
Gender and Leadership

Gender and Leadership

Literature on leadership today describes sets of skills or traits that leaders should have, and actions that should be taken to be effective. Explain what skills and traits are useful for successful leaders. Present your position as to whether the skills or traits used in the workplace should be, or are, different for men or women.

Imagine that you work for a company that is planning to expand to Sweden or Brazil. How might your expectations of gender and leadership change based on the new culture in Sweden and in Brazil? How might your expectations remain the same?


-one to two pages required.

-two to three references along with citation required.

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AHS 8300 week 9 first thesis draft.

AHS 8300 week 9 first thesis draft.

Please submit your first thesis draft for review and critique by the course instructor. This draft is worth 10% of your grade. It is your initial draft of progress to date. Is the literature review sufficient? Will the thesis hold up to critique?

In Week 9, everyone will submit what you have completed to date with regards to the development of your thesis. For example, if you’ve only completed your introduction and part of your first chapter, that is what I would like to see. I want to provide you with input as we go through this process. I don’t expect that anyone will have completed their entire thesis at Week 9.

The first draft submission (of your entire thesis) is not due until Weeks 10 & 11.

I hope this helps to clarify where we are with the development of your thesis and expectations for deliverables.

Professor feedbacks and recommendation from week 8 outline. Please review attachment and make necessary changes.

Thank you for your Week 8 Draft Thesis Outline. I reviewed your thesis and added my notes and recommendations. (see attached file below) Please accept the recommended changes in your paper. One change that I made throughout your paper is to refer to “children conceived from rape” rather than “rape children.” It provides for a clearer description. Please review the page formatting requirements. The first pages of the thesis are small roman numerals. The first “page 1” starts with Chapter I and is located at the bottom of the page and centered. Guidance regarding pagination has already been provided. I also corrected your Chapter headings and formatting. Chapter titles are to be 12 font, no larger. The information you provided under Chapter II, Literature Review is good. You have a good start for your Chapter III, IV, and V. Please continue to develop these chapters as you continue your research. Please remember that this is a “Scholarly” paper and critical attention is given to your references. I noted formatting errors and missing doi information for several of your references. I ran your first three references through citefast.com and found some errors. I recommend that you run all of your references through citefast.com, check for accuracy, and then export those references to a word document that can easily be inserted into your paper. I had demonstrated this to everyone earlier. I will continue to check references on all draft submissions.

AHS 8300 week 9 first thesis draft. Read More »

Critical Reflection on Ableism

Critical Reflection on Ableism

Journal 4: Critical Reflection

Assignment 1: Personal/Professional Learning Journal

During the semester, students will be exposed to various ideas and experiences of others that may be challenging to their worldview and personal beliefs or values. As developing critical self-awareness is a major objective of the course, this assignment is designed to help students consider reactions/responses they have to assigned readings and classroom experiences. Each student will complete 4 journals to be turned in as indicated on the course outline and the schedule listed below:

Journal entries are expected to demonstrate self-analysis based on thoughtful reflection and critical self-assessment. Simply stated, the point of this assignment is to turn “the eye inward” and conduct an honest self-assessment. The journal entries will be graded on students’ ability to thoughtfully reflect about their reactions/responses and walk themselves through this process. Students’ journals will be kept private, meaning that they will only be read by the instructor. However, at the instructor’s discretion, they may be shared with the program director if there is a concern for issues related to students’ academics, adherence to the code of ethics, and/or professional behaviors.

Journals should be approximately 2-4 pages, typed, double-spaced, with citations as appropriate. They will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Evidence of advanced level of reflection, providing thoughtful, critical, and honest self-reflection and analysis; focal areas, those more important to the assignment purpose, have been identified with “FOCUS” after the prompt.

Integration of assigned readings and class activities in reflection

Ability to produce a well-organized journal, within the standards set in the APA 7th edition style manual, with no grammatical errors

Please note – The journal assignments are designed to encourage self-analysis and critical reflection. This does not mean, though, that journals must include “negative” assessments or biases. Students are not required to hold or support specific points of view; however, students are expected to maintain professional standards as set forth in the NASW Code of Ethics. Questions or concerns should be addressed with the instructor.


Each journal focused on critical reflection must include your reactions/responses/reflections on a selected topic from the course contents (e.g., meaning of difference, cultural humility, race, etc.). In addition, you should integrate course readings and class activities (e.g., lecture, class discussion, videos, etc.) in your reactions/responses/reflections.

Please follow the prompts below:

Briefly, in one or two paragraphs, describe the initial incident.

For example: is your reflection based on an experience in class? From your past? An interaction you witnessed or participated in? If the connection is unclear, please explain how this initial incident links to the course contents.

What was your immediate reaction to the selected topic/assigned readings/class activities? Has your reaction changed? If so, how?

What do you think influenced your immediate reaction? How might your reaction been different from others connected to the initial incident?

For example: can you connect your reaction to previous personal or professional experiences? Family or cultural heritage? Societal messages? Prejudices, biases or lack of knowledge/exposure?

Is there anything you have newly learned in relation to the selected topic? If so, how would or did this affect your perspectives/beliefs/value, etc. toward the selected topic? (FOCUS)

What strengths/limitations would you identify for yourself, based on your reflections and how might these strengths/limitations affect your social work practice? How would you strengthen or improve the identified strengths/limitations as it relates to your profession as a social worker? (FOCUS)

Because the focus of the critical reflection journals may encompass a wide array of experiences students are encouraged to expand or modify the prompts above to accommodate their learning. Should any journal entry deviate markedly from the format above, please consider seeking the input of the course instructor.

These power point should assist you as well.

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Write to a relative explaining Application development , types of variables and variable scope and lifetime, handling inputs and other concepts you learned in c#

2 page doubled space

One way of evaluating one’s knowledge is to be able to explain that to someone. Let’s assume you have a favorite relative who is not very computer savvy or well versed with programming and who is very interested in what you are doing in this course. In this reflection, you need to write a letter to your relative explaining 3 key concepts that you have learned in this course. You will need to write it in plain English. Do NOT copy from your book or include code samples in your letter.

Your letter should be about one to two pages long. If need be, you can include pictures to illustrate your points.

Some of the key concepts we have covered are:

  • Application Development
  • Types of variables and variable scope and lifetime
  • Importance of sequencing in a program
  • Handling inputs (data types and valid data)
  • Use of selection statements to make choices

Well exactly how I put it above is like you are writing a letter to a relative explaning what you learned so far in the class and so forth in your own words two pages long, this is C# first level programing if you have any questions please let me know thank you .


like about logically thinking while creating a new program and go step by step and so on then talk about how you need to know about the ype of data that will be entered to declare your variables and how the variables store the data then you can talk about the “if statement” and loops and such. thanks

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