Step two: Review each of your blogs and highlight the concepts which overlap with the principles discussed in “Relapse Prevention and the Five Rules of Recovery”
Step three: Write an analysis paper of your experience integrating the concepts from the course; Specifically answer the following questions:
Identify the stage of recovery you are in at the end of your experience, outlining at least two examples from your blog.
Relate your experiences of “sobriety” these past weeks with the five rules of recovery. Describe why these rules support sobriety. Give at least two examples from your experience for each of the five rules.
Evaluate how this experience helped you understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of people with addictions in the recovery process, from a social work perspective. What would you do differently with a client now, versus before you went through this experience?
Describe the most important aspect you learned about yourself as a person and as a professional in going through this experience.
APA formatting guidelines. . At least 5 resources from your readings should be integrated into your work.
For this short essay you will choose one of the scholarly articles on 2001 listed below and read it. (You are allowed to choose another scholarly article on another topic, but please run it by me first.) You will then write a short essay about the film in dialogue with the main ideas from the article. How does the article help you understand and/or think about the movie, particularly in the context of technology? How may the article’s thesis (and main ideas) be applied to parts of the movie you hadn’t considered prior?
Avoid summarizing the article and the movie. Do not feel the need to cover all or many aspects of either. Jump right in and stay focused. At the end of your essay I want a complete and proper citation page, either in MLA or APA format.
I encourage you to get a head start on this assignment and begin by looking at the articles, so that you may have a strong sense of which one you prefer. It’s also a good idea to give yourself some time to absorb and comprehend the article you choose, because, as you probably know by now, scholarly writing is known for being conceptual, theoretical, and oblique (as is 2001!).
Creating a safe and productive learning environment for students promotes student success and reduces the likelihood of challenging behaviors occurring. Often simple changes in the way a teacher responds to students, or minor adjustments to the class environment, can increase students’ success and improve their social interaction with peers and others. Use the following case scenarios to inform the assignment.
Case Study 1: Sophie
Age: 5
Grade: Kindergarten
Sophie is a kindergartner in Mrs. Fields’ class, Sophie is new to the structured school environment; she never attended day care or preschool. She struggles to engage with her peers and is often seen sitting alone. Sophie specifically struggles to initiate conversation with others and she has not learned how to share with others. She is meeting academic grade level expectations for her age and grade. However, Mrs. Fields is concerned about her limited social skills and interactions with peers. Sophie appears to be interested in playing with the other children, but does not initiate interaction and throws tantrums when she does play and has to share or take turns. These behaviors result in other students becoming frustrated and refusing to engage or play with Sophie.
Mrs. Fields believes Sophie would benefit from the following goals to improve her social skills:
Initiate conversation with peers
Take turns talking and using toys and class materials
Case Study 2: Ari
Age: 9
Grade: 4rd grade, Spring semester
Ari is a fourth grader in Mr. Jackson’s class. Ari enjoys and excels in math and science. During language arts centers, he enjoys the activities that are more hands‐on. He is interested in space and trains. Last semester he created a model of outer space and has a big train collection. Ari, struggles with written assignments. Mr. Jackson and Ari’s parents are worried about his recent school performance. According to recent school data, Ari is falling far below the expectations in reading and writing. Ari has recently been determined eligible for special education in the areas of reading fluency and written expression.
In the general education classroom, Ari gets easily distracted and frustrated during the 90‐minute language arts block. Mr. Jackson has noted that Ari avoids any written assignments and requires prompting to get started immediately. This often results in assignments not being completed or handed in on time. A personal computer is available for Ari in the general education classroom as needed.
Mr. Jackson has selected two goals for Ari to achieve within the next three months:
Begin independent work assignments promptly
Increase the number of completed assignments
Part 1
For both student scenarios, in 250‐500 words each, identify and analyze one evidence‐based encouragement strategy that would be most effective in reaching the stated goals.
Within your responses, be sure to rationalize your choices and discuss implementation of the selected strategies, ensuring a safe, culturally responsive learning environment .
Part 2
In your future professional practice, describe, in 250‐500 words, how you will use evidence‐based encouragement strategies to best communicate with your students with disabilities how to adapt to different environments.
Support each scenario response with 1‐2 scholarly resources specific to current engagement theories and strategies.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Find an online article (news, magazine, journal, etc.) on any subject that interests you that uses statistics to make its conclusion. Share a link in this thread.
Give your opinion on whether or not the argument has persuaded you. Explain why or not.
Determine the primary ways in which statistics or authority are used in your current position in developing persuasive arguments and provide examples here.
Note the attached: Part of my draft and the sample.
Create a written strategic communications plan for the professional communication challenge or opportunity of your choice.
( Topic : NEW JOB OPPORTUNITY INTERVIEW Every new job opportunity represents a chance to improve your professional position. Strategic communication is critical to make the best first impression, navigate the screening and recruiting process, and secure the job through an interview (or series of them). If you choose this scenario, you’ll need to create both a written and a verbal (audio or video) communication. These elements should explain why you are the right person for the job while addressing the types of questions interviewers might ask. 4 Things to Consider • Do you follow the latest job listings relative to your area of expertise and industry? • Do you have an interview opportunity or position in mind for which you would like to apply? • Do your research, write a cover letter, and prepare for an interview that highlights your skill set. How can you bring value to the company? How would you prepare for the initial and follow-up interviews?)
Your plan should include the following components and may be written in a professional report format. See the formatting requirements for additional information. 1. Description a) What is your challenge or opportunity? b) Why is this professionally important to you? 2. Goal a) What goal or outcome do you want to achieve with this communication? i. Is it clear, concise, and actionable? 3. Audience a) Who is your target audience? i. What are the professional positions of the audience members? ii. What demographic characteristics will the audience comprise? iii. What is your relationship to the audience? iv. What background knowledge and expertise does the audience have? v. What does the audience know, feel about, and expect concerning this communication? vi. What preconceptions or biases do you possess that might prevent you from building rapport with your audience? b) What information is available about your audience? i. What research/sources will you use to obtain information about the audience? ii. What conclusions have you been able to draw about the audience? c) What tone will you use to convey your message? i. Is the setting casual or formal? ii. Is the communication personal or impersonal? 4. Key Message a) What is the primary message you must convey to your audience? i. Is the message compelling and memorable? ii. Is the message clear and concise? iii. Is the message aligned with your audience’s goals and needs? 5. Supporting Points a) What three to four points, reasons, or justifications support your message? i. What research/sources will you use to obtain facts/data about your message? 6. Channel Selection a) What communication style will you employ (Tell/Sell or Consult/Join), and why? b) What channel(s) will you use to deliver your message, and why will they be the most effective? c) What purpose is served by each channel you have selected? 7. Action Request a) Is your call to action you are making to your audience clear, concise, and easily actionable? Note: You may create and establish all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. The scenario is yours to explain.
Please add as much detail , and quality . this is just a plan to follow with much more detail , quality , and information .
The length should not be less then 7-8 pages please. Follow all the guidelines please and requirements , and not less then 7-8 pages . My challenge topic is New interview opportunity. And I am interviewing for an HR position for bank . The rough draft lists that, that I have attached please let me know if you have any questions . thank you so much !