Social Dynamics & Communication Skills

GCU ELM 480 Listening and Speaking Lesson Plan

GCU ELM 480 Listening and Speaking Lesson Plan

Listening and Speaking Lesson Plan

When focusing on listening and speaking skills, it is essential to make a connection to interpersonal communication skills that will be used throughout the students’ educational and professional future. Through hearing how others use language, and using it themselves, students work together, describe their surroundings, and make sense of their own and each other’s experiences. Integrating listening and speaking skills with reading and writing instruction reemphasizes the importance of language and literacy in everyday life.

For this assignment, use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to create a lesson plan for the students in the “Class Profile” that focuses on listening and speaking, and is based on the literature you previously selected.

Include the following in your lesson:

  • Objectives aligned to state or national grade appropriate listening and speaking standards
  • Content-specific vocabulary development
  • Engaging instructional strategies and activities in listening and speaking
  • Assessment aligned to learning objectives that is engaging for students and provides meaningful feedback
  • Differentiation to meet learning differences or needs

In a 250-500 word reflection, rationalize your instructional choices, citing how the listening and speaking activities chosen build upon the previously taught English language arts skills. Justify why the listening and speaking strategies implemented are essential.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric.

bservation #3 – Jenna’s Fifth Grade Class Culture

GCU ELM 480 Listening and Speaking Lesson Plan Read More »

easy short paragraph

easy short paragraph


Please respond to two of the following prompts.

Prompt 1

  • Define the following four areas of law that are relevant to ethical issues in technical communication: copyright, trademark, contract, and liability

Prompt 2

Prompt 3

Prompt 4

  • Go to and select a topic from “most popular talks.” After listening, comment on the following:
    • How does the speaker capture and hold the audience’s attention? How much text do the slides contain? How does the speaker structure the presentation? Is there a “theme” that runs throughout the presentation? What are some techniques that the speaker uses to make the presentation effective? Is there anything the speaker does that is ineffective? What is your overall impression of the presentation and of the speaker?


Initial Post

  • Minimum 150 words
  • Include at least one reference from the text or outside source in your analysis

easy short paragraph Read More »

write a short paragraph

write a short paragraph

Discussion 2


In your own words explain Reason’s swiss cheese model. Give an example of this model’s implementation in any industry.



What are some of the factors that affect vigilance. Which one do you think is the most detrimental and why? What would you do to remedy this problem?

Your main post must be at least 200 words.


write a short paragraph

Discussion 1

Prompt 1:


If you were to conduct a research study, you would have to choose between an Experimental Method or a Correlational Method. Explain the difference between the two. Which one would you choose to utilize, and why?

A youtube video on the topic has been attached for your reference. (Links to an external site.)


Prompt 2:

Explain two reasons why human beings can only perceive the narrow range on the spectrum of visible light? What is one reason why we cannot perceive the X-rays?


Your main post must be at least 200 words.


write a short paragraph

discussion 3:



Explain the concept of Cry Wolf Syndrome in terms of sensors and alerts on vehicles as a method to improve driving safety. Give an example.



Provide a detailed report on the current statistics of automotive accident rates, injuries, and fatalities in the US and worldwide. Additionally focus on statistics involving distraction related to cell phone use and whether we are solving the problem or the problem is getting worse.

Your main post must be at least 200 words.

4 Attachments

Preview YouTube video Psych Video #1.mp4

write a short paragraph Read More »

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