
Comparative and Argumentative Essay

Comparative and Argumentative Essay
Choose Topic: English
Select number of pages: 4
Question Description: “There is a common saying that a job is who you are. Jobs have emerged as a theme in a number of stories we have read in this class. Choose two of the stories from the list below, and write an essay that advances an argument about how the protagonists find self-identity and value in their jobs, or struggle with the limitations and constraints of their jobs”. Make sure your essay gives equal attention to both stories and Your essays should take the form of analysis rather than description.Your essay should present a sustained argument that is well written, well structured, and evidence driven, drawing specific examples from the stories and critical thinking. MLA style and no plagiarism.

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ECT vs. TMS therapy- Discuss the topic….. either confirm or disprove via the literature.

ECT vs. TMS therapy- Discuss the topic….. either confirm or disprove via the literature.



Posts to demonstrate quality and critical thinking as noted per the syllabus must be no less than 300 words (not including references). Failure to meet the criteria will result in 0 points being awarded.

Per APA and graduate studies standards, all references must be 5 years or newer and posts are required to have in-text citations and refernces (1 point will be deducted from each post that do not meet the standards). At least 3 references peer review articles within 5 years of publication in the United States of America.


1.What is Visual Spatial Memory?


  1. Why and how is it important in the case examples?



Posts to demonstrate quality and critical thinking as noted per the syllabus must be no less than 300 words (not including references). Failure to meet the criteria will result in 0 points being awarded.

Per APA and graduate studies standards, all references must be 5 years or newer and posts are required to have in-text citations and refernces (1 point will be deducted from each post that do not meet the standards). At least 3 references peer review articles within 5 years of publication in the United States of America.

ECT vs. TMS therapy- Discuss the topic….. either confirm or disprove via the literature. Read More »

What is Visual Spatial Memory


-ECT vs. TMS therapy- Discuss the topic….. either confirm or disprove via the literature.



Posts to demonstrate quality and critical thinking as noted per the syllabus must be no less than 300 words (not including references). Failure to meet the criteria will result in 0 points being awarded.

Per APA and graduate studies standards, all references must be 5 years or newer and posts are required to have in-text citations and refernces (1 point will be deducted from each post that do not meet the standards). At least 3 references peer review articles within 5 years of publication in the United States of America.


1.What is Visual Spatial Memory?


  1. Why and how is it important in the case examples?



Posts to demonstrate quality and critical thinking as noted per the syllabus must be no less than 300 words (not including references). Failure to meet the criteria will result in 0 points being awarded.

Per APA and graduate studies standards, all references must be 5 years or newer and posts are required to have in-text citations and refernces (1 point will be deducted from each post that do not meet the standards). At least 3 references peer review articles within 5 years of publication in the United States of America.

What is Visual Spatial Memory Read More »

Organizational Change Intervention Proposal

Organizational Change Intervention Proposal


To begin, go to the Week 6 Final Assignment and read it all the way through. The Organizational Change Intervention Proposal is the culmination of what you will learn in this course. You will be working toward finalizing this assignment every week. This week you will select a company that needs change intervention and draft a 1 page overview of the company, and include the resources used to compile the overview. Search for a company that you have read about either in the newspaper or online that you feel should undergo an organizational transformation (Examples: Apple, Bank of America, Wal-Mart, Comcast, Chevy, Wachovia Bank, Aetna, etc.). You will research the organization and propose a change intervention later in this course. This process will help you to understand how the organizational change process works. The University of the Rockies library is a good place to start researching. Keep track of your resources as you collect them. You will be required to assemble an annotated bibliography as part of the final assignment submission. Review the assignment rubric for grading criteria of the deliverables for this week.

This week you will submit the following:

Point Value: 10 Points
Weekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2
Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Week 6 – Assignment

Organizational Change Intervention Proposal

The Organizational Change Intervention Proposal is your final project. It is a research study in which you plan a change intervention for an organization of your choice. Consider yourself a strategic business partner in constructing and implementing an organizational intervention. Research a company that you have read about either in the newspaper or online that you feel should undergo an organizational transformation (Examples: Apple, Bank of America, Wal-Mart, Comcast, Chevy, Wachovia Bank, Aetna, etc.) Through research, you will gather information and insights that will help you develop a strategic change intervention for the company. The change intervention may attempt to affect change and improve areas such as human resources, marketing, finance, the organizational structure, or its decision-making processes of the company. This project will help you to understand how the organizational change process works and will give you some relevant experience analyzing and planning change for an organization. You are expected to submit a complete bibliography of scholarly resources to support your findings in the proposal. Do not rely solely on your textbooks for content, although they are a good starting point. Leverage the Ashford University Library and Writing Center resources for instructions and guidance when conducting research and organizing the proposal.


Some scholarly sources from the school library for you!!!

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