Social Dynamics & Communication Skills

Patagonia: HR in Action. Watch this YouTube Video and then do an Internet search for information to answer the following questions:

Patagonia: HR in Action. Watch this YouTube Video and then do an Internet search for information to answer the following questions:

Watch this YouTube Video and then do an Internet search for information to answer the following questions:Answers within 200 words for every question

1: How does the mission of Patagonia differ from most other companies?

2: Patagonia has often been selected as one of the country’s best places to work. What Patagonia HR practices and employee benefits do you think help Patagonia earn this honor?

3: What characteristics would you use to describe a candidate likely to be hired by Patagonia? How do these characteristics reflect and support Patagonia’s strategy?

Patagonia: HR in Action. Watch this YouTube Video and then do an Internet search for information to answer the following questions: Read More »

sugar sobriety-essay-social work class

sugar sobriety-essay-social work class


Step one: Read “Relapse Prevention and the Five Rules of Recovery” and the other resources for the week. attached

Step two: Review each of your blogs and highlight the concepts which overlap with the principles discussed in “Relapse Prevention and the Five Rules of Recovery”

Step three: Write an analysis paper of your experience integrating the concepts from the course; Specifically answer the following questions:

  1. Identify the stage of recovery you are in at the end of your experience, outlining at least two examples from your blog.
  2. Relate your experiences of “sobriety” these past weeks with the five rules of recovery. Describe why these rules support sobriety. Give at least two examples from your experience for each of the five rules.
  3. Evaluate how this experience helped you understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of people with addictions in the recovery process, from a social work perspective. What would you do differently with a client now, versus before you went through this experience?
  4. Describe the most important aspect you learned about yourself as a person and as a professional in going through this experience.

APA formatting guidelines. . At least 5 resources from your readings should be integrated into your work.

sugar sobriety-essay-social work class Read More »

From a social media perspective, how Apple uses Social Media on Customer Services and Support:

From a social media perspective, how Apple uses Social Media on Customer Services and Support:

From a social media perspective, how Apple uses Social Media on Customer Services and Support:

– describe how the social media is being used

– what technologies are being utilized

– how business processes work


– how effective they are


  • Need to have an overall impression and recommendations for improvement if needed
  • Social media includes but not limit to: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, etc.…

At least 600 words.

APA format.

From a social media perspective, how Apple uses Social Media on Customer Services and Support: Read More »

Case Study: Precious the movie

Case Study: Precious the movie

Instructions: Students will investigate a movie, series, or a case vignette from this list below and write a 5-page paper analyzing the dynamics of a case from the prospective of a child abuse and family violence professional. Students have the option of selecting their own subject (fiction or non-fiction) for the case study however, it must be approved by the professor for it to be accepted. If selecting your own subject, the case must be (1) related to child abuse & family violence and (2) comprehensive enough to draw evidenced-based conclusions. To get approval, email the professor with the title/name and a brief description of the movie, series, book, etc.
Case Study Options:

  1. Case Vignette 1(separate document)
  2. Case Vignette 2 (separate document)
  3. For Colored Girls (movie)
  4. Precious (book or movie)
  5. The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez (Netflix series)
  6. The Color Purple (book or movie)
  7. Mommie Dearest (book or movie)
  8. Antwone Fisher (movie)

Most of the case study options are available on a streaming format (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTube, etc.). Students should not incur any direct costs to complete this assignment.

The movie selected for this assignment is Precious. movie the stars are Mo’Nique and Gabourey Sidibe (book or movie)

To meet the goals of this case study, students will identify and document the:

  • type(s) of abuse and/or neglect (physical, sexual, emotional, IPV, etc.)
  • type(s) of injuries sustained (fractures, burns, failure-to-thrive, etc.)
  • indicators of abuse and/or neglect (behavioral, physical, psychological, etc.)
  • possible cause(s) of the abuse
  • possible long-term effects of abuse (behavioral, psychological, socioeconomic etc.)
  • possible mandated reporter(s)
    • identify all mandated reporters and the appropriate fashion in which this case should be handled

This case study paper MUST be…

  • 5-pages long
  • Movie citations should have time
  • include a cover page, abstract, and reference page, which do not count towards the 5 pages.
  • written in APA format
  • properly cited, including ALL key terms and ideas related to your case investigation.
  • This assignment will be screened for plagiarism. Assignments with similarities of 2% or more will receive a grade of 0

Case Study: Precious the movie Read More »

2-3 pages film respond on Gladiator (dir. Ridley Scott) with Russell Crowe

2-3 pages film respond on Gladiator (dir. Ridley Scott) with Russell Crowe

Watch the film Gladiator (dir. Ridley Scott) with Russell Crowe.


For full credit you need to refer to the article and to specific scenes!

Write 2-3 pages answering the following questions:

§ How do major characters such as Maximus, Commodus, and senator Gaius express the values of late imperial Rome?
§ Based on the movie, how would you describe society at the time the film takes place? How “civilized” is it compared to previous periods and regions? Consider men and women and elite and commoners.
§ What are the advantages and disadvantages of learning about history through (fictional) feature films?
§ What impressed you the most about this movie?

2-3 pages film respond on Gladiator (dir. Ridley Scott) with Russell Crowe Read More »

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