International Trade Question
International Trade Question
Essay Case Study 5 pages about international monetary fund, world trade, and bank
THEME : The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Convention is an unusual international agreement in that it seeks to coordinate disparate legal and ethical systems in order to arrive at a minimum standard with respect to an important form of white collar crime. It obliges signatory countries, which now include all 30 OECD member countries plus a growing number of non-members, to make the bribery, corruption, extortion, and/or insiders trading of a foreign public official a crime under their laws. Why is this such a difficult policy to implement?
References will be provided
Requirements: 3
Case Study 5 pages. On all three agencies.
- The International Monetary Fund (IMF) whose international economic organization whose purpose is to promote international monetary cooperation to facilitate the expansion of international trade,
- The World Trade Organization – deals with the rules countries use when trading between each other and
- The World Bank.
In addition to the textbook, you may go to;, and, also the CIA Factbook
- Chapter 6: International Trade Theory
- Chapter 7: Government Policy and International Trade
- Chapter 11: The International Monetary System
Here are references and videos to assist you in understanding the content matter for your research.