Social Dynamics & Communication Skills

Art Criticism Essay

Art Criticism Essay

Please choose one work of art from our textbook and write a critical review of it. You may write about it in any way that you like as long as you identify the artist, title, and medium which is solely for the purpose of me knowing what artwork you are referring to.


There are certain things I want you to write about in your essay:

Describe how its materials, composition and placement work or do not work. Speak about it in a contextual sense. A way to go about this is to identify what the artist is trying to communicate and why. What is the artist responding to? Is he/she successful in communicating that response?

If you would like an example of good criticism that is written well, you can google articles by these well-known critics:

Peter Schjeldahl

Jerry Saltz

Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa

Dave Hickey

Art Appreciation ARH1000

  • Edition: 12th
  • ISBN: 9781323864630
  • Author: Martin
  • Publisher: Pearson Learning Solutions
You can as well read the following link on how to critique a photo. Do more research though.

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ITS-430 Module 2: Critical Thinking

ITS-430 Module 2: Critical Thinking

(Separately Half page No citation)

How do SPAN, mirror port, and TAP work exactly? Please provide an example for each to illustrate its function.

250-400 words – APA Citation format




in 250-400 words discuss the role Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DCHP) has in managing IP addressing and setting. Format your document according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.) requirements.

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portrayal of families and relationship

portrayal of families and relationship

Module 04 Assignment – Portrayal of Families and Relationships

As societal-norms evolve, a variety of popular entertainment media (books, movies, TV shows, etc.) feature stories of characters who are a part of traditional and non-traditional family or relationship structures. Examples include but are not limited to: traditional families, cohabitation, single-parent households, blended families, same-sex couples, and grandparents as the primary care-givers for their grandchildren.

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:

  1. Describe a book, movie, or TV show that you are familiar with which features characters in families or personal relationships.
  2. Select at least two families/relationships from your chosen story and explain the relationship characteristics and dynamics between individuals.
  3. Apply terminology presented within the module when analyzing the relationships. Be sure to include APA citations for any resources you used as references.

i do not have any additional information. i just want an excellent paper. thank you.

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ART&100 quiz questions

ART&100 quiz questions

Quiz # 1

Pretend you need to teach these major ideas to a friend in written form. Answer the questions below thoroughly with detailed explanations. When prompted, please provide examples form your text and/or lectures.

Format: 4-5 pages, double-spaced, 12pt font, 1″ margins.

Due: Sunday at Midnight

1. What are the 4 traditional roles of the artist, according to the text? Please explain them in detail and provide one example of each.

2. Explain the 2 general ways art is valued. Please explain the term “aesthetic emotion” and what produces it.

3. Please explain semiotic theory in detail. What are the 3 types of signs? How are they linked to their referents?

4. What is “tenebrism”? Provide an example.

5. What is a “canon of proportions”? Provide an example.

6. Please explain the difference between the terms: naturalistic, realistic, idealistic, abstract. And, provide an example of each.

7. List and explain 3 types of line.

8. List at least 6 ways an artist can generate the illusion of 3d space on a 2d surface, and explain those that need explanation.

9. What are the primary and secondary colors? What are complimentary colors, and what are analogous colors? What are warm colors, and what are cool colors?


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Social Media for Career Advancement

Social Media for Career Advancement

Post a total of 3 substantive. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Discuss ways in which social media platforms can be used to advance your career or open new career opportunities.
  • How can they hurt your chances for advancement in the workplace

Reply to at least 2 of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses.

Student 1 LM

Over the years social media has become an essential part of are lives. Whether it pertains to our professional or personal lives. There are many ways social media platforms can be used to advance your career. Creating a efficient profile can be very useful on the path of advancing your career while utilizing social media. A efficient profile will give you the opportunity to display all of your experience and school information. Social media will also allow you to connect with like minded people and share ideas about new ways to connect to recruiters and hiring managers.

Social media can definitely work favorable in the pursuit of obtaining a career. Social media can also be your worst nightmare if used inappropriately. One of the ways that social media can hurt your chances for advancement in the workplace would be from negative posts on different websites such as Facebook, Twitter etc. Social media is one of the tools used by employers to conduct background checks and find other interesting information about a prospective candidate. Before posting any information or photos you must think about the consequences of the remarks you post.

You must also consider how your actions may effect your opportunity for career advancement in the long run.

Student 2 E

Social media is the best way to advance your career because everyone is using it. Everything in the world seems to revolve around social media now days. You can “go live” and gather an audience that way as well as starting up a separate business page. You can make your business page like your portfolio or make a separate page for that as well. Along with helping your career, social media can also ruin your career just as fast. If you don’t watch what you post and then your boss or potential boss goes onto your page and sees the content you posted, it could destroy your chances of ever getting that job. The same goes for situations that you are trying to gather up a clientele. If they see bad content, they are not going to want to come to you for business. I look at social media as a double edged sword. It can really help you, but at the same time it can really hurt you. What baffles me is that kids know how to do everything on social media and even more, before they can even drive.

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