
International Trade Question

International Trade Question


Essay Case Study 5 pages about international monetary fund, world trade, and bank

THEME : The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Convention is an unusual international agreement in that it seeks to coordinate disparate legal and ethical systems in order to arrive at a minimum standard with respect to an important form of white collar crime. It obliges signatory countries, which now include all 30 OECD member countries plus a growing number of non-members, to make the bribery, corruption, extortion, and/or insiders trading of a foreign public official a crime under their laws. Why is this such a difficult policy to implement?

References will be provided

Requirements: 3

Case Study 5 pages. On all three agencies.

  1. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) whose international economic organization whose purpose is to promote international monetary cooperation to facilitate the expansion of international trade,
  2. The World Trade Organization – deals with the rules countries use when trading between each other and
  3. The World Bank.

In addition to the textbook, you may go to www.imf.org; worldbank.org, and www.wto.org, also the CIA Factbook


Here are references and videos to assist you in understanding the content matter for your research.

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Read the attached chapter and answer the questions below.

Read the attached chapter and answer the questions below.

1. Without an assessment guide, why are parties to a conflict notoriously inaccurate at describing their own and others’ behaviors in a conflict?

2. What is the value of using a systematic scheme for the analysis of a conflict event?

Please only use sources from the chapter, no outside sources. Thank you.

Requirements: MLA | Discussion | 1 pages, Double spaced

Read the attached chapter and answer the questions below. Read More »

SOW3403- Research Abstract- Topic -Youth in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods

SOW3403- Research Abstract- Topic -Youth in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods

Students will choose a research topic of their interest and develop a research project abstract. Abstracts should include: Introduction, Background, Design and Methods, Expected Results, Conclusions, and Implications/ Significance.

In essence you will be selecting a topic of interest, doing a brief search of the literature surrounding that topic, and developing an abstract for your findings. Please note that many of the journal articles you are reading have abstracts in the very beginning of them that can serve as a good example. Keep in mind that abstracts are not very long in length, rather than typically a larger size paragraph (no longer than one page please).

SOW3403- Research Abstract- Topic -Youth in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Read More »

Organizational Ethics Presentation

Organizational Ethics Presentation

Review the University of Phoenix Material: Organizational Ethics Case Study.

Research ethical environments in different organizations.

Identify possible strategies for managing and resolving the organizational problem.

Evaluate the strategies, and determine the best strategy to implement.

Develop a proposal you would deliver to the organization for your strategy in resolving and managing the problem.

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes to deliver to the organization with your proposed strategy. Include the following:

  • Describe the organization’s ethical culture.
  • Describe the ethical characteristics of the leaders in the organization.
  • Explain the ethical dilemma you encountered.
  • Apply theoretical styles to resolve the dilemma.
  • What rules and regulations are in place to enforce ethical behavior of these leaders?
  • Make a proposal for ethical rewards and ethical punishments for this situation, and justify the rewards and punishments.

Format any citations in your presentation according to APA guidelines.

Requirements: 10 to 12 slides   |

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