
comparing and contrasting 2 schools ofcounseling and psychotherapy. Inbox

Research Paper:

This assignment MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, 7th edition, and must be written at graduate level English. You are required to use current, evidence-based research to complete this assignment.

Select a minimum of eight current (5 years or less) research articles taken from scholarly journals (online or hard copy) on your selected topic. You are encouraged to utilize Library to access current, evidence-based resources. 
Paper should be 8-10 pages plus a title and reference page
For the research paper you will be comparing and contrasting 2 schools of counseling and psychotherapy.

For example:
Psychoanalytic and Humanistic/Existential
Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Behavioral
Psychoanalytic and Family Systems Approach
Cognitive Behavioral and Humanistic/Existential
Cognitive Behavioral and Family Systems

If you are not sure if you are choosing 2 different schools of counseling, please write your mentor prior to doing the research paper.

Your research paper must include:
Title Page
Introduction (½ page maximum)
A brief summary of the content of your paper

Body of the paper (8 pages)

  1. Compare and contrast both theories.
  2. Discuss evidence-based research on applicability of each theory and treatment.
  3. Present research on the pros and cons of each theory to specific populations.
  4. What does current research reveal to be the level of applicability of your chosen theories to various cultures? Which cultures are best served by these chosen theories according to current research?
  5. Create an original case that exemplifies, through culture as well as psychopathology, the findings of your research (this should be 1 – 1½ pages of the 8 pages in this section).

Conclusion (½ page maximum)
A brief summary that synthesizes your Introduction and Body of your paper

Reference Page
Remember to format your work in APA style, 7th edition

comparing and contrasting 2 schools ofcounseling and psychotherapy. Inbox Read More »

discussion board unit 6 survey world lit

discussion board unit 6 survey world lit

1. T. S. Eliot’s proem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” is consider anarchetypal work of modernist literature. How does this poem show the influence of the free verse of Whitman we read for the previous unit? In what ways do its stylistic inventions go beyond that of Whitman?

2. Discuss Yeats’ poem, “Sailing to Byzantium.” Where is Byzantium and what kind of voyage does he take? What solace does the aging poet find in “monuments of unageing intellect”?

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post for each question

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make an argumentative paper, see the information inside

make an argumentative paper, see the information inside

Format: 8.5″x11″ pages, 1″ margins, Times New Roman font, double spaced lines, indented the first line of each paragraph. Substantial errors in spelling or grammar will result in a reduction of grade. Student name and page number may be placed in a header within the margins, but this is not required. Professor name, course name, date, etc. need not be included.

Content: In approximately 2000 words, craft a policy argument. It should be well-researched as evidenced by appropriate citations (in an academically appropriate format of your choosing; ideally Blue Book but since most of you will not know this format and I will not be teaching it to you, any style will do). This may be successfully accomplished in a variety of ways, but the paradigmatic approach would be to:

  • Spend about one third of the paper discussing the status quo on an issue pertaining to bioethics.
  • Spend about one third of the paper criticizing the status quo.
  • Spend the final third of the paper offering your own solution.

The easiest “status quo” is probably the law–so for example you might argue that something now legal should be illegal, or that something now illegal should be legal. But you can also make an argument about hospital policies, or research practices, or anything else pertinent to bioethics. Anywhere social and institutional rule-making intersects with medical research or practice, you can make a policy argument.

Your response will also be checked against an anti-plagiarism database, so be sure to attribute any sources you quote (I prefer this be done in footnotes, but if you prefer to add a bibliography, include that separately from your 2000 word wordcount.)

Your paper will be graded across five areas:

  • Do you make a clear policy argument? (0-20 points)
  • Does your argument rely on moral claims that are clearly referenced and correctly connected with relevant existing philosophical literature? (0-20 points)
  • Does your argument rely on credible empirical sources, while also accounting for (NOT OMITTING) possible counterevidence? (0-20 points)
  • Does your argument successfully integrate your moral and empirical claims in a cohesive way, demonstrating insight and a breadth of topically-relevant understanding? (0-20 points)
  • Is your paper grammatically correct, proofread, formatted as instructed, and otherwise linguistically coherent? (0-20 points)

make an argumentative paper, see the information inside Read More »

Teaching examples critique assignment instructions

Teaching examples critique assignment instructions

Reading and Studying

Svinicki & McKeachie: chapter 20

Brookfield: chapter 4 (pp 102-117)

Videos for the Teaching Critique assignment – Alex, Vicki, Juliann and Michael

Tips from the Business Work

Assignment – Teaching Examples Critique

Please thoroughly read the assignment instructions found in the course content area, assignment instructions.

You will select two presenters for the module 5 list of teaching critiques videos. You will develop detailed critiques of seven areas of teaching and learning.

1.Teaching strategies.
2. Graduate level elements.
3. Adult learning theory.
4. Learning outcomes.
5. Teaching strategies and LO relevancy.
6. Strengths, Weaknesses and Improvements.
7. Application to your teaching demonstration. 

.doc file | APA | Research Paper | 1 pages, Double spaced

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