Social Dynamics & Communication Skills

Digital and SocialMedia Marketing

Digital and SocialMedia Marketing

Select one of the following brands to research:

Access each of the social media pages for the brand you have selected (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). Provide an assessment of the effectiveness of the social media sites: number of fans, followers, and posts on each site and provide any recommendations.

Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you will evaluate:

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Corporate Social Responsibility at Gravity Payments” case study response

Corporate Social Responsibility at Gravity Payments” case study response

“Corporate Social Responsibility at Gravity Payments” at the end of Chapter 3 and response to the following:

Case study is last two page of attachment chapter 3

I am attaching case study pdf copy and book link in second pdf . and follow the instruction. The Case Study should fully answer and address the questions asked, and should model a well-structured essay. The best responses will include section headings, use strong topic sentences, and succinctly but thoroughly explain and provide examples for the response. There is no minimum word count but I would assume at least 1,500 words will be necessary. There is no maximum word count, however, you should be succinct in your ability to explain yourself. I would expect that you will use sources to fully respond to the Case Study, drawing upon the textbook and beyond. You should properly cite these sources. There is no minimum number of citations required but I would assume at least 3 sources may be necessary, depending on the Case Study. Please use your best scholarly and professional judgment.

  1. Is Price demonstrating elements of corporate social responsibility by his actions in this case, or not?
  2. How is Price exhibiting the fourth Phase of Corporate Citizenship (Figure 3.2, 1990s to present: Corporate/Global Citizenship) in his actions at Gravity Payments?
  3. What arguments in support of, or concerns about, corporate social responsibility (referring to Figure 3.3) are relevant to this case?
  4. Is Price acting like an executive of a firm that could be certified as a B corporation?
  5. What stage of global corporate citizenship (using Figure 3.5) is Gravity Payments operating at, and why do you think so?

Corporate Social Responsibility at Gravity Payments” case study response Read More »

Communication essay

Communication essay

For many, conflict is considered a negative experience and an indication that something has gone wrong. When viewed from that perspective it frequently creates interactions that leave us feeling frustrated and unsatisfied. This assignment will identify some of the ways we get stuck in the trap of justification and also provide hope for a new way of approaching conflict. This different approach unlocks the possibilities of conflict and empowers us to create the change we want in the world around us, in our relationships, places of work, communities, and most of all within ourselves.

“Conflict holds up a mirror to our deepest needs and most cherished hope and it is the doorway of opportunity for creating the change we want in our life. It is common to feel trapped and stuck when we experience conflict, but there is a way out!”-Clair Canfield

Watch this Video: Take notes about the content.

The beauty of conflict | Clair Canfield | TEDxUSU (Links to an external site.)

Minimize Video

Once you have taken notes about the presentation, you will write an essay response. Upon completion, your essay should

  • have a clear (and brief) introduction, a body and a clear (and brief) conclusion format.
  • be 1000-1200 words in length.
  • incorporate three references from three different chapters in the course textbook. Other textbooks, articles, websites and such will not be accepted.
  • include a clear in-text citation (text chapter, page number) of materials from our textbook.
  • not include a reference page.
  • be free of spelling and grammar errors.
  • represent college-level writing

Body of Essay Instructions

In the body of your post, you must include responses to the following:

  1. What are some of the metaphors used by the speaker to describe conflict?
    • Which one did you connect with best?
    • Why do metaphors matter?
  2. Conflict has the power to transform, if we look at conflict _________________.
    • Do you agree or disagree with this claim? Why?
  3. What are the “three keys” to looking at conflict differently?
    • Explain what each of these keys mean in detail according to the speaker.
  4. The speaker created the acronym VOCAB to help you think about how you can be responsible in your conflict and how you can create the change that you want.
    • What does each letter stand for? Explain each word in the acronym according to the speaker.
  5. Based on the entire presentation, what advice will you try the next time you get into a conflict situation with a significant other?

look at chapter 11 and 12

Communication essay Read More »

Examine the strengths and weaknesses of teams in various situations.

Examine the strengths and weaknesses of teams in various situations.

Write a persuasive essay that examines the situations in which a team would be the best choice for solving a problem in an organization. In what situations would an individual be the best choice? How does the use of technology affect your answer? What does it mean to be a participant-observer of a team?


● Identify the factors that you would consider in addressing this issue.

● Describe situations or problems that would be best addressed by a team. ○ Examine the strengths and weaknesses of problem solving by a team.

● Describe situations or problems that would be best addressed by an individual. ○ Examine the strengths and weaknesses of problem solving by an individual.

● Discuss the role of technology in considering your choice of an approach.

● Discuss the role of a participant-observer.

● Make sure your persuasive essay expresses a clear purpose and point of view. ○ Introduce your topic. ○ Respond to the questions in this assignment providing support or evidence for your point of view or argument you are trying to make. ○ Tell your readers what action they should take, or provide a summary of what the reader should take away from reading/learning about the topic.

● Write your paper in a clear and articulate manner using Standard English.

● Ensure it is well-organized, logical, and unified, and that your work is original and insightful.

● Use the 6th edition APA formatting and citation style for your paper.

Examine the strengths and weaknesses of teams in various situations. Read More »

current social issues paper for ethnic studies

current social issues paper for ethnic studies

Choose a current or recent social issue that is related to ethnic studies. Include/choose theories such as racial formation theory, whiteness, indigenous decolonization, structural functionalism, and intersectionality. Use social theories to frame the issue, and identify 3 or more perspectives from differing points of privilege to oppression, from conquest to resistance.

Here are the specific instructions:

3 components:

– creative piece (1 page double spaced) : creatively present the specific topic you chose to a general audience. Possible formats could include newspaper article or commercial/advertisement. Illustrate complexity of issue and clearly communicate an ethnic studies perspective. Illustrative piece or picture may be included on this page (1 page max).

-research based analysis ( about 5-6 pages double spaced): Detail the complexities of the topic you chose; cite a minimum of three strong outside sources (books, journals, scholarly websites, articles, online publications). Use sources to help you articulate compare and contrast different viewpoints on topic. Properly cite all sources. For each viewpoint include:

-Background information on the viewpoint’s proponents

-Clear articulation of interests, ideologies, and agenda(s)

-Intersectional positioning

-Data from narratives and secondary sources

(include a works cited page)

-self reflection (may be separate section or may be included in research based analysis- about 1/2 page double spaced) Why does this issue matter to you? How has working on this project impacted how you view your own relationship to power, privilege, and oppression?

another note: make sure to talk about social construction and intersectionality:

Social Construction – What social theory(is) are you using to analyze the issue? What is the historical context of the issue? How did the topic/issue come about? How are different groups situated in relationship to power? How are the issue and perspectives constructed within a social context?

Intersectionality – As a more specific aspect of social construction, detail specifically how multiple intersecting axes of individual/group identity are at play in the viewpoints and the issue overall.

let me know if you need anything

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