DQ9 Crisis Intervention APA Format
DQ9 Crisis Intervention APA Format
Chapter 12: Personal Loss: Bereavement and Grief
- Discuss what is complicated grieving. Mention at least 3 clues for identifying complicated grief reaction.
Chapter 12: Personal Loss: Bereavement and Grief
How do you judge your ability to accomplish a goal? The concept of self-efficacy refers to beliefs you possess regarding your own capabilities to complete a task successfully. For example, some artists might rate themselves as having a high self-efficacy for painting, but having a low self-efficacy for writing. In most instances, before initiating actions and engaging in behaviors leading to goal attainment, individuals assess the amount of time and effort they are willing to spend in its pursuit. Because human beings tend to choose the road of least resistance, especially when they anticipate difficulties along the way, self-efficacy theory helps them assess their capabilities to reach personal and professional goals successfully.
By practicing principles posited by self-regulation theory, human beings are able to monitor and adjust their behaviors in order to reach personal and professional goals. The ability to choose behaviors likely to lead to goal attainment and reject behaviors likely to lead to goal failure provides individuals with effective self-management skills.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 4 a brief explanation of how self-efficacy theory (personal goal setting) contributes to self-regulation theory. Then select one theory (self-efficacy or self-regulation) and explain how that theory might be applied to complete your graduate degree. Be specific and provide examples.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
Stadjkovic, A. D., & Luthans, F. (1998). Social cognitive theory and self-efficacy: Going beyond traditional motivational and behavioral approaches. Organizational Dynamics, 26(4), 62-74.
Kuhl, J., Kazén, M., & Koole, S. L. (2006). Putting self-regulation theory into practice: A user’s manual. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 55(3), 408–418.
The student’s work should be a well-evidenced and documented research paper of around 1200 words and is allocated 100 points.
The Research Paper should include a list of references (print and electronic) at the end of your paper in addition to in- text citation as per the requirements of the Harvard Citation & Referencing Style. Proper referencing is a serious academic requirement and skill and will be rewarded accordingly.
Broad Research Topics to Choose ONE from:
2) Digital Learning
4) Social Media and Violence
5) Role of woman in Literature
Requirements and Guidelines:
Note on the PT3 Form:
The tutor’s comments that appear here on the PT3 form and on the script of the student’s TMA
should be taken seriously by the student as mentioned in the Course Guide.
(18-20) | Excellent answers showing confident and wide-ranging knowledge of core material, good understanding of any relevant theory, and a capacity to address the question in a structural, direct and effective way, thoughtfully and with insight. Originality of thought or ideas from outside the course are an added asset. Examples are to the point. | – Has an introduction defining plan of essay. – Body divided into several paragraphs – Conclusion which directly relates arguments to topic. – Evidence that essay has been edited. – Error-free grammar & register. – Wide range of specialized terminology. – Consistent in-text citation and form of referencing |
B to B+ | Very good answers showing secure knowledge of course materials. Adopting an analytical approach and | – First four criteria above maintained – Demonstrates extensive grammar control. |
Because Social media is such a fluid and changing medium, a big part of our understanding and learning is gaining perspective from people that may not use social media the way we do. For this assignment we will be learning from each other by sharing an area of interest that you can “teach” and inform your peers about.
Bad Example: This is WeChat and this is how I use it.
Great Example: WeChat is poised for international expansion due to its success in Asia.
Bad Example: Here are my favorite social influencers The Kardashians and here are some of my favorite posts.
Great Example: The Kardashians have used social media to build their empire in a way supported most by Instagram. Here are the brand components they have used to build their brand and this is how social media has supported it.
Social media current event Powerpoint and speech draft Read More »
Because Social media is such a fluid and changing medium, a big part of our understanding and learning is gaining perspective from people that may not use social media the way we do. For this assignment we will be learning from each other by sharing an area of interest that you can “teach” and inform your peers about.
Bad Example: This is WeChat and this is how I use it.
Great Example: WeChat is poised for international expansion due to its success in Asia.
Bad Example: Here are my favorite social influencers The Kardashians and here are some of my favorite posts.
Great Example: The Kardashians have used social media to build their empire in a way supported most by Instagram. Here are the brand components they have used to build their brand and this is how social media has supported it.
Social media current event Powerpoint and speech draft Read More »