Does the United States have a fair tax system?

2) Should members of Congress have term limits?

3) Should prisoners be allowed to vote?

4) Is Social Media a great invention or the end of privacy?

5) Are space explorations worth the time and money invested in them?

Once you have chosen your topic, develop a strong thesis to indicate your belief about the subject. Then, following all the information you have read, write an Argumentation Essay. Remember that you must use at least 2 sources and they must be included in the text of your paper and listed on your Works Cited page. Also, complete all assignments and activities as instructed. Remember that this is a paper based on opinion but using documented information so do not use Personal Pronouns.

Write a 1,200-word essay arguing your side of one of the following topics Read More »

Discussion based on current issues and trend research paper

Discussion based on current issues and trend research paper

Write a summary of your current trend/issue paper that is due next week for your classmates. Explain why you chose your topic, its current relevance, and the research you found regarding it.

Instructions: Please include APA reference and in-text citation with any assignment. It can be a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs.

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help with question

help with question

hello , this work has two part .

1st part

double-spaced, one-page report, will discuss the insights gained

focus on describing the insights I gained during the presentation and how this newly acquired knowledge may affect my future career.

Last class we had a speaker Jayson Meyer is the founder of Synergy Billing told us his story of hard work, dedication, and non – linear success and how become

SELF – made Millionaire at 18 years old


and here is some point he talked about it :

  • Fake it until make it
  • Aim big never ever quit , stay hungry .
  • He learned taking risk , at the beginning there is nothing lose .
  • In the begining he was chasing dollar and then start shift direction by doing his best and realized that his new path has better outcome and quality and its not always about money .
  • He believe that to be successful you have to be smarter .
  • The true failure is not learning from your mistake .And after learning from our mistake we could do better next time ,and the know exactly what improvement can we do .

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