Social Dynamics & Communication Skills

essay about Les Miserables Movie theological themes

essay about Les Miserables Movie theological themes

8 pages doubles spaced

Do not summarize the movie or explain the plot

Discuss 3-5 theological themes present in the film. Present your argument for how those themes are a part of the movie’s narrative and explain what they communicate. The last two pages of the essay should be a summary/articulation of what the movie says about God and the human person, as well as how you would explain the theology communicated by the movie.

I may have a link to the movie and can help choose the Theological themes to discuss

I may be able to extend the time limit too

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read these requirements thenwrite a essat

read these requirements thenwrite a essat

Write an essay on ONE (1) of the following topics. You must refer to the play you are discussing. If you cannot use direct quotations (due to circumstances), then make general references to the scenes. Give me enough information about the scene, so that I know which scene you are talking about.

1. I have said that Henry V by William Shakespeare is a play that opens itself up to experimentation. With reference to the play (and possibly the clips we have seen), discuss what I mean by this and how this statement is true.

2. With relation to the play, define Vaudeville and discuss how it can help us to understand Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett

3. Explain what Hélène Cixous means when she says that woman must write from woman and discuss how this idea helps us to analyze A Piece of My Heart by Shirley Lauro.

4. Define Antonio Gramsci’s theory of Hegemony and explain how it can help us to understand one of the plays we have studied this term.


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watch videos and write an essay

watch videos and write an essay

video link:

Please note that this video has been broken into 9 video section. View all 9 then answer the questions below.

Your observation and answers should be a narrative totaling about 2- 3 typed pages (at least 2 1/3 page). (Be sure to answer all the following questions)

  1. Select 2 characters from the play and discuss their performances in the areas of:
    1. Acting(Character Development & Use of Speaking Voice).
    2. Singing Voice.
    3. Movement or Dance Ability.
  2. Discuss the Set & Costume Design!
    1. Does the set allow the actors to move freely on the Stage?
    2. Do the Costumes assist the audience in understanding the Characters on Stage?
    3. Can the actors move freely on stage? Are the costumes limiting the movement of actors while the dance or sing?
    4. Did you notice any problem with the actors during the Show that related to the Set or Costumes?
  3. How would you evaluate the technical aspects of the show during the performance?
    1. Did all of the light and sound cues work appropriately?
    2. Were there any mishaps during the run of the show? What were they? Who created the problems?
    3. How did the musicians and the sound crew work together? We’re singers having a problem with their mics so that you couldn’t hear them speak or sing? Was the band too loud or too soft. Explain what you observed!

Hi there, nice working with you. Here are some reminders:

1. Please check if you can access the link

2. The link contains 9 videos. please watch them all

3. No sources other than the videos are needed.

4. Please use specific examples to demonstrate.

5. Please be sure to answer all the questions.

6. This is a narrative, you don’t need to write very formal.

7. Please be sure to meet the word requirement

Thank you.

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What is your interpretation of the story

Task 17 (4/20)  200WORDS

Watch the video and listen carefully to the music of David Bowie’s “Space Oddity”

1. What is your interpretation of the story and how it ends? (Please use only your own interpretation. No looking up sources.)

2. Describe 2 specific sounds or musical effects you hear, and how does it reflect the story (please give specific time-stamps for when an example of each sound occurs.

Task 18 (4/20) 200WORDS


I grew up with this song. My mom had the record (which I still have now), and my sisters and I would listen to it over and over again, singing along. Listen to “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen and answer the following questions.
(If you’re familiar with the song, please try to eliminate any previous associations and try listening as if you’re hearing it for the very first time)

1. What is your overall response to this song?

2. How do you interpret the story? What is it about? What is happening?

3. How does the music tell the story alongside the words?

What is your interpretation of the story Read More »

Childhood Socialization

Childhood Socialization

Choose one of the following:

Toys in a toy store

Children’s television programs

Children’s movies

Children’s books

Birth announcements/greeting cards for kids

Or choose something of your own that deals with socialization of children

Collect about 2 hours of data (so, one movie, or 4 episodes of a cartoon, or 4 short books, or spend 2 hours in the bookstore, etc) and analyze it. What messages about race, class, and gender are portrayed? Give specific examples. How does this affect our roles in society as adults?

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