Social Dynamics & Communication Skills

easy short paragraph

easy short paragraph


Please respond to two of the following prompts.

Prompt 1

  • Explain the advantages of using a Microsoft Word template to write an effective set of minutes. Describe any experience you have had using an online template

Prompt 2

  1. “Booting a computer is when you turn it on.”
  2. “In a bankruptcy action, a nonsecured debt is a debt that is not secured.”
  3. “A transistor is a device used in transistorized electronic equipment.”
  4. “Bubonic plague is caused by an organism known as Pasteurella pestis.”
  5. “A cactus is a succulent.”

Prompt 3

Prompt 4

  • Define the four types of signal words used to indicate safety information. Explain why the following would not be an effective safety label: “It is required that safety glasses be worn when inside this laboratory.”


Initial Post

  • Minimum 150 words
  • Include at least one reference from the text or outside source in your analysis

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easy short paragraph

easy short paragraph


Please respond to two of the following prompts.

Prompt 1

  • Locate three blogs on a topic that interests you. Review one recent post on each blog, as well as the About Me information on the blog. Analyze the persona of each blogger and the nature of the blog. Does the blog provide useful information? Do readers respond with comments? Would you take the time to visit the blog again?

Prompt 2

Prompt 3

Prompt 4

  • Explain what some of the guidelines are for participating in discussion boards. What experience have you had using discussion boards?


Initial Post

  • Minimum 150 words
  • Include at least one reference from the text or outside source in your analysis

easy short paragraph Read More »

Technology in the Supply Chain

Technology in the Supply Chain

Paper 1: Technology in the Supply Chain (focus on communication, robotics, automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, visibility, analytics, and cloud-based technologies)

Paper 1: Technology in the Supply Chain (focus on communication, robotics, automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, visibility, analytics, and cloud-based technologies)

Each paper will be 5 pages in length (not including cover page or reference page) There should be at least 10 academic /professional references and related citations. These are not opinion papers or position papers. They are short research papers that cover the pertinent aspects of the subject.

Technology in the Supply Chain Read More »

3page research paper about “The Shooting of an Elephant”

3page research paper about “The Shooting of an Elephant”

Use the annotated bibliography attached about The Shooting of an Elephant and find a social issue in the book, and relating it to how the issue is handled/ viewed today. you need to use the source from the annotated bibliography and write 3 page research paper. Including MLA format. Also, relate to the rubric attached to make sure everything is right.

3 Attachment

3page research paper about “The Shooting of an Elephant” Read More »

Film Essay 1000 words

Film Essay 1000 words

Guidelines for Film Essay

Pick a film from the list below. For the film you choose, write a clear and concise 1000-word essay addressing the following points: Briefly summarize the most important elements of the plot of the film. How does the film view those aspects of politics that we have discussed in class? Relate the film to specific readings that we have done in class. In your analysis, be sure to make use of specific scenes and specific quotes from the film. You should discuss in some detail, at a minimum, three quotes the film in writing your paper. Be sure to include the word count at the end of the essay. The body of your essay should be 1000 words (not counting bibliography). If you write less than 1000 words, your essay may get a 0.

One-inch margins, 12-pt font.

Lions for Lambs (R): Three parallel storylines unfold to share a common bond and a powerful message. One story tells the journey of two soldiers in Afghanistan, another takes place in the office of a professor at a California University, and the third is a dialogue between a reporter and a Congressman. United Artists, 2007.

All the President’s Men (PG): The story of the infamous media driven investigation of the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, which would eventually lead to the resignation of an American President. Warner Brothers, 1976.

Wag the Dog (R): Media spin doctors demonstrate how influential they have become in this satirical look at modern politics. New Line Cinema, 1997.

The Insider (R): A research chemist turns whistle blower to expose a corporate giant. This true story shows the price one man paid for telling the truth. Blue Lion Entertainment, 1999.

The Distinguished Gentleman (R): A con man uses the likeness of his name to get elected to the US Congress. Once in public office, he must decide between his own interests and those of his constituents. Hollywood Pictures, 1992.

Bulworth (R): A Congressman has a nervous breakdown and decides to tell the public the truth about American politics by adopting hip-hop culture and spreading his message through rhyming/rap. Twentieth Century Fox, 1998.

Primary Colors (R): The story of Jack Stanton, a governor running for President and deal with a sex scandal along the way. Universal, 1998.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (NR): Classic Jimmy Stewart movie shows a naive businessman who takes a courageous stand as a Senator. Columbia, 1939.

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